Who Fell First? (Year 4) [Wed...

By cookiekid789

23.5K 1.3K 236

[Sherlock/Harry Potter/Wednesday crossover] Book 4: The Goblet of Fire After the events of the summer, Y/N an... More

-- Cast --
Not Exactly Match of The Day
The Quad-wizard Tournament
The Announcement
Mysterious Moody
The Very Definition of Calm
The Next Morning...
Attacked and Discovery
Combined Intelligence
Self Defence
The Lead
Warming up...
The First Task
All for One and One for All...
"The Blasted Press!"
Dancing Lessons and The Final Piece
The Yule Ball (Part One)
Yule Ball (Part Two)
Yule Ball (Part Three/End)
Morning After
Bath Time Discovary
The Truth
The Second Task...
Body In The Woods
Into The Maze
The Graveyard (1/2)...
The Graveyard (Part 2/2)...
Voldemort's Back
Back To Baker Street...

Schemes and Skeeter

628 36 7
By cookiekid789

Disclaimer: The French in this book may be spotty because I used google translate. So please, take it easy on me if the grammar or anything is wrong with the French in this.

Y/N was with Wednesday in the Room of Requirement, the pair of them sharing a moment, kissing as they enjoyed the moment. Y/N moved his hand to the small of Wednesday's back as she had a neutral expression on her face, she reached back and grabbed Y/N's hand, moving it up her back.

"Don't get ahead of yourself." Wednesday said as Y/N smirked. "Come on let's get on with this."

Y/N nodded solemnly.

"Hey, no matter what...I...I love you." Wednesday said as she kissed Y/N. "I just hope you know that, no matter what I do to keep my cover, I love you. He's boring and an idiot."

"And she's not too interesting."

"But for all we know anyone could be the target, you, me, Enola, anyone. If his plan works, Moriarty will start a war between wizard nations, millions would die." Wednesday said as Y/N nodded.

They snuck through the castle until they were in the Gryffindor common room.

"Are you sure this is our best move?" Y/N asked as Wednesday nodded.

"We need to get close enough to search the Beauxbaton and Durmstrang dorms, we need to infiltrate their inner circle, if they trust us they may even give us information they normally don't divulge, crucial information." Wednesday said as Y/N nodded. "Hey, it's only a fake row. I still...you know."

"Yes, just...feels scary." Y/N said as Wednesday smirked.


"Yes. Let's get it over with." Y/N said as Wednesday looked around, no one was there, they were having a lie in. They walked over to by the portrait door abed began their fake argument.

"Yeah? What about you and that Communist, Krum?"

"He's Bulgarian."

"Oh please, they're communist." Y/N remarked as Wednesday looked at him. "And the prat walks around with a blasted bear on his shoulder like he fought it himself."

"What about that French girl, Fleur? You've been eyeing her up and down since she arrived." Wednesday said loudly but with a flat tone.

"Well maybe she wouldn't be jumping down my throat all summer!" Y/N said as Wednesday looked at him.

"It's not my fault you're too pathetic to stand up for yourself."

"It's not my fault you're too stuck up to know when you push people too far, that's your issue Wednesday, you're only in it for yourself, you never care about anyone else. You treat people like dolls and manipulate them, one day you're going to get someone killed. You nearly got Eugene killed, you nearly got me killed and you didn't bat an eyelid."

"Small wonder when my supposed boyfriend is just a weak little boy with daddy issues. You know I can see now why everyone in your family hates you, you're a spineless, useless idiot. At least your father has some guts." Wednesday said as Y/N looked at her.

"I'm the one with parent issues, you hate both your mother and father, you've planned their murders. And anyway, I may be a pathetic spineless, useless idiot to you, but at least I've been able to turn heads without people looking at me like a freak."

"Your phrasing implies you think of your head turning days in the past tense...what? is it just stomachs now?" Wednesday remarked smartly as Y/N scoffed.

"You know what, sod this. You want to be alone Wednesday? Be alone." Y/N said as he walked out of the room. Wednesday looked up at the landing to see everyone had been a witness to the fake row.

Y/N stormed into the Champions meeting room and looked around as Krum watched him, his cold dead eyes glared at Krum as the Bulgarian seeker smirked, guessing the cause of his bad mood.

"Are you having girl issues?" Krum remarked as Y/N looked at him.

"Shut up you communist prat, get back to your gulag." Y/N snapped at Krum who chuckled,

Fleur seeing this was going to turn into a fight looked to Cedric who stepped between them.

"Y/N, go and cool off, Fleur, can you keep an eye on him? Krum, you sit down."

"Vhy should I?"

"Let me rephrase, you can either sit down on the comfy couch, or you can be knocked down onto the floor and get a broken nose." Cedric said as Krum looked at the boy before backing down.

Wednesday walked in and saw Y/N sitting in a corner with fake tears. Internally she smirked at him being so convincing. She looked over to Krum and saw him eyeing her up, she flashed a quick smile at him before approaching him. Cedric was over with Harry who arrived and noticed Y/N and Fleur sitting off in the corner of the room both chatting, and Wednesday reading a book with Krum watching, her neutral look on her face as she glared at Potter told him everything he needed, they were faking, he would have to remember to ask them about it later on when they were alone. 

"What a charismatic septet. Hello, I'm Rita Skeeter." The journalist began as she shook hands with all of the champions. Rita took Harry away for an interview and Y/N sat down thinking.

He was thinking when Fleur walked over.

"Alors, qu'est-ce que tu veux faire quand tu quittes l'école ? (So what do you want to do when you leave school?" Fleur asked as Y/N looked at her.

"Je veux continuer à être détective conseil. (I want to continue being a consulting detective.)" Y/N said as Fleur nodded.

"Votre français est remarquable. (Your French is remarkable.)"

"Merci. (Thank you.)" Y/N said as he glanced over to Wednesday and sighed.

"Oublie-la. Elle ne sait clairement pas à quel point une personne qu'elle a laissée partir est bonne. (Forget her. She clearly doesn't know how good someone she let go is.)" Fleur said as she smiled at Y/N comfortingly. He gave a fake smile as he looked at Fleur. Before he could speak, the Harry stormed out of the small broom cupboard he was being interviewed in and Skeeter walked over to Y/N.

"Well, isn't this cosy?" Skeeter said as she looked at Y/N.

"It's a broom cupboard." Y/N stated as Skeeter spoke up again.

"Now, Y/N Holmes. Let's talk about why you, a thirteen year old-

"I'm fifteen." Y/N said as Rita ignored him.

"Why would you a thirteen year old would enter into this very dangerous tournament, perhaps you seek your family's approval, and you think that winning will gain you that approval? Or perhaps you were using your keen detective skills to follow the smell of romance in the air."

"It's not the smell of romance it's the smell of Hugo Boss for men. And look, me, Wednesday and Harry didn't put our names in that cup." Y/N said as Rita chuckled to herself before winking.

"Don't worry, every body loves a rebel. Especially a rebellious underdog story. Speaking of your parents, what would your parents feel about you joining this tournament. Proud, or concerned. I mean, your attitude from records at best shows a pathological need for attention and praise and at worst a psychotic death wish." Rita said, not realizing she was treading close to the mark that Y/N would say enough was enough. "Some might describe you as a psychopath, what do you have to say about that?"

"I'm not a psychopath, I'm a high functioning sociopath." Y/N said coldly and dispassionately as he looked skeeter. "Next."

"Of course, you're close friends with Wednesday Addams, some people have described you two as close. What would she say if she thought you were doing this to impress her, young romance-"

"Me and Wednesday finished over the holidays. We broke up." Y/N said as Skeeter smirked.

"So, you are as you would say, back on the market, and you seem to have been having a good conversation with Miss Delacour-"

"What? No, there's nothing, whatever you're implying-- I don't fancy her." Y/N said, stuttering on purpose to sell the act.

"I never said anything about fancying Fleur, you did." Rita said as Y/N looked like he'd been caught. "I must admit I had hoped that you were smarter than this."

"Oh shut up." Y/N said as he stormed out, pretending to be fuming.

"Cedric Diggory." Rita called out as Cedric walked into the broom cupboard. Y/N saw Krum move closer to Wednesday who Y/N could tell wanted nothing more than to torture the Bulgarian seeker for the information, but they both knew, they couldn't risk an international incident like that.

As Y/N walked away Fleur joined him.

"That lying stuck up, pompous, two faced, four tongued viper." Y/N snapped as he kicked a table, Enid was sitting calmly and looked over to see Y/N acting like this, her suspicions were raised while Krum was smirking. Enid walked over to Y/N and sat next to him.

"Y/N, you okay?" Enid asked as Y/N nodded while signing to Enid using the same version of sign language that Thing used. She got the message and looked at him angrily.

"Wednesday broke up with me." Y/N responded sounding beaten as Enid looked gave him a look with her eyes before slapping him.

"I heard. Asshole." Enid said as she walked away, making it look like she was flexing her hand to recover from giving him a slap but she was signing an apology to him.

"C'est bon. Oublie les. Ce ne sont rien. (It's good. Forget them. They are nothing.)" Fleur said as Y/N nodded.

That night, when everyone had gone to bed, Y/N and Wednesday were in the room of Requirement talking about the progress they've made while Wednesday lay down with her head on Y/N's knee.

"Well, Fleur seems to be seeing me as the vulnerable type, whose just broken up with his girlfriend, she's trying to be sympathetic and sentimental to me, it's disgusting." Y/N remarked as Wednesday smirked.

"Missing your little goth girl already?" Wednesday asked.

"Terribly. God. She's okay but she's not you, you know?"

"Yes, Krum's not even that. He's a blockhead, it's like trying to act like I'm in love with a brick wall." Wednesday said as Y/N laughed to himself.

"You know he tried to square up to me as I walked in?" Y/N said as Wednesday nodded.

"Yeah? How'd it go." Wednesday said as the Room of Requirement summoned her a goblet of butterbeer.

"Cedric got involved before I killed Joseph Stalin." Y/N said as Wednesday sat up and kissed him.

"Just remember why we're doing this. I know you hate doing this but it's our best chance." Wednesday said as Y/N nodded.

"Wends, fancy spending the night here?" Y/N asked as Wednesday smiled.

"Sure, it would probably help keep the cover in public." Wednesday said as the room summoned a large queen size bed.

"Ah." Y/N said as he looked at the bed. Wednesday chuckled and used her wand to turn her clothes into a set of black silk pyjamas, Y/N turned his into a grey t-shirt, blue and white striped pyjama pants, and his scarlet coloured silk dressing gown. Wednesday got into bed first and looked at Y/N who thought it was rude to get in without being asked.

"Come on. We share a flat over the summers, we're a couple, sharing a bed was inevitable. Get in." Wednesday said as Y/N climbed into the bed. "Get some rest, tomorrow won't be any easier."

Y/N nodded and went to sleep. closing his eyes and hoping he didn't have another nightmare...

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