Hotel OJ: Behind The Scenes

By Namiii2x3

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Hotel OJ, OJ's hotel. Usually it'd just be the usual chaos, 'messes in the kitchen' and such. It's not that d... More

"Epic Sleepover!"
"Regrets" ⚠️
"Weak" ⚠️
"Cold Steel"
"Germ living with a Germaphobe"
"A party" #1
"A Party" #2 ⚠️
"Notes" ⚠️(?)
"A not-so Merry Christmas" ⚠️
"Home-y?" ⚠️(?)
"Secret-Keeping" ⚠️(?)
"Starting New" ⚠️(?)
"Reunions" (⚠️, near the end)
"Opening-Up" ⚠️
"Mischievious-Mysterious" ⚠️
"Drift in mood" ⚠️
"Re-Meeting" ⚠️
"Friends and Friendliness"
"Wedding Bells"
"Making Amends"
"Bonding and building"
"Journey: Start" ⚠️
"Unravelled" ⚠️
'Backfired' ⚠️
'Man VS Machine'⚠️


159 4 3
By Namiii2x3

"Sooooo, what are you doin' hereee?? Did you get taken by the corn man tooo??" Toilet asked, enthusiastically so?

"I- Well-", Taco was unsure about what her response would be. Toilet wasn't exactly wrong to say the least, but he also was.

"Toilet, perhaps you should give them a moment. They still seem to be a bit shaken up.." Mepad interrupted, saving her from having to answer the question.
"Ohh... okayy...", Toilet mumbled, clearly saddened by the fact his curiosity wasn't satisfied.

The next few moments were just silent. Toilet sat near Mepad, continuously darting his eyes around the room, usually stopping to stare at Taco.

Taco herself took a moment to take in the surroundings, and also try and figure out what just happened.

One moment, she was on a hot air balloon, conversing with.. him.
Next, she was standing over him as he lay on the floor unconscious.
Then there was yelling, and grabbing, and now she was here.
In this... broom closet?
Storage closet?
Something along the lines.

There were shelves all around, bare one wall.
Most shelves appeared empty at the bottom, and seemed to have some random supplies higher up.

Things like bleach, canisters, random rags, bottles, old, broken technological equipment... ecetera.
Taco decided finally that she was going to be here a while.
Although, she found it odd that Mepad and Toilet were just... roaming free in this cramped little room.
The door was locked, sure, but it still didn't seem exactly....
Usually when you 'kidnap' someone you... tie them somewhere or whatever.

Then, Taco noticed crumpled up duct tape on the ground, and then turned to notice Mepad's...
There seemed to be... multiple wires hanging out of him, and he looked weaker than usual. In some sense.
Taco felt bad again.

She was no better than Cobs.
She had done the exact same thing to him.

She stared down at the hard ground, contemplating yet again.
What was she even doing?
She couldn't stop thinking about it. The noise, the thud...
She hated it so, so much.

She was quickly pulled out of her thoughts by Toilet's voice,

"Hmm... You sound verryy familiar, lady."

Taco stared for a moment, and then she remembered.
The beach, and Mephone X. Toilet wasn't really... 'out' yet when she had began calling over.
Before she made that deal.
She couldn't admit that. Now was not the time.
If she and these two wanted to get out, they needed to trust eachother. And telling them right off the bat she's worked with the person that imprisoned them in here, wasn't really a great start.

Taco smiled, and nodded. "I see... that's rather strange.. then.." She spoke, slowly.

Once Mepad had noticed she was more in the present, he perked up.
"I feel as though you're... familiar too, somehow. Have you competed on Inanimate Insanity before? Are you a fan, perhaps? I... do feel as though I know you from somewhere."

That comment made Taco feel uneasy. Did Mepad know who she was? Did he know she wasn't trustworthy? Did-... Mephone tell him about her?

Although, a certain thing about this situation that was most concerning to Taco, was that Mepad and Toilet were both actually here.

Does that mean...
Does that mean she didn't really lie..?
Does that mean that Mephone... can still get his friends back? Like she promised? Can she still keep that promise?
Can she still fufill it?

"...Hello..?" Mepad repeated, slowly.
"Ah- oh... oh.. yes- I.. Inanimate Insanity... I..", Taco paused, unsure of what to say. She couldn't just casually mention how she tried to steal one million dollars and kill a few people while at it.
She decided to be vauge.

"I... competed. First season." She didn't give details, but she gave some information.
But she started to regret it a little when Mepad raised an eyebrow.

"The first season? How come I haven't seen you before? I... don't remember.. Mephone.. talking about a..." Mepad paused, presumably realising he didn't really know her actual name. Incase he messed it up.
"...It's just Taco. Nothing different." She helped, sitting down and sinking into the ground, slumping.

"Wellll!!! It's nice to meet youuu!!!" Toilet yelled, yet again, completely disregarding personal space.
Taco was confused for a moment.

Toilet doesn't seem like someone... Mephone would be friends with.
Why was he so desperate to find him, then?

"I... You too..?" Taco muttered, quietly. She was so lost. This wasn't the situation she planned for.
"Uhmmm... would youu... happen to know where... Mistah Phone isss.. Tacooo...??" Toilet then asked, shrinking down himself, almost frowning in a way.

"I-", Now that was a question she didn't know how to answer.
...Would they like the whole story...?
Surely, they'd be.. happy to know Mephone was looking for them.
That he was probably here.
But, how could she explain all that and not..
Not explain how she...

She shook off her negative thoughts. Although they still lingered, she figured she needed to be better.

Toilet and Mepad both sat patiently, waiting for the answer. Mepad clearly seemed suspicious, in some way.

"I do. He-", but before she could continue, she was quickly cut off by the sliding door suddenly opening, three Mephones standing in the doorway.
Two random, tall, shiny new ones... and the one from earlier.

She stepped back, standing infront of Mepad and Toilet. Toilet gasping, and almost, if not already, sitting on top of Mepad.
She froze, unsure about what was happening.
Was she going to get hurt? Die? Were Mepad and Toilet gonna get hurt? Would they...

Just as she was beginning to lose herself, the 'Mephone X' beeped something unintelligible.
Then one of the others echoed, "You. Girl. You have been ordered to come with us."


For the first time, Taco felt a fear that she couldn't even describe. What was it? What was it?
Taco took another step back, subconsciously shaking her head. She couldn't speak.
Then, Mephone X rushed toward, quickly grabbing her arm and pulling, then taking hold of the other, and lifted her up.

"OI!! What are you doin'?! Don't touch my new frie-", Toilet's protests were cut short by Mephone X quickly hurrying out, and the door slamming shut behind.

It was all a blur, too sudden, and then she figured her 'invisible bowtie' was taken away.
Despite her kicks, her scratches, and every other struggle, she was helpless.
Her arm was pulled, and some sort of round device was slapped onto her wrist, way too tight. It almost felt like her hand was being removed.

The device beeped, and a green dot of light appeared.

Mephone X beeped again, and the other translated,
"You cannot remove that. And if you try to leave, or do anything without granted permission to do so, it will prevent you from doing so. You will not like it."


The darkness and the cold air didn't help.
Test tube walked, following Pickle and Knife alongside Oj.

He seemed a little bit... off. Although Test tube couldn't pinpoint exactly... why.

"Here!! C'mon, people. It's in here." Knife called out, alerting everyone in the group.
Test tube continued her way, stepping over random stones, and being careful she doesn't trip. If she did, that'd be... an issue. She'd most likely break.

The only sounds around was the quiet chattering between Pickle and Knife, who stood inside the cave.
Oj was still silent, staring straight ahead as he walked.

Test tube clutched her clipboard, and grabbed the pen from the pocket of the lab coat she currently had on.

"Damn... still looks the same. It's so freaky seeing this here..." Pickle murmured, a bit too loud.

Test tube peered over her shoulder to see Oj standing further behind her, eyeing down something infront of her.
She turned to face it, and then came to the sight of
A wooden table, more lowered down than a regular table would be, covered and littered with pages and documents of all sorts. Some markers and pens were on the ground nearby, and it looked as though something was being planned here.

Well thought out planning.
Test tube noticed above the table, on the flat cave wall, there was red string and different types of maps, diagrams, possibilities...

And it all pointed to the same thing.

Whoever these people were that made this, they wanted to go to the cloud.
But the thing was...
Mephone was definitely a part of this.

As Test tube stared, she could hear the echo of footsteps come toward her, and then stop beside her.

"Do you really think.. he went up there..?"

Test tube turned to see Oj standing next to her, immersed in the documents and plan board.

"Well... there's not really any other possibilities. Everything here is even more proof of that..." Test tube replied, her tone gentle.
Oj seemed really... worried..?

As she stepped closer to the table to examine it further, she made sure to listen out for anything around her.
Specifically Oj.
Test tube began rummaging through piles, flipping through notes, trying to find any sort of clues. Any clues that led to who's writing that was, with Mephone's on the map.

Although, as she rummaged she noticed Oj tapping his foot and sighing constantly in the corner of her eye.
Perhaps she should.. check on him. Later.

Whilst going through pages upon pages and listening to Pickle and Knife's non-stop chatter, she was just about to give it up when she stumbled upon a notepad of somesort.
Pulling it out of the rocks it was between, she flipped through it, and stopped when she noticed writing.
Very familiar hand writing.

'What are you doing?'
'Not talkin to u'
'Rude. I'm like your teammate now!!'
'Stop tryin to comunicate w/ me.'
'Mephone, look. I get this is difficult, but perhaps we stop passing notes like children in class and use our voices?'
'Idk, im not stopping u from talking.'
'This is fun though.'
'Shut up, Taco :///'
'...... :) ?' 'Smiley!! :D' ':p'

Test tube was unsure what to think.

Now that she thought about it, it made sense.
Fan had spoken about a Taco before, during one of her many rants.
She knew that Taco wasn't the... best person, apparently; but she put the dots together in her head, and concluded the Taco in this writing must be the same one Fan spoke of.

Closing the notepad, she turned it around and then saw scribbled on the cover: 'Taco's Diary???'
And many more scribbles surrounding.

Quickly sliding the 'diary' into her lab coat pocket, she stood up and breathed in.
"Well, uhm, I know who else was in on this whole thing..!"

The three turned their heads toward her, and raised eyebrows, waiting for Test tube to go on.

"Well-", just as she opened her mouth to speak, Pickle quickly butted in.
"Hey- wait a sec..", quickly walking, Pickle made his way over to the pages and pinned red string, and proceeded to rip off a page. Specifically one with some small annotations.

Test tube stared, a puzzled expression appearing on her face as she watched Pickle stare down at the page.
Knife did the same.
...Oj still remained cross-armed, and unmoving.

"Hey... hey... Test tube.." Pickle started.


"I... I definitely know.. who.. else was.. here.."

Test tube felt a sharp and sudden change in the atmosphere, like something suddenly came crashing down. A feeling of unease hitting Test tube like a truck.

Knife raised his head, and the expression on his face shifted dramatically. He looked serious.
He didn't really... look serious, often.
Suddenly, Oj perked up.
"Who." He asked, his tone stern.
"I... Oj. Knife. You guys would... know."
Test tube assumed she was right.

"I thought she'd never... show her face around.. any of us.. again.." Pickle continued, his hands trembling.
Knife strolled over swiftly, and took the page from Pickle, placing a hand on his shoulder; presumably attempting to calm him down.


- - - - - -

"I just don't get it!! Why?! Why would she- she- agh..."
Pickle sat on the orange couch he always did, Knife by his side, as he held his face in his hands.

The Hotel was comforting to be in once again, out of the cold. It felt even colder at the cave. Although, Test tube couldn't exactly tell if it was the atmosphere, or the literal cold.

Microphone didn't seem okay receiving the news, either.
She had just stood there, and frowned. Was it disappointment? Sadness?
Test tube couldn't figure out.

Most people were chatting amongst themselves, possibly trying to distract themselves from the.. rather sticky situation.
It wasn't exactly... obligation, but Test tube felt as though she needed to do something.
To... come up with something. Something to... help.

And fast, too.


"I just don't understand!! These past few days, it's felt like- it's- it's like she's been following me! Haunting me, even! I just don't.. get it.."
Pickle ranted on, as Microphone stood nearby and listened. Aswell as Knife himself.

This issue they've run into- doesn't... seem that serious at first glance- but when you really think about it, everyone's worry was valid.
"I get it.. I feel similarly. It's like she's- she's a... a... shadow, or something." replied Microphone, with an empathetic tone.

As Knife stood and listened to the two talk, he noticed Test tube slipping out the front door.
Which was questionable.
...Very questionable.

She had- seemingly just spoken to her three friends- and now she was out again. Why?
...Maybe that's a worry for later.

Knife was just about to turn to Pickle and Mic again, when suddenly-



"So.. you're telling us.. to build a spaceship? I'm sorry- but this is quite literally rocket scien-"
"Again? Just like the... the one last time?"
"I'm sorry- last time???"

Test tube's plan had people heavily puzzled. Questions were asked every second- yet barely any were answered.

"Yes! Like last time! It's simple! Especially because there's more of us this time! Just... one thing I.. need to actually.. ask before.. continuing with this.."
Test tube made her way over to where Oj stood, arms folded by a couch.

"Could weee... use.. parts from the Hotel..?" She inquired, through her teeth. Very clearly praying for a yes.
".... Sure." Oj sighed, almost rolling his eyes.

Any other day- he would be heavily against this, but...
It was for a reason.

Many of the reasons Test tube listed were important.
One of which being; if Mephone's injured- or, even killed- they won't be ablef to be recovered if they die.
Of course, there were different forms of recovery- but they were either way too expensive, or on the other side of the planet.
Which wasn't helpful.

Oj had a personal reason for all of this.
One which he still didn't even really believe in yet.

Test tube jumped for joy, Salt and Pepper judging from afar.
The Cherries looked excited, though.
...Should they even be trusted near any of this? Probably not.

Soap was already yapping about how 'sparkly' the ship would be.

But despite all of the unique people in the Hotel and their reactions, the only person he could pay attention to, was Paper.
His husband.
Paper still held his hand as the news was being shared, and all of that, but...
Something didn't feel right.
Ever since that... minor argument.
It was almost as if the vibes and comforting atmosphere was completely replaced by a cold, uneasy one.
He felt the need to apologise.

He figured he would, soon.
But for now... he needed to start working.
A friend needed help, and Oj was willing to offer it.


Humming, Soap scrubbed and wiped pieces of metal, wood and plastic. Doing what she did best.

She felt like she really needed to clean.

The stress of this situation hit her like a truck- and she felt as though she needed to.. wipe her problems away.

Test tube had decided to build a rocket. A working, flying rocket so she could get to the cloud.
Soap didn't like that place.
That 'Cobs' guy sucked. He was so judgemental.

Soap had subconsciously began to hum, and sway a little as she cleaned. She needed to think positively.

Until someone tapped her on the shoulder.

"Hu-AH-! Oh- Fan?"

Soap turned to see Fan standing behind her, a phone in one hand and a cloth in the other.
"Oh.. uhm... hi! I.. didn't mean to scare-"
"Oh- no, don't worry about it!... Uhm... why..-?"
Soap was cut off, as Fan pulled out a small stool from the kitchen table and hopped up beside her at the sink.
"I wanna help out. Test tube, Lightbulb and Paintbrush are all.. real busy anyway- aha-" Fan laughed, picking up a piece of metal and beginning to scrub.

"I see then... okay.. you can help." Soap replied, still not understanding why Fan wasn't with her friends. Sure, they were 'busy' as Fan put it, but usually she'd still... hang around with them.

"...Fan?" Soap began, clutching the metal tight.

"... Are you.. okay?"

Soap noticed Fan pause.

"...A little bit." She answered, hesitantly.

"I... I know. I am too, y'know."

Fan turned to Soap, dropping the piece of metal in the sink. A confused expression plastered on her face.
"You're scared?" She asked, slight doubt in her tone.
"Yeah. I mean.. all I really do is clean, but, it's still all... I mean, this whole situation is still... scary, y'know? With all the.. 'building a spaceship' and 'rescuing your ex-host' stuff."
Fan nodded slowly, taking her cloth and beginning to clean again.

"Yeah... thanks."

Soap smiled sweetly, offering actual soap to Fan.


"So, where's Salt?"

Pepper didn't expect Trophy to be the one to end up conversing with her.
"Oh- uh- Salt is like... inside. She's not really into this whole.. 'mechanical' stuff."
"Oh... alright. Uh- just wanted to know- you got a wrench?"
Pepper paused, and stopped screwing the metal plates together for a moment.
"A wrench? You're using it?"
Trophy took a slight step back, reaching up to his head, awkwardly.

"Uh.. I mean- trying, yeah. I'll- uh- figure it out-"
"I can help you, if you want."

The silence was loud, the only sort of noise was the banging and clanking of tools.

Trophy stood, almost leaning against part of the rocket. The moon was bright- really bright- and it illuminated him extremely. Considering.. he was a trophy.
"I mean- uh- you sure you're not.. busy-?"
"I mean, it's just this one screw and I'm like.. done. I did what Test tube told me to do-, and like- I think Salt needs a minute. I think she's spamming her socials anyway..."

Trophy averted his gaze down to the grass, and then looked back up at Pepper.

"Yeah.. uh.. help. I've never actually touched a tool in my life. Test tube just assumed I... whatever. Never took you for the type to, either though..."

Pepper smiled, and hopped up. She quickly glanced behind her at Yinyang playing with the Cherries, and then turned back toward Trophy.

"Well, I guess a lot of us have cool fun facts we don't know, right?"


"OKAY!! And... it's done!!"

Cricket's cricked as the air filled with deadly silence.
"Is that not.. three seats?" Cheesy asked, shattering the awkwardness.

"And once again, you could have built one to fit... all of us?"
"No! Oj.. actually... didn't appreciate how we took apart most of the stairs we all begged for. But I mean, I'd also appreciate if someone stood up for me and convinced him it's a good cause..-"
Test tube was cut off by Oj himself;

"I know it's a good cause.. I just.. the stairs.." He sighed.
Nickel retorted, "The stairs are fine, we'll fix 'em after.. or whatever..." He shot a glance at Suitcase, who stood next to Balloon. Baseball staring at him.
"I'll even pitch in..."

Oj smiled, holding Paper's hand.
"That's.. unusually nice of you. Thanks."

A certain vibe filled the air, as everyone darted their eyes around.
Until Paintbrush ended it.
"Uh.. who's going?"

The vibe felt suddenly different, and the staring continued.

- - - - -

"Are you sure?! But-" Fan was stopped by a hand on her shoulder.
"Hey. I know. Don't worry! I've done this before, remember? I saved you. And look where we are now!"
Fan stared down at the thick grass, tears pricking her eyes.
"But I.. this is different-!"
Test tube leaned down, and gave her a quick peck.
"I'll be alright. I promise."
Fan took Test tube's hand, and squeezed it tightly.

"You promise?"
"I promise."

Test tube knew what she had to do. She was qualified. Going up there, would be a smart decision. She knew about these things.
She would be back, and she'd be fine. Mephone would be alright too. And so would Fan.
It'd be alright.


"....But why.. are you wearing.. that one? Isn't it your favourite?"
Paintbrush started, staring at the sweater Lightbulb had put on.
"'Cause I was wearin' it when I first met you! So it's super-duper lucky!!"
Paintbrush cracked a small smile, staring into her eyes.

They sighed, "Lightbulb... I just..- are you sure...? It's.. dangerous.."
"I know. But it's alright! 'Cause I got my friends!! Testy'll be with me, and Testy's real smart!"

Lightbulb knew what she was doing was dangerous. It could end up bad. But, as long as she focused on the positives, it'd all be alright.

"...Lightbulb... I.. can I.. tell you.. something?"
Lightbulb stared up at Paintbrush, the moon over their head.
Paintbrush sighed, and took Lightbulb's hands in their own, causing her to light up a slight bit.

"I... you've been my best friend for a while now. And I just feel like.. like.. Lightbulb I just- ah jee.. how do I say this without making it weird?"
Lightbulb smiled, and even let out a slight giggle.
"Take your time, Painty!"

"Lightbulb.. I just- I really love you, alright? You've.. your energy.. your smile.. I just really, really love you."

Lightbulb's eyes widened, and she felt herself grow hotter.
"You- like- you meann.. love-love? Like.. you like-like me??"
Paintbrush closed their eyes, and put their head down.
"Yeah.. yeah I do. You're- you're just funny and-"
Paintbrush was cut off by a quick kiss.

"I love ya too, but you're a little tall. Can you bend down further next time so I can reach without standing on my tip-toes?"


"Oj... are-"
"I'm sure, Paper."

Oj stood near the doors of the rocket, Test tube and Lightbulb waiting inside, Test tube stopping Lightbulb from hitting every button in sight.

"I... I know I've been.. distant, Oj,- but-"
"It's alright, Paper. I know."
Paper stepped closer to Oj, and suddenly wrapped his arms around him. Oj swore he could feel something wet on his glass. Tears?

"It's.. dangerous, Oj. I'm... of course I'll manage the Hotel but... I.. this is your life, you know?"
Oj took Paper's shoulders, and bent down to match his height.
"I'll come back. I promise you."

Paper took his arms away, and wiped his tears with his arm.
"I know you will. I know."

"BYE BYE YOU GUYSS!! BLASTING OFFF!!!" Lightbulb yelled, as Oj climbed inside.

"See ya, Lighty."


Mephone began to feel even more uncomfortable than he already was.
He'd become aware of the chip he'd gotten on his side, and the after pain was definitely way worse.

He had been alone in this dark, empty room for- how long now? It's been a while.
Not only that- he couldn't move an inch.

And his head was killing him.
It felt like something was internally punching him repeatedly. Full force.
Groaning, he shifted, but nothing new. Just more discomfort.

"Ugh... my Goodness..." He uttered under his breath, through the pain.
It wasn't only physical pain- it was also.. mental pain.
He was quite literally back there.
And he wasn't even imagining it.

Holding back his tears, he let out another shaky sigh.

Then, he heard the noise of the door sliding open, which caught his attention immediately.
He immediately turned his head toward the door, and started trembling once more.

"It's been a while.. hasn't it?"
He stepped forward.

Mephone shot him a glare, pushing himself further back.

"Don't give me that look. I'm moving you today. You get to walk! Amazing, isn't it? Just.. do behave, because I do have weapons."

Cobs made his way over, Mephone X standing further behind him, just in the doorway.
Pulling out some sort of blade, Cobs began slicing the tape sticking Mephone to the wall. It was cut slowly, but surely.

But the longer Cobs was near him, the worse he felt.

It started to happen again- that horrible feeling before he'd do something bad.
Before he saw the red.

The world infront of him started to warp, the colours shifting and glitching. His sight just turning into pure static.
And then it happened.

He saw the red screen, but it was brighter- it lasted way longer than any other time.
And God did his head hurt.

With one quick motion, he had apparently jumped out, punching Cobs in his stomach with a force he didn't think he had.

He felt sliding, and he was out the door. Somehow.

And then he was running.

The only issue..
Was that he didn't recognise this part of the building.
It looked similar... but it was different. The layout... the carpet..
It was confusing.

He heard noise behind him, but he just kept sprinting. Not stopping.
Then he started to yell.

More steps.
A pause.
".... TACO..?!"

He just kept going until he turned corners, and ended up in silence.
No more noise.

But now he was lost.

Until he noticed a door.
It had letters on it, and it looked smaller than other rooms.
He couldn't exactly tell.

Slowly making his way over, still breathing heavily from the running, he twisted the knob, and it opened.
With a creak.
And he was immediately greeted by yelling and shoving.
Loud yelling.


Mephone cut Toilet off by gasping loudly, and taking a step back.

He found them.
He found his friends.

"Toi-... Toilet..?? Is- you're- you're real, right?? Like- like-", "OF COURSE I AM!!! I'M RIGHT HERE!!"

For the first time, Mephone felt like he was about to have a whole breakdown.
Or well- the second time but...

"Sir? Is that you?"

Mephone could hear Mepad speak, and it was like music to his ears.
They were okay.
They were okay.

"I-... ohmyGod..." Mephone panted, his breathing uneven.
"Sir? Perhaps you should.. walk in. You look..."
"Banged up? Beat? Exhausted? All of... all of the above, yes.."

Quietly shutting the door, making it looked locked, he slid down the wall beside Mepad.
And then realised how injured he was.
"Oh- oh Mepad- oh- your- wires-" He stuttered, worry filling him.
"Ohh!! Mistah Phone, Mepad said it's alrighttt!! He's fixable!"
Mephone took a deep breath, and closed his eyes.

Then he felt it again. Sharper, this time. The glitchiness.. the red..
He drifted in and out of- what seemed like consciousness- because when he opened his eyes, Mepad and Toilet stood over him, Toilet way too close and personal.
But for once he didn't mind.

"Ah- I- augh... what.. what was that..?"

Toilet frowned, or well, looked as if he was frowning, and Mepad had a concerned expression.

"Sir... your screen..-"
"You can stop with the 'sir' bullshit, Mepad. I'm not your boss. I'm- not anyone's boss. A few.. recent events helped me realise that one.."
"Mistah phone!? You said a-"
"A swear? I'm aware.."
Mephone felt like he was pulled up, and helped against the wall once more.

"Sir.. your screen.. it was.. red. You looked like a completely different person. You acted so, aswell."

Mephone raised an eyebrow. Different person? Red? What was Mepad talking ab-



Oh no...

It wasn't.. It couldn't..
But it made sense.

"Different... Mepad. Mepad what - the - my eyes? Did you see my eyes??"
Toilet looked worried, and backed up a little.
"Your eyes?.. They.. were a different shade? I suppose.. pink? Lighter red? The exact shade-"

"Nononono-.. that's.. that's... oh my Goodness.."

"Mistah Phone..?? What's wrong??"

Mephone lifted himself to his feet, but continued to lean against the wall.
He felt a pain in.. where his chest'd be.

"You guys don't... don't know about.. a.."

There was a pause.

"A... a.. Mephone4S, do you...?"

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this is my first time writing on here, so you might see spelling errors or smth like that heh Lightbulb had been recently been going through some stu...
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ɪ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ ᴍʏ ʜᴇᴇʟs ᴊᴜsᴛ ᴛᴏᴜᴄʜᴇᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴀᴄᴋ ᴏғ ᴍʏ ʜᴇᴀᴅ . ✭ ✭ ✭ started: august 14th 2020 status: discontinued * heyy guys this book is currently on hold...
5.2K 180 34
(In the chaotic realm of Inanimate Insanity, a once friendly competition turned perilous as contestants began meeting untimely ends, shrouded in myst...
263K 2.5K 80
Paintbrush is eliminated off Inanimate Insanity... But will that stop Lightbulb from being with Painty? Probably not.. read to find out what happens...