"The Replacement Luna..."

By MannieMora

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The strength of an Alpha, is only surpassed by the love of his Luna. For awhile now, everyone thought that th... More



62 2 0
By MannieMora


The night was cold, yet I felt hot. My throat was parched, scratchy, and hurting, but it wasn't water that I yearned for.

My senses were heightened, the harvest moon has intensified my senses, my emotions, my every desire.

I could hear him, breathing from the next room. His scent wafted through the air like freshly baked cinnamon rolls. His sighs, his giggles, his voice, all made my insides turn to mush.

I walked, stealthily outside his door. My bare torso exposed to the cold night air, my loose pajama pants the only piece of clothing I wore. My bare feet hardly made a noise.

"Don't look at me like that Remus. You know it's a bad idea. I'm not his mate, I wish I was. But the goddess has other plans. This could cause a big problem in the near future if I allow myself to fall for him." I heard him say.

I placed my forehead against the brown wood, my palms resting on the doorframe that separated me from him. He was moving around, talking to Remus like an old friend... unaware that I was tormented by thoughts of him. That I was longing... yearning for him.

I wanted him. So very much.

"Goddess, please. This time... please. Grant me what I most desire. Glare." I closed my eyes, and fervently prayed.

I remembered the time I had a toy truck that my father took away from me to give to my older brother Ares, he said I should concentrate on puzzles and Lego sets more instead of toys that were of no challenge to my intelligence.

The time that I wanted to study in our own town, but was told I had to go to boarding school so Ares would have someone to look after him.

The time I was to leave the house, but was told I needed to keep the construction business running, so Ares could focus on becoming an Alpha.

All those times I wanted something, wished for something... but never got it. This time, I prayed the goddess would find me worthy of...

"Atlas? Are you ok?" He was looking at me through the now opened door, concerned. "Why are you crying?"

"I'm sorry. I have a splitting headache. I was wondering if you had any aspirins?" I lied. Coward! I told myself. Here's your chance.

"Of course. Come in. Have a seat." Glare quickly went to his black leather Prada knapsack, to fish out a medicine pouch. Remus jumped off the bed and tugged on my pajama pants. I had to pull it back up quickly or risk exposing myself to Glare.

"He wants you to sit on the bed, Atlas. He knows you're not feeling well." Glare chuckled.

"I guess the harvest moon really did a number on me. I feel terribly..."


"Lonely." I whispered, finally sitting down on Glare's fragrant comforter. Remus slowly went out the door and settled himself on the couch outside, seemingly understanding my need to be alone with his owner.

"Here, drink this." Glare gave me two aspirins, then proceeded to pour me a glass of water from the pitcher on his nightstand.

"Couldn't you just magically heal me from the effects of the harvest moon?"

"In you present state? I'm not entirely sure what I need to heal. Your body could be perfectly well, and it's just your heart, or your mind, or your uhm... sex drive that needs healing." Did his eyes dip lower than my waist this time?

"How 'bout all of the above?" I chuckled, unaware that my right hand was covering his left hand holding the glass of water.

"Atlas..." He sighed, and I shivered.

"I'm sorry. I know, I'm a pain in the neck. I completely understand your concern. You are correct, that if we go further into what we're feeling and it turns out you're not my mate... we could both get hurt."

"Thank you for understanding, Atlas. I'm just looking out for both of us."

"Still... am I not worth the shot?" I asked, once again pleading for the goddess to intervene. Just this once, let it be me who gets to be happy. Just this one time. And I won't ask for anything again.

"Don't tell me I didn't warn you." I felt Glare close the distance between us, and was pleased to feel his lips against mine.

I had to close my eyes because everything was too bright for me to see clearly. I felt my heart soar, and my breath hitched, as I realized my prayer was answered.

Thank you goddess. I silently prayed. Thank you for finally bringing me... my happiness.

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