Hourglass [Quintessential Qui...

Kiriyarin_ द्वारा

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Each of them has their own stories, their own choices. A lot of new characters, new choices and new events, t... अधिक

Chapter 1 - White Memory
Chapter 2 - The Beyond
Chapter 3 - Trouble Divided Into Five
Chapter 4 - Butterfly Effect
Chapter 5 - Stars Collide
Chapter 6 - Reflection
Chapter 7 - Encounter
Chapter 8 - All Sides
Chapter 9 - Trickster (Ⅰ)
Chapter 10 - Trickster (Ⅱ)
Chapter 11 - Preliminary
Valentine Special - Foudre
Chapter 12 - Ignite
Chapter 13 - Crisis Management
Chapter 14 - Siren's Song
Chapter 15 - Promise
Chapter 17 - Confession and the Charming Maid (Ⅰ)
Chapter 18 - Emotions and the Forgiven Maid (Ⅱ)
Chapter 19 - Trouble in Paradise (Ⅲ)
Chapter 20 - Cast Away (Ⅳ)
Interlude Chapter - Friends All Over the World
Chapter 21 - Queen of Hearts (Ⅴ)
Chapter 22 - New Beginnings ( Ⅵ )
Chapter 23 - Someday in the Rain
Chapter 24 - Make a Spell
Chapter 25 - Darkness Falls, a Star Is Born
Chapter 26 - Calamity Fortune
Chapter 27 - Tales of Snow
Chapter 28 - The Melancholy of Nakano Nino
Chapter 29 - Lost & Found
Chapter 30 - Break a Spell (Ⅰ)
Chapter 31 - Break a Spell (ⅠⅠ)
Chapter 32 - Connection
Chapter 33 - Operation: True Love
Chapter 34 - A Few Mistakes Ago
Chapter 35 - Dandelions
Chapter 36 - Heartstrings
Chapter 37 - Through Rose-Colored Glasses
[Part 1 Finale] Chapter 38 - For Whom the Bells Toll
Chapter 39 - Begin the Offensive
Chapter 40 - Roll Like We Used To
Interlude Chapter - Whims of Fate (I)
Chapter 41 - The ABC's of Live
Chapter 42 - Trouble Multiplied By Five
Chapter 43 - Calliope (I)
To You, The Worthless Excuse
To You, The Absolutely Worthless Excuse
To You, Who Awaits The Snowmelt
To You, What Hidden Behind Your Eyelids

Chapter 16 - Echoes of Betrayal

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Kiriyarin_ द्वारा

''All the time we spent together...Asuka! There's something I need to tell you! I lo-''


- - -


''Listen , you're going to regret what you're about to do.''

I want to respond to Itsuki's feelings...but not like this. Everything will be ruined since midterm exams are just around the corner. If I start dating Itsuki, her lessons will be negatively affected, on top of that they probably kick me out of the house when her sister finds out...

''N-no...This c-cannot be...''

Trembling hands, clenched teeth. Denial and sadness. I'm used to seeing these, Itsuki's eyes widened after my words. But I have no choice... Just one more week...

''A-ah, t-this c-cannot be real.'' She started to stutter.

The only feeling I felt was the sadness of hurting someone else, which I'm starting to get used to back in the days. It's different this time. I want to cry. I want to shout. I want to throw myself out of that window. But no. Not this time, Itsuki always thinks she's being helped, but no. Itsuki ... she probably helped me more.

I have to explain the situation to her. Just one more week.

''Itsuki listen t- ''


''How could you say that! I gave you my all...I trusted you. I OPENED MY HEART TO YOU!''


Hurt. Itsuki slapped me before I could even speak. It hurts, but does it hurt physically or emotionally? No one can hear because it's midnight...but this doesn't comfort me, not even a single bit. I was leaning against the window and stare on her face. I could see the despair and anger in her eyes; she's probably throwing a tantrum because of me...

''I trusted you... and those nights...'' Itsuki started punching my chest. It doesn't hurt, her slow fists. She's crying so bad, what am I going to do...

 I stay silent.


''I hated you both when you first came... I was very sure that you were just people trying to approach us for money. You two weren't the first...'' Itsuki was just mumbling  now, as the screams faded into quiet murmurs. ''But my mind had changed... After everything you've done for us.''


''I was thinking about the worst-case scenario at the time. Just another tutor who will remain as trash and then flee from us...It's been like this ever since our mother passed away.''


''I was even ready to help Nino get rid of you two...Yet *sob* I failed. Because of you... Why couldn't you just be a scumbag like Uesugi? Why did you have to be like this...''


Her little fists don't hurt me anymore. I can't talk. She has all her feelings for me in those fists, if I speak... I don't know. I'm just scared.

''Why did you have to be like this! This is worse than the scenario I've ever imagined... Why did you have to be the man of my dreams...Every time we talk alone, every time you encourage me and every time I cry alone at my desk.''

Please stop, don't speak any more. I'm a scumbag, just like every man in the world.

''I had to protect this family but I failed. I fell in love for an outsider... Tell me, Asuka. What do I lack from other girls? Am I not beautiful? Am I too clingy? I know I'm not as pretty as my sisters...''


''Say something...''


''Say something, please...'' Itsuki grabbed my collar, it hurts.


''SAY SOMETHING!'' Itsuki raised her hand to slap me one more time. But you know what? I have more to say...



''Kya! A-Asuka... you're hurting me...Itta-''

As soon as Itsuki raised her arm, I grabbed her arm and pulled her close to me, pinning her against the window. She was no longer holding me; I was holding her. I'm still scared. All I'm going to say is that it could ruin everything and destroy the last glimmer of hope that's left in me, but that's what you call gambling, isn't it?...

''One week.'' I said.


''Give me a week, when the midterms are over...Being in a relationship right now is just going to ruin us both, don't you see?'' I cannot speak louder, just mumbles and whispers. Because if I push myself harder, I'll break her.

''I don't believe you. I have no reason to believe you anymore.''

''I don't give a fuck. I'll come to you of my own will in a week. Please don't ask me to talk now...'' I can't think properly. If I ruin this moment, there will be no going back. Please Itsuki, you need to understand this the most.

''I trusted you, you tore me apart...''

''No, I-''

''I won't tell anyone about this. You can be their tutor, I'm not going be part of your sessions.''

Itsuki pushed my arm where I was holding her at the window, and she walked away from me to her own room. The anger and sadness in her eyes turned into cold. Two emotionless eyes passed me without even looking at me.

''Good night Shoji-kun.''



I wonder how many hours it's been... It's been long past midnight. I cannot sleep, my bed is comfortable enough, but my eyes just won't shut themselves. I'm watching the city from the high balcony. This view was something I've always admired, but all I see today are ridiculous piles of concrete causing light pollution.

''What was the lyrics?...Yes, russian roulette isn't the same without a gun.''

For God's sake... Would jumping over here solve all my problems?


''Huh...Hi Fuutarou...''

''It's far past midnight, what are you doing?''

''Just enjoying the city view.''

"You're not even looking at the view..." Fuutarou's voice interrupts my thoughts as he walks next to me.



We stand alone under the city's glorious lights that turn night into day. I don't want to talk, but my heart is pushing me. ''I'm a terrible person, aren't I?''

"What the heck are you talking about? Where did this come from all of a sudden?"

''Just answer me asshole.'' I said.

Even Fuutarou realized that something serious was going on. He sat next to me and stared at my face.

''I don't think you are. I won't ask what happened, but no. I definitely don't think you are a bad person Asuka.'' Fuutarou stated as he turned his gaze to the cityview and smiled.

''How can you be so sure?''

''Are you kidding me? How many years have we been together with you? I know I'm not the best at socializing, but I've spent enough time with you to know you're not a horrible person.''

''What if it's just all a mask of faux bravado...''

''Impossible. Someone who lives with lies would never help anyone that much. Not to me, not to the quintuplets, or to those around them. Don't you see the people at school? They come to you first when they have a problem. Unless we count the love confessions, of course. Sometimes I say, I wish I was someone like you. We're both clever, but I'm not attractive or handsome, I can't play sports, and I'm not especially social...''

Fuutarou put a hand on my shoulder and smiled. I lifted my head, I'm not crying. It's just enough. I'm just tired of everything.

''Are you serious?''

''Definitely. I can't tell you how lucky I am to have you as my friend. I guess people at school aren't messing with me because of you and Kazuma.''

''Fuutarou you...''

Fuck, my eyes.

''Asuka, you okay? Maybe we should go ins—'' 

I grabbed his colar. I don't remember what happened next.

It's just wet.

''...My eyes...D-Dammit...''

{ 5 Days Later }

"Thank you for agreeing to talk to me. That means... a lot."

"You're talking like I have another chance, you came to me. Again."

"Sorry, Fuutarou is with the quints now, and I don't want to go there right now."

"You already know where I am. There's no need to hiding from you anyway."

The roof of the academy is an area strictly forbidden to students. But for some students who do not follow this rule, the roof is actually a secret paradise. A personal space where no one bothers you.

I don't have much reason to be there, but it's always the first place I look when searching for someone specific.

"Kazu-chin, I..."

"If you want to tell, speak. Otherwise I don't care."

"Rude as ever—Whatever." I sighed deeply. We spent five days studying with the quints, but as Itsuki said, she didn't attend any of our sessions. That night was the last time I saw her face.

"I just broke someone's heart..."

Kazuma facepalmed followed with an eye roll. "Yeah, like...fucking 40% of the girls at school are afraid to hang out with boys because of you. So, nothing new?"

"N-no! Not like that! This one is serious... She was the last person whose heart I wanted to break and I screwed up so bad...You should have realize I came to YOU for a love advice."

Kazuma isn't someone who is into girls. Of course, not in that sense. He's just not interested in anyone...since...Anyway, that's a story to tell later.

"Now that I think about it..." Kazuma took a pack of cigarettes from his jacket pocket and placed one in his mouth. He really doesn't care how many times we tell him that smoking is bad for him. "Star girl, right?"


"I just connected the dots. You've been hanging around with the starry one at school ever since those girls showed up.''

His memory can be classified as superhuman. Kazuma never forgets something he saw once. I've even heard that he didn't have Infantile amnesia. A terrifying talent.

I nodded my head slowly, there is no way to deny it. I really need to talk to someone. Otherwise I'll lose my mind.

"We had an argue with her days ago, she said she love me and I rejected her..."

"And what's so special about this one?" He asked.

"Because that's not the answer I wanted to give! Everything could have gone wrong if I had accepted her there! Fuutarou must have told you what her father said to us. If we don't help them pass, we'll be fired. I can't take that!"

As I spoke, Kazu-chin inhaled from his cigarette, the ember glowing momentarily, and then he released a deep exhale, watching the smoke blend into the cold wind, carrying away our worries for just a moment. "And you rejected her so that she could focus on her studies. Wise move, but you still haven't told me why it's ruined you so much. You've been like a zombie for a few days."

"The reason—" The only reason I thought about for five days. There's no point hiding anymore. "I love her."

I can't run away from the truth anymore. I like Itsuki, these five days have given me enough time to think.

Kazu-chin squinted his eyes slightly. He doesn't seem very surprised. I admired this aspect of him.

"You came to take my advice, didn't you? Sorry, but I'm not going to help you with this, tch."

"But I—"

"But I can tell you my personal opinion. She doesn't hate you."

"...How can you be so sure?"

"You said you went to the quints' house even after you had a fight with her. Hate is a strong word, Asuka. If she hated you, she would have told that to her sisters and ban you from their house."


"But if she's chosen to remain silent, the only logical explanation is that she doesn't hate you. Or she may be planning a huge revenge on you, but it's unlikely."

These words put my heart at ease for some reason. If Itsuki doesn't hate me, then I still have a chance to fix my relationship with her.

"Do you think I can make it? Fixing everything...?"

"I've never seen you fail with girls. Aren't you the charming prince?"

Now do you understand why Fuutarou and I are friends with him? Even though he's a total jerk and twisted, he supports us when necessary.

Said the words I needed, it's getting hard to hold back my tears. I'll fix it, I'll definitely fix the mess I made!

"Kazu-chin, u-uwa...! C-can I hug you?" I opened my arms wide.

"If you take one more step, I'll throw you off the roof."

"Sir, yes sir...Hehe~ And what's going on between you and Ichika?"

Kazuma frowned at my question. He inhaled his cigarette once more, letting the smoke out. "The fucking girl is a total leech. Thanks to you asshole, she now knows my place. She bothers me almost every day."

"Like she's trying to get close to you?"

"I don't care. She threatens to rat me out to the teachers every time I try to get rid of her, tch."

"I see, by the way Kazu-chin... Thanks. I finally decided what to do about Itsuki."

"Let's hear your plan then."

"I will c—" I was about to talk but he stopped me.

"—You'll confess her during cultural festival."

Fucking oracle.

"I'm planning to do it. I'm sure of myself now. By the way, Kazu-chin, can I have one?"

"Thought you quit." He said.

"Nothing happens once."




[ Exam Day ]

I've planned everything out. her class should be in charge of organizing a theater program, and I know the ending time for Itsuki's theater performance if I recall correctly. I can speak with Itsuki tomorrow at the festival if there aren't any problems.

But they are irrelevant today. Today is the midterm exam day. It's the war day that we have been carefully preparing with the girls for over a week. The day when everything will be settled.

''Do you think they'll be late Asuka?''

''Nah, they cannot be late. Not possible. I prepared everything.''

''What do you mean? How can you be so sure they won't be late?'' Fuutarou tilted his head with a curious aura.

There's still half an hour before the exam starts, so me and Fuutarou decided to wait for the girls in the schoolyard. Besides, shouldn't I brag about my genius plan?

''Since you want to know so much... Yesterday at P.E, Yotsuba was playing volleyball with the girls so I snitched her phone and set an alarm for 8 a.m. today on the highest volume, heh.''

What girl doesn't put a password on her phone?

The answer to this question is Yotsuba.

''You're a disgusting person, you know that, right?''

''I'll take that as a compliment. Also it seems to work, I've already seen Ebata-san's car on the way.''

The main thing that makes me nervous is not the exams. Fuck exams. I haven't seen Itsuki for a week, this is the only time I can see her before the festival. Fuutarou and I trained the other girls enough, we were with them almost every day.

Therefore, the car stopped in front of the school gate. We were used to seeing the ones that left from the car since they were recognizable faces. But despite the fact that it would take a fool to miss it, there was a difference.

''Your plan seems to have backfired, Asuka. They seem very irritable and grumpy.''

They certainly appear to be. Even the girls' hair isn't properly gathered, and their eyes are still closed. This, however, proves the correctness of my plan; if I hadn't set the alarm, they would have fallen asleep.

''Good morning, ladies!'' I waved my hand with a smile.

''Uwwaaaah~ Good morning Asuka-kun.'' Yotsuba greeted us with a wave of her hand, but she was still yawning.

''Guh...H-Hi...'' Even Miku doesn't seem to be able to come to her senses, she put her headset on backwards. Miku slapped her own cheeks to focus herself.

''Definitely unexpected-''

''Ara, Good morning you two.'' And then Ichika joined the conversation as well. She looked worse than the others, but still tries to smile. Even though Ichika's hair is short, it looks totally messy.

I wonder if I've gone a little too far...

''Hello Ichika.'' Fuutarou smiled to three of them and made a thumb up ''So, are you three ready? Remember, this is where your future is determined! Also my food money...please win.''

''Of course! / Fuutarou.../ Trust your onee-san!''

''You're all so loud...'' A third male voice chimed in as he approached, casting his gaze upon us. It was Kazuma. It seems he had also come to take the exam. Despite his behavioral problems, everyone is required to attend the exams.

''Good morning to you as well, Kazuma.'' Fuutarou greeted him aswell and they fistbumped eachother. It would be a lie if I said that I'm not jealous, Kazuma has never had a special handshake with me, hmpf.

''Oh! You are the mysterious boy from that time!'' Yotsuba's voice was shocked as she pointed to him.

''I have a name, and you must be Yotsuba.''

''Heh, how did you know? Isn't it from my ribbon, right right?''

''Actually, they told me that Yotsuba was the noisier one, a lucky guess.''

Ouch, Shots fired.

''H-hey! T-that's rude!'' Yotsuba pouted.

"Ha ha ha ha..." Miku greeted Kazuma and put her hand to her lips, trying not to laugh.

''Kazuma-kun! Hello!!!'' Ichika made a daring move by hugging Kazuma's arm. She seemed quite happy, unlike him of course.


''I see you for the first time in the morning, hehe.''

"What difference does it make? I'm the same in the morning, noon, and night..."

I'll never fully understand their relationship. Every time Kazuma tries to escape from Ichika, she brings herself closer to him. I've been seeing them together since the festival. Of course, this happiness is one-sided; I have no doubt that if given the chance, he would get rid of Ichika in a heartbeat.

"Yotsuba, Miku! Let's go inside; we haven't even prepared properly yet." Ichika called her other two sisters.

The ladies began to follow Ichika after nodding in agreement, dragging Kazuma behind them as they entered the school. He looked really disturbed. ''Ne, Miku. Can I use your hairbrush, onegai?''

The four of them entered the school at the same time and went their separate ways. I have complete faith in those girls, but my goal has changed...

The car door slowly opened once again, my eyes locking onto the source of the light footsteps. The starry girl. ''...''

When Itsuki saw me, she stopped for a while and looked at my face. She looked like she wanted to tell me something. So do I.

Before I could even open my mouth, Itsuki began walking past me. She avoids speaking with me. That might be better; I'll say everything I can tomorrow. Tomorrow I'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend and make up for my mistake. But;

''I'll be there...Proud of you, no matter what happen.'' I muttered in a low tone that only she could hear. Itsuki only froze for a few seconds, she then resumed her walk and faded away into the school corridors.

But no. I can't let this ruin my morale anymore.

''Fuutarou! Let's go, the exam is about to begin.''

''Let's go!''


But I forgot about the last danger.

''YOU TWO STOP RIGHT THERE! It was you two, wasn't it!''

In rage, the missing link, butterfly lady, jumped out of the car and began walking towards us both. She most likely noticed what I did about the alarm. But she doesn't know which of us it is.

''Good morning, Nino / Morning, Nino-chan.'' Fuutarou and I both preferred to remain silent. As for how we decide, it's telepathy between homies.

''All right, tell me quickly which one was it? I'll punch you both based on your answers!'' She cracked her knuckles.

''What are you talking about, Nino?'' Fuutarou asked with a worried look.

"Do not mock me! Only one of you could have set Yotsuba's phone alarm! We nearly died early in the morning. So, tell me..." Nino appears grumpy in the morning. Depending on how we react, we may receive a direct punch in the face or worse. But don't worry, I have a secret weapon for just such events.

I gave Fuutarou a hand signal that said I'd handle this myself. This is the ultimate tactic every man needs to know.


''What is it, Asuka-kun? Did you come to answer me, ha?'' Nino was still pressuring both of us in the corner.

''Yes, the truth is... It's all Fuutarou's fault.''

''Asuka! You son of a— *CRASH* ARGH!...'' A solid fist landed right in Fuutarou's stomach.

Fuutarou licked the dust and fell down on his knees, gasping for breath.

''Hmpf! Baka. You better not mess with us again.'' Nino pouted and looked at Fuutarou, who was trying to catch his breath on the ground.

''But without him, you'd all be asleep, Nino-chan. So forgive him this time.''

''Whatever, I'm off to class, and I'll see you later. I'm hoping not.''

''See you Nino-chan.'' I smiled and waved to her, but Nino stopped and turned to face me.

''Good luck Asuka.''

''Good luck.''

- - -

Author Note:

The midterms arc almost over and the arc where the relationship between Asuka and Itsuki will become clear is approaching. The upcoming school festival will be unforgettable for many. Also a little spoiler;

Our new main character will be with us soon.

Don't hurt your loved ones. This may be a story, but in real life, there is no second chance for everything. So spend a lot of time with your loved ones! See you all!

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