The Girl Who Fell [Twilight F...

By -controlled_chaos-

41.6K 1.6K 123

Nyra fell into the world of Twilight, after she "died". At first, she decided to not do anything and just wat... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 4

2.9K 132 18
By -controlled_chaos-

The next morning, I took off as soon as I noticed Edward standing by his car, spitting some being late for my class excuse to Bella.

First half went with anxiety. Hyper sensitive of the weapon, kept in the front pocket of my jeans. It wasn't exactly a weapon, but the purpose for me to buy this sure made it look like a weapon. For most of the time, I feared of being caught for hiding a weapon, then I had to remind myself that it wasn't exactly a weapon.

It was during lunch, when Angela announced something which almost made me throw up.

"Why is Alice coming here?"

I snapped out of my daze, a soft buzzing sound of the school bell entered my ears, indicating that the lunch hour was already over. My head whirled as Alice approached father than before. My eyes shifted for a millisecond towards where Bella and Edward sat together, lost in their own world, before they went back to the pixie who stopped I'm front of me.

"Hi Nyra!" Her voice seems to twinkle making my heart stutter. I could feel all the eyes on me. The small rectangular weapon calmed my nerves a little as I put my hand over it.

"A-" I cleared my throat, embarassed when my voice broke. " can I help you?" My eyes flew to Jasper who stood not so far from his lover, his eyes on my face, observing. Atleast, he wasn't hungry today.

"Oh! So, you already knew I need your help. Fantastic!" She chirped, bouncing on her feet, while I looked down at in puzzlement. What did she meant by that? I have a feeling that she misunderstood my question for some reason.

I didn't say anything, waiting for her to continue as I shift from one foot to another. Clearly nervous as to what she has to say after looking at her giddiness.

"So, Jasper here," as if on cue, Jasper shifted from behind her. I gulped down hard as we met eyes once again, before I looked back at Alice who continued, "He needs help with history, he forgot to copy down some important stuff. If you don't mind, will you help him?"

That was a bold face lie! For me atleast.

"Uh sure! I can give you my notes." I managed to speak without wavering. Though, I bet they could tell how scared I was. Jasper could literally feel my fear.

"Oh no no!"

I stopped reaching for my bag, where I keep the notes.

"Jasper is not the type to take someone's notes home. Just let him copy from you in the history class, and don't worry he's a fast writer."

Now I was getting suspicious.

"You can give it back to me after class?" I proceed to unzip the chain of my bag, when a icy-cold hand stopped me. A tiny hand flew and rested on top of mine.

"Then how you're going to write down today's stuff? Let him sit with you. Please?" She gave my hand a slight squeeze.

Everything after that was a blur, I don't remember nodding my head when she pushed Jasper to my side.

I looked to my side, without turning my head, as to not alert the vampire who was coping down my stuff pretty fast. It made me almost fool myself in thinking that he really needed my help. Keyword almost.

He could've gone to anybody. There are many people who are better in studies than me. Also... Isn't he still practicing controlling his thirst?! Why did she let him sit beside me!? A human!

A strand of his honey coloured hair fell in front of his eyes, distracting me as it seemed to glow when light shine upon it. Now that I am looking at him up close, he was alluring. Rosalie was still better, but there's something about him that makes me want to grab his face and turn it towards me.

If possible, I could gaze at him all day. My heart flutter just thinking about it. Not that I'm going to do it.

That's when something caught my eyes, and my heart made a loud thump. Two partially hidden cresent moons peeked at me from behind his shirt's collar.

Hearing my heart race, Jasper looked up.

"Nyra?" His voice sounds seductive, even though he said it normally, but I never loved my name this much after coming out of his mouth, twisted with slight southern accent.

My heart thumped again. And again. And again. So hard, that it started to hurt.

I was scared.

"Nyra!" His voice sounded genuinely concerned. But I was too busy in trying to control my breathing. When he touched my shoulder, I flinched hard and stood up.

All eyes turned towards me as I stumbled on my feet, wide ocher eyes stared at me alarmed.

"I-I'm not feeling well..." My voice came out almost a whisper. I truly felt sick.

"Do you want go to the infirmary?" Someone else asked, though I didn't tum to look at them as I already know who it was. My eyes were stuck at the bite mark on Jasper's neck.

"Yes please." I nodded faintly.

Jasper suddenly realised where I was staring at in horror, and was quick to cover his mark which he probably got in the battle after turning into a vampire. He shifted so I could go out and I practically bolted out of my seat, all the while staggering to be on my feet.

My knees felt weak so I kept a hand on the wall as I dragged myself towards the direction of the nurse. I was feeling hot so I pulled my sweater over my head, and threw it on the ground. Not caring about it at all.

I almost gave in to the temptation to lean in towards Jasper. But, I know he was not to blame. Jasper was a vampire, a predator. Everything about him is supposed to lure the prey in. And I almost became one.

That scared me. Jasper was still unstable. And an image of my dead body flashed before my eyes, with that same mark on my neck, but bloody.

To my surprise, my ears picked up the sound of conversation through all the ringing in my ears. I almost didn't believe it till I saw Mike, Edward and a sick looking Bella sitting on the ground.

Must be that blood type chapter, where Bella fainted at the sight of Mike's blood. That was today...? Time flies fast for sure.

I paused to watch from the other end of the hallway, and then, Bella was in Edward's arm before he walked away, leaving a fuming Mike behind. I decided to approach him, to use him as a support since I too was feeling quite unwell myself.

Before I could even take a step forward, a voice stopped me.

"Nyra? Are you okay?"

No... No no no no no!

Mike looked up at the same time I turned my head around, our eyes met for a brief second before golden eyes entered my view. My head swirled uncomfortably at the motion.

Jasper had my sweater in his hand, while he walked towards me cautiously. As if, I was a small animal who easily gets scared. I unconsciously stepped back, and forced myself to stop when I noticed Mike coming my way from the corner of my eyes. Mike had a fresh puncture wound on his finger.

And I was in no mood to witness a murder. Not even diving to the fact that I could die too.

So, without much thought, I crashed myself into Jasper. Pushing him away with everything I could. Thankfully, he did stumbled back, though I quickly humbled myself that it wasn't because of how strong I was.

"Let's go." I heaved, as my stomach churned. And I seriously started to wonder if I was really sick.

"But the infirmary is the other way-"

"No! Just... Please." Desperation dripped from my voice, if I wasn't feeling sick, I would've been blushing pathetically. I pushed him again, hands on his stone hard chest. He didn't budge this time.


"Nyra!" Mike called my name.

"Jasper, stop breathing." I commanded. And finally looked up at him. Astonishment was sketched on his face.

"What are you-"

I cut him off again. "Mike is bleeding. Stop breathing!"

That froze him. He went as still as a statue, looking unnatural.

I wanted to remind him to act like he's breathing, but it was too late. I let myself loose, so it looked like Jasper was helping me trying to stay upright.

"Nyra...." There was a long pause from Mike, "and Jasper?" I could hear the anger in his voice, as if he caught me cheating behind his back.

What an asshole.

I weakly lifted my head, trying to look as sick as possible. I gave him a frail smile, like I was relieved to see him.

"Mike." I breathed out as I pull myself away from Jasper, and unwillingly clung to him while groaning softly. He bought the act as he quickly supported my weight. He put an arm under my knees and lifted me. Like Edward.

"Nyra! Are you okay?! You don't look good." He looked seriously concerned.

"Yes. I feel sick." Which was true.

"Thank you, Jasper. But you can go back now. I'll go with my friend." I turned to Jasper, and flinched when I saw him so uncomfortably still. Mike puffed his chest slightly at my words.

Thankfully, he seemed to not notice Jasper unnatural state, as he swiftly turned around striding away.

I left a sigh of relief, and realised how fast my heart was beating. I let myself relaxed on Mike, feeling at ease that I might've prevented a possible murder.

After a short journey, he put me down on my feet to open the door of the office. With one look on my face, Ms. Cope, the red headed front office receptionist clicked her tongue in worry.

Mike smugly led me to the nurse room, where I find the main characters.

"Another one?" The old woman looked suprised, quickly moving towards me as Mike helped me sat on the other cot.

"Not a biology student." I grumbled under my breath before I fell back on my back. I have no problem looking at blood. My breath came out shallow as I closed my eyes.

"Are you to supposed to stay with her?" I hear the nurse ask with light irritation.

"No?" Mike seemed confused.

"Then go back to class. It's getting too crowded."


Someone put a hand on my forehead, I assumed the grandmotherly nurse, then it disappeared and went to check my pulse.

"You have a high fever, darling. You're pulse is fast too. Are you taking too much stress lately?" Her question somehow made me chuckle when Alice's face came into my mind.

If only she behaved normally, this wouldn't have happened. Why is she acting so strange? What did I do to make her act this way?

My eyes flutter open when I felt something cold touch my forehead. My heart jumped, thinking it was Edward, cursing myself since I couldn't keep my thoughts in control around him. But Bella came into my view instead, a cold compress in her hand as she laid it across my head.

I looked at Edward, who met my eyes. There was the usual frustration in them whenever we make eye contact.

'Nod your head if you can hear me Edward.' I took a risk.

However, he did nothing, and simply shifted to look at Bella instead. I don't know what to make of it. It's either he can hear me but acting as if he can't, or he seriously cannot read my thoughts.

I tried again, this time, exposing everything I know about him. His early life, how he became a vampire and about Volturi.

Yet again, I saw no change in his expression. That made me sigh in relief.

And then, Mike staggered entered the room again, now supporting a sallow-looking person.

"Oh no," Edward muttered, a hint of amusement on his face, "Go out of the office, Bella."

Bella looked at him in astonishment.

"Trust me- go."

Bella quickly grabbed the door before it shut, darting outside with Edward in tow, and I caught a whiff of the metalic scent of blood, which made my stomach churn.

Oh no. This is going to be the worst day of my life, I suppose.

The day seem to get worse and worse as time went by. Lia didn't pick up her phone when I called from the receptionist desk. Then, I threw up my breakfast - luckily the nurse was quick enough to hand me a small bucket, so I didn't ruin the floor.

After school was over, I insisted the nurse that I could go alone, as I was feeling a bit better. A lot better actually. Even she was surprised to find my fever was almost gone.

Though, she looked unsure, she decided to let me go. I waited for the school to empty out a little, before exiting the building myself.

The drizzling pouring down from the grey sky, helped cooling me down. I shivered in the cold wind, but that didn't bothered me at all. Not even when my hair started to get wet.

What disturbed me to my core, was Alice standing in the middle of the parking lot, alone. Beaming up at me when I finally noticed her.

And the fact that there was no one around, except her. Then, there was a red BMW M3 convertible parked beside Bella's truck makes the matter worse for me. Indicating that it's not just her who was waiting for me.

"Today is seriously the worst." I muttered under my breath, but I knew she heard me when her mouth fell open to let out a laugh.

I forced my legs to move forward, in her direction.

"I thought you would try to run away." She mused as she ran a hand through her wet black hair.

"As you implied, I'd be caught before I could even try to."

I flinched when she laughed again. It sounded like small bells ringing in the distance.

"You laugh like Tinkerbell."


I remained silent. She smiled.

"Let me drop you off." Alice offered, turning around to face the red car. I let out a sigh watching as she skip towards it without looking back.

I sighed again and looked up at the sky in defeat, before trudging to Rosalie's car.

There was silence when I got inside the car, though no one was looking in my direction, I still felt extremely uncomfortable. Rosalie was sitting in the driver's seat, Edward on the passenger seat next to her. Then at the back, Jasper was sitting on the left side, Alice sat in the middle and then there was me.

"So?" Alice started as she turned towards me.

"Yes?" I asked back, trying to appear clueless. Hoping they would leave me alone if I remain silent.

"Don't act like you don't know what we're talking about." Rosalie snared, startling me as she glared at me through the mirror.

"Y-yes! What do you want to know?"

Okay. No more trying to survive.

"Rosalie, don't scare her." Alice simply scolded her sister, as if she didn't just send me a death stare.

"So Nyra, you know about us right? Us being vampires."

"Woah! You're going to reveal your secret just like that?!" I exclaimed at Alice's straightforwardness.

"You already knew though." She said innocently.

"What if I didn't?"

"But you do though."

"Ugh!" I slumped back and pinched the brigde of my nose, already feeling the headache.

"How did you find out? Did you saw it in a dream?" Alice pressed, while leaning in towards me. But there wasn't much space so I couldn't back away from her getting closer.

Her eyes sparkled like a child's curiosity.

"Alice, give her some space."

"Oops! Sorry." Alice giggled and did as Edward said.

I stayed quiet, thinking of how to answer her questions without being murdered. It didn't even surprised me that Alice believed the lie that I could see future. I shouldn't have gone around spewing nonsense that time.

"Well, you can say that. But my dreams don't show me everything."

"Oooo! Like what?" Alice in unconsciously leaned back again. Edward didn't stop her this time.

What to say now?!

"Before I start," I said, trying to buy some time so I could come up with a gullible story. "Let me tell you this, my dreams don't always show me the future. Sometimes, they show me the past and present."

Silence fell again, as I feel their eyes on me, so I looked outside.

"Who's past did you saw?" Alice's voice was barely a whisper. A trinkle of hope was on her face when I met her eyes.

"Emmett's." What I said seemed to slightly disappointed her, making me confuse.

"So? What did you see?" Rosalie's voice broke through the silence in the car. Great, I caught her attention. In the entire family, no one would try to harm me except Rosalie. It took time for her to trust Bella in the book.

"I-I saw Emmett in a forest, I don't know where. In the dream, I saw him attacked by a large black bear and Rosalie came to save him." I lifted to meet eyes with Rosalie, although her eyes were on me, she appeared to be looking again, probably recalling the memory.

"Then, I saw you kill the bear before carrying an unconscious Emmett to Carlisle. I don't know what happened after that, I woke up. But since it could be just a dream, don't take it too seriously." I added.

The silence felt heavy, making me anxious. Uncomfortable, I looked outside and was surprised to realise we've reached my home. This is my chance

"Thank you for the ride." I thanked them as I quickly opened the door, and jumped outside in the heavy rain. I noticed Bella's truck already parked in front of her house.

Before, I could run away, a cold hand grabbed mine and pulled me back inside the car. I stumbled and fell upon a hard body.

"See you tomorrow, Nyra." Alice was back to her bubbly self, and my heart dropped at her words. Though, I did felt relieved that I wasn't going to die today.

"Bye, Nyra." Jasper gave me a gentle smile.

Then, I was released so I quickly scrambled out of the car and on my feet. I let out a short scream when I found Emmett suddenly leaning against the car, grinning wickedly at me.

He hopped inside the car, where I was and winked at me before closing the door behind him. I watched them drove again, my racing heart finally calming down.

I skipped school the next day.

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