TBATE - The third beginning

By Athener01

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It is a classic time-travel story in the world of tbate. After the war with Agrona and the rest of the Asuras... More

Chapter 0 Prologue The second endingUntitled part
Chapter 1 Reborn
Chapter 2 The Awakening
Chapter 3 The journey
Chapter 4 Meeting Mother
Chapter 5 Saving the elven princess
Chapter 6 The meeting between kings and gods
Chapter 7 They are still alive
Chapter 8 Starting war preparations
Side Chapter 1 Training with the elven sisters
Side Chapter 2 The slow blooming of love
Chapter 9 Meeting with the human royalty
Chapter 10 Departure and two mothers
Chapter 11 Giving the director and her pet a scare
Chapter 12 Meeting old friends
Chapter 13 Helstea auction house
Chapter 14 The outing
Chapter 15 Telling the truth
Chapter 16 Adventurer guild
Chapter 17 Exam and deal
Chapter 18 Searching for dungeons
Side Chapter 3 Dungeon diving with the twin horns
Side Chapter 4 Talking with our parents
Side Chapter 5 cleansing corrupted beasts
Side Chapter 6 The engagement
Side Chapter 7 Finding bonds and beast wills 1
Side Chapter 8 Finding bonds and beast wills 2
Side Chapter 9 The S-Rank raid
Chapter 19 Dire Tombs
Chapter 20 Back at Xyrus
Chapter 21 Windsom's shop
Chapter 22 Xyrus academy entry ceremony
Chapter 23 SC and DC
Chapter 24 Student VS teacher
Chapter 25 Replacing the previous teacher
Chapter 26 Three way group battle
Chapter 27 Beast Will 101
Chapter 28 Telling truths and lies
Chapter 29 Ast
Side Chapter 10 Horror morning
Chapter 30 PMM
Side Chapter 11 Artificing class and theories
Chapter 31 Preparations for the attack
Chapter 32 Widows Crypt
Chapter 33 New Retainer
Chapter 35 Attack on Xyrus academy
Chapter 36 Council
Chapter 37 Demolishing the enemy
Chapter 38 Accusations
Chapter 39 Death to the traitors and partying gifts
Chapter 40 Telling the truth?
Chapter 41 Epheotus
Chapter 42 Introduction to the family
Chapter 43 Training with Kordri
Chapter 44 Finishing the first part of training
Chapter 45 Aether control
Chapter 46 Rebellion

Chapter 34 Final Preparation

848 18 8
By Athener01

Professor Glory Pov:

I finally killed that monster. That thing might have resembled a queen snarler somewhat but they are far stronger. At least a-class. Then the second one then began to stop attacking us and I thought it was over. It was intimidated by me killing his equal but it did something unexpected. I started to devour the first corpse and then grew even more powerful. What the hell is that. I tried to dodge but realised at the right time that I was too slow so I did not dodge but protected myself with my sword. I was flung away into the nearest rock. Damnit those kids are going to die if that continues. Just then my two best students charged into battle and pushed the beasts away. The first one was the girl Cecilia Helstea and the boy Nico Leywin followed right after his girlfriend. That bloody moron he is just dying alongside her. Then the dungeon shook not like just some time ago but far more. Some rocks started to get thrown around and students stumbled back. Was it the two? No that can't be. Just then a crater formed and a black figure was blown out of it. That person was then lunged into the ceiling and a beam out of pure mana hit it. Everything happened in slow motion. First a claw could be seen. Then the arm, wings head and then body could be seen. What the hell is that. It glared at us and roared. I had golden reptilian like eyes, white scales, four legs and a pair of wings. And the aura was frightening. "Everybody run now." Was all I said before the ceiling collapsed. The two students that charged the monsters were trapped on the other side. Some students wanted to help them but that would be the death sentence for them. "Stop we have to go. Right now or we all will die."

"But Nico and Cecilia. What about them?"
"They are already gone. And if they are still alive then we can't help them. Haven't you seen the monster on the other side. That thing itself could wipe us out without breaking a sweat. That thing is at least a SS-class mana. We can't win."

"She is right. We can't do anything to help them." Princess Tessia said.

"Were they not your friends? Are they not important to you?" Curtis shouted angrily at her.

"Don't you dare say that. They are my friends but you know as good as myself that if they can't do anything then we will just be a liability. We can't help them."

This caused them to lower their weapons. Everyone was dejected. No one able to do anything. We were able to do much, defeat several snarlers but we lost two of the three best students. This is a disaster. We went back out of the dungeon and went back to the surface.

Achlys Pov:

The hell was that. First he used Vritra arts and then he transforms into a dragon. As if that was not enough he said they were the high sovereign's children and that they swear on killing him because he has killed their mother. A Indrath being his spouse? That is impossible, it just can't be. Then he bit of my arm and blasted me through the ceiling. And there I am right now. I can see the ceiling collapsing and separating us from the students. I need to get out of here. There are two students left. Ha, isn't he also a student or at least I think he said something like that. I grabbed the boy and put a acid bubble next to is face.

"Stand down or I will kill this boy right here."

"Pfft hahahaha."

"What is so funny?"

"You are really thinking that this little acid can harm me? Me you little defective piece of trash? Let me show you what power looks like." He then put his hand on my arm and then I felt pain. Unimaginable pain. I saw how his hand dug into my arm slowly seleparing it from the rest. What the hell.

"Wh-what did you do?"

"Oh that let me show you." He then changed grew bigger and wait. No way he is a Vritra that can't be.

"Why are you helping that Indrath trash you traitor."

"Why? Because he is my best friend and I was never a part of the Vritra clan. I was born and raised here in Dicathen so I will protect it and its people."

"Well said Nico" I could hear a voice from behind me. Spinning around I could see a serpent? No a dragon but that wasn't right either.

"Are you wondering what I am? Well I am what is know as a Leviathan. An asuran race that was believed to have died out. And we all will kill you right here and now. Did you have your fun with him Arthur and Nico?"

"I am good what about you Nic?"

"I am also good, lets end her."

No one moved. I prepared myself to fight back but then a mana beam came towards me from an other side. 'Shit that little girl.' I dodged but was still hit by the beam. I couldn't evade as good as I wanted to, because I was badly hurt. No more arms and bloody all over. Then some chains wrapped around me and slammed me to the ground. Trying to stand up I realised that I couldn't do that since my legs were bound. Willing mana in them I wanted to get free but I couldn't protect myself at the same time. A black spike shot towards me and I who was unable to evade or protect myself got hit. The spike lunged itself inside my chest right through my heart. 'Is that my end? I just became a retainer and I already died. Huh why do I have so much misfortune. My Scythe will be reprimanded and my blood stripped of their position. All because I couldn't kill some kids.

Arthur Pov:

"So how did it go for you guys?"

"Perfect everyone thinks we are dead but maybe Tess thinks we survived since she knows we are not human." Nico answered me.

"That is true but I also think she will keep quiet because she knows that we are planning something" Cecil said.

"She does?"

"Yes or at lest I think so too. She asked us why you aren't participating in the raid and if there was something with you. We told her that she had to aske you but she already did and you did not answer her. She also thought that there was something off and she saw you so what else do you expect Arthur?"

"I don't know Nico. I just wanted to hide it from her since she is still a little girl."

"Says the one that is physical younger and engaged to her."

"Zip it Sylvie it is not fair if all of you are against me. We have to go now anyway before they arrive. But before that we have to take those with us." I kneeled down next to the dead retainer and cut of her horns. They did not hold as much mana as Uto's horns but still a lot. This will help some people t get through their wall that is holding off their potential.

"Why do we need them? We have enough in your storage roon. If I am right about enough to get everyone we know to white stage. And we also have a lot of beast cores to get them all to the silver stage."

"That is true Nico but I want the lances to get rid of their artifacts. They are useful but hold them back. And then they need such horns, plus the horns will only be available for high silvers and white core mages to get them into the white core or integration stage. No other will be using those."

"Eh why though?"

"You wouldn't have problems with that but they would. There is a lot of mana inside and Vritra mana as well so they could destroy their mana cores. So only people with a lot of control of mana are allowed to use them and also because if you use too much your core could become unstable. So better do it slow or slower then we could because it is safer. But when we are back I want gramps and Cynthia to be at the white core stage too. The twin horns must be at least initial silver and so do our parents while the DC and the rest have the same goal that I want them to achieve."

"Then what about that one guy that you rescued not too long ago?"

"He should become a half Asura if possible. At the best a member of the Thiestese clan. In other words a champion that helps defend against Asuras and the Vritras alike. As for his core. White core or integration should also be possible."

"Your expectations are as high as ever. But I am not surprised. Now let us get out of this cave I dislike it here. And we have to tell our families that we are save and inform the others of our little plan or at least the consequences."

"You are right let us go."

We went home. On our way out we told big sis Alea that the retainer was dead and that she could take the body to the council saying that she killed it. She looked at us with questions but we acted as if we did not realise that. Then we all flew towards the portal and stopped when we saw some adventurers. We landed and walked the rest. Then we entered the portal and were teleported to the floating City of Xyrus. There we went straight back home where we could here cries but not from our parents but from our friends. What were they doing here?

When we went inside we realised that the whole DC was here apologising for our loss and saying things like it should have been me. Tess was silent not even one tear came out of her eye. It seems Cecilia and Nico were right she knew everything. Or at least that something was amiss.

"Do you think we will die so easily?" Nico said.

Everyone turned around and hugged him and Cecil while Tess came over and hugged me. I hugged her back and we separated. Then she slapped me.

"What was that for?"

"Do you know that you made them worry and me too. I knew you were planning something but that. That is just awful Arthur."

"What is she talking about?"

"Well you see-"

"The SS-class mana beast that you saw. That was Arthur."

"Pfft. Hahahaha. Honestly you nearly had me there." Everyone laughed except for the once that knew the truth. "Wait you are joking right?"

"No she is telling the truth. I am not human and neither is Cecilia and Nico but that does not mean we are hostile towards you or that we are mana beasts."

"Then what are you." They all asked and looked frightened.

"We are what are know as Asuras. Ans please don't tell anyone. Asuras are powerful. Every adult Asura is beyond the white core stage and every race of Asuras have different magic that they can use. As you have seen I am a dragon or at least half a dragon. Nico and I are also Basilisk. While Cecil is a Leviathan. We are much stronger than you think but we are still far from our potential. Again please don't tell anyone."

"This is a lot to take in but we will accept it. Now why did you do that? I guess it was an act."

"You are right Claire it was an act. Everyone should think that we died there and that I disappeared somewhere. The reason for that is the radical group. They have aligned themselves with the other continent and are planning a terrorist attack on Xyrus academy. And we need to stop them."

"Then what are we waiting for?"

"We can't do anything right now Claire. We have no real proof and we only get that when they act. I don't mean their bullying or something like that but when the attack happens. We need to take them out right then and there."

"But what has that to do with you disappearing?"

"Good question Kathlyn. The director and we are the strongest individuals and they know it. So we have to disappear. We will also send the lances after the director when she is looking for alacryans spies."

"Why would you do that. Isn't she your master?"

"Yes she is Feyrith but she is also a alacryans spy that has betrayed her homeland and sided with Dicathen. Therefore she can be caught by the lances brought to the hide out of them and bring us right to them, while giving us a chance to stop the attack."

"You are really spilling everything right now aren't you Arthur?"

"We have to Nico. They need to know what is going to happen. Let us get back on track. During the attack Nico and Cecil will be there along their bonds and Ast. Bring the weak students to Ast and the strong students and professors need to help you. Do never be alone at least in a group of three with the exception of Nico and Cecil. They are strong enough."

"Arthur during that attack students will die" my father said.

"I know dad but we have two choices. Stop everything and have traitors in our lignes who may or may not betray us at any time during the war costing us hundreds of lives and strategic points or having them pay and maybe a few students will die. Don't get me wrong I hate it but it is the safest way to do that."

"I get your point but where will you be?"

"I will go and meet the council. That is the reason why Cynthia needs to get caught. There are traitors in the council and we need them gone. Plus if I am there the lances can come to help. Two birds with one big stone."

"With a gigantic rock."

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