Looper | Purple Guy X Reader

By Captilc_

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At the beginning of your summer break you come back home to spend some time with your parents. Only thing you... More

Oh no, he's hot!
Not my pretty face!
Partial decapitation
Like a monkey, sliding off a tree
Polka dotted head
The Fazbender experience
Tim's funny story
Hunting aubergines
Unusual interrogation methods
I hate teenagers
Toes, marinating in bunny slippers
Trailer park heist
Stranger danger
Dentists are scary

But that's just a theory; a game theory

171 10 13
By Captilc_

The computer, overheated as always, stood atop the graying flesh in the room. You've noticed just now, that it had stopped moving, pulsing altogether. The machine whirred loudly, as the rabbit GIF was displayed right in the middle of the screen. The background was darker, and the rabbit was not smiling – he wasn't wearing a scowl either. Its mouth was pressed in a thin line; so thin in fact that from a distance it looked like it had no mouth at all. It only stared at you, with those tiny, white pin-points, as you approached.

-'Sup? - You cautiously walked over to the screen. - What's got you all sad, buddy?

-You. - It responded with a single word.

You chuckled, and reached for the drawer. There, you slotted in the additional two badges.

Virus deletion... 87.003449% complete.

A muffled, robotic voice spoke from the screen. Then, it went black and the next second more icons began appearing. Most of them were adorned by a red rim – a sign that you won't be able to enter. Yet, one available image caught your attention – it was just a plain room. It didn't look like your room; the layout was all different, and it was bigger. It looked like a tiny apartment. There was a bed, then further stood a couch, and in another corner was a small kitchen with a table.

-What is that? - You muttered, curiously tapping the image. It enlarged, and just for a split second you saw yourself laying in the bed. How curious.

Then, you felt the familiar pull. You embraced it. After all, this could very much be the last reality you had to travel to. Home was never closer than now.

You slowly sat up in the unfamiliar bed, in an even more unfamiliar room. The sun was shining through a window, right behind the bedframe. Yet, this time, the it was low. The sky was painted shades of orange and red, as the sun set.

Before you could even catch a good look around, you heard a phone ringing. It sounded awfully similar to that red rotary phone you used some time ago. With a quick glance, you noticed a stationary phone, sitting on the small dining table. You slid off the bed, making sure you were actually normal sized, and approached it. It wasn't red this time; instead, it was a dirty beige. It rung and rung, as you sighed and picked it up.

-Uh... Hello? Hello, hello? - A familiar sounding voice spoke from the other end. You rolled your eyes, at the static-y sound.

-Hi... - You grabbed your forehead, already feeling the annoyance bubble up.

-Hi there! I just wanted to remind you that you're starting your shift in a little over an hour. Don't be late! - He said in a cheery tone, and hung up before you could retort.

-Huh. - You mumbled, setting the phone down.

You spun around, looking at the small room you were in – a shitty apartment for sure. If you opened a cabinet, a bunch of cockroaches would surely jump out at you. With that thought, and slightly disturbed, you went over to the front door. Right next to it was a small shelf, on which a bunch of keys was placed. You looked at them – some were undoubtedly keys for the front door. There was also a car key.

So, you had to drive over to your job , which was probably being a minimum wage worker at Freddy's, and find William there. Another, boring scenario. Yup, I said it. It was getting boring. As much as the inevitable possibility of death kept you on your toes the first few times, the punishments for actually dying were barely there. There was nothing exciting about not being able to die, while being stuck in a weird simulation of sorts. If you were immortal in real life; ho, boy. The things you would do... Drugs, bitches, crime... Ah, the American dream.

Nonetheless, you got out of the apartment, not bothering to lock the door, went down a floor and then out of the building. There was a parking lot, very near the entrance to the complex. And that's when it dawned on you – you didn't know which car was yours. And there was a lot of cars parked there.

You pressed the button on the car's keys, and there was a beeping sound somewhere further into the lot. You followed it, before getting lost and having to press the button again. Another beep, now much closer. You could almost smell the shitty car you were dealt.

And, after some more walking, you pressed the button the final time. You jumped like a scared cat, not expecting the sound to be right behind you. You spun around, like the lunatic you were, and almost screeched – another, God damn Honda Civic. This time in a dirty shade of silver, adorned by a couple of crusted bird shits on the windows, roof and doors.

You scrunched up your nose in utter disbelief and disgust, then pressed the button again. The Honda beeped, and you felt a strong urge to smash all the windows in it. You probably would have, if you weren't afraid of accidentally touching bird poop.

Begrudgingly, and with a heavy sigh, you grabbed the driver's door, and stood paralyzed as you felt it – crusted bird shit, right on the inner side of the handle. In utter horror, you brought your hand up, seeing white and black specks of the dried excrement.

-Oh. My God. - You said in a disturbingly well-faked valley girl accent, while shaking off the biohazard.

This day is going to be shit.

No pun intended.

You carefully grabbed the handle with two fingers, and with great fatigue finally managed to open the door. You sat inside of the ugly, shitty, uncomfortable car for a few seconds, just absorbing the reality. Then, you finally decided to pull out of the lot.

May God have me in his protection.

The sky got fully dark, as you finally arrived in the empty parking lot of Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria. How did you make it there, you ask? Well, it was your genius intuition; like always. Or the billboards, installed literally every mile, telling you where the damned restaurant was. There sure was a lot of advertisement in this reality.

Having parked, you got out the car, shut the door, and felt a rugged surface touch your poor, scarred hand. You quickly ripped said hand away, and angrily stomped towards the restaurant.

You were so gonna burn this car later. You fucking hated birds. Even in a fucking simulation, they had to make your life hell.

Though, while you were driving, you sure appreciated the ability to see above the steering wheel. You just found out recently how uncomfortable booster seats were, digging into your poor crotch and ass; making your back bend uncomfortably. It's good that your parents never cared for your safety in the car.

You passed through the main doors, and right into the dark restaurant. The hallways were empty. There was no one there. Looking at the clock, you realized that it was nearing midnight. Damn, it must have been the beginning of summer, seeing that the sun was setting just a while ago. Or maybe, the time worked a little weird here. It wouldn't be the first time the timing was a little janky.

You walked through the hallways, vaguely remembering the map from the first game. Soon, you arrived in your favorite room – the security room. It looked disturbingly similar to the room you got your head cut off in. And, just like in the rest of the building, there was no one there. Which would have been nice normally, but now you wanted to just find the God damn dilf that was plaguing you for some time now, and kill him. Was that too much to ask?

With a heavy sigh, you plopped down onto a swivel chair, and put your wittle, tiny legs uwu on the desk nearby. You swung your head a little to the back, letting your eyes rest under your closed eyelids for a few moments.

Then, you were rudely jerked back to reality, by another phone call. You almost broke the receiver in half, with the amount of strength you gripped it with.

-Hi, I'm Phone Guy. Pleasure to meet you! - There was something weird about his voice. He was speaking... rhythmically. - I'd like to leave a few quick words... Freddy's friends can be a bit... active... - He wasn't speaking rhythmically. The bloke was full-on singing.

-Blah, blah, blah... That's completely absurd. - Your eyes widened, as soon as the words left your mouth.

With horror, you dropped the phone, and grabbed your mouth. You were... singing? Singing in Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria? What was this, a Five Night's at Freddy's musical?!

You looked into the tablet, where the video feed showed the three animatronics. They were weird. They looked like plushies, not giant murder-bots.

What was this?!

You felt an inescapable urge to stand up. So, you did just that, moving towards a camera in the corner of the security room.

-I'll try out all the cameras to see what they can do. - You once again sang.

It felt like you were possessed. No amount of drugs or alcohol would make you sing out what you were doing. No money in the world would make you act as if you were in a God Damned musical.

You once again moved against your own will, sitting in the swivel chair and grabbing the tablet.

-Let's check the animatronics... Did one of them just move? - No amount of covering your mouth with your hands would stop the hellish wailing coming from your mouth; otherwise known as singing.

Nonetheless, one of the... plushies, did move. You were sure of it, as there was... you know... two instead of three on the stage.

All of a sudden, the camera went black. Panicking, you tapped the screen furiously, since that usually seemed to work. Or when a game loaded for a long time, you just acted as if you didn't care, so it would load faster. But now, you had to be quick.

The feed came back on, just for you to see the room empty. You clicked on another video feed, to see the three plushies making their way through a different room, clearly approaching your outpost. You dramatically gasped at that, then immediately felt embarrassed for acting like an anime character.

-They're heading here just to eat me, - You dramatically spun around in the chair, looking into an imaginary camera in front of you. - like juicy flesh-fruit! - You spun around again, feeling nausea begin to build up, and stared wide-eyed in front of you. - Or maybe they'll all stuff me inside a Fazbear suit! - You sprung up from the chair, nearly falling over; it felt like someone was dragging you. - Seal the doors! Hit the lights! - You did just what you sang out.

Just as you shut the doors, the Freddy plushie appeared behind the window. He said... something, but you couldn't hear what. You backed up from said door, singing something along the lines of "get the fuck away from me", only more family friendly.

You looked out the window, from a safe distance of course, to see the plushies backing away from the room.

Fuck, did they finally give up?

Oh! At least you could think your thoughts! Well, but this certainly was worse than being a child. At least when you were a child, you could still be a menace. Now, you just looked like an average crackhead, making uncoordinated movements and (poorly) singing to your heart's content. This was humiliating – not how you wanted to spend your last day here. You wanted to go out in style, have a cool last death. Not take part in a musical.

You yelped, as you saw Freddy pop up in the window again. He, obscenely, moved his mouth yet you still couldn't hear what he said. Oh, but you heard something much more terrifying. Something was crawling in the vent.

-IS THAT SOMETHING IN THE VENT?! - You scream-sang in all capital letters, as if putting an exclamation point wouldn't be enough. - I need a disguise to hide in... A mask or a head! - You searched through the messy desk's surface, to find some materials.

This was it. You scribbled furiously on a sheet of paper you found, along with duct tape, as the sounds in the vent got ever so close.

Just as you managed to tape the damned make-shift mask to your head, Foxy popped open the vent and hung down from it. You held your breath, trying to stay as still as possible, while the plushie floated around you, examining you. How in the bloody hell were they floating now?!

Suddenly, both of your heads snapped to a loud sound coming from somewhere else in the restaurant. You took that moment of distraction, and violently shoved Foxy back into the vent, before sealing it.

The animatroni- plushies seemed concerned by your actions, as they once again approached the glass, mouthing something to you. You couldn't even read their mouths, since they just moved up and down.

Oh, you were starting to feel a bit lightheaded. Wonder why?

-Wow, I'm feeling kind of loopy... - You looked at your hands, as they doubled in their amount. - At least I don't feel-

Something jumped out at you, and you stumbled backwards. You couldn't even see what it was, but it was surely some disturbing plushie. You whipped your head around, to see the other plushies pounding on the window, pointing to something – it was the tablet.

In the right corner there was a button to wind a music box.

Music box? Oh, music box... Puppet!

You fell to your knees in utter terror, and crawled under the desk, as The Puppet descended from some unknown location and began dancing in the air, right near you. You felt like you were having the worst trip of your life, crying, wailing, throwing document sheets at the tiny puppet. And, all of a sudden, everything went dark.

Just for a second though.

A familiar melody filled your ears, as you looked in utter horror, tears streaming down your face, at the Freddy plushie. He was now in the room with you, singing some shitty song about friendship. Bullshit, you knew they were about to tear you from limb to limb.

Other plushies joined in, creating a chorus that you'd probably hear when you went to hell for stealing candy at Walmart. They slowly circled around you, as you only clutched your chest and readied yourself for your untimely, horrific demise.

You screeched, and opened your eyes, as you felt a big hand; a human hand on your shoulder.

-Purple Guy?! - You screamed, staring at the man, wearing a purple hoodie.

-Uh... Hi! I'm AJ! - He brought his hand up, waving an awkward hello at you.

-A-are you going to kill me? Huh, is this what you want?! To break me, then kill me, you freak?! - You screamed through your tears, awaiting the battle of the century to take place.

-No, I'm here for the morning shift. - He responded, clearly confused by your yelling and accusations.

Your eyes widened, as you spun around and looked at the tablet's screen – 6 A.M. You were saved! You sprung up to your feet, almost hitting your head. Then, you patted this "AJ" on his shoulder, noticing a silver patch on his chest - "Purple Guy". Wow, what an inconspicuous name.

-Well then, I'll see myself out! - And then you almost sprinted out of the restaurant, not waiting for a response or an even more confused stare from the guy.

You jogged to your car, opening it with the remote key. You didn't even care about touching the bird poop on the inside of the handle, as you jumped into the vehicle and drove away.

For some reason, you were comedically terrified. Partially because of the disturbing plushies, the lack of oxygen, and the fact that you were technically possessed for some time in the restaurant. Nonetheless, you drove like a mad lad to the apartment you were currently residing in, not caring much that you didn't fulfill your one and only purpose here – killing Purple Guy.

You pulled up into the apartment complex's parking lot, parked your car, and quickly made your way to the apartment. This shit was getting freaky – first, you turn into a child; second, you start singing all of a sudden, and thrashing around the room like you're possessed. What was happening inside the computer?

You decided to head to bed. Maybe that will teleport you to the computer room, and let you change dimensions? You weren't exactly in the mood for singing another song, while being hunted by plushies.

So, you soon fell asleep. You didn't dream, and didn't feel anything. And, as you woke up, you nearly sobbed again. You were still in that awful apartment. Still in that reality, with no escape.

As you looked out the window, you saw the sun was setting – a sign that you'd have to go to work again. Oh, but this time you were going to be prepared.

-Give me a gun. - You said, sitting in your chair. A gat soon materialized in your hands, but you weren't satisfied with just one. - Give me a machine gun. - A heavy weapon appeared beside you. - Give me a baseball bat, a saw, a wrench, a screwdriver... - You kept talking, and weapons kept appearing all around you.

Soon enough, you were surrounded by the tools, the bed creaking under their weight. You wondered just how in the flying fuck you'd be able to transport this amount of heavy stuff from the apartment to the pizzeria.

You thought long and hard, the tiny cogs in your tiny brain spinning wildly, and finally an idea popped into your head – a duffle bag. It's good for storing gym equipment, corpses and weapons! It's a universal staple of organized crime! Yeah, go duffle bags!

-Give me a duffle bag. - A mass of material appeared on top of all the weapons, and you immediately went to work with it.

You stuffed the various tools inside the bag, as it became heavier with each added... weight... you know... that's how the world works...

You huffed, as you finally put away the last weapon. You stood up from the bed, swung the bag over your shoulder, and almost fell to the ground; shit was heavy like a ton of bricks, and you were horrifically unfit.

Nonetheless, you pushed through, stumbling out of the apartment like an old sailor, and to your car. You shoved the bag into the trunk, and then carefully – to not touch the bird poop again – you climbed into your car, and drove off to the restaurant.

You arrived in front of the building, the sky above you dark. With newfound determination, you grabbed the heavy bag, and marched into the restaurant, with the confidence of a twelve-year-old boy about to scream "your mom" to his English teacher. Or maybe I'm just biased.

Having arrived in the office, all the while looking around you to check for the furry hell spawns, you set the duffle bag down, and fished through it. You set out all the weapons around you, making sure they are ready for fighting. You were going to survive this, and get that fucking badge!

Soon, the clock struck midnight, and you readied yourself. You heard all the noises – the plushies moving around, their weird voices. Then, you felt that familiar urge... the urge to fucking sing and do choreographed moves.

So, you did just that.

Against your will, you began moving about the room, grabbing at various weapons, and singing about "surviving five nights". Well, too bad for whoever wrote the script; you were only staying for two nights. You were going to get that badge and go home.

All through your singing, the plushies kept popping up in the window, trying to enter the office, and trying to communicate with you – it made you very on edge.

It was to no surprise, that just when you grabbed the machine gun and heard a noise behind you, you spun around and began to shoot blindly. Only, instead of a flurry of faux-fur, you saw blood. A man laid on the floor, several holes in his stomach. And worst of all – he wasn't even the man you were supposed to kill. He was just a random guy, in a janitor outfit.

Oh God, you killed an innocent janitor.

-Oh... Frick. - You weren't even allowed to curse here. Awesome.

Even more awesome – you heard police sirens outside. Seconds later, footsteps in the hallways. Human footsteps.

This was all happening too fast, and the next moment you found yourself being cuffed by two cops, and getting escorted to their car.

-N-no, you don't understand! It was the animatronics; they were trying to-

-Yeah, yeah. You'll tell that to the jury. - One of the cops dismissed your complaints, and shoved you into the car.

You watched them from the inside as they talked, then went somewhere. And you looked at the door – unlocked. So, with the most determination you've ever felt while escaping law enforcement, you opened the door with your teeth, and sprinted to your car. There, you quickly used a trick you've learned while being held overnight at a station for indecent exposure while intoxicated – you unlocked your handcuffs. As you were freed, you quickly sped away from the crime scene, back to the only familiar place – the apartment.

Once there, you quickly locked yourself in the tiny space, and dove into your bed. Mostly, with hope that this time you'll teleport to the computer room. What was this even? You were stuck here for two days! This wasn't normal!

You shut your eyes, and with a bit of strain, finally managed to fall asleep.

You woke up, and nearly screamed in frustration – still in the God damn apartment! Well, this time, you were not going to work. You liked your freedom, thank you very much. Going to jail for murder and possession of weapons was not how you wanted to spend your moments in this reality. And there was still no Purple Guy! Where did he disappear after the first night? Shouldn't he be more aggressive towards you?

Not being able to go to work, or leave the apartment for fear of being arrested, you did the only thing that came to mind – watched TV and contemplated life.

The day passed by with no problems. No phone calls. No police cars outside the apartment complex, and SWAT teams trying to break down the door. Yup, life was good. It was even better, considering that the TV was modern; and so were the channels. You binged a funny little show, on a funny little channel, about a funny family with a funny talking dog. And there was a guy too! A family with a guy... Hmm...

It got dark some time back, and you were feeling sleepy. There was nothing better to do, and your stomach hurt from the awful jokes in the show, so you decided to go to bed. Another useless day, with the hope of finally waking up in the computer room. Shouldn't you have given up on that dream by now?

A weird scratching woke you up. You slowly rose from the bed, trying to locate the source of the noises. To your horror, you soon realized that the sound was coming from the front door.

You silently crept to the door, and peeked out of the peephole. You fully expected a police force at your doorstep, yet instead found something more horrifying – the plushies; they found you.

-Security guard! Let us in! - Their loud voices came from the other side.

-Oh, sh-shoot. - You cursed (?), as you saw the doorknob turn. You completely forgot to lock the door.

The plushies entered the apartment, just as you managed to grab a knife from the kitchen, and dash to the only room with a door in the apartment – the bathroom. You shut the door behind you, and they were quick to pound and pull on it too.

-Something's breathing out beyond the door! - You suddenly felt your back press against the door, as you sang loudly. You tried to cover your mouth to muffle the noise, but to no avail; you only kept getting louder.

-Hey, it's me, I swear we've met before! - Something sang from behind the door.

-I don't care! - You sang back. Well, that part was true. Though, you normally would have added a few curses to the snetence.

You heard them sing something about Foxy. Foxy... Where did he go?

You soon got your answer, as the damn thing popped out of the vent in the bathroom. He fucking loved to crawl around in vents. You tried to move to it, and seal it, but it was too late.

Foxy was in the bathroom, and without your back supporting it, the door opened and the other plushies got inside.

-Please come save us! - That sexy yellow bird sang (only now she wasn't very appealing in her plushie form).

-Springtrap's gone insane! - You heard behind you, and scrambled away from Freddy, popping out from behind the toilet.

Wait, Springtrap?! What about Purple Guy?

You heard some weird growling behind you, and spun around to see Foxy floating in front of you, with his menacing, plush hook.

-Does this help explain? - Bonnie appeared to your side, holding a childish drawing of a man, knife lodged in his back, and Springtrap standing over him.

Panicking, you grabbed the knife and Freddy, now holding him hostage.

-Back up! - You screamed, pressing the knife into the plushie's neck. Would cotton come out if you cut it?

-Guess it didn't. - Bonnie put down the drawing.

They started circling around you once again, getting ever so closer, as you pressed the knife into Freddy's throat more.

-Please, let's talk about this.

-We really need your help.

-We don't mean you any harm.

-Blargh bla bla.

All of them started begging you, but you knew better. You knew they were just trying to trick you, to get your guard down, and they'd jump to your throat. It didn't matter what size they were.

-I swear, get any closer and I'll skin him! I'll wear his skin, like a nice plush blouse! - You tried to back up, yet your back hit the wall.

-I wouldn't do that if I were you. - An unknown man made his way into the bathroom, and stood right in the threshold, casually propping himself against the door frame.

You whipped your head to look at him. - Who the fff... frick are you?! - You struggled around a simple "fuck".

-I'm a night guard at Freddy Fazbear's. Just like you.

-You're with them?! - You pointed the knife at the man, and Freddy took this as a chance to slip out. Now, they were all cornering you, as you held the knife to your defense. - What do you want?

-Your help! - Chica whined, and if the other versions of her weren't so God damn sexy and sensual, you would have skinned that bird bitch alive.

-Springtrap is on the loose at Freddy Fazbear's, and we need your help to get rid of him. - The night guard sat at your (closed) toilet.

-W-what? Hold on a minute! Isn't Springtrap the same as Purple Guy? - You asked, confused by the current lore. Regular FNaF lore was confusing; this was hell.

-No? AJ is at the dayshift worker. And Springtrap is on the loose, destroying everything. We need to stop him. - The man answered.

-Yes! Please, help us! - Bonnie added.

-Shut your yap! - You pointed the knife at him, and he backed up a little. - So, even if you're not lying, which I don't believe; I can't leave now. I'm wanted for murder! The cops probably know what car I drive, they'll arrest me on the spot, and I'll do twenty-five in prison!

-This will help you prove that you weren't lying to the cops. The animatronic did go crazy, you could just say that.

You stood still, thinking long and hard about this. Purple Guy was there, but Springtrap was there as well. Whose God damn nametag did you have to collect? Either way, this was probably your chance for finally getting out of this reality.

-Okay, fine... - You muttered, giving a defeated sigh, while the plushies cheered.

-Great. We'll take my car. - The guy stood up, beginning to leave.

-Hold on... With these? - You pointed to the mascots, and he nodded.

You gave another defeated sigh, and followed him to his car. If you said this was your first time getting into a stranger's car, you'd be lying.

All of you arrived in the deserted parking lot of Freddy's. As soon as the car parked, all the passengers eagerly got out.

-Hurry, we have to get rid of Springtrap. - The man hurried you, and you made an edgy groan at him.

You followed them into the restaurant, soon finding yourself in that dreadful security office. The other worker quickly sat down in the swivel chair, clicking through different cameras.

-I can't see him now, but I know that Springtrap is still somewhere in the building. - He muttered.

-Well, isn't he made of springlocks? - They all looked at you. - And springlocks break when they get wet? - All of them looked at each other in realization.

-Yes! We can pour water on him, and he will break! - Chica chimed in, with that Kentucky Fried ass of hers.

-But where would we get a bucket? - Bonnie asked.

-No, pouring water is not the smartest idea, with the other expensive technology in the room. - The man interrupted their blabbering, much to your gratefulness. - Though we could use the fire extinguisher, if we manage to lure him here. There should be extinguishers located in every major area of the restaurant. In fact, one should be right here.

At that, something made you move towards a vintage console in the corner of the room. With surprising ease, you moved it to the side, only to reveal an empty hook.

-Seems like someone got to it first.

-Then we'll have to find a replacement. - He looked to the plushies, and they all seemed to understand their assignment, scrambling to search for extinguishers. - You'll help me set up the trap here.

You nodded, as you all got to work.

All through you tying a stupid rope to the ceiling, the stupid man looking through the stupid cameras, and the stupid plushies trying to find the extinguishers; you all sang. You sang all about what you were currently doing, as if it wasn't already obvious by... you doing the things.

Musicals... another thing for you to despise; right after the color purple and the name William.

-Ah! He's coming! - Chica screeched from the hallway, and soon enough Springtrap burst through the open door, right after her. She threw the fire extinguisher right under the feet of the other guard, and he quickly armed himself with it.

He hissed and growled, as the rope you so skillfully tied, was now wrapped around him, and he hung upside down from it. You held the end of the rope tightly, while the other man unlocked the extinguisher.

He pressed the trigger and... it malfunctioned, dousing his face with the white powder.

-Well, this wasn't supposed to happen. - You heard a loud thunk, as he soon fell to the ground, and you looked behind him.

-Purple Guy!

-Aj. Hi! Uh... Would you put down my murder goblin?

With great disdain, you looked at the struggling, green plushie. - He's yours?

-Yeah. He was just supposed to scare you away, but I guess he got a little carried away.

The other worker grunted, and got up from the ground, his face still covered in white powder. Huh, that kind of reminded you of yourself, at a club some time ago. Damn, cocaine is one hell of a drug...

-Then why are you doing this? - The man asked.

-Isn't it obvious? - AJ shrugged. - I want more hours. And I would have gotten them, if they didn't hire you two idiots instead.

-Hey! I didn't even want to work here in the first place. - The other man responded, and the plushies whined. - Take offence.

-Yeah, and I'll soon be out of here... This town I mean. - You laughed nervously. You were currently wondering how you'd explain yourself, if you just ripped the badge off his hoodie. You'd probably just run.

Purple Guy looked from you, to the other worker. - So, you're letting me take the night shift?

-Yeah, I don't care. - The night guard ignored the plushies' whines, shrugging. You did so as well.

-Aw, so there wasn't even any fighting. How sweet. - Bonnie chimed in, and you never wanted to rip his face of as badly as you wanted to in that moment. You gave him the side-eye of the century, but he seemed to ignore you.

You all jumped a little, your heads turning in the direction of the ringing stationary phone on the desk. None of you picked up, so the answering machine did that for you.

-Uh... Hello? Hello, hello! - Phone guy spoke on the other end, and you all looked at each other, utterly confused. - Uh... Looks like you guys got along, huh? That's real sweet, but it's not exactly what was supposed to happen. - You heard some heavy thumps close by. - You were supposed to turn on each other by now, start killing each other. So, I guess I'll have to drop by the office now...

The whirring of a chainsaw filled the room, and it soon burst through one of the thin walls. You looked in utter amazement and horror, as a man, dressed up in a bear suit, walked through the newly-made hole in the wall.

-...And finish the job. - The man took off the mask, revealing... was that MatPat from Game Theory?!

-Who are you? - The security guard asked. You wanted to scream about him being MatPat, but you restrained yourself.

-I'm your employer, Nate. - Oh, so that was his name. Nate. - I go by any names... - He continued listing off the many names, one of them actually being MatPat, as he menacingly walked closer with his chainsaw.

-Is "Evil dirtbag with a chainsaw" one of them? - Purple Guy asked. That question did not seem to sit well with good ol' Mat, as he plunged the weapon into the man's stomach.

-Why, yes actually. That one is my favorite. - Purple Guy fell to the floor, and Mat started approaching you now, menacingly.

Well, that takes care of that. Now, you just had to get over to the corpse and get the tag.

-You'll burn for this. - Nate hissed at the chainsaw wielder, and he laughed.

-Well, seems I took the right tool for the job! - He brought the weapon up, and pressed a button. A short burst of flames came out of it.

A fucking flamethrower?! Seriously?!

You didn't know what to do, as he laughed maniacally. Then, something began pulling at your hand. You looked at it, to see Springtrap tugging at the rope.

-Hey, Mat... - You muttered, and he stopped laughing to look at you. - Catch this! - You released Springtrap, and he immediately jumped to the man's throat.

He pressed the button on the weapon, engulfing the room in fresh flames. You felt the heat and the smell of gas, as you crawled over to the Purple Guy's body.

-What are you doing? We need to get out of here! - Nate yelled, standing in the doorway.

-Just... - You ripped the nametag from the hoodie and... you guessed it; shoved it down your pants. - Gimme a moment. - You scrambled back, and ran through the hallways with your co-worker, and the other plushies. You fought the urge to kick them back into the flames, now slowly engulfing the building.

You managed to run out of the restaurant, the flames almost licking your butt cheeks. You panted heavily, placing your hands on your knees, feeling like you have just ran a marathon.

God, if you managed to get back home, you would hit the gym for sure.

-Uh... A hell of a night, huh? - Nate looked at you, catching his breath as well.

-Yeah... listen man, I gotta go. There's some shhh... stuff I gotta do. - The damn censorship would even let you say "shit".

-Oh, you don't want to celebrate?

-Hmm, no thanks. - As much as the prospect of a party sounded nice, you didn't exactly feel like partying with a bunch of stuffed animals. Then, you remembered one thing. - Hey, can you drive me home, though?

-Yeah, sure. - He shrugged, and went to his car. You followed in his footsteps, and to your dismay, the plushies did as well.

-Oh, you were so cool back then!

-Yeah, you were such a badass!

You couldn't help but smile at their childish compliments. Maybe they weren't all that bad.

-Okay, time to sing a song! - Bonnie exclaimed, as soon as you all sat in the car.

Never mind that, they were pure evil.

-Thanks for the ride! - You waved at the car, standing near the entrance to the apartment complex.

-No problem. - He gave you a thumbs up, and sped away.

Without another glance, you went up the steps and into the apartment. Would sleeping work now? Well, you were extremely tired, and sleep was the only thing you could think of. Maybe, since you've completed your mission (in the most roundabout way possible), you'd be able to leave.

So, you laid down on the bed, and soon fell asleep.

You woke up on the uncomfortably hot floor of the meat cavern (lol). The rabbit was displayed on the screen, now frowning.

With a triumphant smirk, you stood up, the nametag gripped tightly in your hands, you stood up and went over to the compartment.

-Guess it's time to say goodbye, fuckface. - You muttered, slotting the tag into its spot.

You closed your eyes, readying yourself for the journey home.

Virus deletion... 99.99991% complete.

Your eyes snapped open, all bloodshot and crusty.

-What. The. Fuck. - You enunciated every word, backing a little away from the screen.

-You're such a stupid child. - The text above the frowning rabbit read, before it faded, making way for the images.

-What the fuck?! 99 percent?! Come the fuck on, are you kidding me?! - You yelled, wanting to strangle the screen.

You kept tapping the image with Tim, yet it still gave you the error message.

Now, what were you supposed to do?  

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