My Heart, Your Soul

By SeriouslyAwkwardAmy

6K 433 56

Harry had been a lot of things in his life, but happy hadn't been one of them for a very long time. He and Ja... More

Imprinting and Annoying Questions
Practically Impossible, Theoretically Improbable
The Fall Out
A Wizard, A Vampire And A Werewolf Walk Into A Bar
Pot, Meet Kettle
Well Then

Wedding Rings And Stupid Things

1.3K 77 6
By SeriouslyAwkwardAmy

Well, well, well. I keep my promises eventually y'all. It's very hard to start again, just starring at a blank page lmao

I had planned to post this in January for my birthday but um, as you can see that didn't happen but here we are! i have a lot planned for this so please sit back and enjoy the first instalment!

just PSA this is following both parts of breaking dawn but obviously will be a bit different lmao

I really hope you enjoy this and are just as excited as me to see what comes after


 Harry had never given much consideration about how he would die.

He never needed to. From age 11 it had been confirmed that he would most likely die at the hands of he who must not be named. Later on he wondered whether a teacher would finally finish the job. Then the threat of Voldemort returned, until he was a cloud of dust in the ruined great hall.

After, a war torn Harry assumed that misery or a hero's death was the death for him.

But after everything he had been through, now where he currently sat, being bored to death was the most likely course of action.

Harry stretched his stiff limbs, for the third time, and tried not to fidget in his seat beside Jasper as the ceremony dragged on.

The two had eternity to read each other sappy poems, yet they were really going to waste the mortal half of the audience lack of eternity to make their 'undying love' (no pun intended) clear?

It was a day to remember in the mostly depressing town of Forks. Watching bland 18 year old Bella Swan marry 17 year old Edward Cullen. The crowd probably thinking about the older girl is taking advantage of the younger, love-struck rich boy.

If they only knew the reality.

Harry had been surprised and slightly alarmed when he was placed with the rest of the Cullen family and labelled as the grooms brother.

It had caused him to send an apologetic Jasper a stern look.

Even sat amongst a mass of people he could still feel the stares of other high-school students burning into his skull every now and then.

Harry had decided that muggle school was absolutely pointless and that whatever normal actually was it was well out of Harry Potters reach.

He dropped out.

Why he ever thought it would work was a loss to him. He decided to blame fate, she'd probably planted the thought in his head because she thought he and Jasper were cute together.

The current rumour mill was that Harry had been kicked out for nefarious reasons and was using his own love-struck rich boy to live a life of luxury rather then face juvenilia detention.

If they only knew the reality.

It was embarrassing that rumours about Bella and himself were so similar. He was far more interesting than her, he deserved the rumours to match.

Jasper had out rightly laughed at him when Harry shared a similar thought with him only days ago.

Harry looked around the garden, as weddings go it was one of the most visually lovely he had been to. And he had been to a lot of weddings.

Family and friends as well as allies and colleagues.

He had been best man at Ron and Hermione's wedding. That would always have a treasured, soft place in his heart.

The garden was littered with delicate strings of lights and white roses. Edward and his bride stood at the top of the white carpet, under an arch heaving with yet more roses that twirled and twisted through the lattice of wood. Not a thorn in sight.

Jasper's cool hand rested absently on Harry's knee, the glamour's itched against his skin. After weeks without wearing them, it felt strange to have the layer of magic coating him again.

He remembered Jasper's sad pout as he watched Harry's scars melt away in the bathroom mirror. Remembered the double take Bella had given him when he gave into Alice's demands and let her do his hair.

Even the rest of the Cullen's (and later on Jacob when he greeted Harry before the ceremony started) had creased the gap between their brows at him, before clarity took it's place.

It was almost comforting to see their confusion when faced with Harry's fake appearance.

The wedding was beyond what would be called a family affair. Carlisle was performing the ceremony, Emmett was best man and Alice maid of honour.

It had amused Harry when he was sat in between Jasper and Rosalie, with Esme at the end of their isle. The unneeded family all in a row.

Well almost; Bree had got a out of weddings free card and was currently locked in the basement watching David Attenborough documentaries, with an all you can drink animal blood buffet.

He felt a little sad for Charlie and Bella's Mother, this whole event was very much presented as a private affair.

The soppy share of vows was finally over and sealed with a kiss.

The happy couple raised their joined hands in response to the cheers from the crowd. Harry clapped along politely and waited to be removed from his seat.

It didn't take long for the group of guests to be ushered away from the arch and into the rest of the garden.

Tables and chairs had been set out across the grass with a large wooden platform, lined with more rose bushes and fairy lights, set in the centre to be a dance floor.

Harry was happy to remain with Jasper, Rosalie and Esme. Swiping a glass of champagne from a tray as the first of the waiters passed him.

Jasper sent him an amused smile and entwined their hands.

He watched as Charlie approached them, leading who he knew to be Bella's mother and her husband along with him.

It was nice to see a separated couple be so civil at their child's wedding.

"Esme, the garden's are just wonderful! Thank you so much for doing all of this for Bella!" gushed the woman, her hands rushing with her as she spoke.

Esme beamed back at her.

"It's a pleasure Renee, it's so wonderful to see them to happy together." she said, just as enthusiastically in return.

Renee, Bell's Mother, turned her thrilled smile over the other two Cullen children and Harry.

"My, Bella was not exaggerating when she said Edward's family was gorgeous." her eyes trailing over Rosalie first, then Jasper and finally ending on Harry.

"Your eyes are just beautiful." she half whispered, as if unaware she had even spoken, gazing into Harry's green eyes.

Harry blinked. Jasper's hand tightened in his.

"A very beautiful ceremony." interrupted the husband suddenly, giving his wife a look.

Renee sent her husband an bright smile, as if totally unaware of the social line she had just crossed.

Harry suddenly understood a lot more about Bella.

They milled around the gardens for a while before taking their seats for dinner, Harry was placed between Jasper and Alice. Emmett and Rosalie also on their table along with three blonde woman.

"Harry, this is Kate, Irina and Tanya. They're from the Denali Coven, Tanya is their leader. They're our cousins, of a sort." he introduced in a hushed whisper in Harry's ear, a whisper the three woman would easily be able to hear.

"So you're the magic boy?" asked Kate, a teasing grin on her face.

Harry returned it.

"Obviously." he replied, with a casual shrug. Kate's grin widened.

"Alice has told us fond things about you in her letters." explained Irina, a kind smile on her very pretty face.

"All flattering dragon shit I'm sure." Harry sent Alice a innocent smile, one she returned more than happily.

"So you are what she claimed you to be?" asked Tanya, the leader, harshly.

"That depends on what she claimed me to be." Harry's innocent smile didn't shift.

"I like him." said Kate, sending Jasper an approving smile.

"So do I." muttered Jasper, fondly.

Harry tried not to roll his eyes.

It remained like that for a while.

Conversation flowing through the vampire hybrids while Harry either listened or drank.

It was on an innocent trip to the loo -he didn't need to go he just wanted to breathe for a second in peace- that the night got a little more juicy.

He stumbled across a fight between Jacob and Bella.

"-can't seriously mean what I think you mean?!" yelled an angry Jacob.

Harry slowed his steps, curiosity getting the better of him.

"It's my wedding night!" came Bella's indignant shout.

Harry had a horrible realization of what they were arguing about.

"He's going to crush you!" Jacob yelled.

"This has nothing to do with you." came the deathly calm voice of Edward.

"You-" Jacob started up again.

Harry decided he had heard enough and left the scene swiftly.

He entered the house and went up the stairs towards Jasper's en-suite.

Harry met Rosalie on the landing. She was stood by one of the many obscenely large windows, observing the ridiculous argument below with a scowl.

She didn't turn when Harry came to stand next to her.

"So stupid." She said, in replacement of a greeting.

"In the face of eternity, definitely." replied Harry.

Rosalie squeezed her eyes shut tightly and shook her head.

"She's being so stupid." the words were pained.

Harry ached with sympathy.

"You didn't want this life." it wasn't a question, Jasper hadn't been specific but he had made it clear that Carlisle had changed all of his 'children' (baring he and Alice) when they were on the brink of death. It was obvious that not everyone would want to be saved.

For so many, too many, life wasn't what it was meant to be. So why would they want an eternity of it?

Sad golden eyes met his. They were different than Jasper's, while Jasper's were thick, warm honey, Rosalie's were a cool metallic gold; the same shine of a wedding band.

"I was pretty and smart. I was engaged and I was going to have 4 beautiful children, 3 boys and then a baby girl. I loved my life. My fiancé and his friends took that from me." she turned back to the window "Everyone says Carlisle saved me but I didn't ask to be saved. I was so angry and miserable for so long in this life, then I found my Emmett and I knew it was worth it for him. But given the choice, between being human with Emmett vs dead with him, I would be human in, well, a heartbeat."

Harry nodded solemnly, he knew exactly how she felt.

"I tried to kill myself." he told her. Her gaze shot to him so suddenly he didn't even see her head move. "My best friend, my brother, he died. Was murdered. His wife, my best friend, my sister killed herself to be with him. I tried to join them."

Silence lingered between them for a while.

"It didn't work obviously. It just kept...bleeding." Harry blinked unfocused eyes and looked at Rosalie.

"I hope you've found some peace with Jasper, like I have with my Emmett." she offered, eyes so kind in that moment.

Harry gave her a weak smile.

"I think so."

Rosalie returned his smile, squeezed his arm and returned to the party. Leaving Harry to gaze out of the window thoughtfully.

* * *

He was in the clearing again, newborns coming at them thick and fast.

But it was different, blurred, the colours too dark.

A feeling of dread filled Harry as the scene played out before him.

He felt stuck in the loop of his dream, unable to interact but forced to play a part.

The large newborn had reached Harry.

Body colliding with him, tearing the defenceless fabric of his shirt, his meaty hand slashing across Harry's face.

His nails easily tearing through the soft flesh on Harry's right cheek.

A stinging burn lit up that side of Harry's face, the all too familiar tang of blood leaking into his mouth as he gasped from the impact.

The newborns face dived down, teeth bared, and latched onto Harry's forearm.


Pure blinding agony burst into Harry's world.

24 violently sharp teeth tearing through muscle and tendon apparently hurt quite a lot.

"Fuck." Harry hissed.

"That actually hurt!" he snapped, his anger now returning with full force. Fury taking over his mind.

Challenging as much magic as he could, Harry gripped a tight hold of the newborns face.

The scene changed, the background no longer a frozen clearing set within deep forest and hills.

It was a hidden room located behind the door of an unused classroom on the third-floor. The mirror of erised standing against the far wall.

The face his hand was grasping was no longer cold and solid, instead it was warm and clammy.

Quirrell's terrified eyes starred back at him, as his body turned to dust.

Harry's eyes widened as he threw himself back in shock.

He landed on the destroyed floor of the great hall.

Harry pushed himself to his knees, shaking.

It was the same from his last dream of the great hall. Wrecked and burnt with magic.

Only one thing had changed.

In place of the headteachers stand was a throne of tar; thick, black and oozing. It spread slowly across the floor, seeping into the cracks, leaching into the life of Hogwarts.

Voldemort sat proudly atop it, observing Harry with a sneer.

"So much wasted potential." he hissed.

Harry raised his head defiantly, meeting those burgundy eyes full on.

"You have such power. Yet you waste it. Possess power over death and yet you long for it." He rose from the throne, the tar rising in great clumps as it stuck to his bony arms.

"You were always such as curiosity. The abandoned child turned centre of attention. The boy who lived. Who will never die." A dark grin spread across the nose-less face.

A tightness gripped at Harry's ankles, he looked down in horror.

The tar had spread all the way to Harry, thick tendrils beginning to crawl up his legs. Clinging and sticking as it wound around him.

The tar pulled, Harry fell backward and was dragged helplessly across the floor. Head pounding from where it had just smacked onto cold stone.

He ended beneath the imposing form of the dark lord.

Tom Riddle bent over him, face coming so close he could feel the snake mans breathe on his face.

"My horcrux." he hissed, the parseltongue all too familiar to Harry's ears.

A cold finger grazed up the scars on his cheek, up the length of his nose and finally touched the lighting bolt that laced across his forehead.

Harry lurched up in bed, cold sweat and shivers covering his form, head throbbing.

Cold hands rushed to hold him but Harry pushed them away and jumped from the bed, landing in a pile on the floor, still caught in the haze of his dream.

"Shh, Harry, darlin' It's me. You're awake. It was a dream." Harry's tear filled eyes focused on the golden eyes of the man in front of him.

They were concerned. Pinched at the outer corner, Harry wanted to smooth those lines.

He reached a hand blindly toward the man.

The man, Jasper, rushed to him. Seeing his reach as it was, consent to comfort him.

Jasper gathered Harry in his arms and positioned the dark haired man in his lap. Harry laid his damp forehead on the blondes shoulder, blinking as tears soaked the fabric of his t-shirt.

Jasper's arms tightened around him in response, hands combing gently through his hair.

"Shh, I've got you. I know." he whispered in a hushed tone, so different, so comforting compared to the hissed whisper he heard in his dreams.

Harry buried his head deeper into the crook of Jasper's neck and tried to forget the men he had killed.


 OOOO first chapter is juicy, love Rosalie too much and she is just so genuine.

If it wasn't already obvious, i fucking love writing Harry's bad dreams and they give me MAJOR brain rot so...

I really hope you loved it, please feel free to comment and share your feelings. i have missed you guys a lot, so much love and thanks for all your support xoxo 

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