Opposites Attract

By skzz0325

473 61 3

[y/n] [l/n]'s the daughter of a witch and no-maj. A half-blood. She attended Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft... More

So It Begins
Group Projects Are The Worst
Snakes Are For Slytherin's
Single Pringle
What I'm Seeking
More Than A Competition
Want To Forgive, But Shouldn't Forget
Father Daughter Time

Welcome Wagon

50 4 0
By skzz0325

Chapter one: Welcome Wagon

[Y/N]'S POV:

My heart was pounding. Adrenaline rushing through my veins. Breathing heavy. Vision becoming blurred. The symptoms of my panic attack becoming worse as I got off of the plane, following the crowd to where I could find all my luggage.

It was official now. I'm living in London for I don't even know how long. There was no turning back now–no changing my mind. Which I suppose is for the best, after all, America was becoming more dangerous for myself and everyone close to me with each passing second I stayed there. London was safer, not only for me, but for my parents' peace of mind.

'My parents.' I sighed thinking of them, waiting for my bags to come into view. 'The last thing I heard about them was that they had gone missing. I hope they're doing okay. I can't wait to see them again. Even if I thought I hated them sometimes, they are still my parents. I didn't realize how much I would miss them.' I finished up my thoughts as my bags came into sight, deciding that for the moment I should just stay focused on finding my godfather, Severus Snape.

I've done some light digging on the man before arriving here. I mean, there's absolutely no way I was going to willingly live with some random old guy I've never met before without at least knowing a bit about his background. Apparently he had gone to Hogwarts all seven years and is now a professor there. He teaches potions but has applied to be the defense against the dark arts teacher but never got the job if I remember correctly. 'He's bound to be an interesting man.' I though, getting into a taxi after putting my belongings in the truck of the vehicle.

"Where to?" the driver asked me, locking eyes with my own through the mirror.

"Uh, Kings Cross train station? Please?" I asked politely, hoping I remembered the name of the place I was supposed to meet Snape at correctly. The driver simply nodded his head in response and began driving in what I could only assume was the direction of the station. Why I was meeting my godfather at a train station, I had no idea. But I was more than willing to be accommodating for Severus, after all he is taking me in with very little notice. I wanted to be as little as a burden as possible to him, and if meeting him at a train station instead of being picked up at the airport meant that, then so be it.

Once the driver stopped outside of Kings Cross I got out and grabbed my bags out of the trunk, then walked over to the drivers door pulling out my wallet. His window was rolled down, his hairy arm reaching out to grab the money I owed him. He was about to speak, to let me know how much it was I owed him, but I was quick to cut him off.

"Here's twenty American dollars." I said speedily, shoving the money into his hand before running off into the train station as fast as I could. I could hear him yelling at me as I spirited away, weaving through crowds of people. I felt bad, giving him foreign money he likely couldn't do much with here, but it's not like I had much of a choice. U.S. dollars were all I had at the moment.

Eventually, I stopped running, dropping all of my bags as I heaved for air, feeling exhausted from running. Once I managed to catch my breath I took a look around. 'I need to find platform nine and three quarters.' I thought to myself, remembering that's where Snape was supposed to meet me. It didn't take long for me to find, in fact I managed to run right to it. 'Okay, next task: find Severus Snape even though I have no clue what he looks like.' This entire situation was becoming more and more stressful with each passing second.

"Miss. [l/n]." I jumped at the sudden sound of a waspish voice coming from behind me. I turned on my heels quickly and my eyes were met with a tall man, dressed in black robes. His hair was shoulder length and a very similar shade of black as his robes.

"Severus Snape?" I questioned. His expression didn't seem to change all too much, except I got the feeling he was judging me. Perhaps it was because I was wearing my airport clothes, which was just a simple sweatsuit, instead of something a bit more appropriate for meeting your godfather for the first time.

"Yes." He said slowly. The amount of authority he radiated was actually quite paralyzing. I swallowed harshly before speaking up.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Mr. Snape. I'm [y/n] [l/n], as you obviously already know. Thank you so much for taking me in! I know this is a burden for you but I really do appreciate it. Besides, it's nice to finally know who my godfather is." I regrettably let myself ramble.

"Professor Snape. And I'm your Adoptive father now." He corrected me coldly while folding his arms. My eyebrows immediately furrowed at his last remark.

"Uh, please excuse me if I'm being rude but," I began, trying to make sense of things right now. "My birth parents didn't put me up for adoption. You're just looking after me until they can ensure America is safe for me again." His expression was stern as he stayed silent for a long moment once I finished speaking.

Sighing deeply, Severus said, "Your parents have been presumed dead. I'm your legal guardian now." My blood ran cold in an instant. Tears tugged at the corner of my eyes as my face dropped. 'No. No, they just went missing. They aren't dead. They can't be!' I clenched my jaw to keep myself from sobbing in public. "I'm... Sorry." Snape spoke slowly. It sounded almost as if that was a hard phrase for him to speak. I only nodded my head quickly in response, whipping my tears away quickly as I tried to keep myself composed.

"It's fine." I whispered, my voice shaky and frail. I then let my surroundings distract me for a moment, my [e/c] eyes drifting to some kids with carts full of luggage and crates with animals, running right for a brick wall. I gazed at them strangely, fully expecting them to hit the wall with enough force to give them a concussion, except that didn't happen. Instead, they vanished into thin air as soon as They hit the brick wall. My mouth fell agape as I watched more kids do the same thing. 'What interesting magic.'

Snape shoving fabric into my arms took my attention away from the kids and forced me to come back to reality.

"Go into the washroom and change into the school robes. Quickly now, you haven't much time before the train takes off for Hogwarts. You wouldn't want to be... Left behind." He instructed and I did as he told. Once I was dressed appropriately for the first day of school, I made my way back to Severus, who had put all my belongings into a cart much like what I saw the other kids do. I had also noticed a large white snake among the rest of my belongings, a snake I had never seen before in my life. He must have noticed my confused look, for he began to explain.

"Hogwarts students all have a pet. Typically an owl, rat, cat, or toad. However this snake is all I could get my hands on in such short notice. His name's Drayce. You're welcome." My [e/c] orbs met Drayce' pink ones as Snape spoke, and a soft smile formed onto my lips.

"Thank you. I love him." my voice was warm and genuine. I felt grateful that Snape had done all this for me on such a short notice, and that I now at least had one friend here. Drayce stuck his tongue out at me for an instant before pulling it back inside his mouth, which only made my smile grow. 'That's right. Focus on all the good things happening right now. You can think about what happened to your parents later. For the moment, [y/n], you're grateful to even be alive, let alone have a new father and pet. Smile.' I told myself. Looking back up at Snape he nodded in the direction of the brick wall, indicating he wanted me to run through it just as I saw the others do earlier. And so I did, pushing the cart in front of me and squeezing my eyes shut. And once I opened them again, it was like I was in a whole new world.

Instinctively, I followed the crowd, boarding the train and finding an empty compartment to sit in. I put my bags on the seat across from me, even though I knew that's not where they belong but nobody was going to sit there anyway. Then, my hand reached out for Drayce, letting the creature slither up my arm.

"This is going to be a long couple of years." I said, staring at my new pet as if it were he I was talking to.


Once the train had stopped I followed as the others did. There were plenty of teachers just outside the train, directing kids on where they should go by year and telling them where to leave their luggage so it will be taken to their rooms for them. Doing as told, I left my belongings where instructed, along with Drayce. I hated having to part with him, but it was only temporary. Then, my legs moved to carry me to where the rest of the fourth years were being directed, only for a strong hand to grip my forearm, pulling me away from the group. Panic washed over me until I saw just who it was dragging me away.

"Mr. Snape!" I exclaimed out of surprise. 'How did he even get here anyway? He didn't follow me onto the train.' my eyebrows knitted together as I tried to come up with an explanation. "Oh, wait, sorry, I meant Professor! Professor Snape!" I corrected, immediately feeling guilty for not addressing him properly.

"You go with the first years." He spoke, practically throwing me in the direction of the rest of the first years.

"Wait, why? I'm a fourth year."

"You must be sorted into a house just like the first years." Snape explained before turning around and strutting away, his cloak flowing in the wind behind him. 'Alright.' I thought to myself, feeling overwhelmed as I now followed the group of first years, all of whom were practically half my size. 'This is fine. Everything is going to be fine.'


An older woman by the name of Professor McGonagall explained how the house sorting situation is going to go. Apparently there's a magical talking hat which could venture into the wearer's mind and determine which house best suits them. 'Yes, because that's not anxiety provoking at all. And in front of the entire school at that. Hogwarts is already so different from Ilvermorny.'

Once all the first years had gone, I was the only one left standing. All eyes fell onto me in an instant before Professor McGonagall spoke loud enough for the entire dining hall to hear.

"Now lastly, our new fourth year transfer student from Ilvermorny and adopted daughter for Professor Snape, [y/n] [l/n]." My eyes fell onto Snape who was sitting at the professors table just behind McGonagall and it didn't surprise me when I saw him cringe as him being my new father was brought up. Honestly I wanted to cringe just as much as he was, but I didn't, trying to present myself as being well composed.

Once I sat down on the stool, the hat rested onto my head. My eyes darted around the room full of students, all looking right at me. Then, a platinum blond boy seated at the Slytherin table had caught my attention. He was cute, his hair parted down the middle and falling into his face. And his eyes, a beautiful gray. Absolutely stunning, although he was looking at me in a questionable way, almost as if he were trying to figure out if I was worth his time.

The sudden voice coming from the hat immediately snapped me out of my daze, causing my heart rate to increase.

"Well well, certainly not a Gryffindor! You're far too anxious for that." I nodded my head in agreement as the hat continued, even though I wasn't even entirely sure what it was I was agreeing to. I knew next to nothing about the different houses. "Let's see, there's Ravenclaw... You are a smart one, but it seems you don't necessarily pride yourself on wisdom. No, not Ravenclaw." He concluded as my fingers began to grip onto the side of the stool, wanting this process to hurry up. "Hmm, you would do awfully well in Slytherin. I sense you have great ambition. Quite resourceful and cunning as well. However, your respect for justice counteracts that. Yes, you're a rather loyal one too aren't you. Very hard worker, you are. Now... Where to put you?" I let out a shaky breath as the hat pondered.

"I'm fine with either." I began to whisper, "But take your time, no rush." I said that even though I could hardly wait to get off the stool. But as my father, well my birth father, had taught me, patience is key.

"It better be..." The hat yelled so the entire hall could hear, "Hufflepuff!" immediately the table full of kids wearing yellow and black erupted with cheers, clapping for me ecstatically as I made my way over to the table. I didn't miss the opportunity to sneak a quick glance at the platinum from the Slytherin table, but once I saw his disappointed and almost disgusted expression my heart sank. 'Is there something wrong with being a Hufflepuff?' I wondered, shaking the hand of a very friendly boy with soft brown hair who seemed to be two or three years older than myself.

"Cedric Diggory." The boy introduced himself. "Welcome to Hufflepuff [l/n]." He gave me a charming smile as he peered down at me.

"Thanks!" I responded, giving him a little smile in return before I sat down and he mimicked my actions, taking a seat right next to me.

"Listen, [l/n]," Cedric began, getting my attention again. "Being a fourth year transfer is likely very difficult for you. So, if you need any help with school work, finding your way around, or even just need a friend, I'm here." A warm grin plastered itself onto my face, nodding in response to him.

"Thanks. Again." He let out a light chuckle at my comment before changing the subject.

"Yeah. Nice accent by the way. Say, how did an American girl like you end up being adopted by Snape, of all people. I don't know what he's like out of school, but he doesn't really strike me as the fatherly type." Cedric had an amused expression as he spoke, looking around at other Hufflepuff's at the table to see if they all agreed with him. But despite his lightheartedness my expression immediately dropped.

"My parents and extended family died. Plus, he was my godfather, even though I just met him a few hours ago." My explanation was quick and I made sure to not let any emotion seep through my words. I didn't want to come off as weak or pathetic, but that didn't stop the pitiful looks they all gave me.

"I'm so sorry." Cedric's tone was soothing, but for some reason it made me feel worse. Attempting to hide my true feelings I just shrugged my shoulders.

"It's fine." I whispered just loud enough for him to hear over the many other voices which filled the room, but they all came to a stop as Dumbledore's voice sounded.

"Well now that we're all settled in and sorted, I'd like to make an announcement." The headmaster began, the door creaking as an old scrawny looking man entered, running obnoxiously toward Dumbledore as he continued. "This castle will not only be your home this year, but home to some very special guests as well. You see Hogwarts has been chosen–" he had stopped talking once the scrawny man made it to him, whispering to each other about who knows what. Once their quick interaction ended, the headmaster's speech continued. "So... Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event: The Triwizard Tournament." Murmurs among students sounded through the hall once they heard the news. Dumbledore then went on, explaining the event for those who didn't quite know what exactly it was, like me. Next thing I know, we've been told to welcome students from other schools. One, being a group of girls dressed in a periwinkle blue and the other being rough tough men, all whose heads were shaved for some reason. I recognized one of the students from a pro quidditch team, Krum. I quite liked quidditch, it was always too bad the American team never made it far in the world cup.

Once each school was introduced, the great hall erupted with chatter once again. Everyone began to dig into the unnecessary amount of food placed in front of them. However, we all went silent once more as the headmaster asked for our attention yet again. This time, he went into some more detail about the tournament, and introduced some ministry of magic dude. Honestly, I began to zone out, stuffing my face with the various food set in front of me. I had hardly noticed the rain which began to fall on us until students let out screams. Luckily, the problem was speedily put to a stop by a man with a scarred up face and a prosthetic eyeball. Hushed voices speaking of an "Alastor Moody" came from what seemed to be everywhere. My head drifted in his direction, examining him carefully.

"Oh hell no." I said to myself, but it was loud enough for Cedric to hear. He gave me a questioning look, which I gladly answered. "There's something off about him. I don't like it. You wouldn't catch somebody like that at Ilvermorny."

Leaning into my form Cedric spoke, "Well you're not in Ilvermorny anymore, [l/n]."

"Yeah, that's starting to become real clear to me." I said, eyeing the man as I watched him take a swig from his flask. "Definitely not in Ilvermorny anymore."

A/N: Sorry, I know this first chapter wasn't the best. Honestly I don't really like how it turned out but that's okay, it'll get better from here on out. There'll be lots more Draco and reader moments I promise. Anyway, votes and comments are always appreciated! Thanks for reading! -Kenz

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