Tamber- Enimies

By im_amazingandurnot

20.2K 272 1.1K

Tamber, enemies to.. lovers? More

a little more than friends..
i love you <3
other ending for "i love you"
finally happy <3

Shes not too bad.. friends?

2.6K 41 422
By im_amazingandurnot

Tara laid on her bed, bored out of her mind, when she suddenly got a notification.

Mindy added you, Chad, and liv to 'new group'.

Mindy changed group name from 'new group' to 'party hoes🥳'.


What do you wannttt
And where's wes?

Oh, I forgot about him
There's a party, you coming?😘😘😘

I dunno
Is anyone else coming?

Hey, what's up
Oh, yeah, I'm going for sure💪💪

Yepp me to!

So everyone's coming then??


What about wes?


Mindy added wes to the chat.

Heyy wes

Hey? What's this?

There's a party, you coming?

Who's all going? 😊

Everyone 🥳

Wait, who's hosting it

I'll add her😻

Mindy added Amber to the chat

"You have got to be joking."



Hey bae😘

What's this?

Basically, just about the party😛

Wait, AMBER'S hosting it
Never mind, im not going.

You're just mad I speak the truth

Hey, Amber

Hey, what's up, Chad?

What truth??
You're just mad someone likes me and not you

"What?" Tara muttered to herself.

Someone? 🫢

Shut the fuck up wes no I'm not 🙄

Wes and Amber used to be good friends, like, BEST friends. Tara didn't know what Wes was on about, but he probably has dirt on her.. dirt that Tara could use.

Hey, Tara!

Hey, wes

Are you coming to the party?

Uhh, i dunno, are you?

If you are 😊😊

What is this...


Uh, I'll go, I guess

Yay! I'll go as well!! 😊

After that.. ur uninvited 💀💀


Whatever, when is it



Tara just switched her phone off. She didn't like Amber. Tara despised her even, but after the bathroom thing, she couldn't stop thinking about it. She also couldn't stop the burning sensation in her cheeks every time she thought about it.
She HAD to get that dirt on Amber.


Tara woke up, rubbing her eyes. She sat up quickly to see the time. She was so late, mindy was gonna kill her.

Tara quickly got ready, brushing her teeth and hair in a flash. Tara didn't even make breakfast. She just ran out of the door, her clothing messy.

*beeep* *beep* *beeeeep* The car honked. "Omgg, where is she?" Liv groaned impatiently. "I dunno, probably late again." Mindy chuckled, and as she was about to beep the car horn again - "HEY, GUYS, SORRY." Tara said breathlessly as she opened the passenger car door.

"God, Tara, you're a mess." Liv chuckled. Passing some gum to Tara.
"Leave me alone, I woke up late." Tara mumbled tiredly. "Don't u always?" Mindy snickered. "Maybe." Tara giggled.


"Is this gonna be a constant thing now?" Wes said impatiently, looking at his watch. "It already is." Chad snickered as he sat up straight, looking Wes in the eyes.

"What?" Wes scoffed, looking at Chad with squinted eyes.

"Okay, be serious with me here. Do you like Tara?" Chad said, leaning his arms on his legs.

"What?" Wes scoffed dramatically. "I can tell when my friend has a little crush." Chad chuckled.

"SHHH!" Wes shushed Chad as he leapt from the bench and covered Chad's mouth.

"Ew, get ur hands off my face, dude." Chad squirmed, hitting Wes's hands off him.

"Hey guys!" Liv said as she sat next to Chad and linked arms with him.

"What's up." Mindy snickered as she saw Wes' annoid face.

"You guys are so late, I don't even want to talk about it." Wes groaned.

"Oh, cmon Wes!" Tara giggled. "We're not that late."

"Hey Tara!" Wes smiled as he patted the seat next to him.

To be fair, Wes is really kind, and he would make a perfect boyfriend. He's loyal, he takes care of Tara, and he stands up for people. Tara didn't know if she liked him or not. She thinks she does, but then again. Something always seems to stop her from it. Is Amber staring at her?

Tara glanced over to the table. Amber was sitting at as she sat next to Wes.

"Hey, guys. Is it just me.. or is Amber looking over at us?" Tara asked as she looked at Amber confused.

"No, she's looking at YOU girl, love the gays." Mindy laughed, looking at Wes' annoid face he displays once again.

"At ..me?" Tara mumbles.

It's true. She was looking at Tara. She gave Tara a wink and a smirk, then turned her gaze away, though Tara didn't stop staring at her. She sat next to Wes but paid him no attention. She couldn't get her eyes away from Amber. They just wouldn't detach. Amber's figure was so mesmerising to Tara, her hips, her legs, even her chest... what?


It was after lunch, and Tara was putting stuff back in her bag, Mindy Chad and Liv had already left to their lessons. It was just Tara and Wes.

"Sooo, Tara." Wes started as they walked into the school.

"Sooo, Wes." Tara mocked him, giggling.

Amber saw this, Amber was watching her like a hawk. In all honesty, she didn't want to leave Tara alone with Wes. She didn't know why. She just had a desire to not trust him.. probably because she just wants to annoy Wes?

"I was just thinking... we could.. watch a movie tonight?" Wes shrugged, hiding his face.

"Oh, well, I would.. but it's Amber's party today, and, as much as I hate Amber.. I told Mindy I would go.. so.." Tara murmered the last part, clutching onto her books that laid against her chest.

"Oh! Right! Sorry, I forgot about the party.. next time?" Wes suggested awwwardly.

Amber couldn't stand this. Why is Wes so obsessed with Tara? It's mot like she likes him..

"Of course." Tara winked and walked away. Which left Wes redder than Amber, she was fuming.

"Why would I wink, omg, omg, omg." Tara mumbled as she stumbled into someone holding a juice box.

"Sorry!" Tara quickly let out before looking up and noticing who it was.
Tara managed to mess the juice all over Amber.

"Watch it." Amber snarled at her, looking down at the messed juice all over the top of her shirt.

"Sorry, i didn't mean to." Tara mumbled, managing to give Amber a scrunched up facial expression.

"Well, you just messed juice all over my shirt, so I feel I have a pretty valid response?" Amber said

Tara finally looked down at the mess she made, when she realised.. it made Amber's shirt see through.

Tara quickly took off her sweater and threw it over Amber's chest.

"Whay are you doing?" Amber questioned.

"Just shut up, and follow me." Tara mermers, grabbing Amber's wrist and taking her to the bathroom.

It was silent, Tara wouldn't look Amber in the eyes, and Amber wouldn't stop looking Tara in the eyes.

"I'm gonna be late to class for this." Tara finally spoke, grabbing tissues and wetting them.

"Well, you're the one who messed juice all over my boobs?" Amber said defensively.

Tara just froze, her face redder than ever. "Shut up, I'm helping you." Tara mumbles, grabbing the wet tissues and hesitating before she started wiping the juice off Amber.

"You know, you can look right?" Amber teased, noticing Tara refuse to make eye contact with her chest.

"I know!" Tara hissed back. "It's just respectful." Amber's chest was obviously covered, but it's still rude to look.

"Then be disrespectful." Amber said in a flirty tone, then breaking into laughter as she saw Tara's flushed face.

Tara was speechless. This girl really knew how to wind her up... in more than one way..

"Shut the up! Before I leave you here to do it yourself." Tara snapped at her. In all honesty, Tara didn't know why she was helping Amber with this. It's not like Amber helped her with anything when Amber would pour flour and water in her hair in middle school or throw peanut butter and jam in her bag, ruining her belongings, but Tara still wanted to help her. Curse her kindness.

"So, why are you helping me with this?" Amber questioned, a confused look plastered on her face.

"Do u want me to stop?" Tara snapped once again.

"No, no, I'm enjoying the view." Amber smirked, moving a strand of Tara's hair behind her ear.

Tara just kept her head low. She could feel her face explode with heat and confusion. She doesn't like Amber. She's straight... she's heard this a million times by her mother, well, not the Amber part, but the straight one. Tara's mother was a raging homophobe. You could tell by how she watched the news. How she openly shows her distaste toward pride parades and gay people in movies. Although Tara didn't hate gay people, I mean, for christ sakes her best friend is gay. She wouldn't dare like a girl.. even if she had a crush on Amber when they were kids... it's different.

"Tara? I was just joking, ya know?" Amber said, giving Tara a confused expression.

"Oh! Sorry, yes, i know, I was just.. thinking of something." Tara mumbled the last part as she stood up to get more tissues. Amber was wearing a white crop top, and the juice was cranberry, very much red.

"So, you and Wes?" Amber said as she started snickering.

"Shut up. He's a nice guy." Tara snapped, trying to defend Wes.

"Okay, but you're obviously not into him. Honestly, why does he keep trying?" Amber asked, genuinely confused.

"What?" Tara asked innocently, acting like she doesn't know what Amber's on about.

"Uhm, are you fucking serious?" Amber chuckled.
They both were stood up, Amber against the sink, and Tara stood in front of her, still attempting to get the redness out of Ambers white shirt, Amber found it cute, not too cute, though. She hates Tara.

"I am. What are you on about? Me and Wes are friends." Tara said blandly.

"Uh-Huh, and u don't see the way he, I don't knoww, looks at you? Or 'invites you to watch a movie'?" Amber says, clearly getting a bit annoid at the end part."

"Huh, didn't u guys use to be friends?" Tara says, confused as she stops wiping Amber's chest.

"Oh, yeah. He, uh.." Amber says about to say something, then stops herself.

"He.. what? Why did u guys stop being friends?" Tara asks, dying to know more.

"it isn't important." Amber said blandly. "Just get back to the shirt. it's one of my favourite ones." Amber lies. She just wanted to change the conversation.

"Hm, no." Tara says as she takes her hand completely away from the splotch of redness laying on Amber's newly white shirt.

"Hey! U owe me ME, remember?" Amber scoffs.

"Well, u owe me for all the times u did this in primary, so go on. Why did u and Wes stop being friends??" Tara asks again, this time a little annoid.

"..." Amber doesn't know how to say it. "Well, it was... uh, about... a.." God, this is torture for Amber. "It was about a.." fuck this. "..G- girl.." Amber mumbles, refusing to make eye contact with Tara.

"A what?" Tara asks, confused.

"Ugh, can't u listen the first time, Carpenter? It was... about a .. girl." Amber finally spits out at Tara hesitantly, leaving Tara shook.

"A.. girl?" Tara questions confused, but then bursts out laughing.

"What's so funny?" Amber questions angrily, but then hides her face shyly.

"Hey, no need to be shy. It's just a bit stupid how u stopped a good friendship over some girl." Tara said, reassuring Amber.

Tara could use this against Amber. Oh, Tara could use this for so much. She could have Amber at her knees, but.. for some reason, she didn't want to?

"Wait, you're gay?" Tara realises.

"Uhm.. I never said that." Amber mutters under her breath.

"I mean, it's fine. I'm not like homophobic or anything, but if u are.. gay, then Liv owes Mindy a LOT of money.." Tara giggles, making Amber give a small smile.

"Wait, you guys are over there betting on my sexuality?" Amber gives a confused expression.

"No, no, just Mindy with her 'gaydar'." Tara says, playfully rolling her eyes.

"Uh-huh, okay." Amber says as she glances at Tara. "Hey, this shirt isn't gonna fix itself.

"Then you fix it." Tara replied, getting even more tissue paper to dab the shirt once more.


"Hey, what did he do to make u guys stop being friends?" Tara asks as she dabs Amber's chest.

"Oh, he uhm.. he knew I liked her."
Amber says, letting out a sigh. "And he.. made a move on her." Amber mumbles.
Is that what Wes was talking about in the group chat?

"Huh, is that what he was on about in that group chat?" Tara questions.

"Oh .. uh. Don't listen to him. He's speaking nonsense." Amber says as she notices how much she's said to Tara.

"Well, who's this special girl then? I haven't seen Wes take any interest in anyone lately?" Tara asks innocently. She was confused. Who could this secret girl be that she's never even heard of. Surely Wes would've mentioned this girl to her.

"Oh, uh. Wait, why would I tell you?" Amber snickers, making Tara's face fall. Now she HAD to know who this girl was.

"Fine, I'll just ask Wes then!" Tara smiled.

"NO, I mean.. no, you can't.." Amber said quickly, grabbing Tara's shoulders, which ultimately brang them closer together.

"Why.. not?" Tara questioned but wasn't paying much attention to that. She was inches away from Amber, and it made her body stiffen when Amber's warm hands touched her.

"Because I... uhm.." Amber, let go of Tara and fiddles with her thumbs. "I.. s- still... like her." Amber mumbled once again.
Holy shit, Amber Freeman has a crush... on a girl... in this school? This is such dirt that Tara could use on her.

"So, what does she look like?" Tara teased.

"Don't start." Amber said, glaring at Tara.

"Cmon, gimme some hints." Tara groaned.

"Like I'd do that." Amber scoffed.

The juice on Amber's shirt finally came off.. kinda.

"Why not? It's not like I'm gonna tell her?" Now Tara's the one who scoffed.

"Ugh.. don't make me get all cringe, I beg." Amber wines. Tara just furrows her eyebrows in confusion. "Ugh, fine, she... has.. really pretty and smooth dark hair." Amber mumbles, fiddling her her thumbs. "She.. has really cute facial features.. her eyes match with her cute button nose, her freckles sprawl around her face prefectly.. a- and her lips.. look really soft.. an-" Amber stops herself. Why is she telling Tara all of this. She hates Tara.

When she looks Tara in the face, Tara's seems mesmerised. She seems in awe of the taller girl. Amber hated the feeling she got from Tara looking at her like that. It's like her stomach was exploding. She felt ticklish and flustered.

(The way I accidentally published the story here 💀).

"And?" Tara asks in complete awe.

"N- nothing.. nothing, I don't even know why I'm telling you this.. if u tell anyone I swea- " Amber says before she gets cut off.

"I won't, I won't. I think this is really... cute.." Tara smiled.

"Ugh, you make me want to throw up, with all your.. sweetness.." Amber groans in disgust.

"You want me to be mean? ~" Tara jokingly flirts, making Amber's pale cheeks redden.

"Shut the fuck up, just don't tell anyone." Amber muttered.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone about ur little cutesy crush." Tara giggles.

"It's.. not a crush.. I don't even like her." Amber mumbles, leaning her head back and crossing her arms.

"You sure? Because the way you described her - " Tara starts but gets cut off.

"Never talk about it again, or I swear I'll - " Amber replies, but then..

"Girls! What are you doing out of lessons, hanging out in the bathroom?" A teacher snaps at them.

"Oh, sorry, miss. I accidentally spilt stuff all over Amber's shirt, and I had to clean -" Tara rambles, but the teacher was having none of it.

"Freeman, I've caught u with girls in here before. There is no need to come up with a silly excuse." The teacher spits out at Amber.

"Caught.. with girls before?" Tara mumbles confused. Then it hit her. The teacher thinks her and Amber were... making out.

"No, no, no, no! Amber and I were just trying to get the stain off her shirt!" Tara said defensively.

"Yeah.. so why have u been in here for half an hour?" The teacher questions.

Amber was just silent in the back, smirking. She loved this, seeing Tara in distress. It was cute how she panicked and stumbled over her words to try and form a sentence.

"IT WAS CRANBERRY JUICE... I SWEAR." Tara said, trying to prove herself innocent.

"Welp, you got us, miss." Amber said, putting her hands up in defence and managing to receive a deathly glare from Tara.

"No, NO, we were NOT doing ANYTHING." Tara argued.

"Girls, you're coming with me." The teacher ordered.


"I can't believe you made us go to the principal office." Tara whispered angrily.

"Sorry, I didn't mean for them to catch us." Amber whispered, a smirk plastering over her face.


"Shhh, we can finish it later." Amber smirked then winked, leaving Tara flustered and covering her face with her hands.


"Woahh, Tara Carpenter, got DETENTION?" Chad chuckled.

"Yeah, well, it was Amber's fault." Tara scoffed.

"Freeman?" Mindy jumped into the conversation with a smirk.

"Yeah, I was helping her with her shirt and -" Tara said but then stopped herself as she saw Mindy's smirk deepen. "Not like THAT Mindy, I messed juice all over it."

"Deserved." Wes jumps in.

Along with Liv.. "How did that happen?"

"Ugh, I.. walked into her, I wasn't paying attention." Tara groaned.

"Was that right after u talked to me?" Wes smirked.

It was true, Tara blinded herself by flirting with Wes. She basically set herself up for failure.

".. Yes.." Tara sighed.

"And how did that end up in detention?" Liv questioned.

"We were in the bathroom for 30 minutes.. apparently. The teacher thought we were.. doing.. something else." Tara mumbled.

"Something ELSE? That's ridiculous. Why would u be doing something ELSE with Amber." Wes scoffed. He seemed pretty agitated at this.

"Uhm, I dunno.. but she fed into it and told the teacher we were doing something else." Tara slightly giggled.

"That bitch." Wes snapped.

"Oh.. i mean, it's not that big a deal." Tara said, trying to de-escalate the situation.

"Yeah, just Freeman being Freeman." Chad shrugged.

"Hey, you still coming to that party?" Mindy asks as she plops a lollipop in her mouth.

"Mhm." Tara nodded.


It was the end of the day, so they all returned to their cars, except Tara, her mom wasn't responding, and the worst people possible had to find her.

"Hey, cutie." A random jock called at her.


"What are you doing all alone out here?" Another one teased at her.

"I'm just waiting for someone to pick me up. It's really none of your concern." Tara mumbled.

"Hey, we'll give you a ride." A blond one offered, smirking.

"No, it's okay." Tara said, trying to avoid eye contact with them. It was 4, and school ended at 3, so there weren't a lot of people around.

"Hey, look at us with those pretty little eyes." Another one spoke, but this time he grabbed her jaw and faced it to him.

"Let go of me!" Tara snapped at them and hit his hand away.


Hey, don't speak to me like that." The jock spoke again as he grabbed her wrist.

"Hey, back the fuck up." Someone spoke from behind them.

Tara has never been happier to see her.

"Freeman? What do you want?" A brunette guy spoke up.

"I want her, now back the fuck up." Amber said this time moving closer towards them.

"Nah, this one's ours. Go find someone else to fuck, Freeman." The blonde spoke up again.

"I'm not trying to fuck her." Amber rolled her eyes.

"Then? We were having fun." He spoke.

"Listen here, 'big guy', if you don't fuck off in the next 5 seconds you'll regret it." Amber snarled at them.

"What are you gonna do? Glare us to death?" The brunette said snickering.

"If it works." Amber says under her breath but loud enough for it to be heard as she leapt forwards and punched the blonde square in the nose. She heard a crunch and knew it broke.

Tara just stood there, shook. She couldn't believe Amber was defending her, I mean, the guys were just playing. She found it.. hot though.. watching Amber punch that guy in the face, no second thought, all for Tara. Tara couldn't help but bite her borrom lip. She was heating up, and it was getting really hot inside her shirt.

"The fuck Amber?" The blonde winced.

"You wanna touch her? Go through me first." Amber muttered, glaring at the blonde, then brunette.

"It was just a joke.. jeez." The brunette spat.

"I saw you grab her.. twice." Amber said with no emotion behind the words.

"Little bitch.." the blonde muttered before pushing Amber back with his hands.

"Big fucking incel." Amber spat and pushed the jock back so hard that he stumbled.

"That's it, times up Freeman." The brunette said as he tried to grab Amber. Amber was the same height as the jocks, so she could take one or two of them.

As the jock tried to grab Amber, Tara kicked at the back of the jocks leg, making him fall to Amber's knees.

"On your knees already?" Amber coo'd at them.

"That whiny little Carpenter.." the brunette muttered, standing up and making his way to her, his fists clenched.

Amber grabbed his wrist and turned him to look at her. "Don't you lay a finger on her." Amber hissed as she brought out her poked knife.

"Freak!" He yelled at her.

"Eek, eek, eek." Amber screeched, doing a stabbing motion to the guys head with her knife.

"Cmon, guys, let's go.. " One of them spoke up.

"I'll get you back, Freeman." The blonde muttered under his breath.

"Thanks.." Tara mumbled after the guys had left.

They started walking towards Amber's car so that Tara wouldn't get any more unwanted attention.

Amber didn't respond, Tara looked up at her. She was fuming.

"What are you doing out here alone?" Amber questioned, still not making eye contact.

"Waiting for my mom to pick me up or even respond to my texts.." Tara mumbled.

"Did they.. hurt you? Are you okay?" Amber said, looking deeply into Tara's eyes.

It shocked Tara how nice and concerned Amber was being. "N- no, just shocked me how tight of a grip he had on my jaw." Tara slightly smiled.

"She isn't replying to my messages.. so.. I guess I'll just waýlk." Tara sighed as she looked down at her phone.

Amber hated to do this, but she couldn't let Tara walk home alone, especially after what had just happened.

"Get in." Amber sighed.

"Huh?" Tara replied, honestly a little shocked.

"Unless you want me to leave you here?" Amber smirked.

"No, no, I'll come." Tara reassured Amber.

"Great, hop in." Amber said as she opened the door for Tara.

Amber shut the door and went around to the drivers side.

"It's already 5, and the party starts at 7. You might as well just come to my house now." Amber suggested.

"Alright, but I meed a change of clothes." Tara agreed.

"Sure thing." Amber said as she drove out the parking lot.

Maybe Amber isn't so bad...


AHHH, sorry it took so long to update LMAO, but enjoy these 4068 words.

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