The Hidden Bloodline

By Templar_Assassin

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Revana Ordo was the daughter of the True Mandalorian Second in Command Myles Elder, but Myles had a secret, o... More

A Chance Meeting
Learning Curve
Tattoonie PT 1
Tattoonie PT 2
The Battle for Naboo
The Verd'goten
A friend lost
Holocrons of the Past
Begun the Clone Wars have PT 1
Begun the Clone Wars have PT 2
The Kaminoan Jedi Mandalorian
Courasant and Trouble PT 1
Courasant and Trouble PT 2
Courasant and Trouble PT 3
Jabiim PT 1
Jabiim PT 2
New Armor
Holloween 2022 with face reveal
Ghost of the Old Republic PT 1
Ghost of The Old Republic PT 2
Ghost of the Old Republic PT 3
Jedi Hypocrisy
Before the Senate
The Gala PT 1
The Gala PT 3

Gala Pt 2

73 2 0
By Templar_Assassin

A/N: There are references in this chapter and Mera Bipressed is named in honor of the one who caused me to continue my own one-shot request and turn it into the book you are reading today.


Revana was currently going over her notes on the wreckage site, several Mandalorian historians had headed out that way to run further research on the ship without the supervision of the Separatists, they didn't want an incident with Mandalore by the way they were acting which was a good thing in a way. Revana had spent much of her time reviewing what she had seen and the others who made up her team. She had sent a section of her notes to Tarkin and had called her within an hour of sending a section "Ah, Captian what do I owe this pleasure?" she asked

"I find it remarkable that your notes are consistent with what you told the Senate, at first I had my doubts, but this section of your research paper is filling me with nostalgia; truly my dear you are a historian," Tarkin replied

"Thank you for your kind words Captian," she said, "I am waiting to hear back from the research teams,"

"I cannot wait to hear of what they have uncovered, you are truly a gift to the galaxy my dear," Tarkin said.

After the call ended Revana paused in her work to get dinner, Vaner was curled up on the couch when there was a knock on the door "It's open," she said.

It was Obi-Wan "Ah, Ori'vod, I didn't know you were coming," she said

"I should have called first, but the council sent me to come and get you about HK," he said.

Revana looked at Obi-Wan, "What did the ole terror do now?" she asked

"Attacked Jedi Master Pong Krell," Obi-Wan said.

Revana wouldn't lie, but something about Krell rubbed her the wrong way and she absolutely hated it. Revana also knew HK wouldn't attack anyone unless provoked "What did Krell do to set him off?" she asked finishing her food

"Krell claims he did nothing," Obi-Wan said.

Revana snorted "Obi, there isn't something right with Krell, and I don't trust him, he has tried to pick fights with even me," she pointed out, "HK won't attack unless provoked that is in his programming, in addition, he cannot attack someone without my orders to do so unless he felt as if a life other than his own was in danger,"

Obi-wan nodded at this "If you say so,"

Revana rolled her eyes and left the room with Obi-Wan taking her food with her and Vaner padding along behind them.


Anakin couldn't believe that HK attacked Krell, but HK may have had a perfect reason too, Revana had updated all of HK's combat protocols with details about who was friendly and who wasn't HK also had something that could track a Sith if in close enough range which was scary considering HK semi-sentient. When Revana arrived she reported directly to the council chamber as well as him. Pong Krell's arm was currently in a bacta sling "Explained HK has," Yoda said

"If I may ask what happened?" Revana asked

"Your droid mistook a sparing session with my Padawan as hostile," Krell said

"Is this true HK?" Revana asked

"Explanation: Master, a padawan was injured, and their Meatbag of a master continued the spar, I merely intervened to prevent further injury to the padawan, as it is in my programming to do so," HK stated.

Revana pinched the bridge of her nose "Master Krell, I apologize for what has happened,"

"No need Lady Vizsla, HK merely protected my padawan learner, I didn't catch that she had been injured, she tends running from the med-bay," Krell said.

Anakin wasn't buying it and neither was Revana, but Krell had everyone else fooled apparently "If I may ask how your padawan is Master Krell?" Revana asked

"Padawan Ca'tra is currently in the halls of healing," Krell said.

Revana bowed her head "Thank you, Master Krell," she said before turning to the council, "Masters I apologize,"

"There was no harm done to anyone, HK acted as his protection programs for younglings dictates," Windu said, "He merely stopped an accident from happening."


HK-47 may have been built but it sure as haran wasn't yesterday, he knew what he had stopped he had recorded the entire thing, his scans of the young padawan were conclusive, she had several broken bones, a shattered collar bone, and various other injuries, HK would see to it that he would sneak aboard Meatbag Krell's ship and find out why he had such high casualty numbers out of all the meatbag Jedi. Following Revana to the healing hall the head meatbag healer looked at Revana worried "I fear Lady Revana, your droid may have discovered the abuse of a padawan, Ca'tra's twin Ka'ra is due back from deployment her master was killed recently and the Troopers gathered their commander up and pulled out before they lost her as well,"

"HK, I want the truth," Revana said

"Statement: Of course, Master,"

HK replayed everything, every heated insult thrown the girl's way. The Girl herself was Mando'ad much like her twin, HK made it his personal mission to gather more information on Krell "Why didn't you show this to the council?" Revana asked

"Statement: Master, I preferred to tell you because like you she is Mando'ad," HK said.

"Healer..." Revana began

"Bipressed, Mera Bipressed," the healer replied

"Thank you, Mera, could you contact Duchess Satine Kyrze please, she will need to know of this," Revana said.

The Healer's eyes got wide "I know she is the Duchess's daughter as well as Obi-Wan's it is best that she finds out or her father will," Revana said.

The Healer bowed "As you wish princess,"


Jango had received a coms message from Revana and headed to the temple to find the Dutchess pacing back and forth tears flowing freely from her eyes as Pre rushed to her side "Satine, what's wrong?" Pre asked

"I sent them here thinking they would be safe, but I was wrong," Satine sobbed into Pre's shoulder.

Revana came out of one of the rooms "Satine, HK is protecting Ca'tra."

Pre's face went pale "Your ad'e are jetti?" Pre asked

Satine nodded as Pre held her "Ka'ra's on her way back to Coreasant, her master was killed in battle and Jango's ad'e made sure to get her to safety as their General's last orders," Satine said sobbing.

Revana signaled for him to follow "Pong Krell was Ca'tra's master; HK broke one of his four arms after finding him beating her into submission, apparently, Krell's men have also been abused, and considering that Krell has the highest casualty rate on the front lines..." Revana broke off.

Jango's thoughts turned dark "He needs to be relieved of command," he said

"They have put him on probation and stripped him of his command and his padawan as soon as Healer Bipressed informed them how extensive Ca'tra's injuries were, his former troops are currently in the GAR Barracks," Revana informed him

"Who are their father?" he asked

"Obi-Wan," Revana replied, "Satine sent them on a way to live with their father, sadly with the Order's rules which those too are currently under review, hadn't been allowed to meet him formerly,"

Jango looked at Satine, he knew Obi'ika and Satine had a relationship at one time, but Jango knew that Obi-Wan didn't know about his ad'e and if he had, he would have raised all kinds of haran "Oh, and when I told Satine that HK had saved Ca'tra she walked right over and kissed HK, I thought he was going to blow a circuit because he apparently hasn't been thanked before in that way." Revana said.

Jango snorted "Poor terror bot," he joked.


Ca'tra had awoken to the sounds of people talking "Statement: Master, it would appear that Ca'tra has awakened," the voice of HK-47 the droid that saved her life said.

A woman dressed in armor appeared, her helmet tucked under her arm. Ca'tra knew who this woman was; Revana Vizsla direct descendent of the Mandalorian Jedi turned Mand'alor Tarre Vizsla "How are you feeling?" she said.

Ca'tra was fearful at what would happen when Pong Krell found her alone again "Peace, vod'ika, your safe your former master has had his command stripped from him and has had you removed from his care," the woman said

"What of my twin?" Ca'tra asked

"Ka'ra is due to arrive in the morning, though I fear that she will be seeing a mind healer as well as yourself," Revana stated.

Had something happened to Ka'ra? Ca'tra being the oldest of the twins sat up "What happened to my vod'ika?" she asked

"Your sister's master fell, as per their orders your sister's battalion was to get her to safety," Revana replied, "The commander of that Battalion was worried for her safety as much as his men's,"

Ca'tra could only imagine what kind of pain her twin was going through "What will happen to me now?"

"You, Ca'tra will be my padawan," Revana said

"But your not of the Jedi Order," Ca'tra said

"That is true, but I am apart of the Mandalorian Jedi Order," Revana said.

Ca'tra looked at Revana in shock "There is a temple on Mandalore?"

"Yes, your mother Satine has seen it, you will be taught by the force users of our people's history," Revana said, "But first you have to attend your classes, mind healer sessions, and heal." Revana said, "When you are finished I will return for you and your journey will begin,"

"And my sister?" Ca'tra asked

"Ka'ra will be assigned as your father's padawan," Revana said

"Our father?" Ca'tra asked

"Yes," Revana said, "Obi-Wan Kenobi is your father,"

Ca'tra had always felt a pull towards Obi-Wan while he was in the temple as did Ka'ra Knowing that the man was their father was a blessing and a curse since Ka'ra flirted with the enemy and damn near drove Commander Price up the damn walls with it, the rest of Battalion 141 was highly amused by it all "The code," she said

"The Code is under refinement, after what has transpired the council believes it to be a good idea to allow some freedom with the code, during the time of the Army of Light; Jedi were allowed to marry and have children," Revana said, "Until you are well HK will be your protector,"

Ca'tra looked at the droid that had been built by Revan "Statement: It will be an honor to burn a hole into that Meatbag Krell if he comes near you again young master," the Droid stated.

Ca'tra didn't know if she needed to be worried, or feel honored that a droid of HK's caliber was going to protect her.


Obi-Wan felt mentally drained as Jango explained what was going on "Why didn't she say anything?" Obi-Wan asked

"I'm not sure," Jango said, "When she discovered they were force sensitive she had them sent to the temple to learn, Ca'tra was injured by Pong Krell and has been abused by him for sometime, Revana is leading an investigation into the abuse and casualties of his men,"

"And Krell?" Obi-Wan asked

"Stripped of his rank as General, and has been removed as being Ca'tra's master, currently Ca'tra is resting, and with her twin due to arrive in the morning...having lost her own master..." Jango broke off.

Obi-Wan felt his knees buckle...twins? He could hardly keep up with Anakin now he had to keep up with his ad'e. Ad'e he didn't know existed. Satine should have said something to him. Jango held him securely in his arms "It's alright Obi'ika, HK saved Ca'tra before it was too late," Jango said.

All Obi-Wan could do was nod "I owe that droid an expensive oil bath for saving her,"

Jango chuckled "The Order is allowing Revana, to train Ca'tra, while you will be assigned her twin Ka'ra upon her return and visits the mind healers,"

Obi-Wan looked at Jango in pure disbelief "That goes against the code,"

"Given what is going on the Council will need you to vote on some code changes, apparently the Jedi will be allowed to marry and have families again," Jango said.

Obi-Wan let out a sigh "This will be interesting to be sure," 

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