New Love

De Cole_Hazel

8.7K 295 14

We all remember that first love. The one who we fell head over heels in love with who also destroyed us. When... Mais

Chapter 1: Emily
Chapter 2: Jay
Chapter 3: Emily
Chapter 4: Emily
Chapter 5: Jay
Chapter 6: Emily
Chapter 7: Emily
Chapter 8: Jay
Chapter 9: Emily
Chapter 10: Jay
Chapter 11: Emily
Chapter 12: Jay
Chapter 13: Emily
Chapter 14: Emily
Chapter 15: Emily
Chapter 16: Emily
Chapter 17: Jay
Chapter 18: Emily
Chapter 19: Jay
Chapter 20: Emily
Chapter 21: Jay
Chapter 22: Emily
Chapter 23: Jay
Chapter 24: Emily
Chapter 25: Jay
Chapter 26: Emily
Chapter 28: Jay
Chapter 29: Emily
Chapter 30: Emily
Chapter 31: Emily
Chapter 32: Emily
Chapter 33: Jay
Chapter 34: Emily
Chapter 35: Jay
Chapter 36: Jay
Chapter 37: Emily
Chapter 38: Jay
Chapter 39: Emily
Chapter 40: Emily
Chapter 41: Emily
Chapter 42: Jay
Chapter 43: Emily
Chapter 44: Jay
Chapter 45: Emily
Chapter 46: Emily
Chapter 47: Emily
Chapter 48: Jay
Chapter 49: Emily
Chapter 50:Jay

Chapter 27: Emily

157 7 0
De Cole_Hazel

The next couple of weeks flew by. Jay and I talked everyday either in person or on the phone and managed to steal moments alone with each other whenever we could. Lucy was still oblivious to his attempts to end things with her and her threats to other girls were becoming bolder. Mia told me every day what a bad idea it was to keep seeing him, but I let it go in one ear and out the other. I had talked to my best friend, Erin about all the developments and she was Team Jay, at least.

I love spending time with him. He makes me laugh and feel special every time we are together. I cherish every moment with him. Even if our moments were often broken up by a call, or text, or an appearance of Lucy.

On a balmy Friday morning after our first class, Jay grabbed my hand before we walked outside.

"Come over tonight. Will and Joe are going home this weekend for a football reunion and we'll have the place to ourselves."

I pressed my lips together, and crossed my arms across my stomach, shuffling from side to side.

"What about your girlfriend?"

He sighed. "I wish you would stop calling her that."

I raised my eyebrow at him. "I will when she stops calling you her boyfriend." I realized it came out a little more snarky than I intended. But the truth was I was tired of Lucy's inference. I wish we could see what this relationship could be if she wasn't around. Of course, then I immediately felt guilty for thinking that when I knew what her past entailed.

He tugged at my arms until I uncrossed them, bringing my hands to his lips and kissing them.

"Lucy has plans with Casey tonight. She will be occupied and we will have time alone together."

"I don't know, Jay." I bit my lip. He grunted and squeezed my hands, taking a step closer.

"Just say yes."

"I'm going to be late to class." I placed my hand on his chest and pushed him back. "I have to go." But I didn't move. He stepped closer and pushed a strand of my hair behind my ear. He brushed his lips against mine and it was like a match striking the embers that burned inside me.

"Tell you what," he said. "Ty is working the Sunsphere tonight. Let me take you out for dinner and then you can decide if you want to come home with me afterwards."

I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face. "Are you asking me out on a date?"

He smirked. "I am." His arm slid around my waist and his lips touched mine again. "What do you say?"

"Okay," I agreed as a cocoon of butterflies erupted in my stomach.

"Good." He kissed my cheek, then took my hand. I smiled up at him as we walked out of the building together.

"Should I pick you up?" He asked as we started down the hill.

"Maybe I should just meet you." I didn't want to push my luck.

"At seven? Base of the Sunsphere?"

I nodded, pausing at the crosswalk with him. He squeezed my hand one last time as we headed across the street. He let it go as we got to the other side, but still stood close enough to me that I could smell his cologne.

"So I'll see you tonight then?" he asked. I nodded.

"God, I want to kiss you right now."

"Save it." I said looking over his shoulder. "Here comes your girlfriend." I had spotted Lucy and Casey walking down the steps behind him, right towards us.

He glanced over his shoulder and shoved his hands in his pockets. "Shit," he cursed, taking a step back. I watched Lucy's face light up as she neared him.

"Jay, hi." She bounced over to him and linked her arm through his, standing on her tiptoes, trying to kiss him. He moved away, trying to untangle himself from her. It didn't keep me biting my tongue and gripping my bag.

"Well," I bounced on my toes. "I should get to class." I turned and started up the stairs.

"Emily, wait." Jay called after me. I looked over my shoulder at him. Lucy had a death grip on his arm. He tilted his head and sighed. "Chapter 7 for tonight, right?"

I pressed my lips together and nodded. I quickly bolted up the stairs, holding back tears.

I debated my decision to go out with him all through class. This whole situation was a mess. He kept telling me that Lucy's brother is going to come down and take care of her. But I have yet to see said brother. The more time I spent with him, the more I liked him and the more I despised Lucy. Part of me knew I should text him and tell him I can't do dinner tonight. Maybe if I stayed away from him, these feelings would go away.

After class ended, I had all but decided I wasn't going to meet him. I pulled my cell phone out, planning to text Mia and see if she wanted to hang tonight. Instead, I had several messages from him.

Jay: I'm really sorry about earlier.

Jay: I told her again that I wasn't her boyfriend.

Jay: Please say we are still on for tonight...

I took in a deep breath, and texted back as I made my way out of the Jesse Harris building.

Emily: Maybe it's not such a good idea.

Jay: I promise, it really is. I really want to spend the evening with you.

Jay: Please let me take you out.

I bit my bottom lip. As another text pinged through. I opened it up to see his face staring back at me. His lips were pouting.

Jay: I'm not above begging.

A smile spread across my face as I looked at those sexy lips and stunning blue eyes. How was I supposed to say no to this?

Emily: How do I know she isn't going to show up at the Sunsphere tonight?

Jay: She won't. She's going to Cotton Eye Joe with Casey and some other girls.

Emily: I'm not sure if you're worth all this risk.

I was only half kidding.

Jay: I promise I am.

Jay: Meet me tonight and I'll show you.

Emily: Okay. Tonight.

Later that evening as I was standing in front of the counter putting on makeup, when Mia bounded into my room and plopped on my bed.

"Damn, you look hot." She complimented. I was wearing a long silky gray skirt with a slit all the way up the side, ending in a cute bow with an off the shoulder, lacy crop top. "Where are you off too?"

I pulled my hair up in a ponytail, leaving a few tendrils down around my face.

"Out." I responded

"I wonder who you are going out to meet dressed like that?"

I looked back over my shoulder at her as I curled the tendrils around my face.

"I would invite you, but it's kind of a date."

"Trust me, I would pass anyway. I don't need to be tangled up in this anymore than I already am." She snorted. "And you shouldn't be either for that matter."

I picked up a rosy pink lipstick and a deep red, holding them up for Mia's option.

"The pink one. It will look nice with your complexion."

"Thanks." I leaned over the counter carefully applying the pink lipstick, then shoved it into a small silver clutch.

"Casey mentioned that you and Jay looked awfully close this afternoon and asked me if anything was going on between the two of you."

"And what did you tell her?" I picked up the stiletto sandals with rhinestones I had planned to wear and sat on the bed to slide my feet into them.

"Maybe she should ask you herself."

I shot a side glance at her. "I know this is a huge secret you are keeping for me, Mia. And I really appreciate it."

"Perhaps the two of you should cool it for a while before anyone else gets suspicious."

I laughed. "Please. Lucy is completely in her own world and is oblivious to everything around her."

I stood and twirled for Mia.

"You're going to drive him wild."

I shimmied a little and smiled. "That's the plan."

"Em, I just don't think the universe wants the two of you to be together. You're having to sneak off to even have a date with him."

"I know you think this whole thing is a bad idea. And I know you are worried about me." I took Mia's hands and pulled her to her feet, embracing her in a hug. "I keep telling myself everything is going to work out. Because I really like him and I think he likes me too."

Mia sighed. "I hope you're right."

"You're a good friend, Mia. Please keep our secret just a little longer."

"Fine." she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

"Thanks." I kissed her cheek. "And if anyone asks, tell them I was home watching movies with you all night."

"Sure. Whatever." She followed me out of the room. "Be careful."

I blew her a kiss as I walked out the door. "Don't wait up."

I bit at my lip as I walked down the steps leading to the base of the Sunsphere. Butterflies were swarming in my stomach ready to burst from the cocoon any moment. I slowed as I spotted him, leaning over the railing looking into the Tennessee River. He wore khakis with a blue button down shirt that I knew would make his eyes pop. My heart started to jump as I neared him. As if sensing my presence he looked over. His eyes widened as he stood up straight.

"Holy mother of God." His eyes slowly drifted over me as I neared him. I pressed a hand to my bare stomach, trying to control the fluttering. He reached out for me, pulling me into his arms. "You look..." he trailed off, looking into my eyes. I saw the lust flash in his baby blues. "Damn..." he laughed. "You're rendered me speechless." His hand slid down my waist, finding the slit in my skirt. He leaned in and bit playfully at my bottom lip. "I'm not sure how I'm supposed to make it through dinner with you dressed like this."

"Should I go back home and change?" I teased, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Abso-fucking-lutely not." His hands pressed back to my waist and he swung me around, pressing me up against the rail and crushed his lips to mine. I whimpered, raising my leg and wrapping it around him. He groaned and slid his hand up my leg. I gripped his hair and feverishly kissed him back. As I felt his cock twitch, I smiled and unwrapped myself from him. I pressed my hand to his chest.

"I think you promised me dinner first."

His pupils were dilated and his breathing was erratic. I smiled salaciously and stepped around him, heading to the elevator, I looked back over my shoulder at him. He shook his head and darted after me. His arms wrapped around my waist. His lips landed on my neck.

"You're such a fucking tease. I could have you for dinner instead."

"I thought it was obvious." I batted my eyelashes at him. "I'm dessert." He growled deep in his throat and nibbled at my ear. I giggled.

The elevator doors opened and two other couples stepped out. Both of the men took a second glance back at me. I started to wave, but Jay growled and pulled me into the elevator.

"It seems I'm not the only guy you are going to drive fucking crazy tonight." He pulled my back against his chest, his hands sliding over my stomach as he kissed down my neck.

"I have you all to myself tonight, so driving you crazy is my intent." I swished my hips against his crotch.

"Fuck, woman." He groaned. The elevator doors opened but instead of a quiet restaurant I had expected, music was blaring and lights were flashing across the bar as couples danced on a makeshift dance floor. I smiled, sticking my finger into his belt loop and pulling him out after me.

"Looks like a dance party." I stepped off the elevator with him in tow and threw my hands up in the air, moving my hips to the beat. His hands landed on my waist.

"Drinks, then we dance." He said right next to my ear. I took his hand and led him through the crowd, squeezing into a space next to two frat looking guys.

"Wut's up girl?" A guy with blonde hair pulled into a man bun looked me over. Jay shoved in next to me, bumping the guy out of the way.

"Hey, man." Man bun protested as his drink sloshed over on the bar. Jay's arm wrapped around my waist as he waved to Ty. Jay's lips landed on my neck again as he whispered in my ear.

"Do you know what I want to do to you?"

I ran my tongue across my lips and looked at him.

"What's that?" His body was pressed close to mine. His cologne wrapped around me and made me weak in my stilettos.

"First," his hand wandered down my side to the slit in my skirt. "I want to find out if you are wearing anything under this sexy little ensemble." His hand slid under my skirt and across my bare pelvis. "Naughty girl." His other arm wrapped around my waist as he slid his hand in between my legs. I let out a gasp as his finger flicked across my clit. His tongue flicked my earlobe. I moaned and leaned back against him. He moved his hand to my ass and squeezed it.

"And later tonight, I'm going to tie you up and eat this sweet pussy." My knees wobbled as he slid a finger inside me. It was as if only he and I existed. I, for once, didn't care that others were around us. All I wanted was him. "Then, I'm going to spank this ass as you ride my dick." I closed my eyes and moaned, my head falling back on his chest. Suddenly, his hands and warmth were gone and I was knocked back into reality. Jay laid a twenty on the table and took one of the drinks Ty had sat in front of us. I stared over at him as he stuck the finger that had just been inside me in his mouth and sucked it clean. He leaned in close, but didn't touch me.

"I know how to drive you crazy too, little lady. Don't forget it." He winked and walked away. I blew out a breath and looked around the bar. The frat boy next to me wiggled his eyebrows at me. I grabbed my drink and downed it. Then headed off after him.

I found him standing in a corner in front of the windows, looking out over the night sky. I walked up beside him and his arm snaked out around my waist. I leaned into him.

"Sorry about dinner," he said. "I didn't know there was a DJ tonight."

"I don't mind." My eyes looked up at him, because even in my heels I was shorter than him. "I'm not that hungry."

His eyes locked his mine and he smirked. "But do I still get dessert?" I stretched up and kissed his lips.

"If you're a good boy."

"Oh, I'm a very bad boy." He turned and pulled me against him. "But I still intend to have my fill."

"Hmmm... good thing I like bad boys." I brought my lips back to his, enjoying kissing him like this, out in the open without having to see who was around. He tugged at my ponytail and took my mouth, our tongues dancing against each other. I swayed my hips to the beat.

I ran my hands down his chest, loving the way his pecs felt under my hands. Our lips still locked together.

I smiled as Flo Rider's 'Get Low' started playing, knowing it was another way I could toy with him for a while. When the chorus started, I threw my hands in the air and turned around, shaking my ass against his crotch. I then dropped to the floor and rolled my body back up, wiggling as I went. His arms held me against him, as he pressed himself into me.

"Do you feel that?" He kissed my collarbone. "I'm going to fuck you so hard later you're going to forget your name."

I held onto him to keep myself steady, looking back over my shoulder at him. His eyes danced with lust and desire. And I felt it too and something more. 

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