Separately Together

By laneyrenee02

40.1K 1.8K 365

HARLEY WALKER Maddie had become my addiction over the past few months, I don't know if the feelings extend an... More

About Author
Chapter One: Embarrassment 1/2
Chapter One: 2/2
Chapter Two: Congratulations! 1/2
Chapter Two: 2/2
Chapter Three: Sing For Me 1/2
Chapter Three: 2/2
Chapter Four: Not a Gentleman 1/2
Chapter Four: 2/2
Chapter Five: Old Wounds 1/2
Chapter Five: 2/2
Chapter Six: Late Nights 1/2
Chapter Six: 2/2
Chapter Seven: Positive 1/2
Chapter Seven: 2/2
Chapter Eight: Friends? 1/2
Chapter Eight: 2/2
Chapter Nine: Make The Neighbors Talk 1/2
Chapter Nine: 2/2
Chapter Ten: Heaven and Hell 1/2
Chapter Ten: 2/2
Chapter Eleven: Addiction 1/2
Chapter Eleven: 2/2
Chapter Twelve: Nightmare's 1/2
Chapter Twelve: 2/2
Chapter Thirteen: Used Goods? 1/2
Chapter Thirteen: 2/2
Chapter Fourteen: I see you 1/2
Chapter Forteen: 2/2
Chapter Fifteen: Just Friends 1/2
Chapter Fifteen: 2/2
Chapter Sixteen: Its a Girl! 1/2
Chapter Seventeen: First 1/2
Chapter Seventeen: 2/2
Chapter Eighteen: Hormones 1/2
Chapter Eighteen: 2/2
Chapter Nineteen: Introductions 1/2
Chapter Nineteen:2/2
Chapter Twenty: Yellow 1/2
Chapter Twenty: 2/2
Chapter Twenty-One: Two Bulls1/2
Chapter Twenty-one: 2/2
Chapter Twenty-Two: Pathetic 1/2
Chapter Twenty-Two: 2/2
Chapter Twenty-Three: Kill, Kill, Kill 1/2
Chapter Twenty-Three: 2/2
Chapter Twenty-Four: Tell Me To Stop 1/2
Chapter Twenty-Four: 2/2
Chapter Twenty-Five: Its Yours 1/2
Chapter Twenty-Five: 2/2
Chapter Twenty-Six: Promises 1/2
Chapter Twenty-Six: 2/2
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Survive for Dixon 1/2
Chapter Twenty-Seven: 2/2
Chapter Twenty- Eight: Live Dont Just Survive 1/2
Chapter Twenty-Eight: 2/2
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Together, Together

Chapter Sixteen: 2/2

520 31 9
By laneyrenee02

Woman, dressed in fancy, sexy lingerie stood on top of the bar and tables dancing twisting in ways that highlighted their body. My cheeks blush a bright red, I should have minded my own business and put up with the crowd of people. It would have been better than this.

"Told you." Harley whispers to me as I feel his gaze eating me up from the outside in. He wasn't focused on the woman with perfect bodies dancing in the spotlight he was staring at me like I was the only girl in the room. Something about that made my skin tingle and my heart stammer.

There was only a hand full of people in here minus the nearly nude woman. They were all sitting in a circle with a bottle in the middle of then, laughing and having an enjoyable time. "Maddie!" Elizabeths buzzed voice calls to me as she motions for me to sit by her. I wish I could protest but the word no doesn't exist around new people, it leaves me entirely and I will do nearly anything they want. Plus, all of the girls were sitting on one side while the men were sitting on the opposite. I didn't want to stand out from the others. So, I take her invitation and sit down beside her feeling my tongue growing heavy at being around all of these new people.

I still felt Harley's gaze on me so I look up to see his green orbs hoping they would give me a little bit of courage. He smiles softly at me seeing that I'm uncomfortable. There isn't much he can do to ease it, but his smile sends a welcome distraction to my mind. Suddenly I'm not thinking about how there are so many people around me, I'm thinking about how that smile could win cover page of every single magazine.

"So, what are we doing?" Harley asks glancing at the bottle in the middle of the self-made circle.

"Dare. Whoever spins the bottle gets to dare the person it lands on to do something." Elizabeth explains the rules. "No limitations."

Fear courses through me at the idea of getting myself embarrassed. This wasn't a promising idea. I look to Harley, and he just shrugs his shoulders as if he is saying, 'you got us into this'. If there was any time, I wanted to cuss it would be now. The possible embarrassing situations this could get me in were endless. Before I could come up with a plan the bottle was spinning, and I was left clinging to the hope that the bottle wouldn't land on me.

Elizabeth went first and the bottle landed on a blonde hair woman with pretty features. "Gina, I dare you to take your shirt off." My eyes go wide as I realize this wasn't going to be the kid version of truth or dare. The girl takes her shirt off leaving her in nothing but a bra that did little to cover her flesh.

I want to run out of this room because if someone dares me to get undressed that's what I'm going to do anyways.

A few more spins of the bottle result in a few more articles of clothes to be discarded, a couple of people have had to call their mom and say embarrassing stuff. Every time the bottle starts to spin, I am relieved when it doesn't land on me until it finally does.

I look up and I see it was Mr. Ivory that spun it. My breath hitches in anticipation on what he's going to dare me to do. He eyes Harley for a moment and then says, "I dare you to call an ex." it was one of the more mundane dares and I knew it was because Mr. Ivory didn't want in enrage Harley. The thing was it might be mundane, but I literally couldn't complete the dare.

"I can't." This grabs every one's attention.

"Come on Maddie. It won't be that bad." She places her hand on my shoulder in encouragement.

"No, it's not that. " I shake my head and stare at my fingers as hey twist together in nervousness. "I- I can't. B-because I don't have one." The blush is instant, and I look up to meet Harleys green gaze and he holds a far-off expression, like he was thinking about something that he didn't want me to know about.

"Oh, well. I'm bested. Your go." He says quickly changing the subject which I am thankful for. I knew he was doing it for Harley's sake, but it still made me like Mr. Ivory for sparing me more questions or daring me to do something else.

I spin the bottle and decide quickly to come up with something simple but mature so that the question fit in. It lands on a girl. "I dare you to call a relative and tell them about a bad sex experience." The crowd Oh's as the girl gets her phone out and starts scrolling through her phone. I felt relieved now that that was over, now I could go back to being an on-looker.

It was a pretty funny phone call, but I couldn't really pay attention until she was spinning the bottle herself. It goes a few more rounds until its Elizabeths turn to spin the bottle and it lands on Harley.

She giggles, the alcohol taking its effects on her. She looks between me and Harley. "I dare you to kiss the prettiest girl in the room." The crowd gasp a little. Everyone looks to the dancing girls trying to pick which one Harley should kiss but they miss his gaze never leaving mine. For a split second 'm took over with jealousy as I think about him kissing one of those girls, but the doubt is put behind me when he makes his way over to me and the crowd goes quit.

I can't look away from his gaze and my stomach does several flips making me shiver in anticipation and nervousness.

His gaze was heated, so heated they were warming up by just looking at me almost like he had heat vision. He leans down into my ear and says, "I'm sorry. I'm not going to lie."

His hair tickles me as he drags his face back to mine and without warning pushes his lips to mine. They are soft and firm demanding the kiss the entire time.

I didn't stand a chance holding my ground with him. My body is filled with the tingles as his hand incases my jaw forcing me to open my mouth and he lets his tongue slip through my lips and tangle with mine.

I didn't have any idea of what I was doing but I just let my body do what it wanted. I could faintly hear the crowd cheering us on, but they were background noise because all I could think, hear, see or smell was Harley.

He invaded my senses like a tidal wave, in this moment all of the tension I have been feeling wanted to poor out. I wanted to grab him and feel every inch of his skin with the tips of my finger, but I couldn't.

Couldn't because we were surrounded by people, and this was just a game nothing more or less.

Harley wouldn't be kissing me right now if he wasn't dared to. I need to keep that in mind and stop trying to make it something it's not.

It was easier said than done when his mouth was all consuming. I feel him pulling away and I would give anything to kiss this man forever. I feel his resistance as he lets my jaw go, he was thinking the same thing as me.

Our eyes lock and something in his gaze tells me he had been thinking about doing that for a really long time, and I can't say that I haven't thought about it as well, it was better than my imagination could ever come up with.

His mouth was like heaven, and I wanted to give my whole body to that same feeling.

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