A Single Reason Why.

By words_and_fantasies

130K 4K 579

Prapai×Sky When Sky was attacked but Prapai choose to leave, believing he cheated on him More

2 years later..
A Mistake
Beginning of the storm
You choose to leave
A hope
You got me and I got you
A sad smile
I left
All I need is her
Just as pretty...
We do hate each other
An explanation
No tether
What Do You Dream About?
Author's Note (Apology Maybe??)
Rationality Slipping
Under The Influence
Warmth Is A Drug
He Has To...
To Continue Living.

What's the Point?

4.3K 172 36
By words_and_fantasies

There was no one around. No buildings, no crowds, and no people, just him. He stood in the middle of the field with miles and miles of land covered in grass sprawled around him. The rain was coming down harder than ever. It soaked through his clothes making the white shirt stick to his body.

There was no warmth left. The cold had seeped through to his bones. Every drop of rain that hit his exposed skin was colder than the previous one, sending a jolt of pain on contact. It felt amazing.

Sky tipped his head back a little to feel the same sensation across his face. His breath was turning shallow but he didn't care. The pain felt good, and the thoughts were slowly receding.



'You aren't capable of anything

'How dare you think anyone loves you?'

'He will just end up ruining that child's life'

At some point, he had gone numb to all of it. There were no tears. The cold water and the pain were helping. He closed his eyes and continued standing there in the rain.

Prapai ran up to the gates of the field. Kom was right, he did find Sky here. As he stood at the entrance, soaking in the rain, the lone figure standing in the middle of the field looked ethereal, like he belonged to some other world. At the same time, the sadness inside of him grew as he kept staring at Sky.

He got closer almost like he was in a trance. His breath hitched as he noticed how the water dripped down his hair and onto the planes of his cheeks and lips. His head was tipped back, eyes closed, and his rosy lips were slightly parted as the water dripped down them. The soaked shirt hugged his body closely. Sky's beauty never failed to amaze Prapai.

Prapai wanted time to stop in this moment. But he knew that wasn't possible. He also knew that standing in the rain for too long wasn't a good thing especially now that the rain pelted down so harshly.

The sky was turning more clouded by the moment. The rain continued to come down in sheets. Prapai was soaked too. The winds were blowing with such force that they shook the trees present in the surrounding.

Prapai moved his hand to touch Sky's. Sky slowly opened his eyes and looked at Prapai. Prapai didn't fail to notice how ice-cold Sky's skin was and how his breaths seemed shallow. What worried Prapai most was the hollow look in Sky's eyes like he had lost everything that mattered. It tore his heart to look at Sky in this state.

"We need to leave Sky. Come with me", Prapai half-shouted to be heard over the rain as he tugged at Sky's arm to make him move. Sky didn't budge, "What's the point?", he whispered. The question scared Prapai. Not just the question, everything about Sky at this moment scared Prapai. Sky seemed like fragile glass that would break at the slightest touch.

"Please Sky. Please just come with me right now. It's gonna be alright, okay? Let's just get back to the hotel, Iris is probably waiting for you, yes? Come on Sky", Prapai's voice sounded frantic. He felt his heartbeat getting faster, not sure of what Sky might do next.

Prapai's presence here, his hand holding Sky's, the words he was saying gave Sky a strange sensation. It was like he could finally see a light at the end of the dark tunnel of his mind. Some sort of great escape. But the mention of Iris pulled him right back into the darkness with no relief in sight. But he had one way to cope with the darkness. He knew what to do in times like these.

"I know how it's gonna be alright..", Sky brought his free hand closer to his throat. He dug his fingernails deep into the skin above his collarbone, deep enough to break the skin. He then dragged his nails across his throat maintaining the same pressure. He then let his hand drop.

The pain brought almost instant relief. He closed his eyes and tipped his head back again, savouring the momentary relief. He knew it was fleeting but he needed it desperately.

Prapai watched it all happen but he was in too big of a shock to be able to stop it. He watched Sky tearing up his skin. He watched as the blood from the deep gashes mixed with the rain and flowed down soaking Sky's white shirt in shades of crimson. He watched Sky tip his head back again as if he was in a state of euphoria.

But he eventually came back to reality. Sky had just done self-harm. And it looked like this wasn't the first time. All his calm composure and smiles were a facade. When he looked completely fine and content with just Iris in his life, when he looked like he was completely fine and needed no one, all of it was a pretence.

The moment Prapai came to this conclusion, his already broken heart broke further. His chest felt tight. All of the anger he had towards Sky for leaving him behind and moving on like what they had meant nothing to him, melted. Tears started forming in his eyes as he looked at Sky.

"What have you done Sky?", he yelled through his tears. He wanted this to stop. He wanted to rewind time and go back to how things used to be. The fresh guilt felt unbearable. But for now, he had to stop thinking about it. He needed to get Sky out of the rain and somewhere warmer. Prapai hadn't let go of Sky's hand and felt that it was freezing in his grip.

Sky still didn't seem like he wanted to go anywhere but here. So Prapai resorted to using force. He pulled at Sky's hand to bring his attention back to him. But the moment he pulled at his arm, he saw Sky's knees buckle. He quickly caught Sky in his arms before he could slide to the ground. "Sky? Sky wake up. Sky!", Prapai shouted sounding desperate as he felt Sky's cold body against himself. His temperature was way below normal.

Prapai felt his blood run cold. Nothing should happen to Sky. He wouldn't be able to continue living his life, no matter how miserable it was, if he lost Sky. He placed his arm below Sky's knees and shoulders and picked him up. He then ran through the rain towards the entrance of the field where he had parked his car like his life depended on it, because it did...

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