Three Bad Musketeers

By AlmondHerserys

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Alyssa, Ashley, and Adelina have been best friends for years. They've been in the foster system majority of t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52

Chapter 30

86 2 0
By AlmondHerserys

"I work with f*cking idiots!" I yell throwing tools at them. My henchmen ducked in response and fear washed over their faces. "I ask you two of you to kidnap her at the store, you failed that and got beat with a damn frying pan!" I breathe heavily from all my anger. I grip the hammer in my hand, "You failed to burn her inside the house as well!" I through the hammer towards the wall, the hammer managing to stay indented in the wall.

"Guess we'll have to do things ourselves" I evilly smirk over to her. She grins at me, "About time, I've been waiting to get my hands dirty" she walks over to me. She kisses me as I grab her a*s. I release her as the door opened to the facility. Josh and Nick walked in, empty-handed.

"Well? Why don't have the old man?" I ask as they come over to the table. They took out his phone placing it in front of me, "The old man threw his phone out the window and his laptop was found with some homeless man" Josh places the laptop down as well.

"Have you looked through it to see where he was headed?"

"Yes, we even asked Eric to go through deleted files and all the technology bullsh*t too. But Adelina and Dean have reached out to him wondering where he is"

"So we have nothing on him? No leads?"

"No" they both replied in sync together. I sigh in frustration but then an idea popped into my head. "What if we use his phone to text Adelina, use him as leverage," I say smirking and my men grin at me. "Get on it," I say to them and they nod in response, I walk away heading out the door.

We had been here for hours talking over plans and strategies to take him this motherf*cker down.

"First, we need to find where he's operating and then give him a surprise attack!" Alyssa said to Sean as Sean shakes his head, "Why can't we just attack him or burn his house down like he tried to do to Adelina".

I heard the two discussing with each other. I place my elbows on the table, lean a bit, and cover my face from exhaustion. I felt a tap on my shoulder, I look up to see Dean. "Hey, I got a text from Mr. K did you get one?" he asked me showing his phone screen. I look at the message and it read: Hey, I'm fine I'm staying at a friend's house for now just about 20 miles out of town. How've you been?

I grab my phone from my pocket and see no text message. "Huh, guess he just texted you. I don't have anything yet", Dean makes a reply to him. We just wanted to make sure he was safe. "Hey, we never went to check out the grave sight where they said your grandpa was buried. If you still believe Mr. K is your grandpa" I tell him as he just sighs.

"We need to talk to my mom about it"

"Well we aren't doing anything at the moment let's do it now"

"I-I..okay yeah, you're right" he was hesitant at first before agreeing. I grab the file on Mr.K we had made from Jessica's files from her dad and the policies. We headed over to the living room and saw his parents talking to Sean's parents and Kaylee. We stand in the entranceway as Dean's dad looks over, "Do you guys need something?"

There was silence and I look at Dean he was frozen causing everyone in the room to stop talking and look at us. I nug him a bit. He snaps out of his thoughts and replies "Yeah, we need to talk alone with you and mom".

"You guys can use the office upstairs," Sean's dad said as Dean's parents got up and thanked him. We all headed upstairs into the office and sat down on the couches. "So what's going on?" Ruben asked us. I coughed a bit and nug Dean once again for him to start talking.

"Mom, I want to talk to you about grandpa" Dean finally spoke and Jessica's face slowly turned.

"What about him sweetie?" She sighs rubbing her hands on her thighs.

"I think he's alive" he confesses nervously messing with his fingers.

"That's impossible" Ruben spoke up before Jessica said a word.

"Why do think he's alive?" Jessica says firmly.

"Because of this," I hand her the file as she takes it.

"Mom, I believe Mr. K is grandpa. I and Adelina have found photos of you and grandma and our house inside his house. I wasn't convinced until I saw this photo" he hands her the photo of herself as a kid and her locket with the writing on the back, "Mom, that is you, you can't deny it. I also went into dad's old file room and saw Mr. K's police report plus the death certificate and I think he faked his death"

Jessica's eyes were watery and her face was full of mixed emotions, "H-How? There's no way I saw him die in front of my eyes. I saw him in the casket and watched them bury him!" Her voice cracked as it began to rise. Ruben tried to soothe her by rubbing her back but it wasn't helping.

"Mom, I don't know but that's what I think. Why would he have these photos of you and grandma? Plus he had a leather jacket that has the words 'Killer' on it".

At the moment Jessica's face turned white like a ghost and her breath hitched, she looked at Ruben. "Where is this Mr. K?" Ruben asked us as Jessica started crying. I saw the guilt on Dean's face as he saw his mom cry.

"We don't know but we think we should visit the grave sight and see," I told Ruben and Jessica snapped her head towards me. "You are not unburying my dad! There is no way I'm allowing you to unbury him!" She stands up quickly upset and walks out of the room.

"Mom wait-" Dean attempts to say getting up but he sat back down.

Ruben sighs and sat in silence, "I'll talk to her but I think you should look at the grave sight" he said to me, and Dean and I sat there in shock. Did he really just say that?

"Do you think he's alive?" I ask leaning in more.

"Why do you think I had that file? Before I got kicked out of the CIA I couldn't help but wonder if he was. A little over a year had gone by after Dean was born, and I kept seeing the same car outside of our house for days and when I caught a glimpse of the guy in the vehicle it looked just like Jessica's dad".

"Did you tell Jessica?"

"I did but she was in denial, which I expected. Her dad's death took a big toll on her"

"We'll go check out the grave sight tonight," Dean tells his dad. Ruben walks out of the office leaving Dean and me alone.

"Well, that didn't go as expected," Dean said as we both stand up. "At least we told her" and he just mumbles 'yeah' under his breath. We head back downstairs and we see Sean at the door with Alyssa and in their hands was Chinese take-out. Thank God! I was starving. Everyone including me was seated at the table stuffing their faces.

"So do we have a solid plan yet?" Ashley asked while passing me orange chicken.

"No, we need to first find where he's operating and stalk him to see how he moves. We also need to be smart though, because I don't want anything to backfire on us" I say pouring the orange chicken onto my plate.

"All we have to do is follow him from his house. We know where he lives" Alyssa says before taking a sip of her drink. I forgot I knew where he lived.

"I didn't even think about that but he's smarter than that. I bet the place is packed with security" I state while stabbing my orange chicken with the fork.

"We'll scoop the place out tonight and see what happens" Sean adds as we all agree. After eating, Dean's dad found a blueprint of his house and we started to make plans on where to hide out. I wore all black, picked up my hair, wore a baseball cap, and had a scarf mark for later on. "We leave at 9:30," I tell everyone as they nod. The block read 8:45 pm and Dean comes over to me, "We're leaving now right?" he whispers and I just nod. I walk over to Alyssa and Ashley, I lean in close to them "We'll meet you guys there we have other business to take care of".

Ashley and Alyssa looked at each other in question, "Okay, but be on time" Ashley says before I walk away. I hop in the car with Dean and speed off.

We arrived at the grave sight and for being a town it was f*cking huge. "How are we going to find his tomb?" I tell Dean while getting off the car, and grabbing the shovels. Dean took a photo out of his pocket, "Well according to this picture it's by a huge tree" he then look around to see there are a bunch.

"Let me see it" he hands me the photo and I analyze it for a few seconds. I see by the tree there was a trash can, a permanent and the tagging on it had numbers for the aisle marker. Aisle 466.

"Look here, we need to find that aisle" I point to the trashcan in the photo.

"Let's get looking" we walk together in search of the damn trashcan. We then come to realize that the tree was also next to a building, which helped us redirect our focus. The ground was muddy from the sprinklers. I almost slipped my a*s almost touching the floor luckily Dean caught me by the arm while my other hand rested on a cold stone. I look down grab my flashlight and gasp, "Dean, I think we found it".

Dean helps me stand up as I light up the tombstone. The name read Dean Killer. Dean looked like he had seen a ghost. "This is insane" Dean said panicky turning to me. "Look, we've gotta see if he's really in there or not, what if it's a fake body?"

"We what if we get caught?"

"Who cares? We've both in jail already"

"True but-

"It's not in there" a voice cut him off coming from behind. We slowly turn around scared sh*tless out of our pants and see Mr.K himself in the flesh.

"Mr. K, thank God you're alive" Dean huffs out in relief as he goes up to hug him.

I stood there memorized at what he said, "what do you mean it's in there? How would you know that?"

Dean's ears perk up and he backs away from a nervous-looking Mr. K.

"I know because-

He got cut off by a dodge ram truck tires screeching and its headlights coming in our direction blinding us. I see a guy with an Ak-47 come out of the sunroof and point his gun out at us.

"Run!" Mr. K said before we ran as the shots fired aimed at us.

We continued to run and hide between trees and huge cemetery headstones. We finally made it to the car with Mr. K by our side. Dean turns the engine on and the truck began to drive in our direction. Dean shifts the gear of the 1972 Dodge challenger in reverse fast out of the cemetery and shifts back to drive once we're in the street again.

"Who the hell were those guys?!" Dean yells looking through the rearview mirror.

"I thought I had lost them, listen kids the real reason I took off was for my safety but mostly because I was being stalked and followed. I left town for a good while until they hunted me down" Mr. K explains as we drive faster. I look out my window and see the truck on our a*s and not flowing down.

"Well, at least you found us on time," I said cocking my gun.

"I got your text earlier but I didn't know I'd see so soon," Dean says as he's trying to lose the truck.

"What text?" Mr. K said gripping our seats to lean in and make sure he heard correctly.

"Yeah, the text you sent me earlier about your staying at a friend's house"

"That wasn't me, I threw my phone out into the road so I wouldn't be tracked"

Dean glances over at me and all I could think of was what the f*ck.

"Then who was it?" Dean says as the men in the truck began to shoot at us.

"Guessing it's the same people who are chasing us"

Mr. K and I both lean out the windows with our guns. I aimed for the driver, I sucked in my breath holding my gun positioned against the roof of the car. Just as I'm about to shoot another truck pulls up from the right side with more guys inside.

"Sh*t" I hissed getting back inside the car. I get my phone and call Ashley for backup.


"Adelina! What the hell is going on!?" She yells back hearing the gunshots in the background.

"I don't have time to explain, I'm sending you my location. We're in a car chase"

"We're on our way" With that she hung up.

I load up the AR-15 and pop out of the window once again. Mr. K looked back at me, "you got another one of those?"

"There's an AK-47 under the seats" he nods and quickly goes back in to retrieve it.

As we both shot at the trucks, only a couple of guys were down. The swerving and bumps we received from Dean driving the car weren't helping. I sucked in my breath once again aiming for the driver. My fingertip pulled the trigger as the bullet left the barrel of my rifle, the driver's head flew back as it pierced through his head. The truck lost control and rolled over with the rest of the guys inside.

A roaring engine came from behind the other truck as I saw Alyssa in her 1979 ford mustang with Ashley, Ethan, and Sean. We all shoot at the last truck and watch it crash into the bridge wall. From a distance, you could hear sirens. Alyssa followed us through the back streets and parked inside a parking structure. We turned the cars off and ducked as the flashing lights passed by the structure. After waiting for about five minutes, I got off the car with Ashley to scope the area. Making sure there weren't any cops waiting or hiding for us. The coast was clear as we headed back to the car. "We're going back to Sean's place but we'll both take different ways"

"Okay, see you there"

I opened the door to the car and see Dean absolutely pissed off. His hands were on the stirring wheel gripped so tight his knuckles were white, his jaw was clenched, and the vein on his neck was popping out. I slid into my seat and look back at Mr. K who was also pissed off, his arms crossed over his chest and looking out the window. I slam the door shut and look at Dean, "Did something happen while I was gone?"

"No" they both stubbornly said in sync. I roll my eyes and chuckle at them.

"What?" Dean asked snapping his head at me.

"Oh nothing, you guys are more alike than I thought" I snicker with a grin on my face. Dean just grumbled before putting the car in reverse and into drive. The car was silent for a while before I spoke, "So, you guys going to tell me what really happened in here or are we going to do this the hard way?"

The tension, silence, and glares between the two were killing me. Mr. K opened his mouth but closed it shut.

"Well, aren't you going to tell her?!" Dean raised his voice, catching me off guard. Mr. K didn't say a word and continued to look out the window.

"He's my grandpa, Adelina. He's been hiding for eighteen years and didn't even tell me!"

"I was trying to protect you!" Mr. K finally opened his mouth and responded.

"You call that protecting? I've worked for you for three years and you just forgot to mention that you're my grandfather!" Dean stepped on the gas harder accelerating the car, my head flew back a bit against the headrest.

"You don't understand kid"

"Do you have any idea what my mom went through?!"

"I said I was sorry! I was trying to keep you all safe!"

"Sorry doesn't cut it!"

"I f*cked up I know but when we see your mom I'll explain

"The hell-

Dean didn't get to finish his sentence as the sirens and lights flashed behind us. Dean pulls over as the cop does the same. Mr. k and I put the guns away as fast as we can unsuspiciously. I kept my pistol under my thighs just in case this turned into a sh*t show. Dean kept his hands on the wheel as the cop walked up to the window. Dean rolled down the window, "Sir, do you know how fast you were going?"

"No officer I wasn't"

"You were going ninety-five in a fifty area" He shined his flashlight at me and Mr.K making just to check the vehicle.

"I'm sorry officer I didn't realize"

"I'm going to need your license and registration" Dean pulls out his wallet handing him his license, "I'm going to reach other to the glove compartment for my registration" the officer watches him slowly as he retrieves the paper. Dean hands the paper to him as he takes it over to his vehicle. I could see how irritated Dean was, the officer came back with his stuff and a ticket.

"Next time watch your speed son, have a goodnight"

"I will thanks" Dean grumbles before getting back onto the road. Nothing else was said the rest of the car ride back to Sean's. Once we arrived, we saw Dean's dad waiting for us. Getting off the car I could see Ruben's reaction, he was in shock to see his father-in-law alive.

"Hey Ruben," Mr. K said sticking his hand out. Ruben shakes his hand and walks beside him as we enter the house. Everyone was around the island talking and planning out our next move. Ethan and Ashley gave us looks like 'who the f*ck is this guy?' I chuckled and mouthed 'Just wait'. Jessica's back was facing us, Mr. K went up and tapped her shoulder. She turns around and she's in complete shock, her mouth opened but nothing came out. She blinked a couple of times, "Dad?"

"Dean?" Kaylee spoke in shock.

"Hi, sweetie" He spoke to Jessica with watery eyes.

"This is a dream right?"

"No, Jess I'm real" she touched his leather jacket and backed away a bit.

"How? You died in front of my eyes! I saw them bury you!"

"Honey, I know this is a lot but you need to let me explain"

She just nods and wipes some of her tears away. Everyone else was in shock too. The room was silent and the presence was awkward. Jessica cleared her throat, "Come on Dad let's go into the living room. You to Dean"

Ruben followed behind them as he shut the doors behind them.

My mom, dad, and I sat across from Mr. K. There was silence once again, my mom was astonished as I grew more irritated, "Well explain" I spat out at him. My mom noticed my attitude toward him and nudged my arm. I ignored her nudge and just glared at him.

"Alright, I'm not sure where to begin"

"You can begin with why you pretended to be someone else and never mentioned how you're my grandfather. Why did you do it?"

"Dean" My mom snapped at me.

"No, mom he needs to explain himself. I worked for this guy for three years and he failed to mention that he was my grandfather!"

"Wait, this is the Mr.K?" My dad points standing up and I nod my head.

"What the f*ck" my dad mumbled under his breath.

"Look! I can explain just, please sit down" My dad sighed before sitting down.

"After I was shot and rushed to the hospital, the doctor had confused families. But I wasn't I had amnesia from the accident. I knew who I was but couldn't remember my family. This nurse named Angela helped me get my memory back but by the time I could fully remember it had already been two years. Through the two years of trying to get my memory back, I had gotten death threats from someone. I couldn't figure out who at first but I found out it was Luna's dad's brother. He had been watching me and found out I wasn't dead. He threatened to kill you guys. I tried to find the son of b*tch but once I did he would slip away. Before I went to hiding completely I went by to visit the house, I saw how happy everyone was and then I saw my grandson in the front yard playing with his father. It broke my heart, I wanted to be there. But as I was watching everyone I received a photo of myself watching the house. That's when I knew I had to leave and never come back. I moved to Montana for a while, then Washington, Ohio, and New Mexico, you get the point. Everywhere I went he followed he hunted me down until one day I got him. I killed his whole family as well. Sounds harsh but I didn't want this carry-on anymore. Once I had accomplished my mission, I came back home and everything had changed. I decided to buy a home and open a small business. I had to lay low and tried to get myself back into the family but I realized how grown up you'll have become. I couldn't just waltz in and say Hey I'm alive so I decided to recruit Dean as a side worker and got to know more about what I've missed"

"But I saw your body in the casket," My mom says to him.

"It was a fake body, I had found out Lunda's dad's brother paid off the city corner to make a replica of my features. I also killed the corner for allowing that to happen"

"Dad you could have just come to us and explained this in the very beginning"

"No, it was too dangerous at the time. But I was going to tell you all but then I got threats again and my house got destroyed. I fleed again to protect you all. But when I saw the news of the shooting at the rose shop I had to come back. I did and watched you guys over the last couple of days. But when your house was set on fire, I was exhausted and accidentally fell asleep. Look, I just hope you all can forgive me for the choices I made"

"Of course, we forgive you. We know you wouldn't harm us, all you wanted to do was protect us" My dad spoke as we all stood up.

"I have to tell mom," My mom said to her dad.

"Yeah, I wonder how she'll react. Did she remarry?"

"No, dad she never remarried. Despite the dates she went on, she said nobody made her feel the same way you did"

He stood there in silence with a smile on his face. My mom leaped into his arms giving him a hug at first, he didn't respond due to his shock but he hugged her back.

"I've missed you dad" My mom sobbed into his neck.

"I missed you too my little girl"

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