Boylesque (🇬🇧)

By april_writes1

19.3K 1.6K 508

Alec moves to New York after reluctantly coming out to his parents... to start a life of his own. In order t... More

I'm back
Not today but tomorrow
Lost in glitter
Please, don't hide
Oh fuck...
It's Boylesque
In the silence of the night
All or nothing?
Tea, strawberries or pasties?
Between broken pieces and new friendships
Tears of the past
Easier said than done
Perfect view
Please, don't leave
A bad morning (or maybe not)
Shadows of the past
A cocktail at the eleventh hour - part 1
A cocktail at the eleventh hour - part 2
Lost in the heat of lust - part one
Lost in the heat of lust - part two
One step in the right direction
To new beginnings ...
Enjoy the small (big) things
Happy Birthday, Magnus!
Let's have some fun!
An unexpected show at night
The touch of two hearts
When the heart calls
Whole lotta (love) sex
When the past won't let you go
A heart weeps a thousand tears
Can broken hearts be healed by love?
New opportunities and unexpected gifts
Money hangs in the air
Arrived in happiness
Thank you

When dreams come true ...

338 39 11
By april_writes1

Alec was still amazed that Helen and Aline had been able to organize their wedding in such a short amount of time. Only a few weeks had passed since the day of their engagement. The couple had been determined to marry before the year ended, and decided to celebrate their special day on New Year's Eve.

The banquet hall was festively decorated in the colours of gold and green. Round tables with white tablecloths framed a large dance floor in the middle of the room. A sumptuous hot and cold buffet menu invited the guests to banquet, and soft, pleasant jazz music accompanied them during the dinner.

Alec sat at a table with Simon, Maia, Bat and two other colleagues from the club. They were now on the third course, which waiters were arranging on the buffet tables. Alec didn't know if he could eat another bite. He already felt as if he would burst at any moment. He hadn't eaten this well or this much in a long time.

Feeling content and full, he sat back and let the conversation from his colleagues wash over him. His gaze wandered around the room until it landed on Magnus, who was sitting at the wedding couple's table.

Magnus looked stunning tonight. He was wearing black trousers with a high, wide waistband that showed off his narrow waist particularly well. A plain black belt with a striking gold buckle in the shape of a snake adorned his pants. His shirt was white and very simple. But of course, Magnus had managed to add a touch of elegance to it. He wore it loosely tucked into his pants and had left it completely unbuttoned, showing off his flat stomach and muscular chest. Under his shirt, he wore a top made of gold beads and chains, attached to a large and colourful necklace adorned with stones in different colours and sizes. This artful top glittered with every movement he made and was a total eye-catcher.

Alec's own outfit was almost boring in comparison to Magnus'. It was still way more fashionable than his usual attire. He had opted for simple cream-coloured pants with a dark brown belt, which he had bought only yesterday. None of his black pants would have matched the dark green silk shirt with a floral pattern in the colours brown, cream and light green he had decided to wear tonight. Normally, Alec would never have had the courage to buy a shirt like that for himself. Magnus had gifted it to him for Christmas. The dancer had said it would bring out the different shades and colours in his hazel eyes pretty well. And who was Alec to disagree with Magnus about style. Magnus understood far more about it than he did. Alec had to admit that the dancer was right. The shirt really did look good on him.

It was a rather irregular outfit for a wedding, but Aline and Helen had forbidden the men to come in the customary black suit and white shirt. They wanted a happy and casual wedding and not a gathering of penguins.

The volume of the conversations at the tables were slowly increasing. A clear sign that the festive meal was coming to an end. About fifteen minutes later, Helen and Aline were asked onto the dance floor for their wedding dance. Alec, Maia and Simon, as well as all the other guests of the evening, gathered around the couple in a large circle.

"They look so happy together," Maia said wistfully, giving the wedding couple an almost envious look. "It must be nice to have found that one true love."

"Oh, I'm sure you will find the right partner, too, one day," Alec replied.

"I hope so," Maia sighed.

"Now, now, why pulling a wry face?" Magnus asked, approaching them. "We're celebrating a wedding tonight, not a funeral."

"Maia is dreaming of finding her true love," Alec explained.

"Who doesn't?" she pouted. "Look at the two of you. You've already found it."

Alec glanced quickly at Magnus. They hadn't revealed any details about their past arrangement to their colleagues or told them that they weren't actually together. But like Maia, many of them assumed they were a couple. Before Alec could say anything, Magnus began to speak.

"Everything that belongs together will find its way, and I'm sure that you, Maia, will find your other half, too, one day."

"Hopefully," she replied, with another wistful sigh.

"Oh, I'm sure. Before you even realized it, they'll have crossed your path and won your heart. And then, when you finally understand what has happened, you realize that they've already conquered a permanent place in your heart."

Alec blinked, surprised by Magnus' words. He had an inkling that Magnus was not just spouting some wisdom, but was actually talking about himself. At least, he hoped so, because maybe it would mean that ...

"May I have this dance, Alexander?" Magnus asked, interrupting Alec's train of thought.

Alec glanced hesitantly at the dance floor. The wedding couple's dance was over and most of the guests were already gathering around Aline and Helen to join them on the parquet.

"Um ..."

"You know, Alexander, that you are in good hands with me," Magnus said with a low purr in his voice. Alec almost choked on his own spit. Was Magnus back to flirting with him? Could he take it as a good sign?

Alec's cheeks warmed at the thought of what Magnus could do with his hands. Before he could get lost in any sexual fantasies, some of which Magnus had fulfilled in the weeks before his emotional breakdown, Alec grabbed the proffered hand, letting himself be pulled onto the dance floor.

It was, to Alec's relief, a slow dance and he relaxed a little. Magnus placed one hand on his back while he took the other with his own. Alec had never danced any standard dances in his life. Magnus's excellent dancing skills fortunately compensated for his awkwardness, so they moved across the dance floor among the other guests without any embarrassing incidents.

"I still don't know how to thank you," Magnus said, starting a conversation.

Alec rolled his eyes. He couldn't count how many times Magnus had thanked him in the last two days.

"I told you already, you don't have to thank me. Really, it was pure coincidence that Marik told me about these air rights," Alec replied.

"Alexander, you saved the club and with it, my dream... and the jobs of many people. Of course, I have to thank you."

Alec halted their dance and looked down at Magnus. The other guests continued to move to the music around them.

"Fine," Alec said with a soft, amused laugh in his voice, and nudged the tip of Magnus' nose with his index finger. "You're welcome."

They continued their dance, moving in a comfortable silence to the music.

"I have to tell you something," Magnus resumed their conversation when the song ended and a slow jazz song started. He sounded nervous. Alec smiled down at him, hoping to encourage him to continue.

"And what would that be?"

"I am starting therapy," the dancer said in a low voice. "I have my first session in a few days."

Alec interrupted their dance a second time.

"That's wonderful," he said, his smile growing.

The corner of Magnus' mouth slightly curled up at his words.

"I couldn't have taken that step without you."

Alec shook his head.

"You took that step all by yourself. I just offered you a shoulder to lean on."

"No, that is not true," Magnus objected. "I pretended everything was okay and locked away my feelings and fears behind that wall you managed to tear down. If you hadn't done that, I would have never realized just how much I needed help."

Alec lifted a hand and placed it against Magnus' cheek, brushing his thumb against his face with gentle movements.

"I'm proud of you."

Magnus pressed a kiss into his palm. A tingling sensation danced across his skin where Magnus' lips touched him, and he drew in a soft breath.

Oh, how Alec would love to take Magnus in his arms now and kiss him, show him how proud he really was of him.

"You know, Alexander," Magnus continued the conversation, "a wise young man once said to me that you should take a chance and muster the courage to begin a new journey, no matter how small the first steps or how big your fears may be. He told me that it would be worth it."

Alec's heart began to pound faster at Magnus' words. He remembered saying something like that to Magnus. But in a different context.

"Very wise words indeed," Alec replied.

Magnus hummed in agreement and continued their dance. Alec had no choice but to follow him. Magnus kept his gaze lowered, so Alec couldn't see the expression in his eyes. It made him nervous.

"Alexander," Magnus said again after a short while and lifted his eyes. Warmth and affection shone in them. Alec swallowed slowly, and excitement bloomed in his heart, making it pound against his chest at a rapid gallop. "Would you like to go out for a drink or dinner sometime?"

"What, now?" Alec asked without thinking, then mentally slapping his forehead when he realized what he had just said. Great reaction, Lightwood.

Magnus laughed and shook his head.

"As much as I'd like to, I wouldn't be able to eat a single bite. Aline and Helen meant too well with their buffet."

"Yeah," Alec agreed. "I feel like I'm going to burst at any moment."

Magnus chuckled.

"The corollary of a wedding."

Alec laughed quietly, nodding.

"So, is it a date?" he asked softly when their gazes met once again. He looked back and forth between the dancer's honey-coloured eyes in search of an answer. Magnus smiled, and fine lines formed at the corners of his eyes.

"Yes, Alexander, it's a date. If you still want to go on a date with me."

Alec would have liked to jump in the air, scream with joy, and show everyone how happy it made him that Magnus had asked him to go on a date. He just managed to stop himself from doing just that.

"If I still want to?" Alec asked in disbelief. "Of course, I do."

They stopped their dance for a third time, grinning at each other. Alec felt as if a swarm of butterflies were doing loops in his stomach.

"Can I kiss you?" he asked.

Magnus' smile grew even wider at his question.

"I insist."

Alec didn't wait a second. He cupped Magnus' face with both hands and lowered his head. A soft, relieved sigh escaped him as their lips met. God, how he had missed kissing Magnus. How he had missed Magnus. The last two weeks had tugged at him, and now he was finally allowed to come home.

Alec was so absorbed in the moment that it took a beat to realise that his friends and colleagues were standing around them, cheering and applauding.

Alec broke away from Magnus and looked around at the faces. He blinked in perplexity.

"Sorry, we didn't mean to steal the show," Alec apologised sheepishly.

"Are you kidding?!?!" Aline exclaimed. "We've all been waiting for this moment forever. I mean, we knew there was something going on between you two, but it's nice to actually know it's official now."

"It is official, isn't it?" Helen asked when neither of them responded.

Magnus looked up at him, a happy smile on his face.

"I think so. What do you think, Alexander?"

Instead of answering, Alec kissed him once more, showing everyone just how official it was. Magnus laughed against his mouth, and Alec joined him.


A few weeks later, January was drawing to a close, he and Magnus had already been on their third date and Alec was a very happy man.

Only sometimes he wished that he could spend more time with Magnus other than at work, but the first few weeks of the year had been hectic. Magnus had started therapy and had his hands rather full trying to regain the club's reputable and steller reputation.

The dancer had used the last few weeks to revamp the show's performances completely, and that was a lot of work, but Alec thought it was well worth it. The new program was an outstanding performance, even better than the previous ones, which had been spectacular, and finally, the numbers of guests attending were slowly increasing, much to everyone's relief. It also helped that the newest edition of the Burlesque Bible had been published without a scathing review of Magnus' club. Apparently, Camille had ended her malicious campaign against Magnus. Alec didn't trust the peace and quiet just yet, but he hoped it would remain so.

Alec looked at the deserted stage. Today was Saturday and Magnus was part of tonight's show, as usual. Unfortunately, his boyfriend didn't have the time to perform every night since his position as the club's manager still took priority, but Alec hoped that it would change sometime soon. He hoped that Raphael would find someone who could support and assist Magnus so that the dancer could live out his dream of dancing in every performance, not merely once or twice weekly.

Alec was completing a fruit cocktail for one of the club's guests when a familiar face appeared at the bar.

"Andrew, hi," Alec greeted his former neighbour while handing the now finished fruit cocktail to one of the waiters to bring it to the respective table. "Nice to see you."

"Hey, Alec.'' Andrew replied with a smile on his face and sat down on a bar stool while letting his gaze wander around the room. "So, this is where you work. It looks great."

"Wait until you see the show. It's amazing."

Andrew grinned, excitement litting up his face.

"I can't wait."

Alec quickly wiped the surface of the bar's counter with a damp towel before turning his attention back to the new arrival.

"What would you like to drink?"

"Anything non-alcoholic, please," Andrew replied.

"Something with fruits?"

Andrew nodded.

"Yeah, but nothing with mango. I'm allergic to them."

"Ok, understood."

Alec opted for a nojito and mixed the cocktail with quick and practised movements. Once finished, he placed the glass on the counter in front of Andrew.

"As promised, it's on the house."

Andrew gave him a delighted smile and took the glass with the mixed drink.

"Thank you," he said, then took a tentative sip. A surprised sound left his mouth.

"Wow, it tastes good."

Alec grinned contently. It made him happy when his guests were satisfied with the way he mixed his drinks. He was about to say something when someone called his name. Oh, no ... Alec knew the female voice all too well.

He looked into the direction from where the voice had come. A small group of familiar faces were making their way through the already seated tables, walking directly up to the bar.

"How did you find out where I work?" Alec asked his siblings, totally perplexed.

"Hi, big bro. Thank you. I'm fine," Izzy replied with a skilful eye roll. "Ever heard of Google?"

Alec just crossed his arms over his chest.

"Of course, I have," he answered in a mocked tone. Just because he prefered to use a proper dictionary instead of the World Wide Web it didn't mean he was living behind the moon.

Izzy stuck her tongue out at him, laughing softly.

"Okay, so this is where you work. Nice, nice," Jace commented while coming up behind the bar. He pulled him into a hug, which Alec immediately returned. It had been a few months since they had seen each other, and Alec had missed his brother. Jace hadn't come home over Christmas, since he and Clary had gone on a short holiday trip to Canada.

"It's good to see you, buddy", Jace said, then pulled away, a smile on his face.

"Why does Jace get a hug and I don't," Izzy complained.

"Quite simply, Jace is being nice to me for once," Alec retorted.

Izzy's expression morphed into a pout. Before she could say something, though, Clary engaged her in a conversation.

"How are you?" Jace asked, a frown replacing his smile. "I heard you and Mom have talked."

Alec nodded.

"Yes, we have. Several times actually since Christmas. It's still not easy between us, but at least she's trying."

Jace exhaled audibly, clearly relieved.

"That's good to hear."

His brother patted him on the shoulder and then turned to Andrew, who had been silently watching the spectacle of the arrival of his siblings and Clary, clearly amused.

"So you're the one who won Alec's heart?" Jace asked.

"Jace," Alec hissed.

Andrew raised his eyebrows in irritation, looking at Alec. Alec sighed.

"Sorry Andrew. My siblings have no manners," he apologized while shoving Jace back in front of the bar's counter.

"So where's Magnus?" Clary asked, leaning over the counter to snatch a piece of a pineapple from a bowl Alec had recently filled up.

"Hands off, Fray!" Alec scolded, slapping Clary on the fingers. She just stuck her tongue out and stole another piece. Alec made an annoyed noise. He knew why he had made such a secret about his job.

"So when are you going to introduce us to Magnus?" Izzy asked, taking the vacant stool next to Andrew.

Alec almost regretted telling her that he and Magnus were now dating. Before he could respond, however, the lights were dimmed, announcing the start of the show. Alec looked towards the stage. He'd seen the latest Saturday show twice now, and yet it continued to overwhelmed him. The previous show had already been epicly erotic and entertaining beyond compare, and Magnus had yet again achieved something quite unique with this one.

A single spotlight was switched on, revealing Magnus. He was sitting or rather lying sideways to the audience on a love chair. One of his legs was bent and his head was resting on a plushy pillow, his upper body forming a perfect arch. Alec was mesmerized every single time to see how agile his boyfriend actually was.

Magnus wore a short kilt around his waist, similar to the ones the ancient Egyptians had worn a few thousands years ago. It was made of silk and glittered golden in the light of the spotlight. Several belts with gemstone in different colours were wrapped around his waist, holding the skimpy garment together.

His upper body was covered by a kind of bolero jacket made of the same material as the skirt. The jacket was held in place by golden strings wrapped around Magnus' torso, reminding Alec of a body harness. His head was framed by a collar of gold and white feathers. The outfit was complemented by knee-high boots in gold with heels so high that Alec felt quite dizzy every time he saw these things on his boyfriend.

The music started and Magnus began to move his body in slow and sensual motions in harmony with the first lines of the piece Alec had written for the show at Magnus' request.

There is a world

Full of glitter and music

Only a few knows about it

There are no rules, there is no wrong

But be careful or you are on fire

Alec glanced around the clubroom, only to find everyone's eyes on the stage but his siblings and Clary's. They were looking at him in disbelief.

"That's Magnus?" Jace asked in an astonished whisper.

Alec nodded slowly, ducking his head to hide the sudden blush on his cheeks.


"His shoes are awesome," Izzy commented.

You will never want to leave

It's hot and passion

A lifestyle full of adventures

Fantasies of your own

It will go through you, filling you completely

You want more, you want it all

You wanna burlesque

Other dancers in similar outfits appeared on stage and together with Magnus they performed a dance routine that kept the audience in suspense.

Ladies and gentlemen

Dancing all night

Under the cones of a thousand spotlights

sparkling like diamonds,

Falling from the night sky

A few of the dancers left the stage and continued their performance on selected tables.

They wrap you around their little fingers

playing with you

There is no regret

But love and sex

Jace, Clary and Izzy watched the show with sheer excitement, cheering and clapping louder than anyone else. Their reaction conjured a proud smile on Alec's face, which disappeared every time the three were put their heads together, giggling and glancing into his direction with expressions on their faces that made it clear to him, they were not talking about how good the show was.

"You really have good taste," Andrew commented with a grin when Alec was idle for a moment. The secondary dancers costumes had significantly lessened by now, and Magnus wore nothing but the short kilt and the golden boots.

You will never want to leave

It's hot and passion

A lifestyle full of adventures

Fantasies of your own

It will go through you, filling you completely

You want more, you want it all

You wanna burlesque

Maia appeared at his side, a happy grin on her face.

"Alec won the jackpot, didn't he?" she said, before glancing briefly at Izzy.

Alec just rolled his eyes at her comment and concentrated again on the show. He didn't know if it was a coincidence or not, but Magnus and his gaze met. Alec felt as if everyone around him instantly disappeared and only he and his boyfriend remained.

Magnus winked at him, and Alec was grateful he wasn't holding a glass or bottle in his hands right now.

You stare, mesmerized by their beauty

Blinded by the light reflecting off their jewellery

The swing of their hips

The smug smile on their lips

They are Kings and Queens

Fulfilling your dreams

The show slowly reached its climax. Magnus kept searching his gaze, and Alec almost felt as if his boyfriend was dancing just for him tonight.

"Oh, Alec, you are really head over heels in love with him, aren't you?" Izzy with a big grin on her face.

Alec just shrugged his shoulders without taking his eyes off the stage, a small, barely visible smile curling one side of his mouth upwards at her words.

"I am happy for you."

He looked at his sister. She beamed at him with pride and joy on her face. Alec's smile enfolded into a grin, his heart full of emotions.

"Thank you, Iz."

Yeah, he had everything he had ever dreamed of: a life of his own, the courage to be out and proud, a circle of wonderful friends, a family who supported him and a great job. The best of all, however, was Magnus, his amazing and beautiful boyfriend.

Yes, Maia was right. He had won the jackpot.

You will never want to leave

It's hot and passion

A lifestyle full of adventures

Fantasies of your own

It will go through you, filling you completely

You want more, you want it all

You wanna burlesque

All you wanna do

Is burlesque

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