Flavors of Love

By Circus_babe

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Trying to stay away from him, brought you even closer to him than you ever expected. Not your fault though, y... More



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By Circus_babe

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As your eyes were adjusting to the sunlight that was reflecting from the window down to the bed, you slowly sat up. Rubbing your eyes in the process.

You didn't know the time, but you knew for a fact that it was early. The sun was too bright. It was easy to know by the exhaustion you felt too.

Once your eyes adjusted to the light, you put your hand to the other side of the bed. Not feeling the presence of Jungkook anywhere.

You didn't even feel when he got up and left, or when he opened the door. Nothing. He is truly slick with his moves.

He did say he would leave early in the middle of the night. That he respected your decision on no one finding out so he planned something out. You didn't quite catch it though, not with how tired you were.

Slowly, you rubbed your eyes a bit. Trying to make them full open, as your hand slowly started reaching for your phone. It really is still early, no wonder you could barely even open your eyes. And even if you wanted to sleep more, you couldn't.

With a smile on your face, you laid back down on the bed. Scrolling through the pictures that were taken yesterday. Jimin's smile, Hoseok's funny faces, Jungkook's side profile, you captured so much in your phone.

Even Namjoon's dimple smile. Which is truly something attractive. Wow, that makes him even more radiant when he smiles. He was able to shut you up when he just smiled.

They all have beautiful smiles, each one of them with their unique charms, but Namjoon's just truly had you.

Besides that, It was the second day in Miami and you were already liking it. Which you knew well enough that when the time to leave comes around, you would be sad.

Going back to adulthood was something you didn't have in mind. Nor something you wanted to go back to. Knowing that now you guys weren't in college anymore, that you all would be full adults did scare you.

It was a thought you had long ago, even before you graduated. But thinking about it now is more shocking.

And even if you didn't want to think about that, you couldn't help but let your thoughts linger to that.

As you continued to scroll through your phone, the bathroom door suddenly opened, a very familiar person coming out of it.

Quickly, you sat up. Watching as Jungkook came out of the bathroom, passing a hand through his wet hair, as he walked with a towel on his waist. Exposing his well built chest to you and even his tattoos.

You know that Jungkook takes the gym seriously. He always goes to the gym, and by always it means every single day. It doesn't matter the time or day, he just usually goes by day time.

You never fail to giggle or smile secretly when he would send you a picture of himself once he was done doing his workout. He would even ask you to accompany him, but you usually didn't with how tired you were.

Or lazy too.

But from now and on, you think you just might even go with him. Cause to have a body like that means he does his workouts well.

You watched as he slowly walked over to the couch, picking up a small towel as he started drying his hair.

Something so simple as that has you drooling over him. He had you captivated with him just passing a towel on his hair, and even his almost exposed body. He has you so worked up over nothing.

As you continued to watch him, he silently put the towel down. Making him turn towards the bed, his eyes widening quickly.

"Oh you are awake" he said, walking over to the other side of the bed, as he picked up the pile of clothes. That you didn't even realize was his.

"When did you wake up?" he asked, looking at them as he started choosing something to wear.

"A few minutes ago" you said, as he nodded, grabbing a pair of cargo pants and a plain shirt. Putting them onto the side as he walked back.

"How did you sleep?" he asked, as you shrugged.

So far it was one of the best sleeps you have had. You truly needed to rest, there has been too much stress on your shoulders that you haven't slept well. But this sleep was a good one.

"I slept well" you said, making him look up, a smile spreading on his lips. "And you?" you asked, as he looked back down to his clothes.

"I slept amazing, although you do kick on your sleep" he said, something that made you gasp.

You could do a lot of things, but kicking in your sleep is not one of them. You knew he was lying, that smirk on his lips said it all.

"I do not kick on my sleep" you said, hearing him laugh out loud. "That's besides the point" you added, as he just nodded.

"You already showered?" you continued, as he chuckled, picking up a pair of boxers as you immediately looked the other way. Feeling so shy all of the sudden.

"You can look, I mean you saw it all by now" he laughed, as your eyes stayed on the wall. Not listening to anything.

It's true. You both have seen each other naked multiple times. With the amount of times you both had sex it should be normal to see him naked. But it isn't. You start getting all shy, which is very common.

Seeing him like that truly impacted you enough. All those lost lingering thoughts came back to you like a wave. And it's not that you don't like them, but it's way too early to think about them.

"I prefer not to" you said, a dry gulp escaping your mouth as he continued to laugh. "I went to the gym early, so I had to shower" he added, making you surprised.

So he did go to the gym. When you guys were booking the hotel, Namjoon mentioned the hotel having a gym all the way down. Something Jungkook said he would definitely go and visit.

You didn't think he was serious. Who goes to a gym and exercises mid vacation? Definitely not you for sure. But to know that he did, does make you surprised.

"Was it nice?" you asked, as he nodded. "Yeah, it was. Also you can look back" he said, as you slowly did so.

"We should go to the gym sometime" he said, as you gasped.

"What are you trying to say?" you asked, as his eyes went wide immediately. "Wait no, i didn't mean it like that" he said, trying to defend himself.

"I meant it as together" he said, as you just laughed. His shock expression was funny to see. It's not like you took it the wrong way, but he had to know it was coming.

The gym wasn't what you had in mind, you really didn't want to go. Back in those days when you were truly motivated, you did go.

Yes, maybe you would force yourself to go. Just to have your life together as you wished to have back in your high school years. However, having your body sore for the entire week was not fun at all.

So you remember not going back at all. But going with Jungkook doesn't seem so bad. He's a trainer after all.

"I'll think about it" you said, pushing the blanket to the side. Knowing that Jungkook was up and ready motivated you to get up too.

So with a chuckle, you made your way out of the bed, already walking towards the bathroom. Turning the sick on, you splashed some water on your face, already grabbing onto the small towel on the side.

"Hey y/n?" you heard Jungkook's voice, making you hum in return. Grabbing your toothbrush and gently applying toothpaste onto it.

"Do you want me to shower with you? I don't mind another shower" his voice sounded pretty close to you, which made you look up in the mirror. Watching him walking towards you.

You were just in the middle of brushing your teeth, you didn't even notice when he decided to even walk in. There was no noise, no footsteps. He was slick.

Rolling your eyes, you ignored him, continuing to brush your teeth, as he pointed towards the shower with a wink.

"Funny" you said, spitting out the toothpaste, as you started washing your mouth. To which you started hearing him walking closer towards you.

"Everyone's asleep right now" he said, as you just felt his hands around your hips, pulling himself closer towards you. A soft gasp coming out of your mouth.

"Jungkook" you mumbled, feeling his lips on your neck, slowly making their way down. This was leading nowhere good.

You knew that it would be in a matter of time before they all woke up, before they all started looking for either you or Jungkook. So of course you didn't want to get into something like this.

And not when you were sure they could hear you. Jimin and Hoseok's room was right next to yours, and you were sure they would hear some sound, and mostly you moaning or having sex.

The embarrassment that would cause. They might even know about you and Jungkook fucking too.

So to avoid any of that, you will not.

"They will hear" you whispered, feeling the way his hands went under your shirt, touching your breast softly, as he leaned even closer towards you.

"They won't, not here at least" he said, pulling your shirt up as you didn't even fight back, you just put your hands up, feeling your shirt being taken off.

He won somehow. You were against the idea of having sex in the bathroom, but not too against it to stop him from touching you, from taking your shirt off. It's a weakness, he has become your weakness, and you aren't going to tell anyone that.

Not even him.

"I'll be quick" he said, as you just chuckled, pulling your sweatpants down, as you turned towards him, putting your hands around his neck.

"You are trouble Jeon" you giggled as you pulled him closer towards you, pulling into a kiss as his hands were automatically on you, touching you in such a gentle but desperate way.

He has become a dangerous habit to you. An addiction that you are afraid you can't get rid of. Everything about him is adventurous, it's a new experience you didn't think you would get to see.

Nothing is impossible when it comes to Jeon Jungkook. Not even having sex in a bathroom where it could be potential for anyone to walk in on the both of you.

"I'm only trouble for you" he smirked, pulling away as he lifted you up, putting you on top of the counter, as he started leaning even closer towards you, pulling you towards the edge of the counter.

A man of words and actions. A guy that is so mysterious yet so open-book. There's no words to describe him, to fully summarize him as a person. He's just so unexpected that not even you can figure him out fully.

You have seen Jungkook on different emotions, the way he acts and acknowledges each one of them. It makes you truly impressed, mostly for the way he sometimes handles situations.

At times he can be petty, oh fuck he can. And at times he becomes a true person, talking things out. And that shows two different things about him.

Two you got to learn.

As your mind was getting lost in thoughts, you didn't notice when his hand was placed on your inner thighs. Massaging them softly, as he watched your reaction.

"Jungkook" you chuckled, throwing your head back as his hand was coming closer and closer, teasing you in a way that made him satisfied enough.

"They will wake up, hurry" you said, feeling annoyed at the teasing he was giving you. He always makes sure to tease the fuck out of you, to mess with your head each time. And he knows you get annoyed by it.

But he loves it each time.

"Oh come on, i love your reactions" he said, passing his fingers through the fabric of your panties, making you gulp.

You knew he loved it, but you aren't looking for that right now. Just having him like this was making you want more, it was driving you to the edge slowly.

"But your wish is my command" he said, flashing a small smirk at you as he slowly pulled your panties down. The fabric tickling your legs as it passed down. Something that made you feel the sink more colder than before.

In a couple of seconds, he took the towel he had on his waist, putting it on the side as he then took the condom out, ripping it open as he was quick to put it on.

You noticed that he didn't put his boxers on when you both were having the whole conversation. He planned to have sex with you right now. He wanted to, he tricked you so well that you aren't even complaining.

You thank him instead.

You know that when Jungkook says something, he means it. He was serious when he said he was going to be quick. His moves were quick, pulling you even closer towards the edge as you were already spreading your legs for him.

Just like your desire for lust, you also felt the excitement bubbling up inside your stomach. Knowing what was about to happen.

"Ready?" he asked, as you just nodded, closing your eyes as you already felt his tip starting to enter you, slowly going in, until he fully slammed his cock inside of you, making you gasp out of shock.

"Fuck" you said, a little too loud as you were quick to cover your mouth. The sudden stretch was getting to you.

With the amount of times you both have been like this, your walls were already adjusted to the side of his cock. Which made the moment more pleasuring.

"Please move" you whispered, as he lightly groaned, pulling his cock out just to slam himself back inside you.

Oh were you so close to moaning, to letting out a sound, but you didn't. You couldn't risk it and no matter how good it felt, you weren't going to get caught in the act.

It was taking everything in you to stay calm, to not let lust get over you to the point you would start moaning. Just the sound of his skin clapping with yours was enough.

"Fuck, Jungkook" you whispered, wrapping your arms around his neck, as he spread your legs more, pushing his cock deeper into you with each thrust.

Mouth opened, you felt as he thrusted in and out of you. The sound of him coming in and out of you, combined with the way he was crashing onto you. It was making you lose it.

"Oh how i missed you" he whispered in your ear, making you even more turned on then you already were.

You missed this just as much as he did. It has been some time ever since you both had sex. It wasn't something that was in your mind. Quite frankly you forgot about it.

Stress got to you enough to not have any sexual interactions with Jungkook. It was enough to keep you away. Not that he wasn't busy either, he had his own things going on. So in the meantime it was paused.

And usually whenever you guys have sex, it comes naturally. It's not something you both plan to do, it just happens. And right now, that's exactly what happened.

Having him this close was something you secretly desire. It was a fantasy in your head whenever you were close enough to him. And today it finally happened.

"I would love for the world to hear us" he said, as you rested your head on his shoulder, your nails digging into his back.

"Letting them know what we do behind their backs" he continued, thrusting faster into you as your quiet moans were replaced with heavy breathing. With you dragging your nails down his back.

Oh if only they knew. No words could describe their reactions. The sudden feeling of them knowing you both have been fucking this entire time. That this has been going on for months and they knew nothing about this. That you were having sex with him while they all thought you both hated each other.

The sudden betrayal yet fun of it was stopping you. In no way did you ever mean to lie about them. Lying to them that you and Jungkook were nothing, that you guys still had hate for each other.

But telling them the truth was something you would not do. Something that will stay between you and Jungkook. And the fact that you guys are having sex at this exact moment while they are all sleeping just casually makes you want to laugh.

It's funny. The little secret is so funny yet so exciting. The adrenaline is crazy. And you can't even handle it.

"And once they find out?" you asked, pulling away from his shoulder as you stared at him, watching as his eyes went to your lips and back up at your eyes.

"The fear of us fucking like this will be less intimidating" he said, grunting as you just threw your head back.

You aren't sure if that's necessarily true. Yeah maybe the fear of getting caught would be less scary, starting with the fact that you are more scared of them finding out about you two than anything else.

So maybe.

"And moaning my name right now would be easier for you" he said, as you just held your fist tightly.

"It already is" you said, looking back at him as your eyes were failing you to keep open. He was so daring, you liked that.

"Then I'll continue to bring you to heaven and back" he added, putting your legs on his shoulders as you gasped. A little too loud, but with the way he was thrusting inside of you, it didn't matter.

Hell he was giving you each desire you wanted. Hitting every spot that you didn't even think were possible. He always gives you the desire you want, the feeling of good lust with each time you both have sex.

It's amazing and you can't imagine having sex with anyone else. It's impossible to feel these emotions with anyone else. It doesn't mean just sex, all emotions.

Jungkook brings the good out of you. He brings the good out of your heart, all negative and bad things vanish immediately. And in the moment, it's just you and him. He has changed you, not just who you are but your mindset as well.

And that's what you are afraid of.

"I'm going to cum" you whispered, covering your mouth as you felt your orgasm approaching. Which only made him continue.

"Cum for me" he said, his dirty words getting to your head. He was so dirty when it came to talking while having sex. It's like he's a totally different person.

"Fuck" you cursed, as you finally came around his cock, your moan being muffled by your hand that was covering your mouth.

With heavy breaths, you waited for Jungkook to reach his orgasm, which wasn't for too long. He came a few seconds after you did. Releasing all his cum onto the condom, which made him curse under his breath.

And just like that, you guys had sex. A sex that wasn't planned but you had absolutely no regrets about it. There's no regret. Only a smile on your lips.

"You are trouble Jeon" you said once again, as he looked at you, chuckling to himself as he leaned closer towards you, giving your lips a small peek. Before he tied pulled out of you, taking the condom off as he tied it and threw it on the garbage can.

"Like i said, only for you" he winked, as he gently took you off the counter, wiping something off from your face as he then pointed at the shower.

"Together?" he said, as you just shook your head, walking towards the shower as you turned it on.

"No Jeon, i know you too well" you said, as you got inside, hearing him laugh as he didn't even deny it.

You knew getting in the shower with him meant round two, and you were surely not going to do that. You were barely able to handle what just happened. And another round would have you sore and weak.

So for another time.

With a laugh, you heard him say he would bring you a towel, to which he did, placing it on the side of the shower, as he then walked out.

Leaving you to shower on your own.


"Damn that bed is good" Hoseok said, as Taehyung was quick to agree, already going ahead and talking about it.

Once everyone woke up and they all got ready, it was time for you all to head to eat breakfast. Everyone was starving from the night before, and going to a nice place for breakfast was what you wanted.

The place you found was truly beautiful. It was an outdoor restaurant. All tables were outside, with umbrellas on top of each table, covering the hot sun above. While the tables and chairs were nicely decorated.

From the first time you saw it, you knew you had to go. You did your research and figured out where the place was. And by reading the reviews, it seemed like a good place to eat breakfast.

So you suggested for you guys to come here and they all agree. It's not like they could say no to you. And well food is food.

"I think we all slept good" Namjoon said, putting his hands together on the table as everyone agreed.

"Jungkook, how was the couch?" Taehyung asked, making everyone's attention turn to Jungkook who suddenly smirked.

"Oh the couch was great" he said, putting his hands together. "It was warm, comfortable and i couldn't stay away from it" he said, looking at everyone as then his eyes landed on you.

This boy has to be kidding. He didn't sleep on the couch, and the obvious pointing was to you. Of course no one but the both of you knew that, which made the situation tense.

"Damn really? That couch was hard as fuck" Hoseok added, as Jimin agreed. The three of you sat on that couch and you all know how uncomfortable that was.

So of course Jungkook's little lie wasn't as believable as he expected it to be. But he knew the couch was uncomfortable. Yet he did this to tease you, and you knew that perfectly well.

"Oh for me it wasn't" Jungkook kept going, knowing damn well where this boy was going and it was nowhere good.

"I had the best sleep" he chuckled, as Namjoon smiled, shaking his head before Taehyung chuckled at him.

"Dude, you sure you aren't in pain? Tell us" he laughed as everyone else joined in, including yourself.

It wasn't the joke that was funny but the whole situation was. And if only they knew, they would die.

"Me? No it was way too good" he added, with a smile. "It was that good you took a shower early?" Namjoon said, as Jungkook nodded.

"I didn't hear you come into the room to shower" Namjoon added, as you suddenly felt nervous. Truly nervous.

Of course he wouldn't. He decided to shower in your room. He decided to wake you and then fuck you in the bathroom. Of course they don't know that, but the thought was making you feel nervous.

"Weird, I did go in" Jungkook said, touching his chin. He was trying to play it off and you could tell Taehyung believed him. But Namjoon seemed hesitant.

"I went to the gym down at the hotel and then I showered" he said, to which made sense to you. And you hoped it did to the others too.

Even on a trip this guy doesn't stop working out. It's crazy to think he would take the time to do that. Personally you, no.

"How about you Y/n? You had the good room" Hoseok said, as everyone's eyes then turned to you.

You did in fact get a good room and you also slept well, thanks to Jungkook who decided to join you in the middle of the night. But you will skip that part.

"I slept well, the bed was comfortable" you said, as Jungkook just smirked, looking directly at you.

"Did you?" Jungkook said, as you slowly looked at him, his eyes already on you and a smirk displaying on his lips.

"Yes" you answered quickly, not trying to make it weird. "I'm sure you wouldn't relate though" you said, as he just chuckled.

In your head, you had to make every interaction with Jungkook seem like you both still hate each other and are trying to control it. The logical answer for the comments you and him used to say to each other.

That Namjoon, Hoseok and even Taehyung experienced. They both saw the way you both hated each other and would say things to each other. Even Jimin did so himself. So you wonder if the new change has ever gone through their heads.

Have they ever wondered if you guys would talk normally or would see each other in times they wouldn't expect to. You truly wonder that.

"Quite funny of you" he said, as you just laughed, throwing a sarcastic glare at him. "I am funny after all" you added, as Jimin chuckled on the side.

"Right, you truly are" he said, as he poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue. His eyes stayed directly on yours.

And the sudden tension wasn't there for you guys but for the others it was very obvious that there was something.

"Okay calm down" Namjoon chuckled, as the sound of someone's phone going off was heard, making your attention stay on Jungkook.

"We should all go to the beach tomorrow as our last day" Taehyung said, as everyone started agreeing.

As everyone continued to talk, you watched as Jungkook sighed, looking up at you as he got up from his seat, taking his phone with him.

You wondered who called him, but for his reaction you had a feeling of who it was. There it was, the gut feeling of before.

Jungkook talking to his ex again, the idea of them communicating truly left you annoyed, hurt even. Just knowing that they are a conversation and could regain their trust again was making you overthink.

It was starting to make you wonder all over again. And like that you are back to that feeling. Even if you shouldn't.

For the time being, you listened to their conversations, hearing them talking and talking. And after a few minutes Jungkook came back, placing his phone on the table as he sat down, his eyes lingering around the table.

You didn't look at him, not because you were angry or anything but for some reason it was hurting you. It all was.

"Jungkook, you good?" Taehyung asked, as Jungkook nodded, his eyes going towards you as you slowly looked at him.

He seemed normal, no sadness, no happiness either. He looked normal, which made you wonder what the conversation was about.

Hell you wanted to rush after him just to hear the conversation, but you didn't. You trusted him enough to not do something foolish. Not to hurt himself over someone who ended it with him.

And you hope you are right to do that.

Looking away from him, you looked towards the others. Ignoring him and his looks for the rest of the morning. There's nothing you could do anyway. It's not like you could make a whole conversation with him. Not after the little show of earlier.

So with lingering questions and doubts, you sat in silence.


As you walked the concrete path, you felt a hand on yours, softly brushing yours as you looked to your side.

"Hey" he said, as you just nodded. "Hey" you said back, watching as he looked down at the floor, stopping mid walk as you did so as well.

After eating breakfast, you all parted ways again. Since there were places some wanted to go while the others wanted to go somewhere else. So it was decided for you all to split and meet each other by the same restaurant you all left from.

Of course you went your own way, wanting to see the good of the city. Checking every building and decoration out. You just didn't expect for Jungkook to show up.

"Sora called me earlier" he said, as the question was finally answered. You knew that by heart, yet you tried to deny it so hard.

You tried not to assume it was her, that she wouldn't just call him right now. You desperately try not to let your thoughts get to you. And you were right in the end.

"She wanted to know how the trip was going" he said, looking back up at you as he noticed the curiosity in your eyes. The glimpse that sat on them every time you looked at him.

But that glimpse seemed different to him.

"She also asked about the others, Namjoon and Taehyung" he added as you just nodded, not saying anything.

There wasn't anything you could say either way. You were mostly trying to process every word he was saying.

This was his business. You weren't included in that. If he decided to explain the situation to you then it's up to him, but you truly aren't meant to know about this.

"I ended it short, i told her i was busy" he said, as you nodded once again, your eyes lingering elsewhere.

You wondered if Jungkook knew about Sora wanting to get closer to him. Of her calling him because she wants to hear from him again.

Like Jungkook once said, he knew how a guy thought. He knew what their thoughts were when it comes to a guy that truly cares about a girl.

So now you are the one that knows. You can feel and know Sora's intentions. You might be wrong, but not totally wrong.

There's no way all of this effort is done for nothing. The way she wanted to speak to him early in the morning. Or showing up to his graduation after all years of being gone. And even after the way it all ended.

She had some true bravery to show herself again. Some true intentions to come back again to someone she broke their heart to.

But you can't blame Sora. Jungkook has shown to be an amazing guy. Everything about him is unreal. Just the way he is shows the good person he is. So of course her showing up to see him was understandable.

Maybe you would've done the same thing she's doing. Who knows?

"Jungkook, can I ask you something?" you said, looking back at him, as his eyes looked at you. Giving you a nod.

"Sora was truly important to you, she was special to you" you said, as he just listened to you, not agreeing but not denying either.

"Do you think anyone could ever get close to what she was to you? For someone to be as special as she was?"

It was a question you needed to ask. Something that needed to get out of your chest and once you said it, you felt more relieved.

But it was hurting you too. Knowing that you were asking such questions was hurting your heart. It almost seemed impossible for those words to come out. It truly did.

"No" Jungkook said, as your heart dropped.

Did you expect the (no) yeah you did. Of course you did, mostly after knowing how close they were. It just hurt a bit.

"Everyone is different, and if you would've asked me that question two years ago, i would've told you that she was the only one"

Taking a deep breath, he chuckled to himself.

"She was special, i won't lie to you" he added, as the more words that came out of his mouth were hurting you deeper and deeper.

It was breaking you in seconds.

"No one can get close to her because they will be even more than she ever was to me" he said, as the sudden words made you shocked.

"I loved her and she didn't care enough to stay" he said, your eyes not leaving his. He was confusing you, he was saying something and then something else.

He always does this. Giving you an answer just to back it up in a different way.

"And hell did that hurt, it hurt me deeply" he said, as he chuckled to himself once again, before averting his eyes around. Looking at his surroundings before looking back at you.

"But what I got to learn was that people come and go. Sometimes you won't be with the first person you tell that you love"

"And because of that someone even better comes along" he said, walking closer towards you, placing his hand on your face, a small smile flashing on his lips.

"Someone that will heal the heart" he added, as he brushed your cheek gently. You were in shock, not knowing what to say or what to think either.

"And as a result of that, the heart loves that person even more than then the first" he said, as he chuckled to himself, watching your shocked expression.

All good things always come out whenever he's with you. He can't explain just the way you helped him become better. The way your words impacted him, or the way your heart touched his.

If he was ever able to tell you everything that you did and are still doing for him, then he would be talking non-ending. And whether he admits it to you or not, he knows that the reason he is standing and smiling at you is because of you.

And only you.

"So no Y/n, someone won't reach where she once was, but they will be even more than she ever was to me"

And just like that, he left you speechless.

You didn't expect that. You would be lying if you said you did. The 'no' was expected. You knew that, it was the reason why it broke your heart so much.

But knowing that he said that shows maturity. Shows him being the bigger person in a situation he ended up truly hurt in.

It showed the growth he had, the new change of mindset and feelings he had. The way he was able to grow from that and become better than he already was.

And you feel so proud of him for that. You never told him that straightforwardly, but the courage he needed to move on, the bravery he had to stand up and continue after loving someone so much. Show the true him.

But he inspires you to become better too. To make the right decisions and if you don't make them, then you can change them. He has shown you a different perspective to something you didn't think of.

And that shows the great person he is.

"Wow" you said, a small smile displaying on your lips. "I don't think I told you" you said, chuckling to yourself as you pulled him into a hug.

"I'm very proud of you" you added, the sudden words catched him off guard. He pulled you into a tight hug nevertheless.

"Are you?" he said, his voice shocked and soft. Almost like the words hit him too hard that he didn't even believe it.

"Yeah you were able to grow from such experience" you said, pulling away from him as you placed your hand on his face.

"And change what you were doing because you knew it was wrong" you added, as you smiled at him, laughing all of the sudden as he laughed with you, while he leaned closer towards you.

Pulling you into a sudden kiss, one that you absolutely took. Maybe it was the fact that his words made you happy, but you were happy to know he was okay. That he was better than he was before.

And even if sometimes he seems a little off, you know that he will come back to his thoughts right away. And will do the decision he knows is right. As you both continued to kiss, you softly pulled away.

Chuckling to yourself as he just smiled.

"Hearing that you are proud of me is all I needed even if I didn't know i did" he said as you nodded, grabbing his wrist as you pulled him away.

"Now let's go, there's something I want to see" you said, dragging him away as he just laughed, not fighting back or anything.

He just followed you, even smiled while doing that. Which was noticeable to a lot but not to the both of you.

And it was always like that.


"Two shots of vodka please" Jimin said, as you laughed, hearing the loud music of the speakers as you sat down on the stool.

To finish another day in Miami, you all decided to go clubbing. For the sound of it, many have gone clubbing in miami. It's a must for all those people that come visit Miami for vacation or friends hangout.

Everyone talks about how good the clubs are and the variety of drinks you can get, and can continue to drink all night. So of course Hoseok suggested it for everyone.

It was an idea you all had in mind, but Hoseok wrapped it up. He looked for a good club with a good environment. And in the end he found one.

Of course you all agreed to not drink too much. Knowing Hoseok and Taehyung, they would drink until they passed out, which was something you all didn't need. You are here to have fun, not take care of them while they pass out.

So it was an agreement and you all had to follow. Whether you all liked it or not. At first there were some complaints from Hoseok and Taehyung who wanted to drink like they usually do.

But they understood.

And once you all stepped into the club, everyone parted their ways. Walking everywhere and to their zones.

You decided to stick with Jimin since Hoseok and Taehyung have decided to have a friendship now so they both went straight for the girls. And then there was Jungkook who gave you a smile and walked away. He wanted you to follow him, but Namjoon was the one that followed him instead.

So you decided to stick with Jimin who was already surrounded by females, but they all scattered away when you showed up. Almost like they thought you were his girlfriend, which was funny.

As the bartender brought the two shots to you both, you and Jimin took a glance, facing each other before drinking the shot fully.

"Shit is strong" you said, putting the cup down as Jimin laughed. You had plenty of shots before, but this one was strong. It was truly one of a kind.

"I agree, it hit" he said, asking for another one as you said you wanted one too. The night was great.

Everyone in the club seemed to enjoy the moment. It was truly full. Of course you have seen the club at its fullest, mostly when it comes to a Saturday. So you knew how busy each worker was at this moment.

Makes you even feel bad.

"How have you been?" Jimin asked, cutting you off your thoughts as your eyes averted back to him.

"Have you been enjoying the trip?" he asked, as you nodded. A smile forming on your lips.

"Of course I have, everything has been so much fun here" you said, as you put your elbow on the counter.

"The amount of pictures I took is crazy" you said, pulling up your phone as you started scrolling through the bunch of pictures, Jimin smiling at each one.

"I did too, but I need you to send me all those, even the one where Hoseok is angry" he said, pointing towards the picture as you started to laugh.

You don't even remember how you took that one. It mostly started with Hoseok talking about something and you saying the complete opposite so he got annoyed and you and Jimin just laughed it off.

So you took the chance to take a picture, which was funny.

"Have you been enjoying the trip?" you said, as he nodded. "Of course" he said, leaning closer towards the counter, just like you were.

"This is a vacation all of us need and even if it will be just for three days, I truly got to spend it well" he said, as you nodded.

The sad part of this vacation was that it was only for three days, so tomorrow was the last one. It was going so well that going back home would be a little stressful, mostly because you will be busy with your new apartment.

Having to get it furnished bit by bit as well, or having to look for another job because you know the club won't always be your job.

There's a lot of stress on your hands. So you aren't quite ready for that.

However, besides that, you are ready to spend the last day great. So you will be waiting for tomorrow.

"I agree, after graduation everyone was left stressed and tired" you said, recalling all of those memories.

With exams, the stress of knowing you would have to find a job, or having to move onto your own place before graduating was hitting. And even just drama outside. There was a lot to think about, a lot to do as well.

Which is what makes you hesitate in going back. Even if you don't have a choice at all.

"I mean we are full adults now" Jimin said, lowering his head as a sigh left his mouth.

"I have to take over my father's company" he added, as you just nodded. He did mention it to you about it.

You remember that one night he came to you, wanting to cry but couldn't. He talked to you about the stress he has been feeling. The pressure of taking over a company that he didn't have much of a clue of.

Before he left for those three months, he was there helping his dad run the company. Getting to learn about it and how he will be able to handle it in the future. Of course the thought scared him, he told you that himself.

However, it seems like he doesn't really have a choice.

And it's not that he's scared, he just doesn't want it to fail. His dad has been running that company for years, even before he was born. So of course the pressure is on for him, no matter the situation.

Yet he doesn't think he can actually make it work.

"Yeah, but i'm sure you can do it, don't feel too much pressure" you said, as he nodded, a smile forming on his lips, before looking back up at you.

"Thank you, maybe i can even hire you as my assistant" he said, as you just laughed, liking the idea already.

It wouldn't be bad to work with him. The job will be much better from the one you have right now. The option is tempting.

"I mean, i would love to work with you Mr. Park" you said, as he just laughed, shaking his head in the process.

"Ugh i hate formalities" he cringed as you just laughed at his expression.

With a couple of shots and beers, it was time for you to finally use the bathroom. Your blatter was killing you with the amount of drinking you just had.

It wasn't like you were drunk, you were just starting to feel the alcohol, but you still controlled the amount of drinking you had. It was mostly Jimin who was watching out to see how much you both had been drinking.

But you did your part.

With a smile, you excused yourself and told Jimin you would be heading to the bathroom. As he nodded and said he would keep an eye out for anyone. So with a safe thought, you rushed towards the bathroom.

Opening the stall, as you did your business and came out and washed your hands. There were a couple of girls touching up their makeup, others were vomiting from the amount of alcohol and others were trying to make a phone call.

Bathrooms like these are the ones that feel safe, the ones that you like to be at, mostly in a club.

As you finished drying your hands with a paper towel, you tossed it on the garbage can and started to walk out, the loud sound catching you off guard.

With slow steps and trying to pass by the people, you heard someone's voice.

"Hello" someone said, making you stop midway and turn. "Hello?" you said, your voice a bit hesitant and cautious since you didn't know who the person was.

"What's your name?" he asked, as you just stared at him. Those typical guys that try to hit on you just to have a night with you.

You learned it by the first guy that did that, the one you thought was nice. The guy who somehow found where your dorm was. What a shame honestly.

"Why the need to know my name?" you said, as he just chuckled, passing a hand through his hair.

"A girl like you is hard to find, i just had to ask" he said, as the pick-up line made you want to roll your eyes.

They all say the same shit. Nothing new.

It's always those typical ones, the ones that are annoyingly hard to believe with the amount of good looking females in the club. He obviously saw you walking into the bathroom and waited for you to come out.

You have seen it too many times. The way some would spy on some girls and would wait for them to come out of the bathroom to start asking them questions. You had to even defend and help some girls out from these kinds of guys.

Disgusting truly.

"Really?" you said, as he started to get closer, making you backup a little, which you are just met with the wall hitting your back.

"Yes really" he said, placing a hand on the wall, giving you a grin. "What do you say if we get out of here and have a better time?" he asked, as you just laughed.

Bingo, what a way to ask someone honestly. Even if he would've come nicely to you, you would've still told him no.

"Funny, you got jokes" you said, looking away from him as you just laughed. How stupid can a guy in this situation be? Or how desperate?

Just the way he was aiming himself so closely to you was telling you all you needed to know. From the moment he first called for you. You knew.

"Get the fuck out of my face" you said, looking back at him as he just smirked, which truly started to creep you out.

"Come on, it will be fun" he insisted as you tried to get away but were met with a hand on your wrist. His hand holding your wrist.

All of the sudden fear washed over you, he had you close towards him. Holding you tightly by just your wrist. In a matter of seconds you started to think, trying to get yourself together in this situation.

"No, let my hand go" you said, trying to free your hand from his grip, but he only held it tighter, trying to pull you towards him as you struggled to stay close to the wall. The grip he had on your wrist was starting to hurt you. It was scaring you.

He just smirked, trying to lean closer and closer towards you as you were trying to push him away, trying to use your hands but he just grabbed them both.

"I said–"

"And she said no" you heard a voice, making the guy turn towards the right and before you knew it, a fist went straight to his face.

His hands were quickly off of you, while you saw Jungkook holding the guy by the collar, and Jimin pulling you to the side.

"When she said no" Jungkook yelled at him, making everyone's attention turn to you all. "She meant fucking no" he said, as he threw another punch at him in the face.

To which was hard enough for the guy to spit blood on the side of his mouth, just to be forcefully pulled again by Jungkook by the collar.

"Don't fucking touch her again or anyone" he said, punching the guy on the stomach as you saw him trying to hit Jungkook which made you suddenly flinch, something Jimin caught, putting you behind him.

"Do you fucking understand?" Jungkook yelled, not getting a respond from the guy as it only made Jungkook more angry. It only increased his anger.

"She wanted it" the guy said, spitting blood on the side, to which Jungkook had enough, with a hand on the guy's head, he pulled his hair, making the guy look up.

"And you fucking want to die, huh?" Jungkook yelled and with that he punched him again, and before you knew it, another guy rushed over. Turning Jungkook around as he threw a punch at him, catching Jungkook off guard.

"Jungkook" you yelled, not even meaning to, which made you want to rush over to him.

"Son of a bitch" Jimin yelled, pulling the guy to the side as he immediately threw a punch at him, the sound of the guy hitting the floor is what made everyone start going crazy.

With a laugh from Jungkook, he walked towards the guy that punched him, pulling his hair as he made him face him.

"Piece of shit" he said, before throwing the guy to the side, throwing with so much force the guy hit himself on the wall.

"Let this be a lesson, whenever a female says no, it's no" he said, looking at them before he looked around. Meaning his words for everyone that was staring at him.

"This can't be happening" Namjoon yelled, rushing towards Jimin checking him as his eyes landed on Jungkook.

"What the fuck happened?" he said, as Jimin looked over to you, and then to Namjoon. Quickly, you rushed over to them.

"Take Jimin, i'll get Jungkook" you said, as Namjoon nodded, and even if Jimin disagreed, he still went with him.

With a worried look, you turned towards Jungkook who was looking around.

You didn't even notice when all of this happened. It started with a guy who was getting too close to the point you felt scared and then to Jungkook punching him until he started bleeding. It all happened too fast.

There were no emotions, it was just pure shock. It all happened in a blink of an eye that you didn't process it until now.

Without a second doubt, you rushed towards Jungkook, grabbing his wrist softly as his eyes went directly to you. "Are you okay?"

"I should ask you that" you said, looking down at his hand as his knuckles were red, truly red and bruised.

"Come on, let's go" you said, pulling him gently as you both exited the club.

It turned out that security was called right after, kicking the two guys out and you and Jungkook as well. Which you both were told to not ever come back to the club.

And well it wasn't like you both were going back here anyway, or to Miami to begin with. It didn't take long for Hoseok and Taehyung to come out of the club. Both of them were shocked with what happened.

Even telling Jungkook how cool he looked for punching those jerks. However, Jungkook didn't say anything, he just kept asking you if you were okay. If the guy did something to you which you just told him what he already knew.

He was angry, you could tell he was. But once you all drove off, he calmed down. Of course giving you a few glances from time to time.

He didn't think this is how the night would end, and it made him so irritated for what that guy did. He could've held that anger, but he was happy he didn't.


"Go to sleep" you smiled at him, touching his hair as he nodded. "Good night, call me if you need anything" he smiled back at you.

With a nod and a smile, Jimin went to his room, leaving the door open as Jungkook showed up, his eyes tired. Which only made you chuckle.

Quickly, you walked over to him, closing the door as you grabbed his wrist, pulling him towards the bed as you both sat down.

"Are you really okay? Did he do anything?" he asked once again. He has been asking you for so long now. It's about the tenth time since he did.

You know he might be worried, that he feels like you aren't being honest just to not make him angry. But you told him what happened, and thankfully it didn't get worse.

Thankfully he was there to help you, to save you from whatever that guy was trying to do. Yeah you were scared, truly fearful. Just knowing the situation could've gone way worse makes you even more scared.

But you are thankful he and Jimin were there.

"I'm okay, he didn't do anything other than trying to get close to me." you said, telling him the same answer you have been telling him since you both arrived.

Everyone noticed how quick he was to help you, Namjoon was even worrying about it. About how that guy could've truly hurt you. He even told Jungkook how proud he was for helping you.

Hoseok even thanked him too, to Jimin as well for helping out.

But you could tell Jungkook didn't listen much to that, he was just wondering how you truly were.

"I won't lie" you said, grabbing his hand softly, as you looked at the way his knuckles were, the bruises and red marks it had.

"I felt scared" you said, gently brushing your thumb on the back of his hand. "But what scared me more was you getting hurt"

With a smile, he pulled you closer towards him, giving you a soft kiss on your forehead before he brushed something off your cheek.

"Well nothing happened" he said, as you rolled your eyes. "Look at your hand and lip" you said, as he just chuckled.

"But I'm okay" he said, as you just sighed.

Something about him getting punched or when he was so close to that guy scared you. They could've hurt him and no matter how well Jungkook handled that situation, you never know what could happen.

The idea of that fight going way worse than it did made you scared for him. But he's okay and so are you.

"Just be careful next time" you said, putting some rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball, while giving him a look.

"This will hurt" you said, as he just shrugged. "I can take it" he said, as you nodded, bringing his hand closer towards you, dabbing the cotton ball on his knuckles, hearing a low hiss from him.

He watched as you tried to be as gentle as possible, passing the cotton ball on his knuckles, which made him only smile more.

No matter how much his knuckles were hurting, he didn't regret punching that guy. He deserved it, for not listening to you. For wanting to force himself on you. Just remembering that makes him angry.

He just wanted to punch that guy some much until he would admit to not ever do that to someone else. Until he would apologize to you, but the worried look you had made him weak enough to stop.

It made him realize and go back to his senses.

"Thank you" you said, cutting the silence. "For what?" he asked, as you just looked up at him, giving him a smile.

"For standing up for me" you said, as he just shook his head. "Don't thank me, I'll do it anytime" he said.

Even if you knew he would, the thought sounded nice. Knowing that he would be there to help you made you feel safe. He would always say that he would be there to protect you from anything and anyone.

However, seeing it in front of your eyes was different. It made his words meaningful even if you didn't say it outloud.

And well he received a punch to the face while doing so, which made you feel guilty even if you shouldn't.

What happened back there with that guy wasn't your fault. He was trying to force himself on you. In the moment fear washed over you. There was no anger and confusion, just fear.

You were scared of what would happen if that guy actually did more than just forcefully grab your wrist and try to kiss you. It was enough to make you fear what would've happened if Jungkook and Jimin didn't come at the right time.

The thought still makes you shiver, but you don't let it get to you. Mostly because Jungkook came and put him in his place.

"I know you will, but seeing it was different" you said, as he smiled. "Were my punches good?" he asked, as you just laughed.

Of course they were, the guy had blood dripping out of his mouth and his nose and you didn't even forget the way his lip was truly busted. It was funny he was asking that because he just truly wanted to hear it from you.

"They were, it felt like a movie" you said, as he stood up and cheered, making you laugh even more.

With arms up, he celebrated his victory. Something you found truly amusing.

"Sit down" you told him, as he quickly sat back down, handing his arm back to you. With a silent chuckle, you continue to clean his wounds, putting a bandage over his hand as you then move on to his lip.

Getting another cotton ball and dipping it on the rubbing alcohol, you applied it gently onto the corner on his lip, making him shut his eyes.

You didn't want to hurt him much so you applied it as softly as possible, but no matter how gentle you were, it was still going to hurt him.

"I deserve a kiss after this" he said, as you just smiled.

His lips must have hurt when he kissed your forehead, but he is still insisting on giving you a kiss on the lips. Jungkook will forever surprise you.

"Heal your lips Jeon" you scolded him as he opened his eyes, looking at you with so much softness on them.

"If they touch your lips then they are healed" he said, as you just chuckled, finishing up the last bit as you closed the bottle of rubbing alcohol. Putting it on the night stand as he looked at you, waiting.

"My kiss?" he said, something you turned around to. Watching as he pouted his lips at you, making you laugh.

"And if I hurt you?" you asked, as he just smiled. "You could never hurt me" he said, his voice soft and gentle.

Rolling your eyes, you walked closer towards him, kissing his lips softly as he giggled to himself.

"You know what? I'll stay here" he said, heading to the bathroom as you guessed he was going to change his clothes. You didn't even realize when he had his clothes here. He has his whole suitcase in your room.

"Are you saying that because you don't want to sleep on the couch?" you said, as he agreed, making you laugh.

He was supposed to sleep with Taehyung today, you guess he has to go and lie to them once again.

As Jungkook was in the bathroom, you started cleaning up your bed, putting all your clothes that were on the side away. And you even putting away the rubbing alcohol that you guys decided to buy just for this occasion.

As you were about to lay down, you charged your phone, asking Jungkook if he wanted you to charge his. To which he said yeah and even said it was on the bed.

Softly, you picked up his phone, placing the charger as the notification of the battery popped up. With a notification as well.

Slowly, you looked at the message he just received. And it made you annoyed once you did.

"Have a good night kook, stay safe in Miami"

The number wasn't saved, but you knew who it belonged to. Only she called him like that. And that nickname has been stuck in your head ever since.

You usually call him 'Jeon' and she decided to call him 'Kook'

Even she was winning in that. She decided on a much cuter nickname than you did. It makes you annoyed to think that she was truly better. That she did thinks much better and received so much love from him.

You wonder how she could ever leave him. After he loved her with his entire heart, gave her everything, and might of have even sacrificed things for her, why leave him? He's an amazing person, kind, sweet, caring. And so much more.

To think she left him is something you truly want to know. Why leave him after he loved her so hard?

You know she might have feelings for him right now. That she is trying to gain some sort of conversation with Jungkook, you can feel it. Just the way she came back to his life and started texting him, and calling him said enough.

The thought itself irritated you, and maybe just maybe you realized what is wrong. What is truly wrong.

You feel jealous of Sora. You feel jealous that Jungkook loved her so much to the point he felt broken inside. To the point he felt lost. You feel jealous because she is much prettier and better than you will be.

She was his first love and you? What truly are you to him?

You aren't sure where these thoughts are coming from. But something is so wrong. The jealousy shouldn't be there. Just what is happening to you?

With lingering thoughts, you laid in bed, shutting your eyes so you wouldn't talk to Jungkook. So you wouldn't go off on him because of some stupid jealousy. However, he still hugged you and kept you close to him.

And while he slept, you wondered.

Where do you stand? And what is Jungkook to your heart? 

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