Phoenix of Class B (Slow Upda...

By Peterpotter07

15.1K 273 87

Life can be a cruel thing. That was something One Izuku Midoriya learned from an early age. Living as a quirk... More

Bio/World explanation
Meeting a Phoenix
Insane progress and new friend
From the Ashes rises a Phoenix
The Stoic Girl
The power of a Phoenix
U.A Exam

A Goal for the future

1.1K 25 6
By Peterpotter07

Training at the, now, rather popular Dagobah Beach, in a private area he had made stood Izuku Midoriya. He was both nervous and excited for what he was about try and do.

Today was the day that he would practice flying for the first time. He was slightly glad that his friend Yui couldn't be there so he wouldn't embarrass himself in front of her. She was hanging out with her friend and said that they could meet up at the entrance exam since it was only a couple of days away.

Shaking off his nerves, he began to rethink on all the notes his sensei had left for him.

"Okay so sensei said that I can transform into a large Phoenix or a human-phoenix hybrid at will. So let's try out the hybrid form first since it's the one I'd seen him use."

Closing his eyes Izuku began to swirl his flames around his body. He mainly focused on trying to remember how his sensei had looked when he was in his hybrid form and using that image he began to change his body.

Over the month that he took to practice and train with his new powers, he had become rather adept to being able to use his phoenix flames to a rather high degree all thanks to the notes and instructions his mentor had left for him.

After a few seconds he became excited as he could feel his feet becoming bigger and shaper, showing that he was changing them into talons.

Regaining his focus he began to swirl his flames around his body faster.

As he continued to focus he began to feel as if his arms were expanding and growing, he could also feel the heat of his flames as they began to spread over his arms taking the form of wings.

Even though this process felt like it took a while, he had only been standing there for no more then a few minutes.

Taking a deep breath he opened his eyes and what he saw left him feeling extremely happy and excited.

Looking over his arms and legs Izuku could see that he had been able to pull off the human-phoenix hybrid mode. The only difference was that his wings were a shining green color compared to his mentors blue flames.

Taking a deep breath Izuku looked up to the sky.
"Okay, I guess it's now or never"

Giving his new wings a few flaps to test them out he decided that he was ready to try and fly.

Crouching down Izuku extended both his wings into the air and with one quick motion brought both of them down and succeeded in launching himself into the air, not noticing that he had created a small crater where he was once standing.

While in the air he looked over to the oceans horizon and became mesmerized at what he saw.

He could clearly see the color of the sun reflecting off the blue waves, which combined with his high view point left him amazed at how beautiful it looked.

He was so mesmerized that he didn't even notice that someone was watching him fly in the air with a surprised and shocked look on their face.

Before he could continue to admire the scenery, he suddenly felt gravity taking hold of him and Izuku began to descend from the sky at a rapid pace.

Regaining himself Izuku began to flap his arms up and down and he soon found himself rising back up into the air.

"I think I'm getting the hang of this" he laughed out as he began to soar in the air.

For the next few minutes Izuku was traveling at fast speeds in the sky and he was loving every second of it.

From the wind blowing in his hair, to the rushing sounds he would make whenever he changed directions. Everything about flying left Izuku feeling exhilarated.

Deciding to make his way back to the beach he suddenly realized something that he hadn't thought does he stop.

Panicking and trying to figure out a way to stop Izuku decided that his best bet for now was to just crash into the ocean and swim to shore.

For all the notes he read and videos he watched from his mentor, Izuku hadn't read the notes on the background information on devil fruits that Marco had left him.

Thus, he was unaware of the major weakness of a devil fruit user. That being that a devil fruit user will be practically useless if they are in any type of water that is "still", such as rivers, lakes and if unlucky the large open ocean.

That is why when he crashed into the seawater, he became even more concerned as he felt all his energy leave his body and was soon struggling to stay afloat.

He was in such a panicked state that he didn't even notice that he had reverted back into his regular form.

The more he struggled the more energy he wasted and soon his vision started to dim. But before he lost consciousness he saw what appeared to be vines heading his way and mentally thanked whoever or whatever had seen him struggling and was trying to help him.

???? Later

As Izuku slowly began to regain consciousness he sat up and shook off any remaining cobwebs. He soon became aware of his new surroundings.

Instead of the soft sand that he expected to wake up on, he was instead laying down on a rather soft bed with a blanket covering him.

This confused him at first until he realized that he was almost completely naked except for his boxers which were still covering his privates.

Relieved he looked around and noticed that he was in a rather small room with just the bed he was sleeping on being the only furniture in the room. And in front of him was just a simple wooden door separating him from the rest of wherever he was.

Deciding to get a better picture of his surroundings Izuku closed his eyes steadied his breath and began to focus on his observation haki as much as he could.

It only took a few seconds for the darkness of his vision to begin to change.

He was soon able to see silhouettes of multiple sizes outlined by a blue color begin to appear. Almost all of them appeared to looked like those of young children, with him guessing that the biggest one was the adult.

Focusing more he was able to see that the big silhouette and a couple of the smaller ones were heading his direction, most likely to check up on him.

It wasn't long until he could hear footsteps at his door and with it came multiple voices.

"Hey hey Nii-chan when will mister broccoli wake up?" said a voice that he could guess came from a young girl.

"I don't know dear, but it shouldn't be too long" came the rather smooth voice of who he guessed was the adult.

Soon he could hear the door knob being turned and pretended to just be waking up.

Upon looking at the door he saw a rather beautiful woman with long green hair that was made of vines.

"Oh! Thank the lord perfect timing. Judo-kun can you please go and bring Mr. Midoriyas clothes. They should already be done drying" said the beautiful green haired lady while she turned toward a rather large boy who gave her a mock solute and ran to get his clothes.

Giving her a confused expression Izuku began to wonder just how this pretty lady new his name. However he was soon brought out of his thoughts as he became aware of the children by her side giving him excited looks.

Seeing as the young man was looking confused at the children by her side the vine haired beauty decided to try and explain the situation.

"Please forgive them, they saw me bring you in and have been wondering about the broccoli man since they all saw you" she said while offering the green haired man a soft smile.

"Broccoli man?.....I'm sorry I didn't catch your name Miss.." he said blinking a few times as he realized that he had never got her name

"Sorry about that my name is Ibara Shiozaki" she said offering him a small smile

"Right. Sorry Shiozaki-san, did you know my name?" He asked her while scratching the back of his head. Not noticing that his bare upper body was now visible.

Blushing slightly at how toned his body was, Ibara quickly admonished herself and forced herself to calm down.

Noticing that she was avoiding looking in his direction he looked down and noticed the problem, so moving quickly he covered himself up in the provided blanket and offered her a small "sorry"

Regaining herself Ibara then began to explain how he ended up here

"Well, when I pulled you from the ocean I brought you to an orphanage that I work, that was nearby. And in the process of drying your clothes I was able to get your information from you ID" was her response.

" clothes.....d-did you" Izuku tried to ask but looked away with a blush on his face

Seeing what he was wondering made her face go into a new shade of red with some steam appearing on top of her head.

"N-N-No! O-one of the male a-attendants who was here at the time undressed you" sputtered out the green haired women as her arms were being waved around frantically.

"Nii-chan are you okay?" Asked on of the kids who was by her side

"Yea! Why do both you and Mr. Broccoli have red faces? Are you two sick?" Came the questions of another child that was with the group.

To both of their reliefs the young boy that had left just returned with Izukus clothes now dry and nicely folded.

Taking the other kids with her Ibara left Izuku in the room to change in peace.

After getting changed Izuku stepped outside the room he was placed in and began to make his way around the rather small orphanage until he found his way into what he would have guessed was the living room.

Upon entering all the kids that had been sitting in a circle around Ibara sprang up and surrounded him as if he was some sort of new item none of them had ever seen.

"Hey Mr. Broccoli your finally awake!" came the same young voice he had heard before. This time he was able to see that he was in fact right and that voiced belonged to a young girl with light brown hair done up in pigtails.

What caught his attention about her the most was her two different colored eyes. While her left eye was a dark brown, her right eye was a shiny gold.

As he looked over the group of children he quickly made mental notes on just what type of quirks that they had, mentally noting that they all had some type of mutant type of quirk.

Apart from the large boy Jugo and the little girl he also saw a small orange haired boy with a scorpion tail, a light blue haired girl with wings for arms, a blacked haired boy with horse legs, and a long blacked haired girl with a rather nasty looking scar on her left eye.

All of them looked rather young, maybe no older than 10 years olds. But before he could continue to make more mental notes Izuku quickly found himself being climbed on as if he was an amusement ride by some of the kids.

Seeing as there guest was becoming overwhelmed by the sudden attention Ibara called back the children.

"Come on children, give Midoriya-san some space your making him uncomfortable" at her statement all the children stepped back and gave him a bow with a quick "sorry" and made their way back to sitting in a circle around Ibara.

"Okay now let's finish our reading time and then you can be dismissed for dinner okay" and with that she continued with the children's reading time as they sat around and listened to her.

Izuku sat down and decided to stay and watched as how the women that saved him read to the young children from what looked like an old bible.

As he sat there he became just as mesmerized as the children listening to the green haired women's voice as it dance in the air as she read. The more she read the more he became entranced with her voice.

So entranced was he that it wasn't until the sound of growling stomachs that came from some of the children that he snapped out of whatever trance he found himself in.

"I believe this is a good place to stop for now. Let's make our way to-" before she could finish a nearby phone began to ring interrupting her.

"One moment children" with that said she picked up the phone and even though Izuku couldn't hear what was being said, the sour face that Ibara made was more then enough evidence that it wasn't good.

"Okay......yes don't worry I'll figure something no it's okay thank you for letting me know......okay" with a sigh she put the phone down and with a forced smile addressed the children in the room.

"Unfortunately it appears that an accident happened in the kitchen and we won't be able to go there to eat tonight. I'm sorry children, but I'll think of something" she said while trying not to tear up at the sad faces of the now downcast children.

Seeing as how everyone was feeling sad and deciding that he still owed her for saving his life Izuku coughed into his hand gathering their attentions.

"Well if you'd like I can set up something and cook for the little ones. I'm no master chef, but I can definitely make something delicious" he said while giving all of them his one-million watt smile.

Giving him a questioning look, with a small tint of pink on her face, Ibara was about to ask him what he was talking about, but was beat to it by some of the young kids.

"But how will you do that Mr. Broccoli?" Asked the blue haired girl with wings

"Yea, if the kitchen can't be used then how are you going to warm anything up?" came the question of the orange haired boy with a scorpion tail with the rest of the children nodding with him in agreement.

Chuckling at there questions Izuku stuck his hand out palm raised upward and in a rather showy manner made his green flames appear. "Don't worry kids that's not a problem for someone like me"

After getting out of their shock the children began to jump up and down in excitement. Deciding to let them have their fun Ibara walked Izuku to their pantry where Izuku decided to make something simple but filling.

With Ibaras help Izuku was able to set up a makeshift kitchen outside. While he prepared something's she went on and began to cut vegetables to add to the kids diet and soon the two feel into a rather relaxed routine.

Unbeknownst to the two of them the kids were peaking at the two of them from around a corner.

"Wow.....Nii-chan is really friendly with Mr. Broccoli" came the voice of the long blacked haired girl with a scar on her eye.

" you think she likes him?" Came the question from the black haired boy with horse legs

"Do you mean like or like like" asked the large boy Jugo

"If they get married would that make them our papa and mama?" Came the innocent question from the brown and golden eyed girl

Before the children to continue to ask questions a wonderful smell caught their attention and soon they saw how Izuku and Ibara had started frying up some of the food they brought out.

It wasn't too long of a wait, as in just a couple of minutes the food was ready and they all had a wonderful dinner eating outside and getting to know Izuku better.

"So why do you kids keep calling me Mr. Broccoli?" Asked Izuku as all the kids gave him confused looks

"Because your hair looks like broccoli" came the universal answer all the kids gave him that made Izuku comically face fault.

Chuckling at their antics Ibara was rather happy that an unlucky event had lead the children to having a fun time. Wanting to get to know the person she helped a little more she soon joined the kids in asking Izuku questions.

"So why did you crash into the ocean Midoriya-san. You looked like you were having a fun time flying around, so why chose to stop in such a reckless manner?" She asked noticing that her fellow green haired friend began to sweat bullets.

"Ughh.....well.....would you believe me if I said that was my first time flying" he said sheepishly as she gave him an are you serious look

" test out if you could did it without a backup plan" she said while not once taking her eyes off of his squirming form

"W-well when you put it like that...." slumping in defeat the children around him began to laugh as their Nii-chan looked like a mother scolding her misbehaving child.

"Wait Mr. Broccoli you can fly!" Came the excited voice of the double colored eyed young girl

Snapping out of his depressed mode Izuku jumped up off the ground and walked over to an open area and to the surprise of everyone around, he engulfed himself in his phoenix flames.

This action left the onlookers slightly blinded by the sudden bright light of his green flames.

After a few seconds they were able to regain their vision and what they saw left all the kids with stars in their eyes and Ibara with her mouth slightly open.

Flying slightly above ground was Izuku Midoriya flapping his arms up and down in his hybrid-phoenix form consisting of wings made of green flames and feet now the shape of talons.

"You can fly just like me!" Came the happy voice of the light blue haired girl as she began to fly around Izuku with her own wings flapping up and down in an excited manner.

"Look at us a couple of birds" chuckled Izuku as he watched the little girl fly around him.

As Izuku watched the young girl flying around he was able to see just how she was able to stop herself every time she was about to hit something and decided to try out her technique.

With one strong flap Izuku launched himself into the air and began to gather speed. Then with one quick turn he shot himself towards the ground much to the shock of those watching him.

He began to descend faster and right before he made contact contact with the ground he used the young girl's movement and to his surprise, and those watching him he was able to stop himself right before hitting the ground.

"Yes! It worked!" He cheered as he went back into his regular form and began to jump up and down in happiness.

So lost was he in his glee that he hadn't noticed that he began to hug Ibara in happiness of his success. Leaving the poor women as a blushing mess.

After calming down from his previous happiness Izuku finally noticed that he held a passed out girl in his arms and began to frantically try to bring her back into consciousness. All the while the small children watching them were just giggling at how the two grown ups were behaving.


After cleaning up and preparing for their bed time all the kids later in their respective beds. Girls on the left and boys on the right. However they were all still being a little rowdy.

"But Nii-chan" whined one of the boys

"No buts Mr, it's time for bed" replied Ibara as she finished tucking in the last girl

"Nii-chan can you sing us a goodnight song pretty please?" asked the double colored eye girl while she cutely looked at Ibara.

Cheers of agreements came from all the children and soon the green haired woman found herself stuck between a rock and a hard place. As she tried to find a way to solve her predicament she turned towards her fellow green haired companion and an idea struck her.

"Well Midoriya-san said he had a special song just for you boys and girls how does that sound". Now was she throwing him under the bus?.......sure, but hey she wasn't a singer and who knows maybe he'll be able to give them something nice to sleep to.

Caught off by her announcement Izuku was unable to disagree with her as all the children stared at him with pleading eyes.

It didn't take long for him to cave and with a heavy sigh Izuku walked over to the double colored eyed girl and bent down slightly so they were eye to eye.

"Well little missy since you wanted a song what type do you want me to sing" he asked her with a grin

Giggling at being called missy the young girl took a cute thinking pose for a second before beaconing Izuku to lean close. After whispering her request to him Izuku gave her a large smile and nodded

"I think I have the perfect one just let me see if I can get what I need" with that said Izuku got up and walked to his fellow adult and asked Ibara if they had any instruments that he could use.

To his relief the orphanage actually had a small music closet that had just what he needed. So after getting directions Izuku left the room for just a few minutes and returned with a small ukulele.

Grabbing a chair Izuku positioned himself in a spot where all the young kids would be able to here him sing and began to tune the strings on the old ukulele.

"What are you going to sing Mr. Broccoli?" asked the young blue haired girl with wings

"Well young life you'll often find yourselves being challenged, and sometimes your going to feel like giving up." At this Izuku could see that some of the kids became sad and continued with his explanation.

"But as long as you have love in your heart you can overcome almost anything that comes at you. This song is a little story about how someone's love was able to give them hope for their dream to come true" with one final check of the strings Izuku took a deep breath and began

(Ukulele playing........)

A long long time ago there was a volcano

Living all alone in the middle of the sea

He sat high above his bay watching all the couples play

And wishing that he had someone too

At this all the listeners became excited to here where this tale and song was going to go.

And from his lava came this song of hope that he sang out loud every day for years and years

I have a dream I hope will come true

That you're here with me and I am here with you

I wish that the earth, sea, and the sky up above-a

Will send me someone to lava

Some of the children giggled at how Izuku was playing on the word love, but was using lava instead for the volcano. Even Ibara was lightly chuckling as well.

(Ukulele continues....)

Years of singing all alone turned his lava into stone

Until he was on the brink of extinction

Here some of the children clutched their blankets in fear that something bad was going to happen.

But little did he know that living in the sea below

Another volcano was listening to his song

And just like that everyone listening soon became interested in just who this unknown person was

Everyday she heard his tune her lava grew and grew

Because she believed his song was meant for her

Now she was so ready to meet him above the sea

As he sang his song of hope for the last time

At this the kids and Ibara became sad thinking that the volcano wasn't going to be able to meet the other volcano and live happily.

I have a dream I hope it will come true

That you're here with me and I am here with you

I wish that the earth, sea, and the sky up above-a

Will send me someone to lava

(Ukulele stops)....

At his sudden silence of singing the children were about to ask him to continue to play, until they heard him take a deep breath and he soon continued

(Ukulele continues....)

Rising from the sea below stood a lovely volcano

Looking all around but she could not see him

He tried to sing to let her know that she was not there alone

But with no lava, his song was all gone

He filled the sea with his tears and watched his dreams disappear

At this some of the kids had tears in their eyes believing that the volcano wasn't going to be able to meet his love. But before any of them could start crying they continued to listened to him sing

As she remembered what his song meant to her

At this Izuku looked at Ibara and with his head motioned for her to continue the song.

And although hesitant that she wouldn't be a good singer, the reassuring smile that he gave her washed all doubt that she had and taking a deep sigh she began to sing.

I have a dream I hope will come true

That you're here with me and I am here with you

I wish that the earth, sea, and the sky up above-a

Will send me someone to lava

Hearing their caretaker and Nii-chan sing brought the young children out of their sad moods and soon they were all smiling at how beautiful her voice sounded to their ears

(Ukulele Stops)

Looking over at his companion Izuku gave her his million-watt smile that left a noticeable pink blush appear on her face before turning back to the children who were noticeably sleepier.

(Ukulele continues)

Oh, they were so happy to finally meet above the sea

All together now their lava grew and grew

No longer are they all alone with aloha as their new home

It was at this point that all the children's eyes began to close as the happy ending was allowing them to fall asleep.

And when you go and visit them this is what they sing

Giving each other understanding looks both Izuku and Ibara continued the song


I have a dream I hope will come true

That you will grow old with me,

Although slightly shocked by her taking the lead he just rolled with it and continued with his part

and I will grow old with you

We thank the earth, sea, and the sky we thank too

I lava you

I lava you

I lava you

As Izuku stopped playing all that could be heard were the soft sounds of the children breathing as they had fallen asleep.

Leaving the room quietly Izuku and Ibara made there way outside, giving one last peek into the room and both smiling at the smiles on the kids faces.

"Thank you for doing that for them Midoriya-san" said Ibara as she gave him a slight bow of appreciation

"It okay...although I was a little surprised being put on the spot like that. But I'm just glad that they enjoyed it" he said while he gave Ibara a large smile

"Indeed. Although I must say you have a wonderful singing voice" she said complementing her green haired companion

"Oh r-really! Well thank you, you also had a really p-pretty voice yourself" he said while nervously scratching the back of his head

"Oh?! T-thank you very much" was her reply as she turned away so that he wouldn't see her blush

Now that the two were alone Izuku decided that now was the best time to ask some questions he had and he hoped that he wasn't going to strike any nerves with his green haired companion.

"If you don't me asking you know how they ended up here?"

Seeing the look on her face when he asked made him realize that he indeed struck something, but before he could change the subject Ibara closed her eyes and let out a deep sigh

" you could see all of the children had a mutant quirk........and........."as she looked at the ground fighting tears that tried to escape Izuku was able to put the info together

And what he realized made him grit his teeth in anger

"They.....were abandoned by their parents"

The slight nod that she gave him just made the anger he felt skyrocket and he unconsciously began to release pulses of his conquerors haki.

Taking a few deeps Izuku looked up at the night sky wondering just how heartless people could be, even to there own children.

Seeing as how his companions mood had fallen Izuku decided to change the conversation

"....Hey do you have a dream Shiozaki-san or a goal you want to achieve?" he said in an attempt to calm himself

Looking at the green haired man Ibara contemplated wether or not to tell him her goal as she had always been ridiculed for her beliefs

However she found herself unable to see Izuku as the type of person who would make fun of her. The way he acted with the children and the positive attitude he held just made it impossible for her to see him as someone that would put others down

So with a sigh she decided that she would take a chance

" is to spread the good word of the lord to as many people as I can. It was said in the Bible that he helped those less fortunate then him and I want to be able to follow in his teachings. It's because of that that I want to be a hero so that I can reach as many people as possible while being able to save those that have lost hope" she said as she gazed up at the starry night two scared to look at Izuku in fear of him ridiculing her dream.

Hearing her dream Izuku could only smile. She was just like him, wanting to be able to help those in need. He wasn't bothered by her religion at all. In fact he was once again inspired in finding someone else that had such determined goals to do good and he would never judge others for what they believed in.

"That's an amazing dream to strive for Shiozaki-san not a lot of people are able or willing to put their beliefs into practice. I can already see that you'll reach it in no time" he said with nothing but happiness in his voice

This caught Ibara off guard as she still had some part of her that expected him to be like others and ridicule her dream. Him not doing that just solidified her belief that he was an honest and kind man, something that even she as a follower of god found hard to find in people nowadays

Unbeknownst to his companions thoughts Izuku was thinking back on the conversation of his dream that he had with Marco all those months ago

Sure he always wanted to be a hero to help those that needed help as he knew how that felt like to be the victim. He was always looked down own for not having a quirk and treated less then dirt.

But he was somehow comfortable enough to admit that deep down his dream of being a hero was overshadowed by him wanting to have people around him that he could truly call friends and family

He had always believed that if he was born with a quirk then maybe he wouldn't have had such a negative experience growing up. Maybe his old friend might have stuck with him, and maybe he could stick to his original dream

But here were children that had the thing that others put him down for not having. But even they were being treated as trash left abandoned by the very people that were meant to care and protect them as their own.

If those that didn't have a quirk or those that had undesirable quirks were treated so badly then what was he fighting for.

Was he fighting to protect the same people that would easily turn there backs on others because of their quirks.......was he trying to change their attitude towards those that were different.

He knew from experience that some people just couldn't or wouldn't change no matter how much you tried. So what could he do.


Snapping out of her shock Ibara looked over at the green haired man sitting next to her. She could easily see the turmoil on his face and believing that it had to do with the children and the orphanage she decided to bring the conversation back on that to help him.

"You know.....I pray every night that those children are able to find a place to call home then maybe one day they won't be shunned for something they can't control" said Ibara as she turned her heard head back to the night sky

"....a home huh......."

Letting a smile grace his face Izuku looked back at his female companion

"So.....what is your dream Midoriya-san" she asked him as she noticed he was now looking at her and wanting to hear his dream

Staring at her for a couple of seconds not knowing what to say Izuku decided that he wouldn't think and just let his heart speak.

"You know.....for the longest time I always wanted to be a hero......being able to save everyone with a smile on my face" a sad smile was soon placed on his face as he was talking, but that went unnoticed by Ibara as her gaze was stuck on his eyes

"Others told me that my dreams were stupid and I should give up, because I could never become a hero that could be popular" he said looking directly into her dark green eyes.

As she looked him in the his eyes she could see a multitude of things, hate and loneliness clearly being visible, but were being overshadowed by the bright fire that she could see

So lost was she that she had almost missed what he said next

"To me being a hero was never about being popular. To me being a hero always meant putting others before yourself and helping others.......and because of that I was thrown into a world of hurt.....hurt by the same people that I wanted to help" he said as his eyes slightly lowered

Memories of students he protected from Bakugou and his lackeys flashed in his mind.

After he took the beatings from Bakugou and other bullies, he would always be heart the next time he saw the students he protected, would join in bullying him when they had discovered he was quirkless

" wasn't until I found someone that believed in me that I finally began to understand that sometimes it okay to be selfish and want something for yourself" his soon returned his gaze on her and stood up from the spot that he was sitting on

He soon walked close to her and gave her a heart warming smile

"And what I selfishly want is to build a place where it won't matter who you are or what quirk your born with. I want to build a place were everyone can see each other as family..."

He then held his hand out to the vine haired woman and a determined look

"I'll build a home for those kids and others who are thrown away. I'll build a place that they can call home, a place where they can always smile and be full of hope"

Hearing the determination in his voice made her believe that maybe....just maybe he was what her prayers were asking for.

With that thought going through her mind she made her decision

"Well.........I can't let you do all the heavy lifting now can I" she said as she accepted his hand and lifted herself up.

As the two of them looked at each other, they each gave one another smiles of confirmation

"As one of gods servants I promise that I'll help you build a home for those that this world has discarded, and help them find hope where they have lost it" she said as her voice began to become more and more empowered with ever word

"So Izuku....." she said as both turned to look at the stars in the sky that seemed to be shining brighter then they had ever seen them before

"Let's make them a home that will leave them where their smiles will never waver" she said as she closed her eyes and took in the nights cold breeze

"I look forward to working along side you Ibara" said Izuku as he continued staring at the night sky

With that said the two remained there enjoying the silence until the both of them had to leave to their respective homes now with a clear goal set in their minds.

And with that we've reached the end of this chapter and I hope you enjoyed.

Now I wish for y'all to help me in giving these kids some names or nicknames. I don't plan on having them come up that often, but when I do it'd be better to have some names or nicknames for Izuku to call them instead of me just referring them by there characteristic. So if you have any ideas then please leave your suggestions in the replies.

But other then that I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I wish you all a wonderful morning, afternoon or evening. I'll catch y'all in the next chapter. -6483 words

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izuku midoriya was born quirkless. At first it bothered him because he wished to become a hero. but after receiving a sympathetic lecture from his i...
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