🔞A Very Steddie Christmas

By Little_Annie_

6.6K 90 47

The Party and Robin are sick and tired of Steve and Eddie dancing around (read: being hopelessly blind to) ea... More

December 20th, 1986
December 21st, 1986
December 22nd, 1986
December 24th, 1986
December 25th, 1986

December 23rd, 1986

761 12 2
By Little_Annie_

With a beep of Dustin's watch, the kids slowly wake before the three adults. As per usual for a movie night, everyone fell asleep in the Living Room, TV a blur of snowball and static come morning. The kids are tangled together and can't help but smile as they glance to their right looking over at the two men happily entangled. Still deep asleep obvious by the muffled snores and grumbles of words from dreams. On the floor, Robin's snuggled up below them, one arm clutching a blanket, the other reaching out holding Steve's foot.

With quiet high fives for already getting their 'Mission' rolling, the kids gather around the infamous clipboard. Sprinkled with random Christmas themed drawings and added notes, they build a short list of Mistletoe locations throughout Steve's house and any other possible locations the two may end up through the holidays.



Plan and Mistletoe gathered, the kids quietly pair off, hanging green leaves around the house and in the vehicles for the boys to get caught under and hopefully share a kiss or two or three.

By the time every piece of Mistletoe is hung, the gaggle of teens find themselves in the kitchen, volume growing while they attempt to make breakfast as a group. They're set up like a very poorly planned assembly line; Mike and Will on Eggs, Dustin and Lucas on Toast, the girls on buttering and plating. It's loud and chaotic and messy, everything's burning and black smoke is billowing through the house. So much so the smoke detectors begin to go off.

"Jesus Christ," Dustin mutters under breath, hearing the high pitched beep blare through the once quiet home.

It's not long after that they hear the same words yelled from the Living Room, followed by another deep, tired voice accompanying it, "What the hell are you guys doing?! Where are you even?!"

Well the guys are up and they don't sound happy. In no time they come stomping into the kitchen, hair a mess, clothes wrinkled, looking like two exhausted, disgruntled parents. Steve sighs upon arriving to the mess of a kitchen, "Whyyy?-" he groans, shoulders dropping in defeat, "-Why are we burning the only food I had left for breakfast?"

Everyone's quiet, watching as Eddie sighs along with Steve, combing his fingers through dark curls, also waiting for an answer.

Finally someone speaks up, all kids noticing the little green leaves hanging above the disgruntled pair in the doorway. "Well,-" Will answers in a hushed tone, "-We wanted to make you guys breakfast."

Steve clenches his jaw, hands on his hips as he looks over to Eddie who's standing with his arms crossed over his chest, feigning anger and looking back at the kids to see them all...all smiling? Why are they smiling?

"Why are you smiling?" Eddie grumbles, waving a hand out to the children he can hardly see through the smoke standing in the kitchen.

Max just smirks and points above their heads, the rest of the kids smiles growing even wider.

"Oh, Jesus Christ,-" Eddie mutters looking up, "-Harrington, you might wanna look up."

"Hm?-" Steve hums, cocking his head up to see the Mistletoe hanging above them, "-oh," he blushes

"Well, Big Boy,-" Eddie's complexion burns all the same, patting his own cheek, "-lay one on me."

Steve's cheeks flash scarlet and suddenly he looks unbelievably nervous. But with the words, fuck it, hummed through his head, he leans in, pressing his lips to Eddie's cheek, letting a flood of butterflies rush through his veins.

And though he doesn't look it, Eddie feels like he could melt. Fucking sink into the cracks between the hardwood planks, live in this moment forever with Steve Harrington's lips pressed to his skin.

"Oooooo-" they all hear from outside the kitchen, Robin walking up behind the two men in the doorway, "-You two finally fallin' in love, or what?

Steve pulls away from his lingering embrace on Eddie's cheek, "Shut up Buckley or I give you one too."

"Um no. Save 'em for your lovers Dingus-" Robin's nose scrunches, finally noticing the source of the smoke in the house, "-my God what did you guys do?-" She pokes her head into the doorway, resting hands on the pair's shoulders, looking over to the kids, "-Jesus Christ."

Max's eyes meet hers, followed by a wide smile, "I know Robin, it's awful of us,-" she shakes her head, pretending to be ashamed, "- I guess the guys will just have to go get us food, right?"

Robin smiles, catching onto the plan, "I suppose,-" she squeezes the two broad shoulders on either side of her, "-guess you guys better order breakfast from the Diner, hey?"

The boys say nothing, only looking past Robin to smile at each other, eyes flashing to the girl between them as they share a devious smile.

"OH MY GOD EW!" Robin shrieks while the pair giggles, both laying a rather slobbery kiss to her cheeks


At the Diner decorated with garland in the windows and gaudy holiday ornaments, the two men sit across from one another. Sipping milkshakes, smiling around straws, they laugh over the morning's breakfast fiasco.

"Who do you think hung the Mistletoe?" Steve asks, leaning back in his chair, milkshake in hand

Eddie smiles, mirroring his friend's position, brushing his boot against Steve's, "Max, 100%."

"You think so?"

"Mmhm, I didn't mind though-" Eddie's grin grows, taking a sip of his Gingerbread flavoured shake, "- never thought I'd have the honour of being kissed by Steve Harrington."

"Oh hush,-" Steve blushes, "- that was nothin' special,-" he takes a long sip of his Peppermint Shake before smiling, "-didn't even get to slip ya lil' tongue."

Eddie chokes a little on his milkshake, "Jesus Christ Steve."

"What?" The hazel eyed man chuckles to himself, "You wouldn't-"

"Here you are Dears-" an older woman sing-songs interrupting their playful banter, swaying over with bags of take out in hand, gently setting them on the table between the pair, "-I'll meet you up at the till when you're ready."

"Thank You Mary," Steve smiles as the woman ruffles his hair on her way back to the kitchen

The boys are quiet for a moment, sipping milkshakes moving the take out bags to the side before Eddie pulls their own orders out, "I think we deserve a quiet breakfast-" flipping open a Styrofoam container holding Hashbrowns, Eggs and Ham, he smirks, lowering his tone as he leans across the table to sip from Steve's shake, "-don't we Sweetheart?"


Steve likes the sound of that

Cheeks burning red, Steve leans forward, snagging Eddie's shake from the other side of the table, "My god, you're beautiful and smart Munson. That sounds like a wonderful idea."

It really is a wonderful idea. Thinking about it, the two wanna be lovers may have never had a breakfast together without the kids or Robin around. Family meals are always so loud, several conversations being had and screamed over top of each other. Occasional food flying across the table or someone being momentarily offended by God knows what. Everyone's always toting around some sharp tone or attitude that makes either of them wish they'd never taken on the role of Babysitter or part time parent.

Eddie blushes at the comment, shaking his head fondly while he reaches for the set of silverware wrapped in a napkin on the table, "You're quite the flirt today aren't you Harrington?"

"And you aren't? Calling me Sweetheart sounds a lot like flirting Eds?" Steve leans back again, unwrapping his own silverware

"Eds?-" the older man's blush deepens, "-I like that."

"Yeah?" Steve smiles, digging into his own food

"Mmhm" Eddie hums, running the toe of his boot along the length of Steve's calf under the table

Feeling more and more confident by the second, Steve leans forward onto both elbows, sipping on his stolen Gingerbread Shake, hollowing his cheeks around the straw, "Wanna tell me what else you like?"

Eddie smiles, sipping on the Peppermint Milkshake he stole from Steve, looking at the man from under thick dark lashes, "Gotta give me a better kiss than a measly peck on the cheek for that type of information-," he smirks, picking up a single cubed Hash Brown from his meal, throwing it in his mouth, "-Sweetheart."

"Don't gotta tell me twice." Steve smiles, taking a bite of his Ham, widening his legs under the table while Eddie continues to tease him with the toe of his boot

"I'll let you know when it's good enough,-" Eddie teases, his boot inching higher as he momentarily lifts it to brush along the inside of Steve's thigh, resulting in a shuddered breath from the hazel eyed man, "-might need to work in a few practice ones before we get you there though." Eddie smiles, continuing to eat, savouring every bite in the wonderful silence of the Diner (save for the quiet tune of Christmas music,) Feeling like a father who left his screaming kids at home with their wacky Aunt.

"Yeah?-" Steve hums, heart rate hastening at the feeling of Eddie's toe running up his leg, "- Meet me under the Mistletoe then Munson."


After copious amounts of flirting, teasing and banter, the two men end up back at the Harrington residence. Walking side by side up the stone path, bags of take out in hand, boots crunching in the snow, Eddie notices the Mistletoe hanging from the porch. He runs ahead of the other man, stopping to stand below the Mistletoe as he smiles, "Lookie here Sweetheart,-" his eyes flash between the greenery above himself and Steve walking up the steps to the porch, "-perfect time to get some practice in."

With a blush growing across his face, Steve approaches Eddie beneath the Mistletoe. On the final step, between the narrow gap of the railing stood the two men across from one another, both smiling and blushing with hearts hammering in their chests and breath ghosting over one another's lips. Steve's hand reaches for Eddie's hip, only lingering for a second before he squeezes and lets go, his expression falling to something more saddened than excited, "You know it's too dangerous for us to kiss out here," he whispers eyes flitting between his friends dark eyes and cold chapped lips.

Eddie sighs quietly, "I know," he reaches to grab Steve's free hand in his own, cold calloused fingers wrapping around chilled tanned ones. Thumb gently gliding over Steve's knuckles, he lifts his hand to his lips pressing a soft kiss to Steve's knuckles, repeating the words as his lips feather over the back of Steve's hand, "I know."

Their joined hands lower but never part, fingers lacing together in a lazy embrace when Steve quietly speaks, "Hey, um-" he looks to Eddie then the small space of decking between them, eyes remaining set down, "- You wanna stay the night? The kids are all going home before supper"

Eddie smiles and squeezes Steve's hand, feeling remorseful that he has to decline, "I'd love to, I really would but Wayne's home at a decent time today so we're celebrating Christmas tonight."

"Oh," Steve sounds saddened, loosening his grip around Eddie's hand as embarrassment floods his system because 'why would I even ask that? Fuck'

"Hey,-" Eddie's grip tightens, pulling Steve closer to him, looking out into the street before he places a soft quick kiss on his nose, "-I didn't say I didn't want to, if the offer still stands, I'll stay tomorrow night."

"Yeah?" Steve quietly hums, eyes flitting between his friends lips and the empty street at the end of the walkway

"Yeah," Eddie states, pulling Steve closer, hand holding the take out bag rustling as it settles on Steve's hip

They're much closer than they started in their position under the Mistletoe, hands held, a tight grip on Steve's hip and cores only inches away from pressing against one another. Steve lets out a quiet shuddered breath before speaking, "You know, the street is empty."

"I know-" Eddie smiles, pulling Steve the rest of the way, hips pressing against one another and hot breath falling over chapped lips, "-You gonna kiss me or what Harr-"

Before he has time to finish, a strong arm wraps around his waist and chilled, weather chapped lips press into his own. Both men sigh gratefully into the embrace, lips slowly moving in sync, hot breath mixing between their lips as they pull each other closer. Lost in their own world, lost in the embrace they'd both been dreaming about for so long, lost in the taste of shared breath and mutual affection, they don't notice the seven pairs of eyes lingering in the window watching them.

The kids who hung the Mistletoe on the porch after the men left, the so-called wacky Aunt; all of them are crammed against the one living room window, watching their plan slowly come to fruition on the front steps of the Harrington house.

They giggle and laugh, groan in disgust and high five, happy to see the pair are finally wrapping their heads around the idea of being together.

As they watch the men pull apart, rosy cheeks, half lidded eyes and still joined hands; the kids and Robin scramble to look busy. Like they hadn't just been watching their "parents" kiss on the front step.

Dizzy and blushing from the moment that's going to run through the minds until the end of time, Steve and Eddie make their way into the house, giving each other's hands a little squeeze before they let go and make their way to the Dining Room, past the suspiciously quiet bunch in the Living Room.

Each toting along a large plastic bag, they work their way into the Dining Room stealing a kiss on the cheek as they spot the Mistletoe. Plopping the bags down on to the table with a sigh, they both hear Robin from around the corner, "Well, well, well, look at you two love birds,-" she points between the pair, "- You enjoy your breakfast date while you left me with the horde of hungry gremlins?"

They take a second to look between each other, sharing a private smile before looking back to see Robin leaning on the doorway with a smirk teasing her lips.

"It was wonderful Buckley, -" Steve smiles, "Eddie here really spoiled me." The two men smile between each other again leaning back against the table, hands behind them supporting their weight as pinkys brush against each other on the wooden surface.

Robin notices the subtle touch between the pair and smiles to herself. Inching past Steve to grab her take out container, she whispers, "We're talking about this later."

After a loud bellow through the halls the men alert the previously mentioned horde of hungry gremlins that brunch is here and within moments there's a flood of hungry teens rushing into the Dining Room. Scrambling into chairs, the kids, not so patiently waiting as the men hand out styrofoam containers and plastic cutlery.

All sat down and somehow silently eating, Steve and Eddie eventually settle in next to one another after switching on the radio and retrieving a jug of juice and cups for the kids. Already full from their breakfast and milkshakes, they sit and watch everyone as they aggressively throw back their food.

"You two not get anything?" Dustin grumbles around a mouth full of Hash Browns

Eddie's socked foot brushes against Steve's, "We already ate-" he smiles, looking at the man next to him while he adds, "- also had Milkshakes." He shrugs waiting for the uproar soon to come

And of course it does. A symphony of disgruntled teenagers groan around their mouthfuls of food, "You guys had Milkshakes!?" - "It's not even noon yet!" - "Without us!?"

Robin's also not shy to pitch into the argument, "You didn't bring me one?!"

"Nope-" Steve smiles, "-we figured we could treat ourselves to a quiet meal after this morning's breakfast fiasco."

The kids and Robin continue to grumble to themselves while the two men sit in silence, socked feet brushing against one another, shy blushes creeping across their cheeks. Eventually once the children are fed and watered, everyone makes their way to the separate vehicles, half cramming into Steve's car, the other half into Eddie's van.

El, Will, and Dustin unloaded and ushered into their houses, Steve's left with Robin, who looks quite persistent on not leaving his car while they sit parked in her driveway. She's sat sideways, eyes boaring into his while she impatiently waits for something, something he's not too sure what it is.

"What?" He leans into the steering wheel, keeping his head turned to look at his friend

Her brows furrow and she says nothing, motioning for him to continue

"Robin, I don't know what you want."

She sighs, slouching further into her seat, "Oh my god Steve-" she groans, "- you're dense somedays, you know that? Tell me about Eddie, tell me about how your plan to have a boyfriend come the New Year is going. I wanna hear all of it, the giggles, the sick jokes, the accidental and purposeful touches, what happened when we went sledding, anything Mistletoe related.-" She reaches forward, shoving his shoulder, "- You're my best friend Dingus, I wanna hear it all."

He blushes, turning his face to rest in the steering wheel, "Mistletoe related, hey?"

"Mmhm!" She loudly chirps, crossing her arms, waiting

He sighs, a smile tugging at his lips that she can't see as he quietly mumbles, "Well we kissed today."

"What was that?" She teases, knowing what he said but wanting him to speak up

"We kissed Robin!" Steve's head pops up, a large smile pulling across his face


"And it was wonderful and I want to do it all the fucking time. He tasted like Peppermint and Gingerbread Milkshake. My heart felt like it was going to explode. God, it was so good and so sweet. He held my hand and pulled me close. If I can't have him, man, I don't want anyone else. He's it Robin."

"You're falling hard hey Harrington?" She giggles

"Good Christ-" he sighs, "-yeah."

She flicks his arm, resting her elbow on her arm rest and chin on her palm, "When'd this happen?"

"You know.-" He smiles,"- You know I've been crushing on the guy since the boathouse. You know any moment of time I've spent with the man I fall harder. Christ Robin, the months we spent in the hospital, I think that was it, when he squeezed my hand when I was reading to him, I think that's what finally sent me over the edge."

She wrinkles her nose, feigning disgust, "That's grossly sweet."

"Yeah and so is he,-" Steve plainly states, "-the way he is with the kids, the way he treats me, Robin, he's just so... ugh i dunno. He's just so Eddie, sweet and sassy and I love it."

"Wanna tell me what happened when we were Sledding then? You've been extra lovey since then."

He smiles, recounting the recent memory, "Nothing really, we uh-" he shakes his head blushing, "- we just wiped out and I fell on him and we almost kissed."

"Oh that's all hey?"

"Mmhm." Steve hums without mentioning the way he fell on Eddie, how it made his stomach flutter and his blood rush to unmentionable places after the man shifted his hips. Not mentioning the moments leading up to their almost kiss, how he held Eddie's hands above his head in the snow, how he nosed along the man's jaw and he let a muffled, satisfied groan escape his lips. Not mentioning how he's been so goddamn horny since because he hasn't had the time or energy to deal with his issue.

"I don't believe you,-" she smiles, opening the car door, "-guess I'll just call Eddie tonight."

Before he can protest, she slams the car door shut, sauntering back to the house, while he scrambles to roll down his window, "Buckley!,-" she ignores him, "-Robin don't call him!"

"Love you Dingus!" She yells back disappearing into the house


On the other side of town, Max and Eddie remain in the van, coasting towards the trailer park when Eddie gives Max's braid a gentle tug, "You got anyone at home tonight Red?"

She shakes her head, trying to disguise her frown with a sad excuse of a smile

"Wanna come over for the infamous Munson family Christmas?"

"Nah, it's alright-" Max looks out the window, leaning her body towards it, "-I don't wanna make more work for Wayne."

Eddie scoffs, "How about you make some cookies for the old man Mayfield and we call it even. We don't do anything special anyway, just a rotisserie chicken from the store, potatoes and pie. Red, it's nothing, you're coming over."

"You're an asshole," she grumbles from behind a poorly disguised smile

"Yeah and you're a little shit."

Eventually the pair make it back to the trailer park, Eddie guiding Max to the front door of the Munson trailer with a hand on her head, steering her along. Swinging the door open, the pair walk in to the smell of Saskatoon Berry Pie wafting through the air, sweet and sour Canadian Pie sent from Wayne's relatives up north. On the counter reads a poorly scribbled letter stating the pie needs to be pulled out at 2pm and that Wayne will be back no later than 4pm.

Max settles on the couch while Eddie makes hot chocolate and pops in a movie for them to watch while they wait for Wayne. The mismatched sibling pair talk nonsense, movies and eventually Steve Harrington.

"So Edward-"

"Maxine-" Eddie interrupts, moving to grab their two mugs to refresh their hot chocolates

"-You and Steve, hey?" She smiles, trying to not reveal too much

The metalhead blushes, busying himself pouring hot chocolate into the mugs, "Me and Harrington what Red?"

Subtle as a bullet, Max twists on the couch to face Eddie tanding in the kitchen, "You fallin' in love yet?"

"I could." He smiles, eyes refusing to meet hers

She leans her elbows on the arm of the couch, watching Eddie in the kitchen, "Yeah? That kiss on the porch help with that?"

Eddie blushes, "You seen that?"

"We all saw that. All gross and lovey, holding hands, choking on each other's tongues.-" she wrinkles her nose, "-Nasty." she shivers at the thought.

Dropping mini marshmallows and a candy cane into the mugs of hot chocolate, Eddie teases, "Well if it's so nasty why'd you watch you little creep?"

"I didn't watch the whole thing!" She shrieks, "-Just wanted to make sure it actually happened, whose idea did you think the Mistletoe was?"

"Yours 100%" Eddie shakes his head fondly

Max avoids his gaze, smiling, "I can neither confirm nor deny that fact."

"Yeah sure kid." Eddie chuckles handing her a mug of replenished hot chocolate

They're quiet for a moment, settling back into their positions on the couch, wrapping in their own blankets. Clutching warm mugs in hand, catching parts of their forgotten movie, Max pipes up again, "So what happened when we were sledding, hm? You two seem closer since then."

Eddie blushes again, recalling the memory of Steve sitting on his lap, "That's not for you to know kid"

"Ew! You guys didn't bone, did you!?"

"My God Max! No! Jesus...-" he sighs, thinking of how wonderful that'd actually be, get Steve all to himself in the most intimate way possible, "-I wouldn't hate that though." He whispers under his breath

"I heard that," she kicks him from the other side of the couch

Eventually they settle into a comfortable silence, finishing the movie, pulling the pie out when the timer goes off and waiting for Wayne to get home. When the old man arrives he's more than happy to hear Max is joining them. He gives both kids a loving hug, ruffling Eddie's mop of messy curls before he pulls out the chicken and pre-made mashed potatoes he got from the local grocery store. The group settles around a small card table Eddie pulled from the closet, the two men having a beer along with supper, while the young redhead sips on a glass of sparkling juice Wayne keeps on hand for her for when she joins their special occasions. They visit about Wayne's work, School, and the kid's holiday plans. Wayne giving Eddie a smiling side eye every time the name Steve Harrington is mentioned.

By the time supper's finished, Wayne settles back into the Living Room, flipping through the channels looking for a football or hockey game to watch on TV while the kids do dishes.

Max washing, Eddie drying and putting plates and cutlery away, he quietly whispers, "I can't believe I kissed Steve Harrington."

The young girl looks over to him and genuinely smiles, "I knew you could do it."

They share a smile, finishing the rest of the dishes in silence, Eddie's mind racing with the fact that he did, in fact, kiss Steve Harrington. The feeling of their hands joined together, warm breath mixing along with the hums of soft satisfied sighs, a strong arm wrapped around his waist as their hips pressed together. It was a moment he wanted to live in, never leave, take up permanent residence under those three green leaves, in Steve's embrace until the end of time.

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