San Andreas

By hybrids201324

8.2K 148 5

Mila is the best friend of Blake she joins Blake on a trip to San Francisco but not every good thing last. On... More

Meeting blakes dad
Earthquake part 1
Earthquake part 2
Earthquake part 3
The recuse
Finding a land line
Crash course
The san Andreas fault
9.6 earthquake
Trying to stay alive
Getting out

Getting out of harm's way

515 10 2
By hybrids201324

Soon the car garage where Mila and Blake are as Mila is continue to struggling to lift up the stone support while like decide to shout for help"help! Somebody help us"Blake shouts at the top of her lungs as Mila falls against the side of the car breathing heavily as she sweats wiping of her forehead with her wrist."don't worry Blake I'm gonna get you out here "Mila helps with determination as she breathes Heavily while wiping her hands on her like jean shorts and gray tank top as her jean jacket was now tied against her waist as her teenis shoes walk over the small rocks as they crunch underneath her feet and she goes to lift the thing up again.

Blake breaths heavily while looking the the car before seeing there bags on the ground before trying to reach over but with a strain groan before finally able to reach her purse as she picks it up before digging around before finding her phone before dailing a number as she sniffles.

Soon the helicopter is shown again in the air as a phone is heard ringing before Ray prices of button on the phone connected to the helicopter "this is Ray"he says.

Blake let's out a breath of relief hearing her farthers voice."Dad please help us!"Blake says urgently through the phone causing both Emma and Ray to look up in shock hearing her voice.

"Blake what's wrong"he asked worried as static is heard in the background before Emma is shown putting on a hers of head phones so she can hear her daughter.

"There's been a huge earthquake! I don't know where Dan went but I'm stuck in the limo in the garage in the dark while Mila is trying to lift the stone support beam of the car so that I can get out"she explained with a whimpering before Mila shouts in pain as one the bars accidentally cut her arm as she leaves against the car going to get pain groaning holding a hand over the large cut as Blake looks at her worried"I'm really scared dad and Mila's hurt"she cry's through the phone as her breathing becomes hard.

Ray is shown hearing his daughters cry"baby or you heart and tell Mila to wrap up that cut and to just stay by you"he tells his daughter but static was shooting through the background of the call"I will and no but my is--"she goes to tell her dad but the call was starting to cut out with static.

"Blake! God damn it."ray says as he turns a nob trying to fix the all. Connection.

"What? What is it"Emma says worried while Ray huffs when it doesn't work "shit"he says as he leans back in his seat "her call service just went out. There's no way rescue personnel are going to be digging in garages anytime soon. There's too many populated places above ground."he explains while thinking.

Emma looks worried knowing her daughter and Mila are in danger"what,uh...?what are we gonna do?" She asked him.

As Ray looks forward thinking before turning to Emma with determination in his eyes"we're going to get our daughter and her best friend"he says as emme nods her head breathing hard from worry before the Helo is shown turning in the direction that San Francisco is in.

A creaking sound is soon heard as Mila looks up as everything starts shaking again before rushing over to Blake's window with her arm bandages with a her extra tank top the was in her bag that she tore a large piece of. She holds hands with Blake to comfort her as she looks all around before they both scream as another part of the ceiling falls onto the roof making Mila falls back into the ground with a thud as Blake whimpers.

Mila grunts getting back up Walk back over to Blake's window cover her from the window as rumbling and class continues to break once it's stopped Mila leans back up panting looking all around trying to figure out how to help her best friend fast.

"Blake! Mila!"Ben's voice is heard shouting as they turn to where his voice is coming from "help we're over her"both yell loud enough for him to hear before he and Ollie appear making both girls sigh in relief knowing that they have help now.

Soon they are shown running over"Blake ! Mila! It's Ben and Ollie are y'all okay."he asked them worried running up to the car.

"I just had a cut on my eyebrow and a large one on my arm but we need to get Blake out are legs are strapped by the seat and the stone support but now we have the roof to worry about know"Mila explained to them what's wrong as they all are breathing heavily.

"All right Ollie Mila we need to lift this being to get the pressure off her legs"he tells the two while take off his suit blaster before rolling up his sleeve grabbing a broken piece of pip that fell from the ceiling before all three get ready and then lift will all there might as the grunt with pain as Blake trys to help by pushing the seat but nothing moved as they all back away from the stone support breathing heavily as they before rumbling is heard as they huddled against the car as more pieces from the ceiling fall as Blake screams in pain before gasping when the roof starts to cave in more.

Once the rumbling stopped Mila and the two brothers get up slowly while thinking of another plan."Ben? Mila? Ollie?"she calls out them as they slowly get back up breathing hard.

"We're still here"Ben assures her as she is shown holding of the ceiling with her hands. Ben then trys to lift the pipe but with the extra added weight from the rumble it was no use.

"You guys have to get out of here. This building is going to collapse"she sobs from her in the car.

"That's not an option Blake I'm not going to leave you here."Mila says with a shake of her head she would never leave her friends behind.

Ben then thinks of something before going towards the truck of the car"there's not a chance in hell we're leaving you in in there like Mila said."as he pushes some rocks and stones of the top of the trunk before opening it before digging around and what look like a car tool kit before lifting up the cover for the jack as they three share a look getting the same idea before Ben grabs the jack out of the car before walking to the front with them following as he sets a couple of pieces of small stone to give it some more height before he sets it up right underneath the support beam before pupping the lever as it starts to move up before making contact with the support beam as it moves it slowly as a creaking sound is heard Blake grunts feeling the seat move before she was able to move her legs just to smidge "brilliant it's working!"Ollie says in awe while Mila keeps an eye on Blake before it stops reaching its limits as Ben goes to move the lever more.

Ben huffs "all right it won't go any higher."as they slump with defeat."I'm still stuck!"she sobs with tears running down her face before a creaking noise is heard above her as she screams and fear and pain.

Ben the looks at the sharp points of the lever before again idea as he pulls it out the jack before popping each tire causing air to let out which was helping cause soon Blake's legs were free making her gasp "Ollie!"she calls out as the little boy looks into the window before looking at Ben and Mila"she's moving!"he says with a breath of relief.

Just as the creaking sound gets worse Ben and Mila run over as they help Blake out of the car before giving one fine pull before she was out just as the roof of the car collapse as the three fall to the ground breathing hard as late covers her face in relief as she breathes heavily.

After making Shure he was okay they knew they needed to get out of here fast just as a loud rumbling shakes the building as they all look around "come on it's another aftershock"he tells them all urgently before they roll running where Ben and Holly came through from completely leaving everything behind.

Soon I told building is shown shaking from the rubbing as a row of mirrors shatter one by one as screaming can be heard as the glass rains down on everyone as police are shown ushering everybody away from the building.

"Come on! Come on! We have to get away from these buildings!"he tells them over all the screaming as they run through many people screaming as they try to doge the glass falling from the building before they stop and duck as a large piece of the building falls on a man crushing him as they cover their heads before running forward again as they Dodge many of the degrees and people running as fast as they can as they all each held hands so they wouldn't lose one another.

Before they came up to small red barriers around construction equipment as they climb over them Blake and been helped Mila over since her arm was still injured before they are running again as they continue to watch out for debris before running under a archway funding cover from a building that wasn't close to many of the skyscrapers as they all laying on their knees breathing heavily reflecting on what all just happened.

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