a little more than friends..

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(I just watched scream 6, and I'm dying it was so good. WHAT.)

"Woah, your house is huge." Tara says as she looks around Amber's abnormally large house.

"Thanks, come upstairs to get changed, then we can start setting up." Amber says as she starts walking up the stairs.

"Hey, hey, who said I was helping you?" Tara replied with a smirk smeered across her face.

"Well, I helped you. I feel it's only fair." Amber scoffed.

"Not in primary you didn't." Tara said under her breath, widening her eyes.

"Okay, okay, enough with the primary shit. Starting from now, okay?" Amber rolled her eyes.
Tara was shook at this. She couldn't believe Amber basically just apologised to her and admitted she wanted to start over.

"Hmm, I'll think about it." Tara said, winking at Amber and walking up the stairs, leaving Amber speechless.

"I still don't apologise, though." Amber yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

"Trust me, I know." Tara yelled back.

After they set up everything.

Amber noticed Tara checking her phone every 5 or so minutes.

"What are you doing?" Amber questioned as she walked over to Tara to check her phone.

"Nothing." Tara mumbled as she turned her phone off and put it back in her pocket.

"Also, what's up with your mom ignoring your texts?" Amber asks, raising an eyebrow.

Tara was a bit surprised that Amber asked but answered anyway. "Oh, I don't know. It's fine. She's probably just asleep or something." Tara lied, knowing well that her mom's probably passed out drunk on the couch.

"Mkay." Amber didn't believe Tara, so she didn't bother questioning her on it since she would lie her way out again anyway.

(I accidentally published it here..)

Tara changed into one of ambers tight white crop tops and some black baggy jeans, hoop earrings she had in her bag, and let her hair down.

Amber changed into black jeans, a tight red shirt, and a black leather jacket.

"Your clothes are nice, I might keep them." Tara joked as she checked herself out.

"You should. They suit you." Amber said, checking Tara out as well.

"Wait, really? Are you sure?" Tara asked as she looked up at Amber.

"Yeah, I mean, they're too small for me anyways." Amber laughed." Don't take this as me being nice, though. I just think they suit you better." Amber said, rolling her eyes.

"Sure, I think you look nice too." Tara giggled, which made Amber smile slightly. Tara saw and smiled back at Amber, but as Amber noticed, she quickly stopped and looked away.

"We should go downstairs and.. make sure everything's set." Amber said nervously, changing the subject.

"Didn't we already set everything up, though?" Tara questioned, confused at what Amber was trying to achieve.

"Well, yeah.. but just making sure." Amber said as she started walking out of the room.

Tara was beyond confused. Why is Amber suddenly nice to her first off, and second off, why is she acting nervous.


People started arriving, and Amber was greeting some of them. Tara recognised some people from school and the others she's never seen in her life, but Tara's snapped out of her thoughts as she got a text from Mindy.

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