King of Hatred - RWBY

By BeastSix

39.6K 801 133

A child, abandoned by everything.....? Except an old God's blessing.... or curse? More

BIO + Info
Ch. 1 [Bloody Vanta]
Ch.2 [Homey Vanta]
Ch.4 [Hunting Vanta 2]
Ch.5 [Adventurous Vanta 1]
Ch.6 [Adventurous Vanta 2]
Birthday Special
Ch.7 [Adventurous Vanta 3]
Ch.8 [Adventurous Vanta 4]
Ch.9 [Adventurous Vanta 5]
Ch.10 [Bandit's Gaze 1 ]
Ch.11 [Bandit's Gaze 2]
Ch.12 [ Family ]
Ch.13 [Sands of Menagerie]
Ch.14 [Truths, and feathers]
Side story 2
Ch.15 [ Feathers of Spring ]
Ch.16 [ Spring and Summer ]
Ch.17 [ Spring and Summer 2 ]
Ch. 18 [ Spring and Summer 3 ]
Ch. 19 [ Trial of Choice ]
Ch.20 [ Trial of Choice 2 ]
Ch.21 [ no idea for title? ]
Ch.22 [ Trial of Knowledge ]
Ch.23 [Trial of Knowledge 2]
Ch.24 [ Alive ]
Ch.25 [ Exams ]
Ch.26 [Exams 2]
Ch.27 [ Beacon ]
Ch.28 [ Beacon... ]
Ch.29 [ Nightmare ]
Ch.30 [ Nightmare, Dream ]
Ch.31 [ Nightmare, Dream 2 ]
Ch.32 [ Hellish Nightmare ]
Ch.33 [ Hellish Nightmare 2 ]
Ch.34 [ Just a Day ]
BIO 2 [Spoilers]
Ch.35 [ Tri colourfull and Dark Violet ]
Ch.36 [ Tri colourfull and Dark Violet 2 ]
Ch.37 [ Old Truth ]
Ch.38 [ Gluttony of Darkness ]
Ch.39 [ Sliver of Hope ]
Ch.40 [ Creation ]
Ch.41 [ Creation Zwei(2) ]
Ch.42 [ Creation Drei(3) ]
Ch.43 [Creation Vier(4)]
Ch.44 [ True Answers ]
Ch.45 [ Heavy Wounds, Healing Scars]
Ch.46 [ Alive ]
Ch.48 [Tests]
Ch.49 [Just your unaverage day]
Ch.50 [ Lost Memory ]
Ch.51 [ Tears and Quest! ]
Ch.52 [ Hey... ]
Ch.53(A/B) [ Point of Time-Singularity ]
Ch.54(B) [ True Negativity ]
Ch.54(A) [ Scores ]
Ch.55(B) [Prep]
Ch.55(A) [School]
Ch.56(A) [Prologue to a massacre]
Ch.57(A) [Training session]
Ch.58(A) [Once Again]

Ch.3 [Hunting Vanta]

1.2K 27 5
By BeastSix

Hi, author here. Just forgot to add that, in my novels its quite natural for Faunus to have two or three parts of their... "Animal".
I'll add it later into [ BIO + INFO ]

enjoy your time!

*Akira's Pov*

Wait... is he even a god?

Ghira: Today, we will hunt a duo of Ursa's on West, if we'll make it in time we will also go towards the pack of Beowolves South of them. Got it boys?!

Everyone shouts in uproar as we start leaving the tent.

As we leave, I see the streets of Kuo Kuana slowly waking up.


It would be a nice sight... only if I didn't knew most of them hate me for no reason.

As we walk, I'm right behind Ghira, next to Ezekiel and another Faunus.
She's a dark skinned tiger Faunus, with some sort of tattoo-like pattern on her skin?
Sienna Khan was it?

Sienna: What are you gawking at.

She looks annoyed at me.

Me: Nothing, just curious.

I wave her off, as she grabs my eeaarr!! You B*tch!
I instantly reach for her tail and pull it.

She jolts in pain and let's go.

Sienna: I'm going to kill you....
She starts cracking her fists as I get myself bit away, letting go of her tail.

I get myself ready as Ghira turns around and just observes?

He holds his hand up, both of us observe him.

Ghira: Everyone back off, let's let young ones deal with their problems. Is that fine? Sienna? Akira?

We look at eachother and lightly our Aura's flare up.

Everyone stares at us and lightly backs off.

My Dark Violet and her Red-Amber Aura ready....

Sienna: Let's at least keep it somewhat... in honor style.

I only nod.

Sienna: Sienna Khan, I request a duel from the wolf in front of me.
She makes a small bow of respect?

Me: Akira, I accept the tigress duel.
I also make a small bow.

Ghira: Fight.

Both of us slowly get closer to eachother, my sword ready... and her whip?

She swings her whip at me, hitting sand next to my leg and sweeps it up to cover my vision.
I start getting closer and cover my side for a moment...
She rushes at me and sends another whip attack...
I crouch as it swings above me, I rush at her.
And when I'm in range she swings from above... I jump to the side and tackle into her... Getting her straight on the ground, I sit on her chest and grab her hands and pin the above her head.

I smile as she looks calm at me?

Me: How's that?

Sienna: Quite good, who the hell taught you that?

Before I can respond something grabs me from behind and tosses me away...
She jumps up... she used her legs....

Me: Everyone in hunting squad... and that hurt my *ss.

She smiles smugly and rushes at me.
She swings her hand as I block it, but not noticing the leg sweep, I fell down on my stomach.

She gets on me and pins me down.

Sienna: I won.

I look around my hands... but there's nothing except sand.... sand?
I grab a handful of sand and somehow throw it into her eyes.

Sienna: Bastard!

I quickly get off, she's trying to get the sand out of her eyes.
I come bit closer and deliver a punch straight into her nose....
Why is she bleeding...? Her Aura is supposed to defend her?

Me: Your Aura.... it doesn't defend?

As she starts getting up, Ghira stops us.

Ghira: That's what we didn't teach any of you two. Everyone's Aura is different.

Sienna: Duh.

I walk back to my sword and sheath it back, also picking up her whip and giving it back.
Sienna: Thanks.

Me: Different Aura? Explain it, Ghira?

Ghira: After hunt. Just remember, no one is perfect at everything.

We both nod and continue walking west.

(An hour later)

Ghira: Break time, Ezekiel and Myka stay on guard for first 15 minutes. Akira and Sienna will change with you after that.

We all sit down under trees and rest for a moment. All of us are drenched in sweat... it had to be a sunny day?

Another shadow looms over me, I look up and notice that it's Sienna.

Sienna: Free?

She points at spot next to me.

Me: Yeah, sit.

Both of us sit in silence.... we both know how important hunts are.... so do breaks..

Sienna: Great adaptation during the fight, didn't think you would throw sand into my eyes.

Me: I learned that from you.

We look at eachother and start lightly laughing.

Everyone chatters with eachothers, we sit and do maintenance on our weapons... due to our small fight.

(Few minutes later)

I tap Sienna and she turns around to me.

Sienna: What?

Me: It's our turn. Let's go.

She nods, as Ezekiel and Myka are coming to us.

I hold my hand up, and they both turn to Ghira's direction.

We stand up, and keep lookout.....

Sienna: There's no Grimm on my side.

I look a bit... and spot few wild animals.

Me: Nothing.... only animals.

After few minutes of silence, Sienna taps my shoulder. her, I only look at her....

Me: What?

She starts ruffling her hair? Is she nervous?

Sienna: I'll ask bluntly. Why does nearly everyone hate you? I mean, even I feel some sort of displeasure. But I ignore it!

I put my finger on my chin....

Me: No idea, if I knew it. I would confront them about it.

Sienna: Okay, also there's still no Grimm on my side.

I look through my part.... a Deathstalker? This isn't....

Me: Deathstalker on my side one, might be more.

Sienna: I'll report it, there weren't any reported before.

I only nod and observe the Deathstalker....

Sh*t.... it was only supposed to be an Ursa!

Unknown to Akira... his eyes started releasing small amounts of black flames and pulling attention of nearby Grimm....

The deathstalker turns at me.... it didn't spot me? Right?

It starts rushing at me... as behind it... there's the duo of Ursa's which we came here for....

I need to report it....

I get down and rush towards our camp.

I hear a sound of things being moved.
Getting into the camp, I instantly spot Ghira and Sienna.

Ghira: Akira? Wha-

Me: We don't have time! The Deathstalker started rushing straight into my direction... and behind it were the two Ursa's!

Sienna points at me, and I turn around... hearing clearly that the Deathstalker is closer....

Ghira: Everyone, get ready! We have Grimm coming.

We all get on positions.....
And Sienna bumps me.

Me: What?

She points at my eyes.

Sienna: Your Semblance?

I look at her, as if she's crazy.
But Ghira looks at me and his eyes widen.

Ghira: Akira, there's black flame coming out of your eyes.

I try grabbing it, but there's nothing...?

Me: Stop joking... we have Grimm coming.

I get myself ready and wait.... the stomps are getting closer....

A single Deathstalker appears and slowly walks.... towards me?

I stealthily move along bushes... away from it, but it only changes direction.. STRAIGHT AT ME!

Once again, unknown to Akira... the intensity of his emotions started pulling more misfortune than anyone wanted.

Unsheating my sword... I'm ready...

It starts "smelling" around? Searching for some--.....

It just turned at me.....
It starts rushing in my direction, as I choose to climb nearest tree.
It starts hitting the tree, and someone shoots it with an arrow.

It doesn't even stop. This f*cker is focused on me!

Ghira: It's focused on Akira! We need to help!

I can see around.... different Aura's... Earth has risen and blocked Deathstalker's legs and its claws... it tries to stab at me.with it's stinger as I jump down and pierce my sword straight into a small gap.


It starts roaring in pain as I take out my sword, and slash at its tails intersection.

It stopped moving, Ezekiel comes up and checks it.
He holds his right hand open.
"Target Dead"

Me: There's also a pair of Ursa coming.

Ghira: What?

I make a nod.

Ezekiel: Kun! Gather vines! Sienna you will team up with Akira, Kyle and Myka get dust grenades ready!

Ghira: Ark and Kren get your Semblances ready! Akira, Sienna try getting the stinger of the Deathstalker, it's valuable.

Everyone starts moving as me and Sienna nod and start cutting off the stinger.

Sienna: Where was its poison sac?
I point towards middle of its tail.

Sienna: I'll get the sac, you get the stinger.
Me: Got it.

She starts cutting into its tail with a hunting knife, as I take mine out and start cutting into it's tail to cut off the stinger.

We hear roars as, we all turn towards the Ursa's.....
Our guys surround it... but they ignore them...?


We all watch as it starts rushing in our direction...

Me: Sienna, can you move away? I want to check something.

Sennia: Don't die.

She moves away, the Ursa's only glance at her... while getting on all four and start rushing at me!

Ezekiel: Ark! Kren!

They shout roger or something.
Wind cut arm of one Ursa while Earth has locked one in place by its legs.

Ghura: Kun! Vines!

Kun: Ye!

Vines appear from trees and ground, getting a hold of Ursa's.

Me: Sienna! Grenades!

We both dash towards Kyle and Myka, grabbing a dust grenade and throwing them on Ursa's.

There's an icy explosion.

Myka: Good choice.

They pat our backs, and everyone gathers.

Ghira walks up to me and starts checking me and Sienna?

Ghira: Thank Oum! None of you have injuries!

I take his hands off me, and look towards all dead Grimm.

Ezekiel: Ghira, they are not disappearing...

Ghira turns around and looks at Ursa's and Deathstalker.

Ghira: They should at least start dissipating into smoke.... but why wou-

He turns at me, and so do everyone else?

Me: What?

Ghira takes out his scroll and takes a picture of me?
Ghira: I think... it may be your Semblance.

He walks up, and shows me photo of my face.... with black flames out of my eyes?

Sienna walks up and touches the flames but nothing happens.

Ezekiel: Usually, some passive Semblances use Aura, or make you see something differently. Is there anything new?

Me: No? It doesn't feel like that?
Everyone disperses as Ghira told us to rest.

(Smol skip)

Ghira seems to be in a thought, Sienna has went to dig out that poison sac.
And I sit on my a*s. I'm sitting on one of dead Ursa's.

Maybe He knows the answer?
But he also told me to save it.... f*ck that!
It's my question.

(I'm listening)

Do you know why Grimm's bodies are not dissipating?

( I do )

I've thought. It's my question, not yours right?

( I know what you want. But let me say, you might regret it if you waste it now. )

I know. But what's my Semblance, and how do I use it? Tell me.

Suddenly a small bluish thing appears in front of me?

[ Is Individual: Akira ]
[ Sure about his question? ]
[ Yes or No ?]

What's this? You made it.

( I just want it documented, I'll answer your question, if you press yes )

I lift my hand, and press Yes.

[ Confirmed ]

Now answer me.

( Hold your hand in front of a corpse, and say either. Devour, or, however you want to call it )

Maybe tell me what it does?

( Maybe try it? )


( Mutt-BAM )

what was that?


Ashborn....? Are you there?

( Yes.... I'm fine.... )

You sure? That sounded like a frying pan?

( Yes.... it was my wife. )

Oh... can you tell me what it does?

( ... )

Then Grimm not disappearing is part of my Semblance?

( Yes. I will explain more, so go ahead and use it )


I get off the Ursa corpse and went towards Deathstalker first.
Ezekiel and Kun are finishing taking off some armor, and I just wait for them to finish.

Sienna: You've got an idea about your Semblance?
She appears behind me.
Me: Kinda? Ezekiel, Kun. You finished?

Kun: Yeah, need something?

I point at the corpse.
Me: Can you move back?

Ezekiel: Sure? We'll go take the plates off the Ursa's.


(Hold out your hand to it, and say Devour)

Sienna grabs my shoulder sand I look st her.

Sienna: What? I'm paired with you today, so I'll help you.

I smile at her, and respond.

Me: Thanks.

I turn back to Deathstalker.

Me: Devour...... Azkorth.

Giant amounts of black smoke start coming out of my hand.... thankfully... only Ghira and Sienna see my actions.
It circles around Deathstalker body as teeth appear in it... and chomp into it... eating it fast and coming back into my hand.

That's.... I feel kind of energised?

( Your Semblance, allows you to Devour bodies, and earn good things from them)

Thanks. I'd probably never find out what it is, myself.

I'm suddenly pulled out of my thoughts by Sienna's grip.

Sienna: What was that?!?

Ghira sprints towards me, with... a worried look?

Ghira: Akira, is everything alright?

I clenched my fist a bit, feeling the energy in me.

Me: Yeah? I actually feel better than before.

Ghira: Are you sure this is safe?

Is it? Ashborn?

( it is )

Me: Yes, I'm 100% sure.

He only looks at me, and then at Sienna.

Ghira: We are hunting the Beowolves pack then.

I nod, and start moving towards the dead Ursa's.

Sienna and Ghira follow behind me, as we are walk up to the bodies, Ezekiel and Kun turn around and salute towards Ghira.

Ghira: Ezekiel, take Kun and two more, and deliver Grimm bone plating to Kuo Kuana.

Ezekiel: Yes sir. Good luck with Beowolves.

Ghira nods, as two more came here and took the plates to Kuo Kuana.

Ghira: Try again, you need to know limits of your Semblance. It's strength, and it's weakness as fast, as its possible.

I make a nod and extend my hand, as smoke starts coming out... slowly.

Ghira: It's not working?

I move my head sideways.

Sienna: Maybe it has a catchphrase? You did say Devour and Aszh- Azk-! Ugh I can't spell it. For Oum sake!

( She's smart, now, you can ask anything about your Semblance, but I won't answer anything else )

Sure, Mr. I got hit by a frying pan.

Me: Devour, Azkorth.

Like last time, smoke appears, teeth in it.
It eats both Ursa's and comes back to me.

And I feel.... energised again? It's only a little bit more than before, but there's more.

Ghira: Azkorth? How did you come up with its name?

How? I didn-

( Natural thing, say you just felt like it. Now, goodbye )

Me: Just felt like this was natural?

Sienna and Ghira look at me in disbelief....

I look at them, and respond annoyed.

Me: I wouldn't lie to you, Ghira. Nor to Kali or Blake, and you know that.

Sienna: Oi! What about me!

I look at her, she's jealous?

Me: Aren't you too old?

She grabs my shoulder and starts shaking me.

Sienna: I'm! Not! Old! I'm only two years older than you!

She finally stops, as I'm trying to catch my balance.

Me: Okay...

Ghira chuckles on the side as everyone watched our small exchange.

Ghira: Okay everyone! Let's move out! Keep your eyes open and ears tensed!

Have a nice day/night

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