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It was Monday, and both girls dreaded it.

Tara, because she thinks Amber is going to make fun of her for everything and Amber because she thinks Tara hates her.

Amber got to school and sighed as she saw Tara from across the parking lot, at a bench with her friends. Amber just decided to ignore it. She also had to try and ignore Wes getting all touchy with Tara.

The group was sitting where Amber had to walk by, meaning she would catch Tara's attention, and to be honest, that's the last thing Amber wanted. Amber just wanted to.. actually, Amber didn't know what she wanted. She wanted to leave Tara alone, but at the same time, she wanted to talk to Tara. How was she going to do that, and maintain her bitchyness, though?

Amber ended up just walking past the group. Seeing Tara look at her made her even more anxious. She didn't know why she was feeling stressed. Sure, Amber liked Tara a lot, and she totally ruined any chances of being with her, but Amber had things other than Tara. Amber had friends, popularity, money.. but why did she feel like something was missing. Amber loved teasing Tara. She got to talk to her, and she could not phathem the idea of Tara hating her. But now she did.. so what is Amber suppost to do?
She can't apologise. No, never. It would ruin her social status. Amber never apologised or became emotional around anyone, and she is planning on keeping it like that.

"Hey, Tara. Are you okay?" Wes asked, bringing Tara out of her daze. She was looking at Amber. To be honest, Tara felt bad for lashing out at Amber, but she had a good reason to. Amber didn't want to start over. She wanted to humiliate her. And that's just what she did at that party.

"Yeah.. yeah, sorry." Tara mumbled, not breaking her stare at Amber. She hated her, but she couldn't stop staring at her.

"What are you looking at? ..Amber?" Wes snickered. "Why are you looking at her." Wes scoffed.

"No reason. I'm just thinking." Tara replied, turning to Wes and giving him a slight smile.

"If you say so, wanna get food after school?" Wes smirked.

"Uh, sure." Tara laughed nervously. She didn't want to go, but she had to get her mind off of Amber. She couldn't stop thinking about her. Then it hit her. She was in Amber's bed. Tara was in Amber Freemans BED. Amber was holding onto her. Tara immediately went red. Even if Amber just did it to embarrass her, Tara was still blushing. God, she's pathetic for this, but.. Tara didn't even care that Amber purposely humiliated her anymore. Tara was confused, so confused.

"So, what happened Friday night?" Wes asked, trying to start a conversation again.

"Huh?" Tara knew what Wes was talking about.

"You stayed at Amber's.. right?" Wes questioned.

Shit, of course Amber had already told everyone. "She told you..?" Tara bit her lip, she was anxious.

"What do you mean 'told me'? I was trying to get you to not stay with her." Wes chuckled.

"Wait, so she hasn't said anything?" Tara instantly looked at Wes, a confused expression on her face.

"About?" Wes questioned, confused.

Now, Tara was even more confused. What does he mean Amber hadn't told him anything? Surely Amber would have bosted about it, humiliating Tara by now?

"Never mind.. but are you sure Amber hasn't said anything?" Tara mumbled.

"Uhm.. no?" Wes scoffed.

This was weird.

After first period.

Tara walked out of her class, seeing Amber talk to her popular friends, snickering and giggling. It's probably about Tara.

Tamber- EnimiesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz