Emma: The Glow Within (Book 2...

xoxAnnee tarafından

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Sequel to "Emma: the Legend of the Darkstalker" Please go back and read the first book, so that you'll know w... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1: Fury
Chapter 2: Escape
Chapter 3: Kill Her
Chapter 5: Night Fury
Chapter 6: Betrayed
ANNOUNCEMENT: Please Read! :)
CONTEST #1 June 13-20
Chapter 7: A Blinded Heart
Chapter 8: My Best Friend
Chapter 9: The Fight
Chapter 10: Maroon
Chapter 11: Jayden
Chapter 12: Rebuilt
Chapter 13: Kissed
20,000 Views on Emma Book One!
Chapter 14: Berserk
Chapter 15: Strangled
Chapter 16: Tyra
Chapter 17:
Chapter 17 (Part Two):
Chapter 18: Sailing
Chapter 19: A Lost Memory
Chapter 20: All Hands On Deck
A/N: Story Time - I Almost Died Like 3x's Today! XD
Chapter 21: You Owe Me
Chapter 22: Acceptance
Should I Make a Prequel?
I Am Making the Prequel! :D
Chapter 23: Trust
Update 9/20/15
Emma Trivia ^-^
Important Message:
Emma Trivia Winner!
Chapter 24: Broken Flight
Chapter 25: Mapped Out
Chapter 26: I'll Never Forget to Remember
The Book of Contests Info!
Chapter 27: The Darkest of Flames
Chapter 28: You Will Never Understand
29: Vast
Happy Thanksgiving!
Chapter 30: I Understand
Go Support httydfanon.wikia.com
31: I Love You
Chapter 32: Sky Flight and Snowball Fights
New Contest! (See The Book of Contests)
Chapter 33: Nightingale
Merry Christmas!!!
Chapter 34: From the Ashes
35: Nova
NEW Drawing Contest in "The Book of Contests"
Oh my gosh guys!
Chapter 36: Standoff
37: My Fault
Chapter 38: A Paper Heart
~ Epilogue ~
NEW Emma AU Crossover book

Chapter 4: Golden

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xoxAnnee tarafından

***Hey, guys! Quick note: I DID NOT WRITE THIS CHAPTER. My friend Jillian (Zombie_Beheader) wrote it for me :) She's amazing and you should go check out her book "We Are One" it's creepy, because our books are pretty similar... but yeah. *claps forJill* I literally only edited like 3 words haha. Enjoy***


 I twiddled my thumbs, staring at the Amber flames that flickered and crackled in the fireplace. I couldn't break my gaze away from the flames...and I didn't really want to.

 I was sitting at a table at the great hall, doing nothing. I was meant to be figuring out a plan, but I had nothing. I wouldn't admit it though, because Blaze was not in a good mood.

 Anger, fire, and a Hiccup do not mix.

 But I was worried sick about Emma.

 I hurt her. I really did. She admitted her love to me and I rejected her. I really cared about her, but I didn't  want to be in a relationship with her like that. She deserved someone better than me though. I wanted her to find someone that will be right for her.

 I watched the flames again, staring at the way they glowed, and the way they danced. The flames almost looked gold...


 I turned to see Astrid behind me, her eyebrow raised in concern.

 I softly smiled. "Hey Astrid."

 "You thought of a plan yet?" she asked.

 I shook my head.

 She sat down next to me, rubbing my back. "You okay?

 I drew out a deep breath. "Yeah...I'm just worried. I don't want—Gah!"

 My arms started to burn, like they were on fire, and I fell off my chair in surprise. Astrid quickly rushed to help me up, and I bit my tongue to stop myself from hissing from the pain.

 "Oh gods...you alright Hiccup?" she asked as she stood me up.

 The burning was now bearable, but it was annoying as Hel.

 My mind quickly went to Emma. Was she being burnt? Was she being hurt? What was Drago doing to her?

 "—listening Hiccup?"

 I snapped my head back up, and I stared into Astrid's deep blue eyes that seemed to glow in the dim light of the hall.

 The pain...it wasn't from Emma. Somehow I could just tell. Whatever is happening...is happening only to me.


 I snapped my head back up to Astrid, and she raised an eyebrow.

 "Um...wha-?" I asked, and she huffed.

 "Hiccup. Are you okay? Why did you fall off your chair? You have to tell me."

 I sighed, rubbing my arms as they still burned, but the pain was still bearable. "Emma...must of...got h-hurt".

 She rose an eyebrow, but nodded and grabbed my hand in hers. She led me out the door, and I looked back to the fireplace that was behind me.

 The flames lashed out wildly, before they suddenly diminished, like they had been sucked away.

 What was happening?

 **few hours later**

 It Itched.

 It just itched.

 I had taken my shirt off and I was crazily running my nails up my arms, trying to stop the itch. My skin has gotten weirdly smoother, and even a few shades paler. And a nasty, weird, swirly rash had spread up my arms, and they wouldn't stop itching.

 Toothless warbled beside me, nudging me with his snout as I sat on a chair.

 "I'm...okay...bud...I'm...just...itchy" I gasped as I crazily itched my bare arms.

 The burning started up again, and I hissed as itstarted intensifying. I stood up, suddenly needing some fresh air, and I ran down the stairs. I burst out of the doors, and my vision started to go hazy.

 What is happening to me?!

 Toothless snorted, trying to get my attention but everything was hazy, and I couldn't see straight, and my head was swimming. I stumbled a few steps, almost collapsing.

 I managed to make my way to the great hall in my condition, and I held in screams as the burning in my arms became more intense. I burst through the doors, stumbling and gripping a nearby table to support myself. My bare arms itched again as they burned, but I couldn't itch them because I was afraid that if I let go, I would fall over.

 Blaze, Astrid and the gang looked up from a few tables away and spotted me. They all shared a worried look before they stood and started walking towards me.

 Sweat beaded my forehead and I let out a scream of agony as the burning in my arms suddenly became unbearable.

 I heard Astrid calling my name, but it was too late.

 Golden flames sparked from my fingertips, and spread up my arms, and I let another scream rip out of my mouth. The table beside me caught a blaze, and the golden flames quickly spread to the floor, and up the walls.

 I couldn't see past the flames as they surrounded me, and I screamed again as I felt molten lava coursing through the veins. I looked down and saw bright, golden swirls crawling up my arms, towards my neck.

 I screamed one more time, before everything went black.



 "It's okay," I said, wiping rain off of me. "You can come out now."

 Emma crawled out from the shadows, her blue eyes wide in fright, and her light caramel hair in her face. She looked behind me, sighing contently as she saw no Drago.

 "How'd you get rid of them?" she asked, sitting up against the wall.

 I had to kill her.

 As much as I didn't want to...Drago was right. If her powers overloaded, she could kill everyone.

 Kill one person?

 Or the entire world?

 I smirked. "Oh...I'm just that scary."

 She giggled. "Yep. Your absolutely terrifying."

 I felt myself smile, and I got the two rocks again, clicking them together, making a spark and bathing the cave in amber light as the fire was lit.

 I sat beside Emma, and I watched as she looked into the flames. She was beautiful. I couldn't deny it. From her small, softly rounded nose to her high, rounded cheeks, to the curve of her full lips, and the thickness of her long, black eyelashes.

 I looked away, my heart clenching in my chest.

 I had to kill her.

 "Why were you out in the forest?" she suddenly asked me. "Why were you alone?"

 I gulped. "No...no real reason..."

 She softly smiled, nudging me with her elbow. "Come on. I would love to hear a story. And I want to know a little bit about you."

 I sighed. Maybe this would gain me her trust. Then it would be easier to get rid of her.

 ...But would I be able to do it when it came time? Would I do it?

 "You gonna tell me Danny?" she asked.

 My heart softly clenched with grief as she called me that, but I did not show how the name made me feel.

 I rose an eyebrow. "Danny?"

 She giggled. "Yep. Your new nickname is Danny."

 I softly chuckled, leaning up against the wall. "Okay...I'll tell you. Just don't...just wait till I explain myself...okay?"

 She nodded.

 I sighed. "It all started when I was four  years of age..."

 **seventeen years ago**

The rain was thundering down on the village. But the rain did not stop the fire as it raged through, devouring everyone and everything. Lightning struck another house, and it too bursted into flames.

 A little boy stood in amongst the chaos, hugging a stuffed Deadly Nadder to his chest.

 "D-Dadddy!" squealed the boy, the rain making him shiver. "Da-Daddy!"

 Vikings rushed pasted him, sparing small glances, but none helped him. None dared touched him. They all had one thing in common; they only cared about themselves.

 The boy took small steps towards center of the burning village, and his lip trembled. The icy rain bit into his skin, and he trembled from the cold and from the fear that was alive inside him, like a burning fire.

 "M-M-Mommy!" he screamed, trying to find his mother, or his father. Anyone. "P-Pwease! I-I-I'm s-scared."

 He heard commotion ahead, and his hope rose up from the ashes. He ran forward excitement bubbling inside him. He ran through the smoke, expecting to find his parents looking for him, but that was not what he saw.

 His father brought the hammer down, and his mother crouched, holding the axe above her head to stop the blow. She lashed her foot out, tripping the boys father over and she quickly stood, holding the axe to his neck, her blond hair whipping around her tan face.

 "Look at what you have done" she spat, her green eyes wide. "I told you! Dragons don't have to be killed! And now you've upset them! Their killing everyone!"

 The father shoved his wife away, standing up and scowling. "You and your stupid beliefs. Didn't that lady die from being taken by dragons a year ago!? The one who agreed with you? Valka was her name. She died because of dragons! Their soulless, ruthless creatures that should be controlled!"

 The wife growled, crouching, ready for the next attack. The father laughed, charging, and he swung his hammer down. The wife blocked it, stepping to the side and punching the father in the face.

 He clutched his cheek, growling and the wife twirled the axe in her hand. Her blond hair whipped around her face, concealing half of it. "Drake...please don't do this—"

 "MY NAME IS NO LONGER DRAKE!" roared the father, lashing his hammer out and connecting it to the wife's chest.

 She screamed, collapsing to the ground. Her bones in her ribcage were shattered, and she could no longer move. The pain shot through her, and she breathed quickly and heavily, sweat beading down her forehead.

 The father stalked up to her, taking his staff off his back, holding it up in the air, and staring into his wife's pleading green eyes.

 "It's now Drago."

 He then plunged the end of the staff into her stomach, and the wife gasped, grasping the staff.

 She stared into her husbands dark eyes, before her hand fell limp to the ground, and blood pooled out of her mouth.

 The little boy saw everything.

 The father turned around, freezing when he saw his son standing there, tears in his eyes.

 "M-Mommy..." he whimpered, dropping his plush Deadly Nadder toy.

 The father took a step forward, smiling softly. "You Mommy was bad. She was letting dragons roam free. She was naughty."

 "YOU KWILLED HER!" the boy screamed. "YOU KWILLED MOMMY!"

 "Son..." started the father, but the little boy turned and ran away.

 "SON!" roared the father, taking a step towards his son, but a dagger flew through the air, lodging itself his foot.

 He roared in agony, and he turned to see his wife with her hand out towards him, as she had just thrown the dagger.

 Her green eyes watched her son disappear through the thick smoke, away from her husband.

 "Stay...s-s-safe...Danny..." she whispered before her eyes rolled into the back of her head, and her heart stopped.

 The little boy ran. He ran as fast as he could. He saw a villager pulling a cart up ahead, and he pressed on. He made it to a villagers cart, and he jumped into it, hiding under some blankets that had been thrown on there.

 The boy found an apple, so he quietly munched it, softly sobbing as he had just witness his father hill his mother. He couldn't believe it though. He never would of thought that his dad would do something like that. He would never have thought that he was a lunatic; a murderer, a psychopath, a madman.

 "I hate you..." he whispered, before his strength ran out, and he fell asleep.

**present time**

 Emma gasped, looking to the fire, away from my eyes. It was as if she could feel the pain too.

 I softly closed my eyes, letting out a shaky breath.

 I remembered what my mother used to say to me. She used to say how I looked so much like her, but I had my fathers eyes.

 I wished I looked nothing like that animal.

 I opened them again, and Emma was looking into my brown eyes.

 "My parents were killed by a Night Fury" she said softly, playing with her fingers. "That...that's all I know. So...I don't exactly know how you felt...but I kinda know what it is to loose your parents."

 "But my father is still alive" I said, rubbing my hands together because coolness of the rain was pinching my skin.

 "But he changed that night. You lost your real father. So in a way...you did loss both parents."

 "I hate him." I whispered, my anger bubbling slightly. "I absolutely hate him."

 Emma slowly, and cautiously, placed a hand on my own, warmly smiling, and I was shocked by the kind act.

 No one had ever shown any sort of affection towards me. Ever since I jumped into that villagers cart, and when he found me, he literally picked me up and threw me to the ground.

 It was since then, I have lived a lonely life, with no one to care for, or to care for me.

 But just as Emma put her hand on my own, and gave me a warm smile, something within me moved. Something changed. Something happened.

 I don't know what exactly happened, but I was certain about one thing.

I couldn't kill Emma. At least not at that moment.

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