The Sun Is Shining On Us Agai...


967 19 2

"When you want to wake her, just give her a kiss." Love smiles cheekily when he turns to shoot her an only sl... More

Am I Dead?
Silver Tongue Loki
Eternal Debt
The Most Room
Die With You
Get You
Strike Your King
Dad Brain
Heart Hurting

A Gift

177 3 2

At first, Love is happy and excited to show off her new creation. Much like most twelve year olds, once she was finally finished, she couldn't wait to see how happy her father would be... But instead, right now, her father is just staring between Love and her creation with a deeply disturbed expression. She opens her mouth to speak, but her sudden movement seems to snap him back to himself.

Thor tears his eyes away, too painful in his heart to keep looking at her-it...whatever this really is. Instead, his gaze hardens into an angry glare as he stares down at his daughter. "What is this?"

Love startles a little at his seething tone. Her eyes widen a little in confusion as she stares between her creation and her father. "A gift... For you, father."

"A gif-" Thor cuts himself off, because he really doesn't even know what to think, let alone, what to say right now...

He dares to look at it's face, and thankfully, the eyes are closed. He lets out a shaky breath as he slowly begins to circle the creature...being? Norns, it looks just like her... He briefly wonders if her eyes would look just like her bright green emeralds, but quickly shakes the thought off as he turns his back to this...thing.

Love is pouting sadly as she watches him. And when he turns to face her again with an even angrier look on his face, she bows her head in shame and meekly asks, "Did I get her wrong?"

Thor finds his anger quickly dissolves as he finally calms himself enough to take in Love's expression. He takes a deep breath, slowly steps over to her and kneels down before her. He gently takes one of her hands in both his own and smiles softly up at her when she finally lifts her eyes to his.

"OK-" Thor sighs calmly, "-I need you to tell me exactly what you've done here." He stares at her with a reassuring look that tells her she isn't in trouble. (Well, at least, not until he finds out why she did this...)

Love glances to her creation. She then, looks back at her father with an even more saddened look. "Just... I know you like helping people-I do, too, but...I know it doesn't make you as happy as it used to." She smiles sheepishly as she adds, "I kinda sometimes hear you crying in your room at night, and I found this under your pillow..." She slowly reaches into her hoodie pocket and pulls out a crumpled up photo.

Thor takes the photo from her as she hands it back to him. His heart aches horribly as he stares down at it-just he and Loki as teens, hugging one another. Despite his trauma, he smiles faintly as the fond memory sweeps his mind.

"I'm sorry-I wasn't snooping, I was just doing some spring cleaning."

Thor smiles at her slightly panicked tone. "It's fine."

"I was going to repair it, but..." Love chuckles nervously as she glances to her creation. "Well, I have the power of Uncle Eternity at my fingertips, so..."

Thor follows her gaze back to...the Loki shaped creature. He's less angry, more cautious now. He slowly rises, shoves the photo into his back jeans pocket, uses his free hand to give Love an affectionate ruffle of her hair before finally turning back to have a proper look.

Love watches him as she says, "I just don't want you to be sad anymore." He turns to her, and she smiles knowingly and speaks before he can-because she knows he'll only lie to her; pretend like he isn't hurting inside. "I didn't just wave my hands and create her out of thin air."

Thor glances back to...Her...

Love's smile widens, her eyes twinkling with amusement as she watches him. He's less angry, a little less cautious, and a lot more curious. "Would you like me to wake her up?"

"No!" Thor's eyes widen in a panic, but he quickly calms himself again. He clears his throat, smiles faintly as he says, "No. Not... Not yet..."

Love nods in understanding. Though, her smile softens at his obvious thoughts as his eyes drift back to the currently idle Loki. "It really is her. I mean, obviously, I created a new physical vessel for her, but it's her. She's not a clone, or an alternative version from some other timeline." Love takes one of Loki's hands in her own and smiles proudly up at her. "She's the Loki you still mourn."

"I... How did you..." Thor is speechless...amazed...confused...hopeful?

Love smiles sadly again. "The only way to retrieve her consciousness was to go back in time and...well, steal it, but-"

Thor's eyes widen in horror as his head snaps back to her direction.

Love is quick to defend herself. "I know what I'm doing! She'll be confused, obviously, but it doesn't bugger up our timeline. No offence, but her death changed nothing with Thanos."

Thor doesn't what annoys him more; Love using crude language-thanks, Brunnhilde!-or that fact that the latter of what she says is damn well true.

Loki died for nothing...

Thor stares back at her slumbering face, the hope inside of him growing more and more, by the moment. Could this really be a second chance?

Love smiles as she watches him move to stand in front of her creation; in front of his Loki. "I'm part of Uncle Eternity, so, I've always known you were going to ask him to bring her back to you...if you had gotten to him first, of course." She adds the last part with another sad smile.

Thor takes in her every word, but his eyes are solely focused on taking in Her every detail. She looks just as she did right before Thanos came and took her from him forever. He still wonders if her eyes will be the same unique emeralds he always found himself getting lost in-with her, of course, always getting annoyed at him for it, because she just thought he wasn't paying attention to her...

So many memories are slowly beginning to bubble up inside of him, but Thor quickly shoves them all down before they can overwhelm him.

Thor forces himself to turn away, turns to look at Love instead. He smiles adoringly down at her, his hand coming up to lightly cup the back of her neck. "You did this for me?"

Love nods, stares warily up at him. "Did I do a bad thing again?"

Thor chuckles softly and shakes his head. "No." He offers a playful glare. "Just...don't do anything like this again without at least telling me about it first...please??"

Love smiles brightly and nods again. "Promise."

Thor nods, takes a deep breath as he slowly turns to face...Loki. "I, uh..." He takes another deep breath when his voice wobbles, but his breath is shaky again, and now, so are his hands.

He wasn't even this nervous when he saw Jane again after so long...

Thor almost laughs at himself for even comparing.

Jane left him...after he kept leaving her.

But Loki was taken from him.'s Loki; the (very complicated) love of his very long life.

"Do you need a moment?"

Love's sweet, little voice breaks him of his nerve-wracking train of thoughts, and Thor is so very grateful for that. He nods eagerly, his eyes briefly drifting away from Loki's dormant form.

"When you want to wake her, just give her a kiss." Love smiles cheekily when he turns to shoot her an only slightly withered look. "I'm kidding." She giggles when he rolls his eyes, because she can see him trying not to smile. "Just say the words; 'The Sun is shining on us again. It's time to wake up, Loki...'"

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