Sonic Prime x Child! Sister...

By m1tsukii_

13.8K 299 78

When an explosive battle with Dr. Eggman shatters the universe, Sonic races through parallel dimensions to r... More

Stormi The hedgehog💙
{Shattered 1/2}
{Shattered 2/2}
{The Yoke's on You}
{Unwelcome to the Jungle}
{Barking Up the Wrong Tree}
{Situation: Grim}
{It Takes One to No Place}
{There's No ARRGH in "Team"}
(Not a chapter)
{Avoid the Void}

{Escape from New Yoke}

821 22 12
By m1tsukii_

Before Prism Shatter~

"Where's Sonic and Stormi?" Knuckles asked as he punched away a couple of Badniks.

"How long does it take to collect rings? I thought we were doing this together."

A flying Badnik flies towards Amy, but she destroys it with her hammer. "Sure would be nice if they'd stick to the plan." She jumps up and smashes a caterpillar badnik. Another caterpillar badnik knocked her away from behind. Amy gets up and sees the badnik was about to attack her but Rouge quickly kicks it away,blowing it up.

"Tell me about it. No gem is worth me losing my wings."

She kicks away two badniks. A mini robot shoots down some badniks. It flies around and flew near Tails, who had his Miles electric in his hands.

"Don't worry, guys, Sonic and Stormi will show. I know they will."  His robot shot down some more badniks.

"I just hope it's in time."

Meanwhile, with, Sonic, Stormi, Shadow, and Shade

An explosion can be heard making Sonic and Stormi gasp.

"Oh, no. Our friends." Sonic says. "Look, Shadow, We're late for..." He was cut off as Shadow punched him in the face.

"Woah!" Stormi exclaimed. Shade gasps.

Shadow glared at Sonic. "Learn to focus." He looks at Stormi.

"You have so much potential...and you're wasting it by following your idiotic brother.."

Stormi looks confused. "What do you mean?"

Shadow scoffs. "You have such great power and yet you're following this blue idiot around like a lost puppy."

Stormi thought to herself for a moment.

Sonic sways side to side, with his tongue out , with imaginary Flickies flying around his head. He then gasps.

"Oh, no! Eggman!" He points, making Shadow and Shade turn around.

"Huh?" Sonic spin dashed into Shadow and knocks him into a wall. Rocks falling over Shadow. He jumps back,grabs Stormi and runs off.

"Hate to hit and run, but We gotta split, Shadow." Sonic says.

"See you later, Shade!" Stormi waves.

Shade shyly waves back as he watched the siblings speed away.

Sonic and Stormi  runs through Green Hills, collecting rings. Stormi continues to think about Shadow's statement. Maybe he was right. She still haven't unlocked her true power, and all she does is following Sonic around.

With Shade and Shadow

Shade feels the ground shake. He turns to see the rocks that were over Shadow shake.

"AHH!" Shadow breaks through the rocks, with an angry expression.

"S-Shadow! Are you okay?" Shade asked. Shadow jumps down and looks at the direction Sonic and Stormi went.

"Come on." Shadow sped away.

"Okay!" Shade says before going after his brother.

Big could be seen whistling while holding a fishing pole and Froggy on his head.

Shade and Shadow sped past him, making him spin and fall over.

"Shadow? Shade?"

The two brothers raced to the crater Sonic created and up the mountain, They picked up speed and almost reached the top, until everything went dark.


In the present, Sonic and Skylar(Stormi) are still pinned against the wall by RustyRose.

She then locks a target at him.

  "Terminate." She charged her fist at them  but then stopped. She starts to glitch as Nine typed on the computer, with a diagram of RustyRose on the screen.

"Now paired." The computer said.

Nine points his hand-held device at Rusty. Rusty's red eye changes from red to yellow.

"New admin privileges, colon, backslash,backslash, affirmative, now paired." She says.

"Huh? 'Paired'? What does she mean, 'paired'?" Mr. Doctor Eggman asked, as he and the other council members watched from a different room through a camera, connected to Dr. Don'ts game console.

"Amy, are you... you?" Sonic asked.

"No, she's still a Chaos Council tool of destruction." Nine says. "Lucky for you, I'm in control of the robot now." He points to himself and smiles. "You're welcome."

Nine points his device to a different location in the room. "Attack!" Rusty drops Sonic and Skylar. A army of Eggforcers enter the room and she charges at them, taking them all down.

"What in the name of omelets have they done with Rusty?" Dr. Done it asked. He points his finger into the air hitting, Mr. Doctor Eggman on the nose. "To the security room!"

The other Eggman's quickly rushed away, Dr. Don't was slowly catching up while mumbling to himself.

Rusty continued to destroy more bots. She jumped backwards and stomps down on the lever that had more Eggforcers, blowing it up.

The council made it to the security room. Dr. Babbles sits on the control board. Mr. Doctor Eggman pick him up and hands him to Dr. Deep.

Mr. Doctor Eggman activates a security camera.

RustRose uses her legs,extending them, and rose out of the fire. Sonic was catching his breath.

He sees the laser and quickly dodges it.

Skylar destroys more Eggforcers and gives Sonic a thumbs up which he returns.

Nine then noticed more Eggforcers are coming into the main room.

"Rusty Rose, close that door!"
Rusty turns her attention to the door and extends her arms to push away the Eggforcers and closed the door. Rebel and Knucks ran next to Nine.

"Uh, she's with us now?" Knucks asked.

"Duh." Nine says.

The chaos council groaned.

Rusty then punches the control panel that controls the doors, so the Eggforcers couldn't get in.

She walks to Rebel, Nine and Knucks, and Sonic and Skylar sped over to them.

Sonic laughs.

"We did it!" He then runs around the five and brings them close into a hug. "Bring it in,fam!"

Nine,Rebel,Knucks and Rusty Rose started groaning and complaining. Skylar looked confused.

"Huh." Sonic raises his brow. Then he realizes.

"Oh, yeah, the whole, "Eggman messed up the whole universe thing." He says. The laser spins over them which the six of them ducked under it.

"Fine. Introductions. Hello I'm Sonic, the high-speed hedgehog hero, who's always saving the day."

He zips next to Nine, who looks at him, confused.
"And this wily little fox is the crusty but benign Tails—"

"Nine. It's Nine. The emphasis is on the Nine." Nine corrects him.

Sonic zooms to Skylar,picks her and begins to tickle her. "This little bundle of energy, it's my little sister, Stormi."

"I'm..Skylar!" Skylar says between laughs.

Sonic put her down and zooms over to Knucks and Rebel.
"And these two slightly thuggish party crashers consist of the alluring and kick-butt international bat of mystery, Rouge..."

The three of them dodged the laser which was still spinning around the room.

"It's Rebel." Rebel corrects him.

Sonic turns to Knucks.

"And Knuckles."

"Knucks." Knucks corrects him. He turns away from Sonic and crosses his arms. "And will someone please stop this laser."

Sonic zooms to Rust Rose.
"And Amy is..."

Rusty turns to him.
"I am a killing machine created by the Chaos Council, to enforce their autocratic rule."

Sonic places a hand on his hip. "Well, Amy's the sweetest friend you could ask for."

Knucks, Rebel, and Skylar raised their brows. The laser spins over them and they dodged it.

" one remembers any of that. So we're going to fix it, because we got the whole band back together." Sonic says.

A loud bang from two metal doors can be heard, which makes everyone get into defensive stances.

"This way, or you're finished" Nine says as he runs to an exit. He types a code using one of his metal tails. The doors opened revealing more Eggforcers,but they instantly gets blown up by the laser.

The Mr. Dr. Eggman growled in anger, as the he and the other members of the council watched from the cameras. In one monitor, Nine is seen near the door, the camera zooms him on him and and points his device at it. The security monitor turns black and reveals a pixelated version of Nine, laughing.

"You've been hacked by Nine."

The council gasped.

"Gah!" Mr. Dr. Eggman groaned. "Patch us into the badniks for visuals. Find them!"

He turns to Dr. Deep.

"Dr. Deep, we can't let them escape!"

"Totes. So gonna destroy." Dr. Deep laughs as he runs out of the room. He is then seen putting on some battle armor. After he was done, he starts to dance, with two Eggforces dancing behind him.

The council watches him from one camera monitor.

"Deep, grow up!" Mr. Dr. Eggman yells. "And your dance moves stink. Find them!"

Meanwhile with the heroes

Sonic and the others are seen walking down the hallway in slow motion while music plays in the background. They all have serious faces, except for Sonic and Skylar, who had confident smirks.

Sonic notices everything was in slow motion and speeds up.

"Baddies this way."

He runs backwards.

"Baddies that way."

He returns to the group. "They're coming from both sides."

They run through the doors, as badniks followed them. Two badniks collide with each other with causes all of them to crash. One started to shoot lasers at them which catches Knucks' attention. He charges at the badnik, and breaks off the antennae, he jumps back and runs away, joining back with the team.

"Come on, gotta get out of here." He says.

He runs past Nine.

"Wait, stop. We shouldn't be trying to escape." Nine said.

"What are you talking about? There's robots after us." Knucks says.

Nine gets in front of him, making him stop.

"We get our hands on their energy crystal, we shut down their entire operation..."

"And take back our world."

The others catches up. Sonic stops.

"Crystal? Energy crystal?"

He runs between Nine and Knucks.

"Hold-a- wait-a-sec. Did you say crystal? Is it a big crystal thingy? Shiny,reflect-y, prism-y?" He asked.

"Sure." Nine says in a monotone voice.

"The Paradox Prism. Of course!" Sonic says.

Suddenly they hear blasters firing.

"That's how Eggman did all this. The change city, the messed-up you guys. If I can get it, maybe I can change it all back. Rusty Amy and Skylar,where's the prism?"

"I don't know, I knew they trusted me, but didn't trust me enough to tell me where this prism is." Skylar explained.

"Rusty Rose," She corrects him. "Do not have clearance to the subsectors of the core."

Sonic laughs. "Subsectors? I can make my own clearance. Then blasters fired at them which the all ducked. They turned to see more badniks coming after them. Sonic picked up Skylar and he and the others moved to opposite sides of the room.

"In case of emergency, always use the stairs." Sonic says as the others follow him to where the stairs are.

He jumps on the railing.

"Come on, team. Together we're gonna fix the world."

He and Skylar jumped and spin off the stairs and fall down, with the others following them. Eggforcers goes to the stairs and sees the heroes falling down to the bottom floor.

Sonic and Skylar were about to land until, a hand grabs them. It slams them against the wall,making them groan in pain.

"Prepare to be amazed, then deceased, by the one and only Dr.Deep."  Two Eggforcers jumped behind him.

"Uh-huh!" Sonic and Skylar both ducked as Dr. Deep shoots out fire from his flamethrower at them.

"Okay, actually cool." Sonic says.

Dr. Deep charges at the hedgehogs and swings his saws at them,which they swiftly dodged. He uses his saw, but Sonic and Skylar kicked him away. Dr. Deep keeps using his saws against the hedgehogs, the easily dodged each attack. Sonic runs up a wall and tries to land a hit on Dr. Deep but knocks him into a wall. He then places his katanas in front of Sonic, trapping him.

Skylar gets up and charges at him. "Let him go!" She then takes out her laser gun and shoots at Dr. Deep but his mech suit deflects the lasers. Skylar then tries to attack up gets knocked back by a Eggforcer. Nine then uses a grappling hook to pull back the robot, but gets grabbed by another one.

Dr. Deep smirks. Sonic kicks Dr. Deep, knocking him back. Sonic and Skylar turned to the other badniks, who were about to attack Nine, and punched them away.

The other Chaos Council members gasped in shock, as they watched from the security cameras. The hedgehogs land next to Nine. Sonic sees Dr. Deep and uses his spin attack as Dr. Deep uses his saws. The saws barely hits Sonic, who his Dr. Deep in the face. Sonic bounces from the wall, hitting the mech suit and knocking Dr. Deep and a couple of Eggforcers down the stairs. Sonic lands as Skylar and Nine runs over to him.

"Thanks for the save." Sonic says to Nine with a wink.He lifts up Nine's arm and Hive Fives it. "High five." He then rushes away.

"High... five"? Nine says with a small smile as he looks at his hand. Skylar smiles and lifts her hand. Nine notices and gives her a high five.

"Divert more energy from the crystal
to the pods immediately!" Mr. Doctor Eggman yells at Dr. Don't. Dr.Don't then looks at his game console and rises the energy of the badniks. The Eggforcers systems overload with energy. They start to spark with electricity and their eyes turned red. They all charged at the heroes.

One badnik knocks Sonic back. Another hits Nine. Another throws Skylar into the air. One punches Knucks. One hits Rebel. And another hits Rusty. They kept on landing hits. Rebel fall to the floor. Rusty hits the wall, with Nine following her. Knucks hits the ground, while Sonic lands safely. Skylar lands but falls on her face.

She gives a thumbs up. "I'm okay!"

"We're done for. They're too powerful, too fast." Knucks says. Sonic looks at him.

"'Too fast'? You need to learn to spin-dash, my friend." He says with a grin.


"Watch and learn." Sonic uses his spin dash move and knocks down four bots. He knocks one bot's head off and knocks down the others. The other heroes looked in awe. He lands next to Knucks.

"You're up! You see that bad guy over there?" Sonic asked.

"Uh, yeah." Knucks says. Sonic grabs Knucks.

"Now spin." Sonic throws him. Knuck spins, leaving a red trail behind him and knocks down several bots. Sonic zooms over and picks up Nine.

"You too." He then throws Nine and throws him. Nine hits several bots leaving a yellow trail behind him. Skylar looks excited. "Hey what about me?" Sonic smiles then gets an idea.

"Hold on! Let me just fix something..." He takes Skylar's hooded jacket and rips the sleeves into short sleeves(Like Stormi's outfit).

"There! Now you can move better!"

Skylar smiles. Sonic then picks her up and throws her. Skylar knocks down the bots, leaving a electric blue trail behind her.

Red, electric blue, yellow, and blue trails fill the staircase. Knucks knocks down a bot,while Rebel punches one. Rusty opens her hands and jumps down the stairwell and onto a Eggforcer. One lunges at Sonic who dodges it with a cocky grin. Sonic spin dashed at it and knocks it on the railing and rides it down like a skateboard. Skylar spin dashed into the Eggforcers and knocking them into the ground.

She sees Sonic skating down the railing and reaches out for his hand. Sonic takes her hand they both rode down the railing. They both jumped down and land onto a pile of bots.

"What kind of budget are these guys working with?" Sonic asked.

"We're at the sub level. Where's the exit?" Nine asked. Knucks digs underneath the pile and hits the door, catching everyone's attention.

"Found it!" He yells out. They got out and walked into the main room.

"That was awesome! Good work, team. Let's go." The heroes start to run until Nine notices Sonic's shoes glowing.

"Your shoes. Stop, it's that way." Nine points into a hallway. Sonic turns around and runs to Nine.

"Well, how do you know?" Knucks asked.

"He's connected to the prism energy, and thanks to my handiwork, his shoes are picking up
on the energy's signature." Nine explained.

"He's right. It's like they're calling out to it." Sonic says.

"Look." He starts to run back and forth.

"Hot, cold. Hotter, colder, blazing hot."

"Uh..." Nine says before turning and seeing Dr. Deep and a couple of Eggforcers.

"I'm going to origami that hedgehog! Find them!" Dr. Deep yells.

"Come on, let's go." Nine says,leading the others through the hallway. The Badniks run/fly past the corridor. Dr. Deep stops.

"Huh?" He looks down the hallway.

"They're headed for the core.They're headed for the core! Guys, guys, guys!"
A couple of badniks smack into him as the others fly down the hallway. They all chase our heroes down the hallway. Nine points at a pair of doors ahead of them.

"That's gotta be it."

"Close all corridors!" Mr. Doctor Eggman voice can be heard from the intercom.

"They're shutting the doors! Hurry!" Nine yells.

Rusty jumps between two closing doors and forced them opened. Sonic quickly picks up Skylar and gets through the doors, followed by Rebel and Knucks. Knucks then picks up a canister and throws it into two closing doors, stopping them from closing. Sonic,Skylar, Rebel, Knucks, Rusty and Nine were able to get through.

The doors fully closed, as the badniks were about to enter.

"Open the doors! Open the doors!" Dr. Deep ordered. The bots were able to force the doors open and continue to chase the heroes,firing at them. The heroes moved to opposite sides of the corridor to dodge them.

"I guess dreams don't come true." Knucks said.

"Aw, come on. You don't believe that, do you?" Sonic asked.

"Well, prove me wrong." Knucks says before throwing a canister into the air. Everything slows down. Sonic nudges Skylar and points ahead. They run over and start to dodge the lasers. They jumped up and used their legs to push the canister Knucks threw at the lasers. Rebel and Knucks looked in awe while Rusty just and a blank look on her face.

Both Skylar and Sonic had determination on their faces as they get closer to the bots. Everything went back to normal speed as the hedgehogs spin dashed into the Eggforcers.

Dr. Deep gets up. "Ohh."

He looks ahead and gets hit by the Eggforcers.

"Aah!" They were all sent out of the Council headquarters.

Sonic and Skylar looked down the hole and smiled. "We did it!" Skylar cheered. Sonic ruffles her hair. They both laughed and rushed away to join the others. Dr. Babble's bot gets in front of them as more Eggforcers join him. Inside, Dr. Babble made angry baby noises.
Both of the hedgehogs stopped in their tracks and had annoyed looks on their faces.

"Enough with the baby. Give me the old man for once." Sonic groans.

"Out of all of the Council members, he is the worst!" Skylar says. The other bots started to head towards, Rebel, Rusty, Nine and Knucks.

"Nine, how we doing over there?" Skylar asked.

"I need more time." Nine answered as he types i to the control panel.

"Hey, it's me you want.Come and get me." Sonic shouts.

Skylar gasps. Sonic pats her head. "Don't worry! I'll be fine!"

"You promise?" Skylar asked.

"Promise!" Sonic says before rushing away, with the other bots and Dr. Babble following him. Skylar runs to join with the others. She spin dashed into two bots who were about to attack Nine.

"Thanks for the save." Nine says.

"No problem!" Skylar says. Both Skylar and Rusty began to defend Nine from the bots. Skylar used her spin attack on more bots and releasing a bit of her Chaos energy, making the bots blow up.

The others looked at her in shock.

"Woah." Rebel says. Skylar gets up and her eyes were a bright blue color. She shakes her head and they're back to normal.

"How did you do that?!" Knucks asked. Skylar shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know.."

After a while, they managed to defeat the bots and Nine continues to type on the control panel. Skylar is now sitting on a destroyed bot as she looks at her hands. A few minutes passed and Nine works on the control panel and sparks fly out.

"I got it, we're in." He says, getting the attention of the others.

"Awesome!" Skylar shouts. "You're amazing, Nine!"

Nine rubs the back of his head. "It's nothing really."

Rebel, Rusty,Knucks,all turn to see the doors slowly opening. Nine and Skylar notices Sonic returning. Skylar's eyes lit up. "Sonic! You're back!"

"Of course I did!" Sonic says. "I kept my promise!"

"Sonic, we didn't think you'd make it back." Nine says. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." Sonic said with an upset expression.

"Come on, let's go!" Skylar says excitedly.

"Yeah, I thought you'd be flatter than a snake's belly." Knucks said.

Soon a giant robot hand grabs, Rusty, Rebel and Knucks.

"Whoa!" Sonic yelled.

"Need a job done right, do it yourself.Step away from the core,or your friends are toast." Mr. Doctor Eggman said through his giant robot. The doors closed and Sonic tries to open them but fails. Both Skylar and Nine steps in front of him.

"Sonic, we have to get to the core!" Nine shouts.

"Yeah! Come on!" Skylar adds.

"No. I've got to help my friends." Sonic says.

Rusty punches the giant robot in the face,freeing herself, Knucks and Rebel. Eggman's bot grabs Rebel's arm and slams her against the doors. Rebel turns to the doors.

"Sonic, go. You have to get to the Paradox Prism,or it'll all be for nothing." She flies back to help Knucks and Rusty.

"You heard herCome on." Nine said before he and Skylar runs to the Paradox Prism. Sonic frowns and looks back at the door before following them.

"Come on!" Skylar urged him.

"Wait. Is that...?" Sonic asked. The three of them ran to the core. It was a small red crystal floating.

"It's not the Paradox Prism.It's way too tiny.The Prism was... was..."

He has a quick flashback to the cave before the world shattered. The prism was big and had multiple colors.

"We don't know what the prism is capable of. Be careful." Tails voice warned him. The events before the Prism shattered begins to play. Sonic is seen spinning into the Prism.

"I remember now." Sonic says

"Sonic!" Tails called out.

"I was too focused on winning. I didn't listen. I...They tried to warn me."

Flashback to when Amy,Stormi, Knuckles, Rouge, and Tails, trying to stop him.

"All of them." Sonic's ears dropped. Both Nine and Skylar looked at him.

"All this time, I thought Eggman figured out how to harness the prism energy, and that's why everything's so whacked. But it's not that. Eggman didn't create this world..."

A flashback shows the Prism shattering and him floating into the void. He floats passed the many Prism shards and crystals. One of them being red.

"I did."

"What?!" Skylar said in a surprised tone of voice. Suddenly there was banging at the door.

"I shattered the Paradox Prism." He turns to Skylar and Nine.

"I broke... everything."

"So, this is just one small shard
of a bigger energy source?" Nine asked

"There's... more?" Skylar asked. The three turned to the door as Eggman's bot tries to open it.

"You've said a lot of weird stuff since I met you, and that's the weirdest." Nine says.So, snap back to reality, grab that chart, and we'll sort the rest out later."

"No, you... he...The original you told me not to touch it." Sonic says.

"Well, I'm telling you the opposite." Nine says.

"Now, grab it and let's go." Nine says as he points at the Crystal.

"Yeah!" Skylar says.

"Right, I broke it, but we can fix this." Sonic says as he grabs Nine.

"If there's anyone who's got the brains
to put it all back together, it's you." Sonic said.

"That's the first thing you've said
that I agree with." Nine said. Sonic walked up to the crystal and touches it. Red energy sparks and surges around Sonic's hand

"Sonic, what's happening?" Skylar asked. The crystal starts to pull Sonic into it.

"Nine! Skylar!" Sonic shouts. He screams as he was fully pulled into the crystal.

"Sonic!" Both Nine and Skylar shouts.

"Sonic, where are you? Sonic!" Nine says.

"Sonic?" Skylar says worried. They both looked around.


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