Unattainable Fruit

By TalexRewrites

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Fruit Series Book 1: Unattainable Fruit In the grand Fantasy Country of Kaulike, Supernaturals and Humans li... More

Characters & Maps
Chapter 1: School & History
Chapter 2: Loneliness & Interest
Chapter 3: Cafe & Instructions
Chapter 4: Curiosities & Calls
Chapter 5: Visits & Nostalgia
Chapter 6: Memories & Escape
Chapter 7: Mornings & Invitations
Chapter 8: Irritation & Accidents
Chapter 9: Hangouts & Information
Chapter 10: Celebration & Partners
Chapter 12: Thoughts & Emergencies
Chapter 13: Disappointment & Histories
Chapter 14: Tea & Prophecies
Chapter 15: Training & Connections
Chapter 16: Talks & Meetings
Chapter 17: Vulnerability & Connections
Chapter 18: Company & Reports
Chapter 19: Doctors & Realization
Chapter 20: Calls & Meetings
Chapter 21: Information & Cabins
Chapter 22: Diplomacy & Alliances
Chapter 23: Waiting & Stories
Chapter 24: Responsibilities & Acrylics
Chapter 25: Calls & Panicking
Chapter 26: Preperation & Arrival
Chapter 27: Runs & Humiliation
Chapter 28: Realization & Boundaries
Chapter 29: Apologies & Confrontation
Chapter 30: Wishes & Revelations
Chapter 31: Changes & Awe
Chapter 32: Meetings & Intel
Chapter 33: Planning & Blushing
Chapter 34: Drives & Admissions
Chapter 35: Waiting & Blessings
Chapter 36: Marking & Love
Chapter 37: Honeymoons & Leaving
Chapter 38: Returning & Violations
Chapter 39: Meetings & Situations
Chapter 40: Questions & Agreements
Chapter 41: Preparation & Relenting
Chapter 42: Normalacy & Shadows
Chapter 43: Banishment & Panicking
Chapter 44: Information & Threats
Chapter 45: Gathering & Worry
Chapter 46: Torture & Secrets
Chapter 47: Allies & Invasions
Chapter 48: Battles & Willpower
Chapter 49: Deaths & Reliefs
Chapter 50: Recovery & Celebrations
Chapter 51: Appreciation & Invitations
Chapter 52: Clearings & Shows
Chapter 53: Preperations & Surprises
Chapter 54: Ceremonies & Joy
Chapter 55: Memories & Moments
Chapter 56: Training & Surprises
Chapter 57: Paradise & Goodbyes
Chapter 58: Peace & Endings
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Chapter 11: Patience and Confusion

217 10 5
By TalexRewrites

Cody's POV

When I wake up the next morning, the sun is subtly shining through the foggy air, giving a nice relaxing feel to the space though I'm sure a lot of people would find the fog daunting. As I get up to get ready for the day, I find myself feeling happier than usual, and for a second I can't remember why, until the conversation from yesterday washes over me causing me to turn red.

Alpha James said that he thought I'm his Mate.

Even thinking the words to myself feels ridiculous, the amount of bullshit all in one sentence is quite unnerving.

First and foremost, I would never be chosen by the Moon Goddess to be a Luna. Not only am I an Omega but half human. Not exactly the strong partner you would need to lead a pack.

I try to stop my thoughts in their tracks, annoyed with myself that I'm even entertaining the idea at all. I feel Jessie, my wolf began to stir, but he didn't say anything which elevates the pressure on my chest but only by a little.

But as I brush my teeth and began putting on my clothes for the day, I find my mind going over every moment every interaction and I remember those faint feelings that I would feel sometimes. A little spark. Or just this pull towards him. I thought it was because he's my Alpha. To even consider that it's because we're Soulmates feels like asking to speak Fae. It just felt unnatural.

Try as I might, I can't let go of this weird feeling in my gut as if it's trying to tell me something. Maybe this is the feeling James was trying to tell me about.

My mind is racing a mile a minute all on its own and I stop trying to guide my thoughts away from the seed James planted there.

Could Alpha James really be my Mate? Is that what I want?

I'm actually not even sure. Honestly, I hadn't put much thought into who my Mate will be. Only thing I knew for certain is that my Mate would be a Male. Other than that I was at a lost. I figured on my birthday I would come across them and that would be that, we would move on from there.

But now, to know my Soulmate could have been right here all along is a little unnnerving and very terrifying.

I gather the rest of my stuff and check the room and my pockets to make sure I have everything before leaving. I leave my door unlocked, the pack house one of the safest places in the pack, and head towards the stairs.

I'm lost in my train of thought when I come down the last flight of stairs and reach the ground floor, the living area full of people getting ready for school and work. I maneuver around the few little groups formed in the middle of the room and head towards the kitchen for a snack. I find Alpha James, Beta Alex and Elder Apprentice Zee circling the counter as they talk about something important. It sounds like details for the race as I walk towards the fridge and pull out a bottle of water and a banana from off the counter. Thankfulmy easy to eat and grab foods are mostly getting left alone after the last meeting, I go to leave the kitchen. Unable to help myself I take a peek at James only to find the Alpha already staring at me. My ears and cheeks immediately turn pink, but I find myself glowing in his attention rather than burning from shame or insecurities.

The difference is striking and prominent. And absolutely terrifying. So I choose to ignore and mush down the uncomfortable feelings, ducking my head as I leave the kitchen, shame filling my gut.

Goddess, I know I shouldn't want us to be Mates and that we know nothing of each other other then our names. What the hell is wrong with me? Even though I know this is beyond crazy, I can't help the hope that fills me at the idea that I don't have to wait years for my Soulmate.

Still, the idea of being Luna looms over me like a scary nightmare. I can barely manage to brush my teeth every day and remember where I put my charger. The idea of being out in charge of thousands of wolves only makes me want to run away without packing a single bag. Even so, this feeling in my gut won't go away as much as I try to ignore it.

I sigh to myself as I exit the front door of the pack house, deciding to take the long way to school in order to have some time to think and clear my head. Though a small part of me reminds me to skirt closer to Hybrid territory so I don't get caught in the Pleasure District again. I walk along the dirt roads. trying to distract my mind with thoughts of the past and the history we're learning in class about the Daemon Wars and all that came from it. It's no wonder so many older Supernaturals hate Nightlies and all the Children of the Night. It seems like the Daemons and all the Devils followers made life hell for my ancestors. Growing up I never quite understood why people were treated differently because to me we were all the same. Supernaturals. Different kinds sure but we weren't human and that was distinction enough. But histories and lies have too big of a place in the world for us to simply try to move on or create something new.

I think about the Daemon attacks on Divine Children and how the regular attacks only stopped less than 300 years ago. Which might seem like forever for a human, but for a Supernatural it's nothing. Half of the Supers alive today have fought in at least one war. They've seen and experienced the hell and pain first hand that war and hate can cause.

It makes sense that they would be weary of Daemons and all ties with them after such a long and unforgiving history.

I hum along happily as I freely dive into the new train of thought, relieved I  was no longer torturing myself over Alpha James and all the impossible opportunities it presents.

Instead, I walk towards my school, counting my steps to make sure each square gets two even steps as I muse about my Countries past and wonder how things will turn out in the future.

Suddenly I'm reminded by James' request to meet for practice after school, and I want to bang my head against the wall. Even though it's hours away, my hands are already sweating from the entirely unnerving interaction. Instead of stressing myself out, which I'm an expert at doing at this point, I stop trying to think, and do my best to quiet my mind for school as the top of the massive building comes into view.

Today will be a good day and I will not go crazy when or if things don't go according to plan. It's a brand new day with new opportunities. I got this.

But in all honestly, as I walk up the sidewalk that lead to the front doors of the school, I'm worried that I don't have it at all.


I groan in relief when the final bell of the day rings. I drop down into my seat, taking a few settling breathes before I gather my books and things from the table. I avoid my teachers eyes, not wanting to incite a conversation accidentally.

My walk is brisk as I stride through the hallway following some soothing rhythm that pops into my head.

All day I've been anxiously waiting for school to be over, though I'm pretending it has nothing to do with the practice season that's supposed to happen in one of the clearings after school. Just thinking about spending that alone time with my Alpha had me sweating. And smiling though it's so small you can barely tell so it shouldn't count. That's what I tell myself anyway.

As I'm walking towards my locker I walk into someone harshly, my speed making the impact harder.

I stumble back a few steps, and when I look towards the person, I find a dark haired woman with purple cat like eyes and little horns on top of her head. A witch.

"Watch where the heaven you're going, Wolf." She tells me, glaring slightly before I can respond the glare is melting into a soft though perceptive smile. I can feel her intrigue but since I'm still learning my powers, I can't feel her intentions or other underlying emotions yet. "Only kidding though I'm sure that's exactly what you'd expect." Her voice is upbeat and curious and it helps my anxiety with talking to a Nightly, though being late to James and I training is an entirely different thing.

That anxiety is not so easily subdued.

"Definitely. Still can't get used to Nightlies usage of Heaven or Goddesses." The sentence is to myself but she answers anyway.

With a shrug she grins. "I think it was the Nightlies way of saying fuck you to the Divine. Letting you know your way isn't the right way. Besides why would something like "Bless you" make someone feel better. Your God's blessings are all just curses in disguise. It's used as a curse because it is. The same with your little deities and practices." Her words strike me as odd especially since it's the Nightlies that are always storing trouble and causing problems. The Gods and Goddesses are benevolent creatures that bless us with a Soulmate, powers beyond imagination and a beautiful place to make our dreams happen.

I guess that's another reason why Nightlies and Divine Children don't get along. Seems a little disrespectful to me. Which doesn't help my annoyance.

"I don't care to hear you talk down about our Gods and you're making me late. Goodbye." I tell me as honestly as I can, wanting to make sure that I'm understood and she doesn't keep me here even longer. Thankfully she takes the hint and allows me to walk away, though her laugh follows me as I do.

"See you around, Cody!" She calls to me as I try to get towards my locker. I put in the combination and grab my note book, on a one track mind to make it to the clearing before James does.

Upset that I got distracted, it's not until I'm halfway home walking as brisk as I possibly can do I remember that I never did tell that Witch my name. I wonder how she knows it or where she got the information, but my mind is reluctant to let go of the idea of trying to make it back to the pack house to put my stuff away and out to the clearing. So I pocket the issue for another time, not wanting to have to deal with some problem I can't solve in the middle of this impossible situation.

Thankfully in less than five minutes I'm home and running back down the stairs after putting my book bag away and changing into some comfy clothes that I don't mind getting dirty.

I slowly make my way towards the clearing where James and I were yesterday, and breathe a sigh of relief when I see I'm the first one here and I made it two minutes earlier than I originally planned. Feeling good about my little win, I sit on the ground and wait for James to appear.

I'm following the ripples in the water with my eyes when I finally hear him coming towards me, the slight crunch of the fall leaves two season ago only barely audible. I quickly stand up as James comes into view and I smile awkwardly, feeling as if I should now even if that's not something we practice as wolves. He just gives off that energy of power and authority. One he mirrors quite well from his dad. From a distance anyway.

"Cody, you're here." He says, his tone conveying his shock. "I thought for sure I would have to come and hunt you down." He jokes and I giggle quietly, not expecting to be lightly teased by the most important member of our pack.

"Keeping my word is extremely important to me." Is all I say in answer and I see him looking me over but I ignore the way it makes my heart skip a beat, having his attention on my body like that. I feel my face heat up and I look towards the skies for patience from the Moon Goddess, wondering how the hell I'm going to get through the afternoon.

"Good to know." Is all he says in acknowledgment before he's walking past me towards a broken tree. I watch with a slightly gapped mouth, as he takes off his shirt and slings it along the tree.

I try my best to avoid looking at him, I swear I do, but it would be impossible for even the gayest woman on earth. His skin is a beautiful golden brown, his hair a thick and curly mess on the top of his head, his faded look a little grown out already. His eyes are a dark brown and his lashes linger the. they have any right to be. His torso is so ripped from both the front and back that it makes me eyes raise in surprise. Clearly our Alpha has been doing some training. I notice the way his abs glisten from the light sweat the sun worked up as he came to find this place.

Mouth suddenly dry, I gulp and turn away, ignoring the way seeing James like that, bare chested and jeans hung low on his waist, makes me feel.

And it's making me feel a lot of things.

Including absolutely mortified that I've let James' words from yesterday get into my head, along with he himself.

What the hell is wrong with me?

I jump when I hear James' voice again this time a lot closer. He's standing in front of me only a few inches away, enough for me to get a wiff of his natural scent, the smell of pine and leather almost intoxicating.

"Okay first in order for us to make a game plan, we have to be aware of our abilities and strengths and weaknesses of each other." He tells me before gesturing in front of himself towards me. "So show me what you got. Tell me all your secrets." He says the last part with a secret grin that gives me goosebumps. But again I ignore it. Just because my brain is working against me at the moment doesn't mean he needs to know. Not yet anyway.

"We'll Ive been able to slowly tap into my Omega gene powers. I've been able to feel others feelings, intentions and the next steps they plan on taking. But I don't have control over that. And I'm also extra fast." I tell him though I don't make eye contact, the intensity in the one act too much for me to even think about. Once I answer the rest of his questions I give him a few physical examples of my strength, speed and agility until he's satisfied he understands all my flaws and strengths.

When it's his turn I do my best to listen openly and attentively but every so often the sun hits his body just right or the look he gives me is so personal that it stops of breathe for a moment.

Lowkey wondering if James convinced a Witch to place a love spell on me, I watch as James turns into a beautiful dark brown wolf, his size even on all fours coming up to my chest. By the time we finish showing off our powers and abilities, as well as shit talking about school, unexpectedly, the sun is starting to go down, my phone screeen reading after seven when I check it. I can't wait until the days get longer and we can enjoy the magic of the sun and the warmth it brings until almost ten.

For now, James reaches out a hand and helps me from my seat where I was watching James.

"Thanks." I mutter, avoiding his eyes and reclaiming my hand as soon as I'm standing.

"You're welcome." He tells me and when I look up he hasn't moved at all, still close enough to touch- or even... I stop the thoughts in their tracks, suddenly wanting to escape very quickly but thankfully James and I are on the same page. "Okay well, i think we have all the information we need. Since it's getting dark we'll call it a night and start practicing tomorrow. Overnight I'll figure out what part of which races we'll do. Sounds good?" He asks with such confidence it almost makes me feel like I would be crazy if I said it didn't sound good.

Yeah, definitely a love spell.

Because these things don't happen to me. I am the back ground character the one everyone remembers but don't have any particular opinions. The one that's universally accepted but not loved. I was okay with that role. Reveled in it. But now, with the signs that are appearing that I'm trying desperately to ignore, I feel like I'm being put on a path that I have no clue how to navigate.

"Okay. Sounds good. Meet here again tomorrow?" I ask and I hate that I sound hopeful. I'm not even convinced I like the man, much less know and am Mated to him.

With a smile and a nod, James heads off in the opposite direction of the pack house. Disappointed that I couldn't walk with him the way back, I turn to walk away and head there myself. All I can think about as I go inside. eat dinner and shower from the long day, is the way James looked at me as I show him my powers, and how he looked half naked and sweating. These are thoughts I've never had before and I find myself wishing that he's my Soulmate just so I don't have to worry about it my wayward thoughts.

When I fall asleep that night, I dream of blood, revenge and tears, a dream I haven't had in a while. A memory I was hoping was buried so deep it wouldn't even dream of reaching me again. And yet here I am. And all I can do is hope that it isn't a bad premonition for what's to come.

Yayyyy i wrote a full chapter. 3k words in one hour isn't bad. I used to write 1500 word chapters in 45 minutes so definitely an improvement. I hope the writing itself is an upgrade from before as well.



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