A Promise Of A White Rose

By ravegirl346

1.6K 85 12

'Remember our promise' She said her bright blue eyes stared at the cold blue eyes of Seto Kaiba, the young wo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 10

85 5 0
By ravegirl346

The next morning, Kaiba was the first one in for breakfast. A plate of eggs and bacon in front of him, a fork in one hand, and a book in the other. He saw his younger brother enter to join him, planning the rest of the day about their soon to be guest coming over.

"Are you going to join us later?" Mokuba asked

The young Kaiba started setting up the game room. It was well stacked with a large t.v. monitor and different game consoles.

"I might. If not, tell her i said hi." He said

The older Kaiba went to his home gym he needed something to distract himself with, he had finished his work late last night and he had promised his brother he would take it easy on Sundays, and what better way to take it easy than a good solid workout at the home gym, he changed in some comfortable work out clothes and started his warm ups.

Kiara got dressed in a simple flowy cream colored skirt and light blue colored blouse while watching the news in her room.

"Okay... looks like it'll be sunny today, and later, it might be cloudy." Kiara muttered slightly wincing, feeling aches and soreness from yesterday's events.

A black limousine was there to pick Kiara up. Mokuba had insisted he would take care of her transport to the mansion, even though she had told him that it was unnecessary. Mokuba refused to take no for an answer and kept insisting since she was his guest. She eventually gave in.

Saying goodbye to her parents, closing the front door behind her, she walked towards the limousine. A chauffeur opened the car door for her and offered a gloved hand so she could smoothly enter.

"Good morning, Miss Sasaki."

"Good morning," She replied politely. "You can call me Kiara."

The drive to the Kaiba mansion wasn't too long. The limousine approached a large set of gates within a few minutes. After identifying the driver and the vehicle, the gates opened, and they entered the premises.

She was in awe,The white mansion was surrounded by lush greenery, flower gardens, and a water fountain.

The young Heiress waited to be guided outside the vehicle, and when she stepped outside, she couldn't help but wince slightly. She still had pain from last night's Karaoke incident. She didn't want to cancel today's plan. She figured she could spend some time with Mokuba until lunch.

"This way." a voice instructed.

Kiara looked up, and after hearing a loud click, she saw the large wooden door open. She then entered the mansion, and as soon as she did, she heard someone say.

"Miss Sasaki has arrived."

Both Kaiba brothers jumped, hearing Roland's voice through the mansion intercom. Kaiba shook his head throbbed, a series of emotions traveling rapidly through his mind. He felt confusion and excitement at the same time, and that scared him. He was already in his work out and in the middle of a set.

"Kiara!" Mokuba exclaimed he jumped up giving her a hug, she yelped wincing slightly.

"H..hi Mokuba." Kiara said smiling softly.

"Seto is busy upstairs but he says hi." Mokuba said "Let's go, I have everything set up in the game room! After that we can watch a movie in the home theater room! "

"Okay." Kiara said following Mokuba.

Kaiba was in the home gym for over an hour, he used one of the towels and wiped the sweat off his face. He'd never been out of shape he made sure of it, this was the most muscle definition he'd had, he also tried to balance it as a stress reliever and a way to be ready for anything.

He let the towel drape around his neck, this always helped get his mind off anything whether it was working with incompetent people or with his upcoming projects to unveil it always worked to keep his stress level down and his mind clear. He tossed the towel onto a chair and went back to do his next set.

"Darn it!" Mokuba muttered in disappointment. "I was so close!"

Kiara giggled seeing a very pouty Mokuba, they've been playing for over an hour, She then winced again feeling some aches and pains.

"Um...Mokuba?" Kiara asked

"Yeah?" Mokuba replied while looking at other games.

"You said something about a home theater room? So you have different rooms with other things to play?" She asked

"Yep! We have a bunch of other things, I'll give you a tour!" Mokuba said

Kiara couldn't believe this is their house, it's bigger, there were different rooms that one would easily get lost in and have fun. Her home wasn't big as this it was more comfortable for her family. But this takes the cake!

"Downstairs, we have the kitchen, dining room, living room, game room, and home theater. Upstairs, we have the guest rooms, work office, my room and Seto's room, and gym room."

"You guys have a gym room here?" Kiara said

"Yeah, Seto thought it'd be easier having one here so that no one interrupts us." Mokuba explained."We even have an outdoor swimming pool."

Mokuba stopped in his tracks and smiled. "So which room do you want to see first?."

"Um... I don't know.." Kiara said, wincing slightly. "Where is the restroom?"

"There's one in the guest room two doors down on your left." Mokuba said innocently.

"Okay, thanks. I'll be right back." Kiara said as she walked down the hallway.

Mokuba silently apologized to Kiara about what he said. The young Kaiba knows that his older brother will be off doing anything to avoid seeing her. Deep down, Mokuba knows that Seto cares for Kiara just as much as he cares for his brother.

Mokuba couldn't help but smile thinking that Kiara could be the one to melt his brother's frozen heart. He crossed his fingers. He wanted Kiara and Seto to be together. Even if this little white lie he did, it could be worth it to see his older brother happy.

Kiara clutched her small purse. She didn't really need to use the restroom. She just used it as an excuse to take a moment to take some aspirin for the aches she felt. Earlier, before she left, she had her family doctor check on her. Luckily, it wasn't anything serious, so he prescribed her some aspirin and some Icy Hot patches to help with aches and sore When her doctor asked what had happened to cause it, she said that it was an accident with one of the mike stands at Karaoke. He also said that if the pain still continued after some time to call back. She opened her bag searching for the pill bottle while one hand went to the door knob opening it and there Seto was wearing only his dark casual jeans holding a white towel drying his hair, a sign that he just got out of the shower, he turned at the sign of the door open.

The two of them were wide-eyed and in shock. However, Kaiba was surprised to see that Kiara dropped her purse and was quick to turn her head away. Her cheeks flushed a bright red, and her eyes seemed to look everywhere else, but at him, she apologized.

"I.. I'm sorry! I was looking for the restroom!" Kiara said, avoiding his gaze.

His eyes narrowed as he watched her. Why is she like that? Was it because he was ... oh. He let out a small chuckle upon the realization that he still wasn't wearing his shirt. He caught sight of the contents she dropped, and she knelt down, picking up a small compact mirror and her pill bottle.

He glanced at the prescription in her hand. Is something wrong...is she sick? He thought

"I'm sorry for coming in." Kiara said softly. "I.. needed some privacy to take my medicine. I didn't want Mokuba to start worrying."

"Did something happen?" He asked in a low voice.

"My...back hurts a little..i went with some friends at this Karaoke place...one thing led to another and...someone got a little crazy..so..i..got hit with a mike stand last night..you know what the messed up part was?..that place didn't do anything to help, especially when we got hurt." Kiara said softly lightly, wincing. "That's the first and last time i'll go there."

Kaiba froze, he clenched his jaw, he felt this burning feeling in his chest that he did not like, just what type of people is she hanging around with? And how come every time he sees her, she always gets hurt?

"Did you see a doctor?" He managed to say, trying to keep his own emotions in check.

"Yes, he told me to take those, buy some Icy hot patches." Kiara explained. "And rest...i know what you're going to say..why didn't you call to reschedule...i just wanted to spend time with Mokuba and..." She stopped herself, looking down at her feet, feeling her face heat up. "You."

Kaiba squeezed the bridge of his nose, trying his best to compose himself with what she had just said. There is no way of arguing, especially when she's in this state.

"Just sit there on my bed. I have some of those patches in my bathroom." He said

Kiara did what he said, it gave her a chance to look around his room a royal blue and white color combination, a desk , a large shelf with different books, across from his bed is his own private bathroom along with a closet , she even saw next to the nightstand, a mini fridge?

She heard footsteps seeing Seto back wearing a simple black shirt with the patches on hand. He walked to the nightstand, opening the mini-fridge, taking out bottled water, handing it to her. She silently took her medicine.

After a minute, Kaiba opened the pack.

"Take off your blouse." He ordered her, Kiara froze turning red.

Kaiba narrowed his eyes as his ears tipped a light shade of pink, silently cursing himself at his own choice of words. "It's to put your patches on. You obviously can't put them on yourself." He explained.

"Ah... okay.." Kiara said, her heart beating fast. With shaky hands, she fumbled at the buttons. He sat at the edge of his bed behind her.

"Here." He handed her a large pillow. "Use it to cover yourself in case Mokuba barges in, and he's known to do that a lot."

"Thanks."She said, hugging the pillow.

" Where does it hurt the most?"He asked

Kaiba stared at her back as she slowly unbuttoned her blouse for him to properly apply the patches. He raised his hand to move her long blue hair aside, He raised an eyebrow when she shivered.

When he saw her blouse slowly go down reaching her elbows, He felt...nervous? Why would he be nervous? He shivered seeing her pale skin, her white lace garment she turned her head slightly at him seeing the flushed color of her cheeks, He let out a breath that he didn't know he was holding it in. That image will be lingering in his mind, he had seen women do things to get his attention, from following him at parties at a failed attempt in seducing him, he never paid any attention to them, But with her he can't seem to turn away.

"Seto? " Kiara said softly, staring at him while hugging his pillow.

"Yes?" He said

"Place the patch in the middle of my back." She whispered while blushing. "But please be gentle."

He slightly shifted, just like that his mind is plagued with other more intimate thoughts. He felt the tips of his ears go warm. He told himself it was only to apply the patches on areas that she couldn't reach, that this isn't some sappy romance scene.

"You said middle.." He leaned in. "Here?" He gently placed his hand underneath her bra hook. Kiara nodded, holding his pillow nervously. She felt his hand gently move her undergarment, applying the patch.

"Is that all?" He asked

"Next is my right shoulder." Kiara muttered out.

Kiara held her pillow. She felt Seto's fingers on her skin, and a light shiver went up her spine. She knew he was cautious, but who knew he was capable of such a tender touch? his fingers lightly traced her shoulder.

"Here?" He leaned in her ear.

Kiara nodded. "Thank you for helping me." She said

"You.." He started but stopped himself. "I'll have Roland drive you home now. You need rest."

"No, i'll be fine now. " Kiara said, reassuring him, "Why don't we hang out and watch a movie instead?"

"You need to go and rest." He firmly said

"No!" Kiara snapped, and she turned facing Kaiba. "I want to spend time with you and Mokuba! Please, just this once, Seto!"

Seto froze now it was his turn, He tried his best not to look blown away by how she looked right now. He had never had anyone snap at him like that. He tried averting his gaze at something else, trying not to stare at her. He can at least say that all her features are natural, nothing fake from her.

Kiara let out a gasped, turning to button up her shirt. Both were now slightly red.

"It's just lately i feel that you're a little cold towards me...the recent emails that you sent me the way that you wrote it, i can't explain it... it made me feel sad." She said softly, letting out a sigh. "I'm sorry if i sound clingy. I just like spending time with you and Mokuba."

Kiara hugged the large pillow. Kaiba knew there was no way in trying to reason with her especially with that outburst, He always gets his way of things,he studied everything to prepare him, But none of those prepared him for a 5'4 tall female in front of him.

"Okay, how about we make a deal? My offer: we watch two movies, one hour of video games..then i go home and rest." Kiara spoke up, holding out her hand. "Deal?"

"One Movie, no video games." Kaiba countered."And the three of us have lunch, which would be more suitable."

"Alright... , how about this? I pick which movie we watch, throw in some popcorn and you get to pick our lunch?" Kiara made a counter offer.

He couldn't help but give a small chuckle.

"Alright, but know this no one breaks any deals from me." Kaiba said

"I know, I've heard a lot of things from you..and you must know that i don't go back on my word." Kiara said

With that, they shook.

"Seto, did you want to stay and hang out with us?" Mokuba asked, sounding somewhat hopeful.

"Sure, I'll stay." Kaiba agreed, subtly glancing at Kiara as he said so. He didn't want to show her that he was fazed by what had happened before.

"Here," Mokuba offered, handing his brother the remote. "Pick a movie."

Kaiba shook his head and politely refused. "No, let Kiara pick." he said.

This time, he just sat there, Mokuba had his eyes glued to the screen while his eyes were glued to her. He wasn't paying attention to the movie he was focused on Kiara.

Since Kaiba held up the end of their deal with a movie,popcorn, and lunch, it was now Kiara's turn to leave the Kaiba mansion that late afternoon to rest.

Before heading off, she thanked Mokuba for inviting her. She really enjoyed spending time with both Kaiba brothers. It reminded her of when they were younger back at the orphanage.

Watching Mokuba embrace her, Kaiba felt a huge lump in his throat. Seeing how much his brother cared for her made him feel guiltier by the minute because of his recent emails to her, He had to say something.

"Before you leave, there's something I need to say." Kaiba began slowly. He was choosing his words carefully, He didn't want to say the wrong thing.

Her eyes silently met his, his latest phrase got her full undivided attention. Mokuba stared at his older brother too, He wondered what Seto wanted to say?

"I'd like to apologize for the recent emails." Kaiba explained. " I was..busy sorting out some things, just so you know i'm not mad at you, you know how it is with running a company, i want you to know that if there's anything you need...you are always welcomed here."

"Thank you..Seto." she replied, a small smile forming on her face, she took his hand giving it a soft squeeze, he stiffened slightly he quickly returned the gesture seeing the same way they held their hands reminded him of that promise.

Once She left, Mokuba couldn't stop smiling, thinking that there was a chance for his older brother to be happy.

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