Castle One Shots

By Sofie1402

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Series of one shots of the Castle characters. Mainly side characters (there's too many Caskett stories alread... More

Untold Story
Breaking Point
Breaking Point (Part 2)
Fight For You
For Your Entertainment
Different Kind of Love
Casual Banter
Don't Go
Baby Names
Flowers For Your Grave
Five Times Lanie Missed Esposito, And One Time She Did Something About It
Perfect World
Swear Jar
On My Knees


108 2 0
By Sofie1402

Joey Malone turned his life around for the better.

Tags: Gen

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Joey always wondered why graduating was such a big deal. Having to seat under the boiling hot sun for hours on end just to get a piece of paper. And one that basically says he's now qualified for the world. Even when he knows damn well no one actually knows what the hell they're talking about half of the time.

But still, he sits patiently in the crowd of graduates. Waiting and only half paying attention to the speech the principal is giving. Just to get that piece of paper.

He's been working hard for the past 4 years. A lot of late nights spent doing homework. A lot less time fooling around.

Joey shifted in his seat, pulling on the collar of the robe and wiping his brow. The heat was almost excruciating.

He sighed, then turned towards the bleachers where the parents are seated. He scanned the crowd, wondering if he was there. When he couldn't spot him, Joey sighed.

He's probably running late.

Joey recalled the first time he showed him his report card after everything went down. The surprise he felt when he saw the look of pride in his eyes. The genuine way he smiled and the way he made him feel proud of his own achievements. It made him want to try. It made him want to keep getting better.

So he did.

He kept trying. He kept getting better.

Which is why he's here now. Sitting in the sweltering heat, feeling himself start to cook in the intense heat of the sunlight. Like a rotisserie chicken in a slow cooker.

Because he wants to see that same proud look in his mentor's eyes like he has many times before. He wants to continue to make him proud.

Joey barely noticed the other graduates around him stand up to form a line by the stage. So he quickly does the same. Then he waits as the line moved slowly. One by one, the graduates got on stage to get their diploma before heading back to their seat.

Joey turned to search in the crowd again. He was starting to feel nervous about him missing this moment. But just as the thought crosses his mind, he notices Javier Esposito rushing over to the bleachers and taking a seat.

He was running late. But he's here now.

The older man caught his eyes and waved with a small smile. He waved back. Suddenly, he wasn't as nervous anymore.

When it was finally his turn to receive his diploma, he stepped onto the stage, shaking hands with the principal then posing for a picture before finally stepping off stage to head back to his seat.


"Congratulations class of 2017"

That was the last thing Joey heard before everyone started cheering and throwing their caps into the air.

After the ceremony, everyone started walking around, taking pictures with old classmates and parents.

Joey could only look around, trying to spot where Esposito was. When his eyes finally landed on him, talking to one of his teachers, he approached them.

"Hey, look who finally decided to show up" Joey said.

Esposito turned to face him and smiled "Hey, if it isn't the smartass" he said playfully.

Joey rolled his eyes.

His teacher smiled as he watched the exchange before turning towards Joey "Congratulations, Mr Malone. You have a bright future ahead of you" he said surely "Excuse me" he added quietly before leaving to talk with other people.

Esposito nudged his shoulder lightly "Look who's the teacher's pet now" he teased.

Without another word, Joey suddenly hugged the older man "Thanks for coming" he said.

Esposito was a little taken aback, but still smiled as he lightly patted his back "No problem" he assured.

Joey pulled away "So, you got a present for me?" he questioned with a hopeful grin.

Esposito rolled his eyes "It's always about gifts with you" he muttered even as he handed him a small rectangular box from his jacket.

Just as the boy reached to take it, Esposito held it out if his reach.

"Hey!" Joey said in protest.

"How do I know you're not gonna pawn this the first chance you get?" he questioned.

"Why? Is it valuable?" he asked.

"You're not instilling a whole lotta faith in me right now" Esposito said, still holding the box away from him.

Joey grumbled "I won't" he assured "Just let me see it" he said as he attempted to reach for the box, only to be pushed back by the man.

"On second thought, I think I might keep this for myself" he said, about to pocket the gift when Joey spoke up again.

"Man, come on. I won't sell it. I promise. Can I have it now?" he questioned, annoyed by his constant need to be reassured.

There was a moment's pause before he finally handed the box over to the teenager. Joey all but snatched the box from his hands before opening it up with excitement. As soon as his eyes landed on the contents, he grew quiet.

"You hate it" Esposito said.

"No, not at all" Joey said quickly "But wh-where did you get this?" he asked as he took the familiar watch into his hand.

"Had to lean on your uncle for a bit. I knew he lied about pawning it when you told me. The glass was cracked so I had it fixed and now it's good as new" he admitted.

Joey flipped the accessory in his hand. The engraving at the back still had his parents' initials, along with the date of their wedding. He looked up to the man ahead of him and smiled, fighting back against the tears that threatened to fall.

"Thank you" he said quietly.

Esposito smiled "It's rightfully yours" he said simply "So, are you going out to celebrate with any of your classmates?" he asked.

"There's a party at Caitlyn Newman's house today. So maybe" he shrugged.

"Ah.." he nodded in understanding "Guess you wouldn't want to have lunch with me at Remy's, huh?" he said.

"You kidding? I'd take Remy's burgers and milkshakes over any party any day" Joey said enthusiastically.

Esposito grinned "Alright but don't order more than two, cuz I'm not taking the blame when you get a stomachache again" he said as they walked towards his car, turning his keys in his hand.

"I only got sick cuz of your driving" he protested.

"Keep telling yourself that" Esposito shook his head as he stopped by the driver's side, pausing a moment to look over to Joey "I'm proud of you" he said suddenly.

Joey grinned "Does that mean I can drive?" he asked.


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I'd like to think Esposito kept in touch with Joey Malone like he said he would. Which means Joey would probably start to look up to him. I would've loved to see him make cameos on the show once in awhile, mostly because I love their interactions. Thoughts?

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