Lulled Heart | s. Chishiya

By naedirs

11K 394 197

Her heart was in a lull, if it were to be shaken then disaster would fall. Act one: ongoing ! Act two: tbd... More

I n t r o


499 25 31
By naedirs


The longer she sat in the room that she was secluded to, the more the anger and numbness intruded her mind. The heartbreaking emotions that made her stomach flutter or drop were completely gone in the hours she was kept away.

The happiness she once felt when making slight glances at Chishiya and seeing his reciprocation of giving her a smile, a genuine one that she had only seen him give to her and nobody else—the feeling was slowly fading into anger and resentment. It hasn't been a day but more-so hours of just sitting in the white sheets of the bed, alone and left with nothing but her thoughts. The memory of Junseo's death replayed in her head like the holy mantra, it plagued her mind and soul, the feeling of guilt arising to the point where she would just cry and let the guilt eat her up.

Her efforts of getting out of the handcuffs that bounded her to the bed were left for the dead, no sign of leaving. Her wrist was starting to bleed, the raw skin could only handle so much struggle and tugging from trying to release herself. Nobody has been able to check on her since the morning, the clock strook 7pm, she hasn't had any food and the water supply she once had, which was 2 bottles, was now gone. They wouldn't even let her go to the bathroom, no matter how much she screamed or yelled nobody would come in. She suspected that Aguni ordered them not to and told them he was the only one allowed in her jail cell of a room.

So she stayed sat, resting for a moment before she started tugging and pulling, trying to find a way out of the handcuffs that's kept placed in this bed. Chishiya, that name alone took so much from her, whether it be emotionally or physically, he did so much damage to her that after the moment it happened she felt as if it were her fault, had she not aligned herself with the blonde boy then Junseo would still be here and it would only be them two who mattered in this world. If only she followed her mind and listened to it before she acted with her heart and accepted the offer where her and Chishiya aligned themselves together.

Once she escaped the beach, she would need to find him. There was never a determining of leaving once you collected all the cards, and the Ten of hearts was still to be played and achieved. She knew what kind of person Chishiya was, close minded, selfish, only looking out for himself and not bothering to consider others because he was probably raised in that manner. He neglects anyone and everything that doesn't have him as the main source or presence in anything, that's why it was so easy for him to do this to her, to destroy her. But knowing from the information from Kuina it was for the best that he was guilty, she could nudge her way into confusing him and hurting him, belittling him to the point where he would need to change as a person. She wanted him to change.

She looked out the window and saw the sun setting, she had spent her entire day trying to get out but no avail. She felt wetness on her top lip, her nose was bleeding and she didn't have any tissues, how gross. She peeled off a pillow case sheet from one of the extra pillows she had in her bed and used it as a replacement of a tissue. She had no other option to, she laughed at how dumb this was, she needed to get out soon. Knowing her nose bleed wasn't going to end anytime soon she began to think, it might be gross and ridiculous but it was her last option, to use her blood to free her from the cuffs. She has tried to use water but she hardly had any left so it wasn't of any success for her but she knew that when her nose would bleed it would do so for a long time.

She sighed at how gross this was, never did she think she would resort to this kind of thing but it was do or die, and she needed to live to find Chishiya and hurt him emotionally, because physically hurting him wouldn't be sufficient to Hikaru, it would not do a single thing for her but knowing someone who's as emotionally detached as him, where she could destroy that mentality of his and make him rethink everything about himself would please her beyond ends.

'This is so gross' she scolded herself back and forth with the good and bad of this situation, but she pushed through just for her survival. The blood on her wrist was actually working it was just the thumb of her hand that was stuck and needed to slip through but it hurt her so badly. It was getting to the point where she could see the blood flow circulation stop in her hand, causing her hand to become numb.

She started getting impatient, infuriated and tired of the pain her hand felt, grossed out by what she was even doing in the first place, and how she hadn't even begun to think about what she was going to do once she got herself free. Her anger was arising more and more, the pain she felt only made her more motivated to try and release herself and feel the bliss of release her hand and mind would be in once she freed herself.

After what seemed like a half an hour passed, the sun was finally set and she grunted as she tugged on her hand and finally slipping it out of the handcuff it was once in. It took her a minute to fully process her current state and she let out a laugh. She giggled like a teenage girl who was remembering a glance between a boy and herself, stupidly happy. She sighed and recollected herself, and remembering the situation she was in, she looked back at her hand with an internally disgusted grin, she needed to wash off this blood and find a new change of clothes, she stunk of sweat and blood given the fact that nobody had even thought about giving the girl a change of clothes after what felt like she had come from the dead.

She slowly stood up, knowing of the amount of blood she's lost in the past 24 hours that if she tried acting fast in any situation then she'd most likely fall over and unknowingly welcome the darkness that ached to claim her. But she refused to even let herself nap for just a second, knowing fear would take control of her dreamland and she would have to endure another soul crushing dream that could potentially make her dead friend appear. She walked further into the room and saw a door that probably lead to the bathroom, she put her hand on the doorknob mentally preparing herself for the image she was going to face in the mirror, she was afraid of seeing the damage the was done in her game last night and the blemishes that were inevitably formed on her body. She was afraid of seeing the monster of a person she had become.

Hikaru budge through her thoughts and opened the door slowly, she didn't have time to be afraid of herself and let these thoughts eat her alive. She walked into the bathroom and flipped on the light switch next to the door frame. The soft yellow light invaded the bathroom and she finally got a good look at herself. From what she could see in the mirror she looked like she came back from the grave herself, and forcefully made her soul wake up knowing her body was already deteriorating.

She was sickeningly pale, expected bruises on her cheek and throat, still being dressed in her bloody jacket that she knew was covered in her blood and of her best friends. She unzipped her jacket and saw the stitching's made to hold her stab wound together, her mind was so focused on other things she hardly started to notice the soreness she felt in her entirety. The stab wound's appearance seemed more nasty and larger than what she originally felt in the moment she had received it, she poked her finger through the hole of the jacket where the stab wound was made. She let out a breathy laugh, how did she manage to survive with the injuries she was delt, it amazed her.

She continued to look down and saw the bullet wound in her thigh, whoever patched her up knew she wouldn't be able to fully heal without stiches, Chishiya's face immediately came into mind, remembering him standing next to her when she had turned to look at him when she woke from her sleep, his dull eyes invaded her mind but she quickly shook them away before she allowed herself to get lost in them even further. Now she knows who was considerate enough, ironically, but maybe Ann patched her up instead and maybe Chishiya was only there for part of it. She internally send a thankful thought to Ann, knowing she wouldn't receive it but her subconscious wouldn't let her not at least be thankful.

She let out a heavy sigh making her shoulders drop with her breathe. She took in her environment of the four blank walls that seemed like were going to suffocate her any second. She approached the sink counter and noticed that beside the skin was a folded bundle of clothes, how she hadn't noticed this before dawned on her but she could only think of one person who would leave this for her. Kuina, she was always sweet and funny, theres nothing to hate about her she could do no wrong in Hikaru's eyes, or maybe she was just too forgiving.

She quickly averted her eyes and turned on the faucet, proceeding to wash the blood off of her hands and just under her nose. She took off her jacket which was the only throw on she had at the moment and grabbed the towel hanging parallel to her shoulder and ran it under the water making it damp enough to where she started to press and scrub parts of her body. She would normally take a shower but the noise of the shower was too loud and if she had an visitors, which was highly unlikely, then she'd likely be caught.

Finishing she looked back to the folded up clothes and grabbed one and let it flow out revealing her favorite jacket. She had put this jacket away due to fear of losing it or just ruining it after she had been drenched in the eight of spades game, she felt herself smile once again at the consideration and kindness of Kuina, she would repay her somehow. Putting on her jacket feeling comfortable for the first time in a while, she glanced up into the mirror looking and feeling less like a walking zombie and more human.

She turned to walk out of the bathroom turning off the lights but right before she could walk out someone on the other side of the bedroom door was trying to pry open the door. Hikaru's heart dropped out of her stomach, going crazy as to who it could be on the other side of the door. She would've ran to the patio and tried to hide there but there was no time so she shut the door of the bathroom and sat in the dark hearing the door finally open and pairs of footsteps walking in. She couldn't quite put the number of how much people walked in but it was definitely more than one person which was odd considering how nobody was even allowed to enter her room.

The walking stopped and there was silence for a second before someone spoke, "Tonight it the ten of hearts, we need to decide to leave before the arena forms or to stay and battle it out with everyone else l," Mira's voice. Mira's voice. What was she even talking about, she sounded so certain like this was expected. "I suppose the next phase will start soon." Kuzuryu voice spoke in response. Next phase, next phase? Hikaru was trying to form the pieces and try an process this but nothing was connecting. How did Mira know the next game was ten of hearts and that this was the arena. What was this next phase Kuzuryu was speaking about, like phase two of this world? Then that meant that once the ten of hearts is collected then the next phase would appear?

"This the end of our charade together, now we'll be known as the face cards and finally be able to play against these people." Mira spoke in a light feathered tone. "Our fate will finally be sealed." she heard Kuzuryu sigh. They started to converse again but when she tried to listen she heard them speak but in a sudden hushed tone, her heart started racing, could this mean they finally noticed the bed that was covered in blood and the free handcuff? Her suspicion ran true when the door had swung open opened.

She didn't have enough time to scream so she just sat there wide eyed, looking back at them as they gazed down at her. Their faces remained neutral, mildly shocked but also expectant, "It seems our cover is blown," Kuzuryu said, "It seems like it." Mira responded in an amusing tone. There was no out for Hikaru, she slowly stood up looking up and down at their figures trying to see if they had a weapon of some sort to try and prepare herself to fight for her life again. She had a million questions going through her brain, she felt a headache coming that's for sure.

"What are you going to do with me?" Hikaru asked, she made direct eye contact with Kuzuryu, "To think that there were people playing undercover here at the beach fooling all of us, so what do you want? What was your goal?". She watched as they looked at each other and share a knowing nod "We'll let you go if you tell us why nobody has been allowed to talk to you. Usually traitors get interrogated before we decide if they die or not. " Kuzuryu spoke. She squinted her eyes, "If I tell you then you can't tell anyone else like a trade in for me not telling anyone about your guys charade." she nodded looking for a nod in response back, they both hesitantly nodded.

"Aguni locked me away because I have knowledge on who actually killed Hatter, it wasn't an accident it was by choice. I gave him useful information and I suppose he's keeping me around for that matter, incase he needs advice on how to run the beach." They looked at her as if they wanted more information, and how she knew Aguni was the new leader, she muttered an "oh, I was the one who told him to go for the beaches new leader position," she added. They looked at her as if they were impressed, "Now what's the second phase you two are involved in? What does it mean after we play the ten of hearts game tonight?" she questioned.

"If we do tell you more than you already know then you'll die," Kuzuryu spoke, "Just be cautious with the time and leave soon if you want to avoid the ten of hearts game." Mira smiled at her while speaking, "But knowing you are a great hearts player it might be smart to stay and help everyone.". Hikaru nodded in acknowledgement, accepting the information they gave her. When they turned to leave Kuzuryu stepped back and opened his mouth, "So who killed Hatter if it wasn't an accident?", she paused for a second, thinking whether or not she should actually tell him but it wasn't as if he was going to kill her. "Aguni was the one who killed him.".

Hikaru was again left alone, she needed to escape and leave but what was her plan exactly? Escape and possibly never see Chishiya and the others again? Or would she leave and make it to the next phase.. if the next phase was to be the face cards then that meant the jacks, kings, and queen cards would be the games they were going to play. It's also came to her knowledge that the roles of kings, queens, and jacks have been assigned in some sort so they would be playing against the people who accel in the specific card suit and difficulty. Did this mean that if they defeated these face cards that they would be set free? Or forced to play more games as the face cards?

Her thoughts ran on end, but the cheers from outside came to a hault and it had caught her attention, she walked over to the window of her porch window and saw all the people who were partying go inside. There was a meeting happening and she was sure it was the announcement of the beaches new leader, she wondered if anyone of her friends would bother to look for her. But she couldn't dwell on that thought any longer, this was her chance and opportunity to leave before the disaster of the ten of hearts game happened. Normally she wouldn't mind playing heart games but with hundreds of people there's no saying what's going to happen and lives are going to be lost one way or another in the hearts game.

She walked over to her door to look through the peep-hole, from what she could see there was nobody guarding her door, why was nobody guarding her door anymore? How long has it been since they were ordered not to? She opened the door and immediately heard the quieting of the audience they had in the main hall, she walked down the hallway avoiding the pathways that lead to the area where everybody was at.

She continued walking until she saw a figure standing and leaning against the railing, she could recognize that hair color anywhere and it only confirmed it when she heard his voice "8022". He proceeded to walk away from the railing and turned her way, he looked at her with wide eyes "Hikaru.." his voice fell off, he seemed shocked and surprised that she was standing in front of him. She showed him a hateful gaze, she held her straight face but you could easily see the firing hatred in her eyes.

Like everything zoned out between the two it wasn't until she heard a voice from the walkie talkie placed in his hand "Chishiya!" she heard Arisu's urgent panicky voice. Looking at him her facial appearance changed into a smirk, they were still getting the cards, the beach is going to inevitably fall and they'll live to see phase two. "Hide Hikaru, go hide." he told her in a pleading whisper, and just then she no longer heard the speakers in the main hall, instead she heard multiple footsteps approaching to round the corner. "Let me go!" Usagi's yelled.

She looked to her side and ran to open one of the many rooms that were down the hall, she hurryingly closed the door and heard as Usagi's struggling voice faded from the left to the right. As of now the cards were surely to be in Chishiya's hand's by the end of later tonight. But it didn't matter since everyone would move onto the next phase rather than one person, though its good for all the cards to be together. She had to leave and soon, she didn't know when the game would take place but it was getting later by the minute and she had to act fast.

She slowly opened the door just to peek outside to check if there was anyone hanging around, the coast was clear so she fully stepped out of the room and sped walked further down the hallway. She walked towards the floor where her room was located, there was one thing she needed before she officially left. Walking up to her door and opening it she turned on the light in her room and walked towards her now barraged desk that had all held once organized papers and a neatly cleaned space of area.

Oh come on she mentally groaned and started rummaging through the papers frantically looking for the one she needed. "So what do you think this paper can mean?" she asked looking up at him. He hummed and looked closely at the paper, "Perhaps it's a map, it looks very familiar." Chishiya said. It then clicked in her brain, how could she possibly forget she lived in the city for gods sake. She laughed from the bottom of her stomach while he looked at her confusingly, she calmed down and gave him a warm heart smile he couldn't bare to face away from. "It's the subway trains map," she said. We can't check now but it's surely is, I use them almost everyday." . She watched as his confused face turn into a slight smile.

Finally! She picked up the copy of the map that she drew down after the night they finally broke the code of what the map was. The bitterness of that memory drew her away, knowing their bonding that night felt real to her, his smile grew a flower in her heart but knowing what he did made the flower that once stood proudly wilt away and deflower. Turning she saw one of Junseo's left over jacket on a hand chair hanging, she turned to it and grabbed it in a hurry she needed to leave. She made her way back to her door and turned off the light, she stood still looking back in the room where precious memories were made with her friends, it was another set of memories that she had to close away and put her focus on other things.

She made her way downstairs and walked behind the entire building down the clearing. She made it past the arch and sighed, she was officially out of the Beach which meant the was out of the arena, at first she wanted to stay and get back at Chishiya but there wasn't going to be any time for her to even speak a single word to him tonight. She knew he was going to survive, she just hoped she'd also see Kuina, Arisu, and Usagi alive as well. Then a noise behind her made her senses alarm themselves, she looked back and finally saw the red laser barrier that confined anyone in a game arena form itself. She let out a laugh, she was free.

She was also tired that's for certain and her sore body was aching for a break from the movement she's been doing these past, what seemed like hours. She sighed as she layed against the cement the held the arch, it wouldn't hurt to rest for a little bit and it's not like anyone was going to try and find her. That thought alone made her feel isolated and abandoned, she hadn't realized how much times she's begged for help to the universe, to send someone to her, to help her. Well they did send someone but she let him die and he was her only companion who would help her in any way possible.

She gripped onto the jacket of his that she took from her room before she had quickly fled. It was the only thing left behind from him and she wanted to give him a proper burial rather than to just let him waste away. Surely the jacket would be enough right? She'd hope so, just as she also hoped of his forgiveness because she didn't it as her place to forgive herself. She had let someone whom was precious to her, die on her account again and it was all her fault of what lead to his death. While her mind was too preoccupied with her thoughts, she hadn't heard someone walking down the other side of the cement wall.

It wasn't until she heard a males voice that she jumped and stood still to listen. "Well, I guess I can get rid of this now, too." he said. Then she heard a females voice, "Don't you feel sorry for them? Hikaru and Arisu, I mean.". She connected the voices of her companions, Chishiya and Kuina, it seemed as though the plan worked out. She smiled. "Sorry for them?" he questioned as she hummed "Yeah, I know I do.", Chishiya sighed, "Sometimes we have to do things in order to survive. Making Hikaru believe I didn't care for her was also a sacrifice I made but it was needed for our escape." Hikaru's breathing stopped he cared for her?

The silence between the two also confirmed that even Kuina was taken aback by this sudden confession, "If you're so worried about Arisu, then you should go help him. Hikaru has already made her escape." There was more silence, and heard footsteps come closer to her, she quickly stood up and paused in front of Chishiya who also looked stunned to see her. "Don't," she said, also catching the attnetion of Kuina who came walking up, Hikaru?" she said. "The ten of hearts game is starting." Hikaru said. Chishiya and Kuina looked at her bewildered as they all took a step back and Chishiya threw his locker number through the arch passage seeing a laser beamed as it hit the bracelet passed through.

"Seriously?" Kuina spoke in disbelief as her and Chishiya turned around and glanced all around the sky of the and saw the entirety of the circumference of lasers that wrapped around the beach. Chishiya turned back around and faced Hikaru who was on the other side of the lasers, he looked at her confusingly and helpless almost, her face held a concern gaze that she didn't know was formed, recollecting herself she shifted her face into a lightly hateful one as Chishiya opened his mouth. "How did you know?" he asked, seeing Kuina also face her in a questioning gaze.

She sighed "You wouldn't believe me, but-" she was going to speak further till gunshots filled their ears, they all flinched at the sound, "Now it's your turn to hide, run and survive." she spoke. They both made eye contact with her and nodded as they turned to walk away, but Chishiya stopped in his footsteps and turned towards her. "Are you satisfied? That you gave up someone you supposedly 'cared' about," she mocked. He flinched at her tone before he could respond she spoke "we will meet again Chishiya, don't think for a second that i'll forget what what you did. It's just a matter of time till you see it come back to you.". He slowly nodded trying to avoid her eyes that he knew was full of green envy.

She noticed his eyes, those dull eyes of his that once held smiles for her at some point now held a hint of shame. She felt her face fall in suit, they kept looking at each other until he dropped his eyes from her and walked away following where Kuina went. Hikaru let out a shaky breath as she felt her body also shake, her poor heart hurt at the sight of him.

I hope longer chapters make up for the long wait, seeing the comments absolutely make me laugh thank you!
Hope you enjoyed reading,

Until next chapter!

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