Hesitation - Ghost + König X...


32K 320 142

You are sent to force 141 to work on a misson. You will be working with 4 men ... Will you fall in love ? who... More

Inform and send ( Transport .1)
Take off (.2)
First Impression (.3)
The Basics (.4)
Stalker (.6)
The truth
Amigo⚠️ Mention of Fire & PTSD⚠️
Mission Love
The fall
The fall (pt.2)
Drugs ⚠️

Head too head

2.1K 18 0

You finally arrive at your barrack , you Swiftly open and close your door.

You enter your bathroom stripping off your clothes, and you turn on the shower

As it's warm enough, you enter and whine at the pain of the warm water hitting the bullet whole in your upper thigh

Yes, it seems you were shot. That's what all the gun shots were from the man shot you three times in the thigh

You see the bathroom door open and close , you realise that a man was in your bathroom but it wasn't any of the others.

It was the same guy from before

You scream loud enough that it echos throughout the base.

You exit grabbing your towel and stand there, not knowing what to do

The man looks at you and his eyes, then explores your body

He steps closer and closer, and you back up until you're at the wall.

But two large men burst in it was König and Ghost they are the only two able to reach you fast enough as they sleep in the two rooms beside yours

Ghost grabs the man in a choke hold, and König comes over to you and stands in front of you, covering your body

"Lieutenant, are you okay?" Asked König
but you stood there in shock and fear after what happened

"Y/N, are you okay?" Repeated Ghost, but his voice wasn't stern it was filled of concern

You realise they were talking to you, so you eventually nod

"I'll take him to the Interigation Section, and me and König will come back when you're changed to check up on you, " Ghost said to me as he knocked out the guy with the handle of his gun

I nod again to Scared to speak
König slightly turned around and kissed my forehead through his balaclava

I stood and stared at him

They left with the man, and I slowly made my to my duffle bag grabbing my crop top and shorts Pj's and laid them on my bed, and dried off

I soon changed, and right on time, I heard a knock "c-come in." I was still a little shaky

I opened the door, and it was König
"Ghost decided to stay at the interigation and asked me to call you over for your side of the story as the Man apparently 'can't remember' anything,


W/N : Sorry for cutting this short. I'm kinda busy!


Please keep reading 📚

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