Crescent Acres (Steve Rogers...

By Geenie90

33.2K 3K 318

Darby Reeve has been in love with the same boy since she was 12 years old, but they only spent one summer tog... More



1K 92 5
By Geenie90


I didn't recognise her at first, only going over to do the usual morning greet for anyone who comes to see the horses on their way to breakfast, but when she told me about her car I then suddenly realised this was the girl who had stayed with me for all these years.


And yet I couldn't even tell who she was.

Mentally I'm kicking myself for that. I thought that the moment I'd see her, that I would know her immediately.

Apparently not.

To say that she looks amazing is something that I knew anyway, even before laying eyes on her, even with her recent divorce she just doesn't seem to be letting it get her down - and I commend her for that.

Another reason why I don't really fancy the idea of marriage, even if Sharon and I are stable. It's the 'what if'. She's made no mention of it like everyone else has, and is probably just as sick of hearing about it as I am. Part of me thinks that if she wanted us to go for it, then she would have talked to me about it by now. It's the kind of woman that she is. If she doesn't like something? You soon know about it.

Watching Darby walk away, I make a promise to make her time here as memorable as the last. I can tell she's hurt, she's trying to hide it well but her eyes say it all.

"What are we staring at?" Bucky now asks as he appears to manifest behind me, which results in me jumping slightly. He looks pleased at this. "Sorry pal, couldn't resist".

"I hope you fall into the river". I clap back and focus on the last horse to be groomed. "I actually just met someone who I knew years back".

Bucky frowns. "An ex girlfriend? I don't remember you pulling anyone in high school?"

Probably because my whore of a friend here got them all. I was always the third wheel or made to 'double date' with girls who didn't care for me because of how I looked, but I'm not gonna cry about it.

"No you idiot, since when have you ever known me to have had a girlfriend when I was a kid".

He shrugs. "I dunno, but then again these days you barely open up to me", now looking a little disappointed. "You've not been the same since Joe died".

So everyone keeps saying.

"Would you be if you had gone through what I did?" I question, knowing he'll say no.


There it is.

"So this girl, how do you know her?"

"Darby? She was here years ago when we were kids. Spent the two weeks with her before she left".

Bucky's face now expresses some recognition. "Delicious Darby, I met her yesterday. She's certainly something. What took her so long in getting back?"

"One: never call her that again , and two? Life". I say, not even going to throw in the fact that she's now divorced. Buck will be swooping in like a shot and that's the last thing she probably wants. "Did Sam go get her car?"

"It's in the garage in town, Thor's gonna take a look at it".

Thor's pretty handy when it comes to fixing cars, and being the only garage in town it's obvious to have taken it there.

"Makes sense". I now say, finishing the grooming and then making for the stables to put the kit away. Another busy morning is ahead and I have an hour until the trek begins. Just one of the many activities that we have going here. It's a wide range from fly fishing, hiking, and even swimming. Sometimes it amazes me at just how much we've built up over the years.

"Did she recognise you?" Bucky asks while we put away everything and then close up before the ride. "Because you don't exactly look how you did back when you were what? Twelve? Thirteen?".

"Just turned thirteen". I smirk. "And no, we didn't recognise one another until she said about her car, you hung out with us once or twice, don't you remember?"

Bucky shrugs. "Not really, but it's nice that she's back again. She got anything planned for today?"

I check my phone where all the activities we have are logged electronically when people make the reservation for it. Then they're sent out to us for the day so as we can see where everyone is and at what times. "Currently she's got nothing on there for today", I confirm, not mentioning about meeting with her this evening. I'm gonna get ribbed otherwise. "I'm gonna grab a bite before things start up, see you later".

"Maybe I can get Darby out on the river!" He calls. "Bit of rafting, gonna be wild!"

"You can try!" I yell back as I walk away, but know she'll most likely say no to him.

Making my way down the paths that lead away from the main area of the ranch, I stop and take a long breath, hands on hips while I look around. The old barn is usually quiet, with restoration soon to take place, but it's where we used to hide from dad if ever he tired getting me to do hard labour for those two weeks that Darby was here. Mom and I have talked about making it into something as it's just standing there isolated, but I've no idea what to do with it just yet. Ideas are still being thrown around.

Even now I can hear our laughter as we hung out, listening to music. I always used to think back then that Darby was cooler than me, and she was. Why she bothered when she could've been off doing activities most of the time was another question I could never quite answer.

Still, it was nice to have a friend - and a girl one at that. Even if it was only for a short time.

The vibration of the phone on my pocket brings me out of my nostalgic reminiscing and I see Mom's name on the screen, answering immediately. "You gonna come have breakfast before you shoot off with the group? Or do I have to come drag your ass over here and make you eat?"

She knows I sometimes skip meals because I'm too busy - and it's her pet hate.

"I've always got time for that". I smile and then turn back to head to the farmhouse. "See you in a minute".

I don't think about Darby for the rest of the day. At least, not until I walk into the bar that evening and see her there. 

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