DC superhero girls: Symbiotic...

By omegacrow-nexus

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(DC superhero girls 2019 x Marvel crossover) A family of five travel to Metropolis for a vacation, meeting ne... More

OCs Bio
A new life in Metropolis
Meeting the Bad Girls
Outcast's welcome
Heroes & Villains Meet the Day Walkers pt 1
Heroes & Villains Meet the Day Walkers pt 2
Bump in the Night: Reunion
Love Hurts Badly in the Web
Aaron Blackheart vs Leslie Willis: Gigantic Battle
Bats & Bees of Pure Iron
A Clown's Parasite Pt 1: Werebeast Unleashed
A Clown's Parasite Pt 2: Unbreakable Bond
Bold & Super/A Violet Passion
A Spark Between Us

The Girls found out; A hunter in the midst

152 7 17
By omegacrow-nexus

In an unknown location...

We see the cold blue eyed figure sitting on his throne. Piper was standing by his side on the right while the two male & female unknown vampires were standing by his left side, all gazing at the undead elite soldier kneeling nervously.

???: (cold tone) So you failed to retrieve the gems needed for the next phase? I'd love to hear your explanation.

Undead Elite Soldier: I-It wasn't my fault, if it weren't for those blasted Daywalkers and those Superhero brats, the job would've end in my favor.

???: All I hear is excuses after excuses... You had one single job & you failed. You had the numbers, the training, the attributes, the strategy and the gift I bestowed upon you... yet you failed to remove a couple of pesky thorns from your side...?

Undead Elite Soldier: I'm sorry master, I-I won't fail you again!

???: You're right... You won't be fail me again, because you'll no longer be needed... ever.

The Undead Elite Soldier was horrified with a cold sweat rolling down his head, he tries to turn & run only to find Piper in front of him.

Piper: Orders are orders, sorry not sorry.

She drives her blade through his heart, the soldier screamed and was engulfed in fire, his body reduced to a skeleton and finally ashes.

???: (to the two on his left) You two.

??? (Male): Yes master?

??? (Female): What is it you need?

???: Round up the blood assassin corps, you two are in charge of retrieving the rare blood crimson gem at the lexplorium... Anyone, Daywalker or not, get in your way... show no mercy.

??? & ???: As you command, master.


At Metropolis High School...

It was lunch hour as the Blackhearts (minus Aaron) and Casey Krinsky were seen walking to their table with their lunches.

Lucille Jr: Another stormy day.... I like it.

The thunder rumbled immensely outside followed by a loud boom.

Casey: The weather must be reaching near critical at this point.

Lucille Jr: Either that or Shadow Thundress is battling demonic warriors that escaped the underworld.

Marco: Ah, blood steak sandwiches, with potato salad and mother's famous s'mores style cookies.

Casey: Indeed. And Freshly made tater tots for everyone.

Marco: (smiles) Ah, now we're talking!

They begin to eat as Diana and her friends enter the cafeteria with their lunches. Following behind, Kara had an upset look on her face. Why? Once again, The Daywalkers and Haunting Corps made the cover of the news & the daily planetoid newspaper posted by Lois Lane.

Kara: (grumbles) Again, these oh so "Dark Heroes" strike again. Trying to be all mysterious and brooding to act like big shots... I already have that problem with Clark showing off...

At a nearby table of jocks, who were chatting amongst themselves, one of them accidentally knocked over their drink which splashed to the floor and Kara, who wasn't looking at where she was going with her attention was on the daily planetoid newspaper with disdain, crumbled it & throws it across the cafeteria and into the trashcan. But unfortunately, Kara lost her balance over the spilled drink.

Kara: Whoa! Aaaah!!

Kara fell off her feet with her lunch flying in the air. Before the kryptonian could hit the floor, a swift blur ran in and caught her followed catching her lunch tray with one hand and the food carefully landing on the lunch tray without making a single mess. Everyone witnessed this in shock and awe. Kara shook her head and turn to the person who caught her, eyes widened to see that it was Marco. A small blush crept it's way onto Kara's face.

Marco: That was close, that would've ended in a messy disaster. (To Kara) You alright?

Kara: ....

Marco: Kara?

Kara: ....

Marco: You good?

Kara finally found her voice.

Kara: Y-Yeah. I'm good, Uhhh you can put me d-down now.

Marco helps Kara to her feet and released her, handing the punk kryptonian her lunch.

Kara: (clears her throats) Thanks.

Marco: No worries. Helping out a friend.

Diana & her friends appeared.

Diana: Greetings Friend Marco & most generous thanks for saving Kara from a humiliating landing.

Marco: It was nothing really.

Zee saw the blush on Kara's face, smirking mischievously.

Zee: You could say it's like he's your knight in shining armor.

Kara: W-What?! Nononono, Shut up about that. Don't even say it, Don't even think it! I will make YOU disappear, Zee!

Zee brushes off that threat with a chuckle.

Zee: There's nothing wrong with having a cr-

Kara: (clasps her hand on Zee's mouth) Finish that sentence and I will-

???: Hey Marco!

Marco and the girls turn around to see a tall, hispanic young man about Marco's height, light brown tan skin, golden yellow eyes, and has an impressive athletic body. He was wearing a custom black jacket with a gold trim, a golden lion crest on the back and a white fur collar, a gray dress shirt, dark blue pants and black & brown boots.

Marco: (smirks) Hector, my old friend!

Hector: Mi amigo!

The two bro hug it out.

Babs: Who are you?

Marco and Hector turned to the girls.

Marco: This is Hector Wilde, an old friend I've met in back one of my days in middle school and wrestling partner.

Diana: A pleasure to meet you Hector. I'm Diana Prince from Greece.

Babs: I'm Barbara Gordon but I'm usually called Babs by my friends!

Karen: I'm Karen Beecher.

Zee: My name is Zee Zatara, good to meet you.

Jessica: Hello there, my name is Jessica Cruz. 

Kara: Sup. Name's Kara Danvers.

Hector: Ah. A pleasure to meet you all. Any friends of Marco's is an amigo of mine.

Marco: So what are you doing here?

Hector: I'm actually going to school here, I heard metropolis has... many special surprises to offer.

Babs: You're right on that one, you're really gonna love it here!

Hector: I've heard there are heroes & villains here. Did some... research on them, each have their own talents & power. And now... I hear of undead plaguing the city and these Anti-heroes trying to stop them.

The girls looked at him with mixed emotions.

Kara: (arms crossed with an annoyed face) Tch. If you ask me, these... "Daywalkers" & "Haunting Corps" are nothing but over hyped creeps trying to show off.

Marco felt offended by that.

Hector: I'm not sure... last I checked, certain Anti-heroes don't do anything for fame & recognition.

Kara rolls her eyes.

Jessica: Please excuse Kara, she's just upset.

Hector: I understand.

Selina came walking in with her lunch to head to her table but stops to Diana, her friends and Marco speaking with Hector.

Selina: (in her mind) Mmmmm... Another new student & a rather good looking one at that~.

She walks over to the group.

Selina: Well hello~.

Kara: (glares) Whatta you want Selina?

Selina: I couldn't but noticed a new, splendid face here.

Hector: Why thank you miss...

Selina: Selina Kyle, and your name handsome~?

Hector: My name is Hector Wilde, a pleasure to meet you senorita.

Hector gently takes Selina's hand, takes a bow & kiss her ringed finger.

Selina: (in her mind) Ah, handsome & a gentleman. Meow~.

Kara: Hey Wilde. You need to watch it with Selina here, she is Trouble with a capital T.

Marco: I'll have to agree with Kara on this one, Hector. The first time we've met when we came here, it wasn't a friendly one.

Selina: Oh it was a measly step in the wrong direction, you have nothing to worry about with lil' old me~.

Hector: Okay Senorita but I'll be watching you...

Selina: (sly smile) Oh please do... I just hope to see more of you soon enough, later Wilde~.

Selina took her leave with a sway of her hips.

Babs: What just happened?

Karen: I'm not entirely sure.

Diana: Selina's suspicious activity aside, comrade Hector. Allow us to show you around the school then the city.

Hector: Gracias!

Marco: Great, come around to meet the sibs and Casey!

Marco takes Hector to his table to meet Lucille Jr, Nick and Casey Krinsky.

Lucille Jr: Glad to see you're doing well Hector.

Nick: Indeed.

Casey: Good to meet you, I'm Casey Krinsky.

Hector: Well, please to make your acquaintance, Casey Krinsky.

Casey smiles.

Casey: Would you like some tater tots?

Hector: Thanks but no thanks. I already packed my lunch.

Marco: C'mon Hector, I have so much to tell you while the girls have so much to show you like they showed us around here.

Hector: Let's.


We cut to a montage where Hector was seen finishing a history test within ten seconds, getting a perfect score above Diana and a certain blonde queen bee. In gym class, Hector was keeping up in running laps and taking out the opposing team in dodgeball. In Science class, Hector was doing a science project with certain chemicals as a clear bottle turned into pure silver. Once school ended, Marco, Nick, Lucille Jr, Casey and Diana & her friends gave him a tour of Metropolis & their favorite places, including the Lazarus Pit, the arcade, the park, the mall, sweet justice, etc. So far, Hector was having a great time here with his friends new & old.

Hector: Ah, thank you my friends for such a wonderful time.

Diana: You're welcome.

Babs: Wish we could show you a lot more but you must be a real busy guy, huh?

Hector: True. I do have other matters to attend to.

Marco: Still working on the lucha libre event in the indies?

Hector: Why yes, still aiming to show them who is the macho-est luchadore there is, haha!

Kara: Wait, you wrestle?

Hector: Yes. I wrestle, I also dabble in boxing, hunting and cage fighting.

Kara: Cool. I may need to step in the ring with you.

Hector: It's a challenge, anytime anywhere-

He was cut off by the news on the TV.

News Reporter: This is Daily Planet news reporting of another attack with victims drained of their blood yet again near metropolis subway. We also received word of a break-in at lexplorium.

Diana: Comrade Hector, it's been fun but we must be going.

Marco: Ummm same here.

Hector: It's fine. I'll see you around.

Babs: Bye!

Lucille Jr: See you later.

The girls and Marco's group went their separate ways while Hector went down his own path, whistling an icy tone... his eyes switching to a glowing green with sharp slit pupils....


At the lexplorium...

Catwoman was seen sneaking in through the glass window after carving a large hole in it with her claws, placing it aside and carefully landing inside on her feet. She slithers her way through the museum, avoiding the security sensors, sneakily disabling the cameras and performing a series of stealth takedowns to the guards.

Roaming the exhibits, Catwoman spots the prize; within the glass case was a very rare and beautiful blood crimson gem, it's glimmering light shined in the feline thief's eyes, a cherish smile forming.

Catwoman: Ah, truly a glorious sight~.

She carefully approached the case, using her claws to carve a hole through the glass, removing the glass circle and pulls out the rare gem.

Catwoman: (holds the gem) Meow~. Well hello there my pretty~.

A shadowy silhouette appeared and smashed the glass with another artifact inside, causing an alarm to sound off, catching Catwoman off guard with the area illuminating in red, the entrances were closing. The cat villainess hissed and runs off with the gem, using her whip to launch it up out the hole of the window and wrapped it around a nearly pole, heading up and out the way she came.

Catwoman: That was close. I managed to avoid the alert traps, disable the cameras and incapacitate the guards, how did they go off? 

Then Catwoman felt something struck her cheek, going passed her. She hissed in minor pain, feeling her right cheek, seeing blood on her glove palm. She looks over to the thing that cut her, planted into the rooftop floor, a silver & red trim shuriken. Catwoman noticed a couple of shadowy silhouettes looming over behind her as she turned around. Standing before her were a group of men & women but by Catwoman's view of them, they were undead. They were wearing black custom ninja masks, black goggles with red lenses, black bodysuits with custom ninja armor, gloves and boots, they all had two katanas strapped to their backs, shuriken pouches on their utility belts and dagger holsters on their left legs.

Leading them were two elite vampires; The first was a tall man with light pale skin, red eyes, dark brown hair slicked back with a dark brown moustache/short beard combo, fangs and possesses an impressive, pure athletic body. He was wearing a sleeveless black bodysuit with custom ninja armor, front and back cloth, armored belt with a bloody dragon crest, black gauntlets, kneepads and boots. He has a large blade on his back.

And the second was a slightly tall woman with fair pale skin, red eyes, very long brown-ish black hair with braids on her the left side, fangs, black lipstick & possesses a curvaceous and athletic pear shaped body. She was wearing a long sleeve black bodysuit with slim yet strong & durable body armor, gloves, utility belt, armor kneepads and boots. She has two katanas strapped to her back.

Catwoman narrowed her eyes at the group as the lightning flashed & thunder boomed in the stormy background.

??? (Male): (icy tone) The gem. Now.

Catwoman: Sorry but if you're looking to steal this then you're out of luck.

??? (Female): (bold tone in an australian accent) Perhaps you can't understand... This is my associate... Barron Thorne.

The man in question glares coldly at the thief.

??? (Female): I am Dakota Lee, and you... have something we want.

Catwoman glances at the Blood Crimson Gem then back at Dakota, Barron and their unit.

Dakota: So cat burglar... Hand over the gem and you may walk away with 1 out of your 9 lives intact.

Catwoman: It's Catwoman and I'm afraid I've grown quite attached to this purrfect gem, it must be worth a lot if you undead are after it. So I'm going have to decline on handing it over.

Barron: Then we will take it... (Pulls out his large blade) along with your life as painfully as possible....

Catwoman: (smirks) You'll have to catch me first~.

She leaps backwards and makes run in the other direction to jump to the next building rooftop, making a break for it. She chuckled mischievously but noticed Barron running next to her much to her shock as he swings his large blade to cut Catwoman in two only for the feline thief to dodge limbo style, the blade inches away from her face as she backs away from him.

Catwoman: (in her mind) Rrroww! He nearly took my head off!

Catwoman felt a presence behind her and barely jumped out of the way of a double blade beheading from Dakota, landing a few feet away from the two.

Dakota: Take her!

The Blood Assassin corps begin to descend upon Catwoman who would dodge and evade their blade strikes and retreat. Dakota, Barron and their unit begin to chase after her, each jumping from rooftop to rooftop as the feline thief attempted to outrun the undead assassins. The Blood Assassin corps took shurikens from their pouch as well as their daggers and threw them at the retreating Catwoman who saw them & stopped to move out of the way in order to dodge but a few managed to land a hit on her, cutting her left cheek, her right side, left forearm, lower right thigh and left knee, drawing blood.

Catwoman: Agh!

She lands at the next building, stumbling back to one knee as Dakota, Barron and the rest of the Blood Assassin corps land to surround her. Catwoman catches her breath as she pulls out her whip and begins to lash out quickly at the group, striking them but another arises in the place of the ones she takes down which they do recover. Barron grabs the incoming whip and yanked Catwoman towards him, ready to slice her down the middle only for Catwoman to jump out of the way at the second but runs into a leaping reverse scorpion style kick by Dakota, knocking her down with a large thud.

Catwoman grunts, slowly getting up only to get a severe kick to the stomach by Barron, sending her flying and crashing into a nearby wall, hitting the ground with a pained groan.

Barron: You're only gonna make it worse for yourself, Catwoman.

Dakota: Hand over the gem.

Catwoman slowly gets up, her body in excruciating pain but ignored it. She glares at the group with her claws out, this wasn't about the value of the gem anymore, whatever the blood assassin corps want the gem for, it's obviously not just for the money.

Catwoman: (growls) Corner a cat and see what happens...

Barron: So be it.

Dakota: You had your chance...

Dakota, Barron and their unit immediately swarmed Catwoman, who had her claws bared and went on the attack. Despite the numbers game not in her favor, the feline villainess wasn't going out like this, she would block, dodge and counter each attack, blade strikes and lethal blow with one of hers to take as much out as possible. But the most difficult opponents were Barron & Dakota leading the charge with Catwoman barely able to follow their speed and acts of lethal offense.

Barron: Alright, enough of this.

Barron nails Catwoman with a devastating kick to her jaw, knocking her in the air with Dakota in hot pursuit, delivering swift slashes to the feline villainess, drawing blood and her suit was tattered, earning a pained yowl from Catwoman as she fell to the ground. Dakota landed on her, looking at the downed feline villainess in a small pool of her own blood, barely conscious.

Dakota: Now for the gem.

She goes over to take the gem from Catwoman but gets a slash to the right cheek as Dakota back away near Barron & her unit with an annoyed hiss, having a bloody slash mark on her right cheek, glaring at the feline thief, who barely got to her feet, breathing heavily.

Catwoman: Huff... Huff... Huff...

Dakota: You are a bother some yet resilient cat thief. You managed to give me a little scratch here.

Catwoman: An eye... for an eye... vampiric pest...

Dakota: I'll give props to you. You fought well but unfortunately for you, it wasn't well enough...

Dakota zig zagged in a swift blur, appearing in front of Catwoman, who didn't have time to react and received a solid punch to the gut, making her cough up a little blood as Barron followed up with a couple of strong haymakers and boxing punches before finishing it with a left hook to the face, making Catwoman spiral away as she was near the edge of the rooftop. But before she can collect herself, something hit her neck, she yelped and pulled it out revealing it to be a dart. Throwing it away, Catwoman clutches her neck, her breathing ragged and gasping for air as her moving were slowing down.

Catwoman: *Gasp!*... *Gasp!*... *Gasp!*

Dakota: Now you got a lethal poison in ya, a very strong dose. Loss of breathing, hot flashes, searing pain, slowness in movement, complete paralysis and finally a slow agonizing death.

Catwoman was already near the edge of the rooftop as she felt her body freezing up, unable to move and her breathing and gasping stopped, with a permanent scared expression on her face as Dakota managed to get the gem from her.

Dakota: Mission accomplished. Farewell Catwoman.

Barron: Either the poison will kill you or... The fall will...

Barron kicked the frozen Catwoman off the rooftop, the feline thief was unable to move or scream, her eyes moved left and right frantically as she was about to take a great fall. The lightning flashed with Dakota, Barron and their unit eyes widened to see Catwoman disappeared but didn't hit the pavement.

Barron: Hmmm?

Dakota: Where's the blasted body?

Then something shot out from the south and hit 14 blood assassins in the form of sharp golden trim daggers to the chest, through the heart, causing them to screech, their bodies engulfed in fire, reduced to skeletons then ashes. Dakota, Barron and the remaining Blood Assassin corps took to see where the daggers were thrown.

They spot Catwoman in the arms of a male figure wearing a custom black & golden trim, mouthless lion cowl mask with a long black mane, sharp ears, complete glowing green eyes with sharp slit pupils, a sleeveless black & golden trim jacket with a black fur/mane collar & a golden lion crest on the back, a slim yet durable black & gold trim bodysuit and armor, gauntlets, golden claws, a golden utility belt with a lion crest, armored kneepads and boots.

???: (icy tone) So I was correct, you are here after all....

Barron: Who are you?

???: I... am León Oscuro.

Dakota: Another hero? Why save a lowly thief?

León Oscuro: I'm not your run of the mill hero and as for why I saved the thief, that's none of your concern.

Barron: It doesn't matter, she'll be dead soon and so will you.

León Oscuro: As much as I want to take you all on, today's isn't the day. We'll cross paths again for the true hunt, and only then will take your fangs as my trophy.

León Oscuro disappeared with Catwoman in smoke. Barron was about to head after him but Dakota stops him.

Dakota: Forget about them, we got what we've came for.

She holds up the Blood Crimson Gem.

Barron: Very well. Let's go.

Dakota, Barron and their unit went off into the stormy darkness.


At the superhero girls hideout...

The girls were back from patrolling the city and again the undead soldiers were slain in the subway by the Daywalkers who give the superhero girls the slip again. Kara was releasing her rage out on her 20th punching bag, Diana was sharpening her blade, Zee was filing her nails, Karen was on her computer while Babs was adding her upgrades to her Iron Bat armor and Jessica was checking out the news.

Kara: (grunts with each punch to the bag) Why...! Can't...! We...! Catch...! A...! Bunch...! Of...! Halloween...! Reject...! Geeks...?! Raaaaauuughhh!!!

Jessica: Kara, would you please calm down? Your anger is showing!

Kara: Don't tell me to calm down and I don't have an anger problem! Not only did they embarrass us since day 1, they go around doing what they want like they own the city! Metropolis is our city to protect, they don't own it! Then they warned us about a threat coming yet we don't have a single lead on who's leading the undead charge, it's gotta be them!

Diana: I am aware of the Daywalkers and Haunting Corps actions of how they deal with villains but they've never harmed an innocent.

Karen: Girls?

Kara: Cuz they're trying to act like big shots, thinking because they work in the shadows and act all mysterious & dark well they ain't! They're safe in darkness cuz they're scared of us!

Karen: Girls?

Zee: Kara, first off, calm down. Second, freaking out isn't going to help our solution.

Babs: And third, how are they scared of us when we first crossed paths, they single handedly beat us and the supervillain girls?

Karen: Girls?!

Kara: Yeah-But! I want a rematch!

Zee: Plus, didn't you listen to their warnings or are you that thick headed?!

Kara: (glares) Who are you calling thick headed-

Karen: GIRLS!

Zee & Kara: What?!

Karen: I have a lead on them.

In a flash, the five girls were surrounding Karen on her computer.

Kara: You do?!

Babs: Well tell us what you have! Tell us! Tell us! Tell us!

Karen: QUIET!

Everyone was silent.

Karen: Thank you. Next to my Iron Bee MK 1 armor, I made a few upgrades and made a modified a spy bug and while we were trying to find the Daywalkers, I managed to get my spy bug to follow them when they would avoid us, I'm getting visible right now.

Diana: Excellent friend Karen.

Babs: Now we can where they were are so we can-

Babs gasped along with the others seeing the blackheart family mansion as the five Daywalkers entered through a secret passageway in the backyard, luckily, the spy bug followed seeing only darkness.

Zee: The Blackheart mansion?

Babs: What are they doing there?!

Karen: Shhh! I'm getting visibles now.

They look at the screen as eerie lighting clearing the darkness, seeing the Daywalkers' lair, the girls were shocked by the terrifying Transylvania style decorum, the level of science and magic rolled into one, tech, weaponry, the numerous coffins, etc. The Daywalkers appeared in their view, meeting up with the haunting corps.

Jessica: The Haunting Corps.

Babs: Whoa, their lair is huge, cool and scary at the same time!

Kara: Hey! Look right there!

On screen, they spotted Casey Krinsky performing acts of sparring with Web Wolf. They were shocked to Francine Langstrom, in her altered vampire form, working on some tests, Daywalker Giganta was seen finishing her sparring session with Shadow Thundress, both taking a bow as Giganta shrunk down to size... revealing her identity as Doris Zuel!

Zee: Casey?!

Babs: Francine Langstrom, a vampire?!

Karen: D-Doris... is Giganta?!

Another surprise came in, the girls seeing the dragon girl, Ember, who failed to eat Zee and later Diana, who slain her, now alive again!

Kara: Amber's alive?! I thought she was dust!

The group were conversating with each other about the Eternal blood foundation, stating that more victims turned up again & the events of lexplorium, along with an eye witness who recorded a fight between Catwoman, Dakota, Barron and their unit.

Babs: Whoa... Catwoman got destroyed!

Zee: And they took a rare gem from her, and who was that lion themed guy that saved her?

Kara: Great... Another show off we gotta deal with.

Karen: Eternal Blood Foundation? They must be what's causing these acts... (gasps) Girls... You may wanna see this.

The girls' eyes were on the screen again, seeing Aaron appeared before the Daywalkers, saying something about finishing chores with Leslie at the shockjock's house & taking Rath for a walk, much to their confusion. Then before their very eyes, Omen forms out of Aaron's shoulder, speaking to the Daywalkers who begins to liquify and return to their civilian identities.

Diana: Great hera...

Zee: O. M. G!


Jessica: But we seem so nice, how could they be them?!

Kara: I knew something was off about them! Let's go after them!

Lucille Sr's voice: No need, I'll bring you to us...

The girls yelped upon seeing Lucille Sr staring at the screen of the spy bug now in her hand. She uttered a distorted chant and the next thing the girls knew, darkness engulfed them & they were no longer in their hideout but in the Daywalkers' lair, surrounded by the Blackhearts, Lydia, Casey, Doris, Ember, Francine and the Haunting Corps giving either mild stern stares, cold or heated glares or dark looks.

Babs: (nervous) H-Hey guys, how are you all doing?

Aaron: Oh cut the crap. If you're going to lie, mask your fear. I can smell it from here.

Omen: Smells like fried bat.

Bold: I wonder if it'll taste like chicken.

Doris: (Glares) What're you six doing spying on us?!

Kara: (Glares back) We're asking the questions here! What're you doing with the Daywalkers?!

Zee: How could you keep this a secret from us?!

Nick: (sarcastic) Oh yeah, how could we? Like we're not the only ones who have secrets to hide. It's not like you're the superhero girls or anything.

The girls grew pale.

Jessica: How did you-

Marco: From Casey.

Kara: Really? You believe crummy cassidy?!

Casey: It's Casey Krinsky!

Kara: Who cares-

Bold: (gets in Kara's face) SILENCE! We were told of her story and we can tell when someone is lying, she was not. She did bad deeds, yes, but Casey wanted to turn her life around when everyone abandoned her, even her own parents! We gave her a home!

Zee gave Casey a soft glance but the girl in question didn't acknowledge her, clear that she still doesn't want anything to do with Zee.

Lucille Jr: The same can be said for Ember and Francine. Ember was barely alive when I found her, just an eye in ashes, I revived her & I was told her story, she too did bad things yes but she was denied what she wanted for so long in her servitude & a princess wouldn't just fill the void alone, we can gave her chance to start over & given her the delicacies she desired.

Lucille Sr: Francine was my long time friend, she needed help as a certain clown criminal and selective members of the eternal blood foundation ruined her life, make her a rabid She-Bat on the run, hunted down like a feral animal, blamed for the sudden disappearance or death of her husband. I saved her & helped her go past her limitations as the She-Bat to something more.

Karen: W-What about Doris as Giganta?

Lucille Sr: I'm aware of what Doris does to you Karen and others, normal & villain but she admits her mistakes. She wanted to be more than a brute-like being of senseless destruction and to better herself to keep her insecurities from ruling her life. I turned Doris into a Daywalker vampire but she's not a slave, her will is her own and she's become a powerful ally & friend.

Doris: It's true Beecher and... I'm sorry for the things I've done to you.

Karen and the others were shocked. Doris never apologizes!

Karen: ....!

Kara: (glares) But still that doesn't mean you guys can show us up in our town like you own the place!

Lucille Sr: (ominous tone) Let's get one thing straight Kryptonian... I may be a horror movie actress but I don't let the fame & wealth go to my head like a self entitled, pompous, praise hungry brat or allow it to go through my children... We're here to take out our enemies, not get famous or recognition for it, only an immature fool would only be a hero just for glory...

Kara shrunk as Lucille Sr looks her straight in the eye.

Jessica: But killing villains isn't-

Aaron: Oh God just stop, we told you this before. We kill only when it's necessary, villains who are irredeemable or too dangerous to be contained or reasoned with die, gray area in world of black & white, get it through your heads.

Goblin Dark: Even certain heroes know that certain actions and difficult choices must be made...

Cyan Ghost Rider: Morals of heroes have helped yes but at the same time it doesn't. We've done good by putting villains who hurt or took others away from families and loved ones, send those wicked six feet under. But let me ask you two this... (To Kara & Diana) You Blondie come from a powerful alien race, who's to say your people haven't killed in war or revenge or treachery or to keep the peace of your planet?

Kara: No, I-I...

Cyan Ghost Rider: (to Diana) Or what about you? You're an Amazon right? Your people are well known warriors to take down any who are a threat to your paradise, you'd probably killed anyone who trespass on your land, especially if they're a man, am I right?

Ember: (glares) Yeah, and you had no problem killing me when I was trying to eat you before.

Diana: ....?!!

Lucille Sr: (Stern) That's enough Cyan, stop scaring them. You girls don't have to follow what we do, but understand that there are gray areas in this world of black and white. Most criminals can face justice of doing time and/or means of redemption or facing judgement for their crimes but some people aren't capable of that, it's what created people like us and many more to do what must be done to insure more innocent lives don't end so early at the hands of true evil.

Marco: Yeah, I was insulted by what you said at the cafeteria and to think you were my favorite superhero in metropolis, Kara. That hurt deep.

Kara looks down with a sad and guilty look.

Nick: You want to be our enemies, fine. But you won't stop us from doing our job.

Fright: If the Eternal Blood Foundation gets their way, the plague will get worse... until Metropolis is transfigured into a City of the Undead.

Eerie: No one will be spared their merciless intent & bloodlust, no one...

The six girls look at everyone with guilty, unsure or mixed expressions. Everyone was silent for a moment before Diana found her voice in the matter.

Diana: We all have a different approach of Justice but we all want to keep the World of Man safe from all forms of evil. Right now, we all have a great enemy that is executing the innocent and/or turning them into demonic blood craving, night creatures of the undead. It's best that we still be allies & comrades rather than enemies if you'll have us...

Lucille Sr looks at her for a moment before turning to her children and group, each giving their answers before the Blackheart Matriarch turns to the Amazon and her friends.

Lucille Sr: Of course, we still accept you and our most humble apologies.

Diana: Thank you and you have our apologies as well.

The two shook on it.

Babs: So we're all a giant super powered team! Yes! We're gonna dish out a justice so grand we're gonna need UV light fireworks to drive the undead out of the city! I should add some UV light flash bombs to my Iron Bat armor.

Nick: Oh I see you and Karen finished the armor specs.

Karen: Wait, how do you know-(gasps) You're the anonymous who sent us the specs, armor parts and arc reactors?!

Nick: Yes, A for...

Architect: ... Architect.

Karen: Whoa.

Babs: So it was you!

Nick: To help you with your fights against our enemies.

Architect: And you two were quite the geniuses in gadgetry & technology of your group. Your hearts & motives were in the right place.

Babs: Thanks!

Karen: I really appreciate it.

Ember: Guess we have to work together, I'll roll with it but I won't like it.

Kara: Same to you Amber.

Ember: (eyes yellow with red slits) It's Ember!

Aaron: Easy Dragon girl. I guess this can work. I thought the moment I had to make friends here, it would end badly but it didn't. Don't get use to me saying this but... I appreciate you girls for the fun and yada yada.

Jessica: Close enough. (Hugs Aaron tight)

Aaron: Not a hugger! (Gets released)

Lucille Sr: Shall we learn about one another?

Diana: Why yes.

Lucille Sr: Let us exchange origins over dinner.

Zee: I don't mind an exquisite dinner.

Francine: But of course.

Doris: I could eat.

Shadow Thundress: We all hunger.

Kara: Bring on the feast!

Lydia: I shall help prepare it.

Lucille Sr leads everyone out of the hideout to the upward level of the mansion to discuss stories over a feast.


Darkness was shown followed by two pairs of eyes opening, along with a groan. Catwoman awakened with a large headache, her body was soar but has her movement back. She slowly sat up, looking around, seeing herself in a rather nice & comfortable bed and the room looked quite fancy. Looking at a nearby mirror, the feline thief's eyes widened to see herself not in her catwoman suit & mask but in a black top & pants & her wounds covered in bandages.

Selina: Where am I...? All I remember was falling to my death and I was caught by this guy...

Selina turns to the side to the bed and to her feet, losing her balance for a minute to find her footing. She felt woozy but managed to make her way to the room door, opening it to leave, the halls themselves were fancy & jungle themed, it felt like a spiraling maze as Selina tries to shake off the vertigo and find the way out of here. Selina begins to lose her balance again but leans against the wall for support, breathing heavily.

???: I advise you don't move around too much there. Also, don't worry about your... your clothes being changed. My assistant was the one who cleaned & clothed you.

Selina looks up ahead to see León Oscuro standing there.

Selina: Y-You're the guy who caught me.

León Oscuro: That I am. You were in quite an agonizing position. The poison in you was one of the deadliest and it's a miracle I had the ingredients necessary to forge an antidote or you would be dead.

Selina: Ngh!

León Oscuro: Now, now. While the antidote is working, you shouldn't move around too much, you might have a case of vertigo from blood loss and you don't want to reopen your wounds.

Selina: Who are you?

León Oscuro: I am León Oscuro, a predatory superhuman and one of the most dangerous bounty hunters in the world.

Selina: (narrows her eyes) So... You're after my head?

León Oscuro: Oh Nonono, senorita. Why would I take you in & nurse you back to health just to take your head (laughs) Oh that's rich but seriously I'm not going to threaten your life, you have my word.

Selina: Ok.

León Oscuro: Here, allow me.

He gently helps Selina up to walk towards the stairs.

Selina: I see you're quite the gentleman type for a bounty hunter.

León Oscuro: Why thank you. I must say that you are quite the cat themed femme Fatale, to be slick, sneaky and sly like. A real thrill seeker yes?

Selina: (small smirk) Well I have my ways here & there. And you... A strong feline themed hunter you are. León Oscuro, that's spanish for Dark Lion right? Mmmhmhm, perhaps we can get better acquainted~.

León Oscuro chuckles as they reached the main living room, Selina whistled impressed, the place was huge and rather fancy, luxurious and there very various rare objects, items, weapons, armory and jewels that caught the feline villainess' eye.

Selina: Meow~! Are these all yours?

León Oscuro: Why yes, I bought this mansion when I moved to Metropolis and I've made a living on hunting strong opponents to get the money needed. Basically, I'm quite set & counting.

He helps place Selina on a recliner chair.

Selina: (in her mind) A feline themed hunter with great taste in luxury and is rich, hehehe. Interesting...~

León Oscuro: As for these rare artifacts items and others you see on display, they are... my trophies.

Selina: Trophies?

León Oscuro: Yes. Like you, I also have to a side to take what I set my sights on but... I love big challenges, and I see no thrill or satisfaction in taking anything from innocent people or weak & cowardly individuals.

Selina frowns.

León Oscuro: When I see a strong and dangerous opponent, I hunt & I fight them until they are bested, once they're no more, I take something of theirs as my prize in a trial of the hunter and the hunted. Predator and the Prey. Survive or die.

Selina: Oh.

León Oscuro: Yes, that's what I've learned from my teacher & father figure, Kraven.

Selina stared at him in silence.

León Oscuro: Now I know what you're thinking... "I know that Selina Kyle & Catwoman are one in the same & what would I do with that knowledge? Blackmail? To use as leverage for my personal gain? To expose you & have your life ruined...?"

Selina glares.

León Oscuro: And the answer is none of the above. I'm not that kind of person, and perhaps we can help one another. I know you're the type that doesn't want to be tied down or to be used & you seek to be free, something to catch your eye to seek & a fire or thrill of a chase.

Selina: Heh, guilty as charged~.

León Oscuro: And perhaps I help you with that, my dear feline friend.

Selina chuckles mischievously.

Selina: Well if this is going to be a purrfect partnership, I must known of the man behind the mask~.

León Oscuro nods as the cowl opened up, he pulls it off to reveal his face to Selina, who's eyes widened.

Selina: You're the new guy, Hector Wilde.

Hector: Indeed senorita, it is I.

Selina: (in her mind) Meow, another cat after my own heart.

Hector: The Undead you fought, are called the Eternal Blood Foundation, a rather dangerous group who plan on making Metropolis their own blood jungle... You witnessed first hand what their vampiric forces are capable of.

Selina: Well they're not the first, had to deal with a couple of them before I ran into these blood ninja rejects.

Hector: Well as skilled, crafty and swift as you are, it won't be enough to stop them. At least not alone. There's a specific member of their group I'm hunting for and I know you want your fair share of payback for what they did to you. Align with me & I give you the necessary tools needed to take them out as well as something that'll make it worth your while.

He pulls out a rare and beautiful jade crystal gem of a cat's eye which peeked Selina's interested even more.

Selina: (sly smirk) I'm listening~....

To be continued...

(Chapter 10 is finished! Please vote, comment and let me know what you think of it! Another OC of mine makes a debut in the form of Hector Wilde aka León Oscuro/Dark lion. Two elite vampires of the Eternal Blood Foundation make their as they were in a heated brawl with Catwoman. The girls find out about the Blackheart's secrets, confrontations occurs and soon, a new alliance was formed. Catwoman is saved by León Oscuro and is given a partnership offer to help her & she accepts in order to assist him. What's gonna happen next? Find out next chapter, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)

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