Who Fell First? (Year 4) [Wed...

By cookiekid789

25K 1.3K 237

[Sherlock/Harry Potter/Wednesday crossover] Book 4: The Goblet of Fire After the events of the summer, Y/N an... More

-- Cast --
The Quad-wizard Tournament
The Announcement
Mysterious Moody
The Very Definition of Calm
Schemes and Skeeter
The Next Morning...
Attacked and Discovery
Combined Intelligence
Self Defence
The Lead
Warming up...
The First Task
All for One and One for All...
"The Blasted Press!"
Dancing Lessons and The Final Piece
The Yule Ball (Part One)
Yule Ball (Part Two)
Yule Ball (Part Three/End)
Morning After
Bath Time Discovary
The Truth
The Second Task...
Body In The Woods
Into The Maze
The Graveyard (1/2)...
The Graveyard (Part 2/2)...
Voldemort's Back
Back To Baker Street...

Not Exactly Match of The Day

1.2K 48 5
By cookiekid789

Y/N was with Wednesday, Sherlock, they had just met up with the Weasleys. The group all began to climb flights of stairs in the stadium, Y/N and Wednesday were in the middle of the group, with Ginny talking to them.

"What do you think Y/N?" Ginny said as Y/N was dragged from his thoughts, he was somehow distracted by nothing as they walked up the stairs.

"What was the question about again?"

"Do you think house elves should be given more representation and rights?" Ginny asked as Y/N nodded.

"Of course, that reminds me I should check up on Dobby when we get back to Hogwarts." Y/N said as Wednesday smiled, walking with her boyfriend.

"Blimey dad, how far up are we?" Ron asked as he looked at the pitch far below.

"Well put it this way. If it rains...you'll be the first to know." Lucius Malfoy said smugly while Draco smirked next to him.

"Father and I are in the ministers box, by personal invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself." Draco bragged.

"Well that's wonderful, I'll just file that into a box marked "things I couldn't give a shit about"." Y/N said bluntly, shutting Draco up.

Harry ignored them and turned everyone around while Y/N was leaning against the railing snarling Draco, Lucius grabbed Y/N's wrist with his cane.

"Do enjoy yourself, won't you? While you can." Lucius said.

"Now now Lucius. Be nice, I shudder to think how my dear sister Trixie will react if she saw this." Narcissa said as Y/N snatched the cane from Lucius hands and snapped it on his knee before snapping it again, he then used a spell to incinerate the cane before gathering the ashes up. He handed the ashes back to Lucius.

"Oh, don't worry, the match hasn't even started and I'm enjoying it immensely. Now bugger off, and next time you try to touch me or my friends in any way, I won't hesitate to use my mother's favourite curse on you." Y/N snarled as Lucius stormed off with Draco. "Pretentious bastard."

Narcissa smiled at him.

"Have fun for me, Nephew dear. Give my love to Trixie and your siblings when you see them." Cissa said as she left to join her family.

The group reached their seats and Y/N sat next to Wednesday. They sat with their arms linked subtly while Ron gushed over Viktor Krum, the Bulgarian national seeker.

As they watched the match, Y/N caught himself and Sherlock shouting advice like "give the chaser some options!" They began talking about errors in play, and analysing everyone, that was when Sherlock said something that surprised Y/N.

"Good work on your deduction skills, remarkable really. I'm impressed." Sherlock said as Y/N looked like he was in shock. "Hearing about your actions over the past few years, saving your mother, clearing Sirius...I'm proud of you."

Y/N fell silent, the shock hitting him as Wednesday looked to Thing who was signing to her, she chuckled at Thing's statement.

After the match, Y/N was in the Weasley's tent with his friends, all celebrating a win from the Irish, and mocking Ron for his obsession with Krum, they were all interrupted when they heard loud explosions and screams.

"Looks like the Irish have got their party hats on." The twins remarked as Arthur looked out from the tent before turning to them all with a worried look on his face.

"It's not the Irish. Y/N you lead everyone to safety, Sherlock, with me, we'll help fend off the attackers." Arthur said as Sherlock nodded. Y/N rallied the rest of the group and began leading them to safety.

"All of you stick with me!" Y/N ordered as they all followed him into the nearby woods, Y/N had his wand ready for immediate use as they walked into the woods. They found a clearing where they could rest up when Y/N counted heads. He noticed that Harry was missing. "Where the fuck is Harry?"

Hermione and Ron looked around as did the rest of the group.

"He must have fallen behind." Hermione said as Y/N looked to the group.

"Stay here and wait for pickup." Y/N said as the whole group stood up. "Sod it, no time to argue but you're responsible for yourselves."

They began heading back into the camp grounds, Y/N was making sure that he was primed and ready for anything. They found Harry wandering around with what Y/N guessed was a concussion.

"Harry, it's alright, it's me, it's Y/N."

Before they could get and answer a group of people apparated around the group and fired various spells at them, luckily the group was able to duck under them in time and avoid any attacks, Y/N was the first to his feet with his wand raised aiming at the man he assumed was their leader.

The attackers went to cast their spells again but Michael's voice cut through.

"Stop, that's my Brother! You blithering idiot!" Michael called out as he stormed towards Barty.

"They were found at the scene of the attack." Barty said as Y/N looked at him.

"Yes, rescuing Mr Potter here, who happens to be number one on Voldemorts shit list, at what point does any of that indicate that they're with the Death Eaters? Thank god you're not a detective." Michael said as most of the adults shuddered at the mention of Voldemorts name.


"Nevertheless you opened fire on a group of school children because you're the wand equivalent of trigger happy you fucking idiot." Michael said bluntly as Barty looked at his superior. "Give me your Wand!"

Barty looked shocked as Michaels face looked like thunder.

"Give it to me or I shall take it from you by force." Michael said as Barty handed the wand over, Michael examined it for a brief moment before snapping the wand. "You will use replacement that I provide for you with a limiting charm, attempt to break the charm and you will be sent to Azkaban where you will never be seen again."

Before the argument could go any further they heard a roar from the sky, Y/N turned to see a large green symbol on the sky of a skull with a snake slithering out of the mouth.

The Dark Mark...

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