Kaeli, The Last Guardian

By SolaRadiance

189 9 0

This is the Life of a girl named Kaeli Bright. The Ethereal Dragon Slayer. One that has a power hidden deep w... More

History of the Guardians
Kaeli (Luminous)
Team Natsu
The Guardians
Monsters and Demons
Venzor Village
Demonic Flames
Feel again
White Magic
Where it began
Luminous returned
Our fight
Dark Side
Remaing Whole
Who I am.

Experimental Demons

3 0 0
By SolaRadiance

I was in a dome to keep the destruction of the woman slowly turning into a demon away from the others. I looked at Silica who started speaking in a non-human hoarse voice. "Luminous you will fall."

I looked at her confused. "Luminous is not here anymore. She has long been dead. Who are you?"

Silica charged at me and I knew that she was in there as I was thrown back against the dome. I heard the team call my name out of concern and worry.  "Happy!"

I took the dome down and Jumped in the Air. Happy flew and grabbed me. He flew up in the air as I watched Silica leap up to us. "That's right! Keep coming."

"Guys when I bring her down, attack! She needs to feel the pain in order to bring herself back!"

They did not question me and just nod at me. I let out a sigh of relief and looked at Happy. "Happy as fast as you can. We need to get a few feet away from her!"

Happy nodded. "Aye! Max speed!"

he flew faster with his wings glowing and released my magic. I was surrounded by light magic, as I gave each of the others a butterfly that soaked into their body. It gave them a boost of magic they looked at me waiting to bring her down. "SIlica, I am not going to let you go to the darkness!" 

I pushed light magic flying from my feet and is hit her as she got closer. I watched her grab her arm in pain and smiled. She fell below and they went into action. 

Lucy used her whip and struck at her. She wrapped it around Silica and held her in place as the others attacked. Natsu hit her with a fist of fire, and grey let out a icehammer that hit her. Erza struck her with a sword, but it ended up melting it. She looked surprised and I watched as Silica struggled. Her screams of pain faltered from inhuman to a normal scream.

"Happy drop me." I spoke and he did so. "Aye sir!"

As I fell down, I held my arms out straight and shot giants rays of golden light at her."Radiant Divinity!" 

It shot her and with each small wave sent brought her more pain. I started coughing and looked at them as I landed on the ground behind her. "Lucy keep hold!" I put my hands on her head and felt the pain she had. "Wake up! Silica this is not you!" I felt her fighting to the point that shadows were flying out of her like razors and gave me scrapes. I felt the shadows weakening me, but was not going to give in. "Remember who you are!"

I started coughing and fell to my knees. "I need Light magic." 

I covered my mouth and coughed up some blood. Erza transformed into her Morning Star Armor and held me as she let emit a bright light that shined enough to blind everyone. I absorbed it within my body and it stalled the process of the poisoning from the dark magic. 

"Thank you Erza." I stood up and walked in front of Silica. "Silica, I know you are in there. Think about Iridia!"

I felt the wind from my power colliding with the dark blowing back my hair. "You are not alone!"

I saw tears in her eyes, as I saw the darkness fighting to keep hold of her. Her eyes flickered red and green. I assumed was her normal color. I held onto her head and used my magic again. "Divinity!"

I yelled in pain, as I fought through the injuries and poisoning in my body that made me grow weaker by the second. I fought this all because my job was to save this girl. She has a little girl that needs her. She has a life. A future of her own that I can bring back.

I took a deep breath and looked at the sun. I directed the sun to her and magnified the rays of it. I let out a yell, as I pushed myself with the spell of divinity once more. The sunlight combined with the divinity spell made it stronger. It gave it more of an effect. 

Lucy pulled her whip back and struck Silica with it, as Erza struck her with a sword. We all worked together and I watched as Silica fell down and the dark particles came out of her.  I almost fell, but the boys held me up. The particles turned to ethernano that I absorbed into my body. 

I smiled at her and stood up. It was done. I saved her. "I am going to take a nap now." I said that to them and passed out instantly.

I woke up in a hut, my shoulder covered in bandages and saw the three people I saved before me. The little girl was on the bed and cuddled up to me. I was careful when I woke up and saw her. I smiled and hugged her gently. "Hello there." 

She jolted and looked up at me instantly with a bright smile on her face. "Mama! You came home!"

My eyes widened when I heard that as Silica looked to us. Her gaze was sad and I saw things in the past brought memories to her. "I.."

Silica took a breath and picked up Iridia. "She is not Mama, sweetheart."

Iridia was only a little one. She looked about to be four years old. She most likely did not understand that her mother was gone. She started to cry and held her arms out to me. "Mama!"

I reached out to her and picked her up away from Silica. I wiped the tears from her eyes and poked her nose. "Boop."

I saw the blanket of the hut open up and saw the others walk in. They smiled and Lucy hugged me as I held the little girl. Iridia looked over at Lucy and giggled. Lucy smiled and looked at her, knowing she thought she was adorable. "Are you Mama's friends?"

They all stood there in shock and their eyes bugged out. I giggled and shook my head at them. I pet her head and took her to the bed. Iridia yawned, as I pet her head  gently. "Go to sleep, baby bear."

"Mother!" Natsu and Grey both shouted in surprise and had their mouths agape.

Erza did not say a word and I hugged Lucy back.

She yawned once more and I sang to her gently, as the others ended up shocked. They never saw this gentle side of me. Never saw my caring and motherly version. I always was collected and calm about things. Little to nothing got to me. I am still working on trusting the others. I am slowly letting go of things.

I laid her in the bed and snapped my fingers, making a small golden dome appear around her to block out noise. Silica looked to me and bowed. "Thank you for saving me!" 

I put my hands up in a effort to get her to stop and say it was ok. "This is what I do. Raise your head."

She raised her head and I pointed to Iridia. "Why is she calling me mother?"

"You see. You look identical to her mother." Silica stated and then held her hands together. "It is scary how much you resemble her mother. "Her mother was killed due to an illness that spread in the village. Most survived, but few did not. It took the parents of children in the village. The three of us contracted this illness."

Lucy looked at Iridia with a sad look and sighed. "That poor little girl."

"What caused this illness?" Grey asked.

"No one knows. It happened after a traveler came to visit and killed a demon." She answered.

My eyes grew wide and I gripped her shoulders firmly. "How long ago was this?"

She jolted from surprise and answered. "It has almost been two weeks now."

This was not an illness. This was an experimental demon procedure going on. The Magic council and I could not find anything to do with the criminal. He was dangerous. He made demons the worse way possible. There was no time to waste. 

"Guys, lets go!" I shouted and was already out of the hut and in the center of the village. 

Everyone was in danger and going to die, if I did not act fast. 

The team followed after me and tried to catch up to me. "Guys, grab onto me." I said and felt the boys grab my hands and the girls grab my shoulder. I put my hands together and slammed them on the ground. "Barrier of Divine Healing!" I yelled and the ground shook for a moment, sending a clear white wave over the ground. The wave went to the outer of the entire village and then turned up to the sky, turning into a giant dome. 

I sat on my knees and listened closely, as I looked around the village. "Guys, promise me you will keep these people safe if something happens."

Lucy looked at me with worry. "Do not speak like that."

I saw Natsu growl and clench his fists. "Do not say that."

"Nothing is going to happen to you." Gray added.

"You will be ok." Erza looked to me with a serious expression. 

I stood up and clenched my fists. "Promise me!"

They were shocked by my yelling and gave me a nod. I smiled and held my hand out flat. A communication lacrima appeared in my hand and I activated it. "Lahar, I found him. I am getting ready for battle in the Venzor Village."

"Do not engage in battle with him! Wait for us." He demanded.

I shook my head and looked at him. "He is approaching, I can save these people he turned, if i defeat him." 

He yelled to me in concern. Miss Bright! Do not engage! You may be a wizard saint, but do not do this on your own." If you did not know him, then you would think it was out of authority and he did not care. However, after working with him for some time, I found out he hides his worry and concerned expression. It was easy for me to read him now.

I looked behind me and smiled warmly. "I am not alone."

I cut off the communication and the others looked at me with a thumbs up. 

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