A Star's Sacrifice

By fellowfantasyfan

173 1 1

When a magical teen finds out that she's part of an important prophecy she goes on an adventure to answer her... More

-+*Chapter 2*+-
-+*Chapter 3*+-
-+*Chapter 4*+-
-+*Chapter 5*+-
-+*Chapter 6*+-
-+*Chapter 7*+-
-+*Chapter 8*+-
-+*Chapter 9*+-
-+*Chapter 10*+-
The guardian of Etheria Act 2 -+*Chapter 11*+-
-+*Chapter 12*+-
-+*Chapter 13*+-
-+*special chapter*+-

A new beginning Act 1 -+*Chapter 1*+-

16 0 0
By fellowfantasyfan

This was the most calming part of the day, the early morning. While most people would be waking up and getting ready for the day someone was already up, tinkering and playing with star maps and a tiny armillary sphere up in her room. And that particular someone was none other than wren woods.

The rising sun shone on her ash brown hair. She has golden eyes that glimmered with hope, she has a few scars from accidents while playing in the woods. Even though she looked like a normal teen she was far from normal. She had a gift, the gift of magic.


"Wren!" A man shouted, calling me. I came rushing down the stairs as soon as I smelled the delicious breakfast. "Why don't you help me out and set the plates on the table" the old man suggested, "and once you're done you can sit down and wait" he stated "Sure thing Orion" I replied. Once finished Orion went to put the food on the table and sat down with me to eat. "Orion?" I said, he grumbled in response "Can I go to town with you today" I requested hoping for a good response, "well, I don't see why not" he exclaimed. I ate happily after hearing Orion's answer.

Once we finished eating we started to get ready to go out for the day. Orion was wearing a formal blouse with black dress pants and a pair of brown loafers. He may be a brutal war leader but he still has to dress properly. Meanwhile I wore a casual sweater and overalls that still looked presentable. "I'm going to get Fenrir ready to go. Why don't you hang out in the forest for a bit? I'll call you when we're ready." Orion shouted out to me as I buckled in my gloves hiding my scarred palm and wrists. While Orion got the horse ready I went to the forest to look for my lucky companion, Comet. "Comet!" I shouted for her name. Behind me the bushes shook. I turned around and saw a little griffin pop out of the bush. "Comet! I got you some leftover breakfast" I told her as I took out the pieces of bacon that was wrapped up in cloth from out of my pocket. "Here have some" I told her she chirped excitedly as I gave it to her. "Wren!" I heard Orion call for me. "I got to go, be good and don't cause any trouble." I left her with the bacon and went to Orion. "Ready?" Orion asked "Yup!" I responded happily. I was never really allowed to go to the kingdom. Because of my gift I had to hide myself from the world. Once we were on Orion's horse we headed to the city of Ivor.

The city of Ivor where life roams in North Akira. The town was filled with stalls and buildings. I saw a food stall that sold many delicious treats, my mouth was drooling from just looking at them. " Orion, can we get one of the snacks there!". Orion looked at me as My face was lit with excitement. "I can't say no to that face" Orion said disappointed. Orion and I walked up the stall to choose what snack to get. "Can I have that one?" I pointed at a toasted bun.

Orion nodded "Excuse me ma'am can I get that one?" Orion asked the lady selling the treats. "One curry pan, that will be 2 shillings" the lady said. Orion took out a pouch and handed the lady the coins. After the lady put them in a compartment she took a napkin and grabbed the bun and put it in a paper bag to go. "Have a good day." Orion told the woman nicely. "You too," the lady responded. We continued on with their walk to the council. I took out the bun and bit into it, it tasted like heaven, I continued to eat the bun happily. I noticed Orion's gaze at me and he started laughing "You eat that bun like it's the last thing you're gonna eat" he acknowledged. I blushed in embarrassment " but it's so good!" I mumbled while still eating.

We both finally arrived at the academy. I always dreamed of attending the academy but because of Orion's rules I was never able to. The entrance of the academy was already impressive, the designs of the buildings, the students walking around and studying at benches or just hanging out with each other. Of course I had friends but we weren't able to see each other that much because they studied at the academy.


A little girl walked along the woods until she heard other kids. The girl tensed up and ran the opposite direction of the voices, but she failed. Hitting her head on a branch she fell down and lied on the ground. 'So this is how I die' she thought. "HEY! Look over here guys!" A voice shouted. "This is the end" the girl thought, she closed her eyes on the verge of tears. "Are you ok?" The voice said again, wren opened her eyes to be greeted with a young boy. The boy took his hand out for the girl to help her get up. "Thank you" the girl mumbled "What is it Lucian?" You turned to the voice and it was a girl, she looked a bit older than you, "Oh!" She exclaimed. "My name is Nyx and this is Lucian!" She expressed. "Hello!" The boy replied "what's your name?" She asked the girl. "Wren, my name's wren."


Ever since me and my friends met we've been best of friends. I never told them about my gift, I kept it a secret ever since Orion was the only one who knew about my gift he made it very clear not to tell anyone or let anyone find out about it. Once Lucian and Nyx started attending the academy they didn't really have time to hang out but we still met up in the forest.

"Wren," Orion said seriously "once we enter the council you must be on your best behavior and stay by my side, only talk when you're spoken to and don't talk back when something doesn't seem right" his last statement surprised Me. "I know you have a habit of trying to make things right but your opinion doesn't matter once inside the board room" Orion added making Me quiet is 'this how it works in The council? Was no one allowed a say in the decisions they make?' I thought while walking through the courtyard

"Wren!?" While walking through the academy I heard my name. I turned and saw Nyx and Lucian. "What are you doing here?" Nyx asked "Orion let me go with him here" I spoke as Orion came back from speaking with someone. "Where are you headed? Me and Nyx have some free time. We can accompany you" Lucian spoke. I looked at Orion for an answer "I don't think the council will mind some students." Orion said "Yay! I've always wanted to see the council do their job!" Lucian shared with everyone.

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