Dragon dreams and wine filled...

By ___PinkEdits___

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You're half Targaryen, daughter of the infamous Daemon Targaryen, most of your life has been spent with your... More

CH I. Mysteries of Green
CH II. Drowning in Red
CH. III Breath of freedom
CH. IV Glances and Passages
CH.V Of Screams and Cheers
CH VI. Back where we started
CH.VII A desperate act
CH.VIII Strong is their blood
CH. IX No wrath as a mother scorned
CH XI The Tide will Bring you Back

CH.X Broken Towers

314 11 2
By ___PinkEdits___

Alicent tapped her finger on the table as she waited. Her father, the hand, was called in early for a private meeting with Viserys. Her mind flooded with what the subject might be, the biggest concern being yesterday's incident. If the king were to learn of what was said, her life would most likely be in danger.

Despite being the queen, fate had it that Viserys's favor lied with his first born daughter, making it nearly impossible for her to speak against anything Rhaenyra and her family might do. Alicent was deep in thought when Otto entered, only noticing him when he sat down across from her.

"It seems the Mother has been kind to us, Y/N hasn't spoken to the king, he only knows about the fight, I have managed to convince him it was due to the wine" Said Otto, looking at Alicent, studying her face which now showed signs of relaxing. "But she might still do so, we must be careful from now on" Alicent placed her hands on her table, joining them together as if her subconscious wanted to pray.

"And what do you propose? We can't leave it like this, Aemond has a dislocated shoulder and Daeron a split head". "Patience, for now" Replied Otto nonchalantly.

"Patience? My sons were once again hurt because of them and you are telling me to not do anything?" Alicent stood up and walked over to the window looking out, in the distance she could observe the tourney grounds being readied.

"Precisely, tempting fate is not a wise idea my dear daughter" Otto remained in his seat, only turning to look at her "In time I will ensure you get your justice for now, go to Daeron once more, urge him to apologize, we must show to the king that we are penitent" Alicent furrowed her brows, picking at her fingers without realizing.

Y/N walked out on the balcony of the tourney galleries, sitting next to Aegon "The twins are fed and sleeping, and I am sore" She said as she adjusted her top a bit, Aegon smiled and raised her hand to his lips, placing a kiss on the back of her palm. "I must admit dear, you did this to yourself when you refused to let the wet nurses take care of that. You can't complain now " Y/N yanked her hand back and scoffed in amusement , crossing her arms. "I don't remember such a law, besides now it's too late to change anything, they won't accept the wet nurses"

Aegon moved closer, placing his arm around her waist "You know...." he said in a whisper, making Y/N lean towards him while looking ahead at the jesters performing "I would be more than glad to massage them for you, if that helps" Aegon placed a kiss on her temple. "Oh how kind of you, but I must say" she smirked. "I don't have any complaints about any pain" Aegon chuckled at her cleverness.

Members of the small councils and some of Y/N's side of the family were starting to pour in, and servants were now serving refreshments. Jace came and sat on the empty seat on Y/N's right "I just came back from speaking with mother and Daemon" he said as he motioned for a servant, all of them taking a cup of wine. "We were there to help Daemon get ready for the lists and you wouldn't believe who had the nerves to show up" Both Aegon and Y/N both looked at Jace "Daeron, he came by the tents, looking for you sister, he wanted to apologize about yesterday" Y/N's face hardened as she drank .

"That weasel would only apologize if someone told him too, never on his own accord " added Aegon, shaking his head in disbelief "My thoughts as well, even Daemon saw through it, but mother insisted we accept the apology, for the sake of the wedding " Y/N turned to Jace once more "The only apology I would accept is from her itself, not that insufferable child, but, for the sake of Rhaenyra, I will drop the matter for now" Y/N took Aegon's hand, placing it over her lap "Yet I cannot say the same for my father" Aegon laughed "These games will be very interesting indeed, can't wait to see what he will do" He downed his cup, signaling for another.

A short time passed and everyone of importance was seated in the covered area while the smallfolk were packing more and more in the open galleries, servants were going around and placing various wreaths next to every lady. The crowds were cheering and screaming for the games to start, and so, Viserys stood up and raised his arm, waving to the crowd. "Welcome everyone to the first day of games before the royal wedding! Now I can see you all at the edge of your seats filled with anticipation, so to that I say, let the games begin!" Viserys swung his arm down and the trumpets rang everyone Applauding as a score of mounted knights poured in the arena.

Everyone had their eyes fixed on them but Y/N could not shake the feeling of someone starting at her, without turning around to check, she remembered the metal map she made of everyone's seating, and then it clicked, Alicent would be in direct line of her, not wanting to give her the satisfaction of acknowledging her staring, Y/N only coiled her arm around Aegon's smiling triumphantly to herself.

Down in the arena, all knights were lined up, the announcer gesturing for the crowd to quiet down "For the first match, Ser Willis fell going against Loras Redwyne!" The first competitors take their place on each side of the fence, gripping their lances tight before kicking their horses simultaneously, both getting closer dangerously fast, their lances crashing on each other's shields, both knights remaining saddled as they reach the opposite side. The crowd gasps and then cheers and applauds the knights.

Squires hurrying to bring forth new lances, both horses neighing and stomping in place before taking off once more, this time, when lances collided, ser Willis's lance splintered to the hilt, while the impact of ser Loras's lance knocked him off his horse, thus the first victory of the day goes to house Redwyne. The royal family all applaud the young knight as he bows his head in gratitude before going back to the rest of the knights.

The second match is between ser Arthur Roxton and Steffon Bracken, but before the knights took their place, Steffon Bracken approached the gallery Alicent was smiling as she anticipated the knight to ask for the bride-to-be's favor "It would be my utmost honor if I were to bear your favor, lady Y/N" Y/N froze for a second as this was the first time a knight would ask for her favor in a tourney, but without much hesitation she stood up giving Aegon a smirk before grabbing her favor and walking to the edge "It would be my pleasure ser Steffon" Y/N placed it on the lance letting it fall down till it stopped at the hilt. "I wish you the best of luck" Steffon bowed his head "With your favor, there is not a single man that can beat me" Y/N chuckled as she turned around and walked back to her seat, but not before she locked eyes with Alicent and Aemond. Alicent was looking like she was close to burst a blood vessel while Aemond stared at her without blinking, his arm was in a sling due to yesterday's fight. Y/N gave them a mocking half smile.

"If I didn't know better I would say there is something between you and ser Steffon" Said Aegon as he handed Y/N her cup "Not a chance, he's not you" replied Y/N before she took a sip of her wine. Aegon laughed "Five dragons on Roxton" taking out the coins from his pocket and placed them on the small table in front of them, Jace followed as well "Five on Bracken from me, no way he losses, not with Y/N's favor " Y/N rolled her eyes and laughed , leaning towards Baela who was sitting next to Jace "My money's on Bracken as well, just look at him, he's double the size of that poor Roxton" Both of them giggling when Aegon and Jace kept bidding against themselves until the horses started running.

First pass, no impact, the crowd booing. The second lap, the horses running even faster, this time it was an impact, both Aegon and Jace almost jumping from their seats when the wood flew in every direction, still the knights did not buckle or yield. Aegon slammed his hand on the arm chair at the evident tie. It was the third and final tilt, the knights waited for a few moments allowing both their horses to settle down, in this time Aegon and Jace doubled their bets and were now half standing from their seats, waiting to see who will be richer today.

Then the horses went flying, full speed, both hellbent on defeating the other. On the moment of impact, Steffon's lance splintered and the sharp edge unfortunately went through the joint in Arthur's pauldron, impaling his shoulder and taking him off the horse, hitting the ground viciously, blood starting to gush out from beneath the armor, Arthur groaned in pain as squires rushed to him. Some of the crowd looked away, while some couldn't look away from it. But in the royal gallery, the atmosphere was unchanged, except for Helaena who turned completely away from the scene. Standing up, Helaena opted to leave, reasoning that she had enough of the jousts for a day, and it was understandable to everyone, she was known to be squeamish to sights like these.

Aegon dropped back down in his seat, huffing in defeat "I told you uncle, Bracken can't lose, not as long as he has Y/N's favor" Jace reached over and grabbed all the coins he won and putting them in his coin purse who was almost overflowing now. "Oh don't get cocky now" Aegon pouted, even back in the days when he and Y/N ventured into King's Landing, he would be a sore loser, and a worse gambler. "Come on now dear, don't be upset, I'm sure that next time you bet, it will be different" Y/N placed her hand on his shoulder giving him a reassuring smile "You're half brother will make me a poor man"

"That is only if you keep betting on the losing ones" Added Jace, earning him a warning look from Y/N, jace threw his hands up in defeat. Aegon empties yet another cup of wine and immediately asks for another. "Slow down, there is still a bit until my father shows up, you don't want to be drunk for that" Said Y/n as she grabbed the cup from the servant and placed it next to her, where Aegon can't reach. Aegon tried to plead with her, but he found it futile, ever since the twins were born it was as if Y/N developed a resistance to any sort of pleading eyes. Y/N leaned in and placed a short kiss on Aegon's cheek before taking hold of his hand and setting her eyes forward to the arena which was now ready for the next match-up.

The matches went on without any other serious casualties it was now past midday, all the knights who won their matches were lined up waiting for the announcer to speak "Prince Daemon of house Targaryen enters the lists" speaking up, just as the rogue prince came out in a hurry, with full armor that that was almost as black as his horse. going back and forth in front of the remaining knights "The prince will now choose an opponent" Slowing down and looking at every one until he set his eyes on a familiar sigil. A sigil as green as summer grass.

Daemon Targaryen came to a stop and lowered his lance pointing straight at ser Gwayne Hightower, eldest son of Otto Hightower. Aegon had to stifle his laugh, when he realized what his father in law had in mind, he leaned in towards Y/N "He means to kill Gwayne without, this way he wouldn't face any consequences" Y/N snapped her head towards Aegon "He wouldn't dare to-..." pausing mid sentence, Y/N closed her eyes and rubbed the bridge of her nose "Yes... yes he would" Y/N took a deep breath and crossed her arms "I don't know why I expected him to behave" Aegon reached over Y/N for his cup "I mean he might not actively try to kill me now, but he won't call me son either, Daemon is still the same Daemon as a few years ago, even worse, dare I say" Taking a sip, he adjusted himself, so that now he turned to Otto "Twenty dragons on Daemon, I mean it's obvious that Gwayne will not stand a chance, even a rat can tell who is going to win" Handing his coin purse to a servant boy that was collecting all the bets, smirking at Otto, Alicent and his brothers before turning back to face the arena "That was pretty funny, but please, don't antagonize them.... to much " Said Y/N while trying not to laugh.

Daemon went over to the balcony and reached down to a saddle bag, pulling out a white rose wreath and speaking to the gallery "I wish to name my daughter the queen of love and beauty, and I dedicate this victory to her" Y/N walked to the edge again, smiling down at her father while he tossed the rose crown up to her "You honor me too much father" Aegon came to her side and took the crown from her and addressed the crowd loudly, so that as many as possible would hear him "Let it be know that the queen of love and beauty of this tourney is none other than my wife, Y/N Targaryen" Aegon then placed the crown on her head and bowed to her.

To the crowd this was nothing more than a normal custom of the tourneys so they cheered and applauded Y/N, but to those that were present the day before, it meant something else, it was a personal jab, Aegon was making the festivities about Y/N and not the pair that was set to be wed in two days. Rhaenyra, and the rest of the blacks stood up as well and applauded Y/N, even Viserys joined in. Alicent, Otto, Aemond and Daeron applauded as well, but it was forced, a facade.

Aegon held out his hand and guided Y/N back to their seats as the drums began beating, signaling Daemon to return to his place. Alicent was picking at her fingers once more only for Daeron to lean over and place his hand on hers "Don't worry mother, ser Gwayne rides well, he will be fine " his words only having little effect in calming Alicent. Otto on the other hand was stone faced, not letting his eyes wander from Daemon as the announcer signaled the start. both men facing each other full tilt. First pass was a hit from Gwayne, shattering Daemon's shield, yet both were still saddled, without stopping to give the horses rest, Daemon snatched the shield from his squire, knocking the boy down, and snapping his reins, making the horse go in full gallop back towards Gwayne.

Holding the lance tight Daemon leaned left, aiming the lance slightly up, in direct line with Gwayne's fast approaching vulnerable chest, when the who came in contact, due to the lance's being aimed to the left it did not hit Gwayne's wooden shield, but his steel cuirass and the angle allowed the lance to slide upward, and underneath the unprotected neck area , the force of the impact made Gwayne pull the reins by instinct, in turn making the horse trip over its own hooves.

The force of the momentum made Daemon's lance break right where the helmet met it. breaking enough for the wood to remain under the helmet, being tossed over his horse and falling face first on the ground, the wood splinter pierced his neck from one side and came out the other. Otto stood up when he saw the blood spilling out from Gwayne's helmet. but when the squires arrived, they saw that the injury was too severe and there was no hope for recovery. All they could do was watch as the Hightower knight choked on his own blood, and the green flame of the sigil he bore on his chest was now stained red.

The arena fell silent once more but after the people saw the ground getting soaked with more and more blood each second, it wasn't as silent, several screams from the noble folk were heard, and some of the squires that were closer to the scene moved aside to empty the contents of their stomachs. The smallfolk on the other hand, moved on just as quickly as the incident happened

Up in the royal gallery Alicent covered her mouth and looked away from the scene, Otto hastily left, making his way down, meeting the group of squires mid way as they took Gwayne away, not even looking in the direction of Daemon who was off his horse with his helmet under his arm. He looked up at Y/N only to see her face frozen, neither dread, disgust nor sadness was present, but an eerie expression, for a second Daemon thought her face could belong on one of the depictions of the stranger, a clear contrast to the rest of them.

Y/N's half brothers went pale but their eyes were fixed on the scene, Rhaenyra quickly turned to Jace "Take your brothers and go back to the keep, we'll be there shortly" Jace did not hear her until she shook him, snapping him out of it "Now Jace" he swiftly up and yanked Luke and Joffrey away. Rhaenyra turned around to look at Aemond and found him transfixed on Daemon, her husband not helping by staring right back at him.

Looking at Y/N she got up and placed her hand on Y/N's shoulder "We should go" Y/N slowly got up, still looking at where the green knight once laid. with the same expression she turned to Aegon who followed suit and they all left, walking past Aemond and Daeron without a word

After servants poured more sand on the ground to cover the blood, the festivities continued for a short while with only acrobats and performers, a farce to distract the crowd from the incident, yet the royal family was no longer present. Back at the Red Keep, the Silent sisters were cleaning Gwayne, outside the room was Otto and Alicent, staring at the door as if they could see through it.

"You advised patience, now look what happened, my brother, your eldest son is dead" Alicent paused to turn and look at Otto, who did not return the favor "How can you sit there and do nothing? you are the hand of the king, Viserys would not listen to me and you know that, ever since Aemond lost his eye he has pushed me away further and now-..."

All of a sudden Otto turned around and grabbed Alicent by the arms "You were there as much as I, the king will not act, if it were any other knight, I would be able to do something, but this was Daemon, as vicious as he is, he is still his brother and the king will not lift a finger against it" straightening his back he moved away from her and headed for the stairs "The match was fair, he lost, and he died. We have no basis to seek vengeance in a fair joust without looking desperate"

Otto looked at her one more time before heading up the stairs leaving Alicent behind, once alone she walked to the nearest wall and leaned her back on it, tears pooling in her eyes, once she reasoned Otto was well outside earshot, she fell down crying, sobbing into her palms, letting all the emotions spew out.

Back in their apartments Y/N burst through the doors and headed straight to the cradle where her children were sleeping, startling Layla and the other handmaids "Layla, please give us some privacy" without other words the maids hurried out the room leaving only Aegon and Y/N in the room, picking up Haeron and holding him close to her, Y/N kissed the crown of his head, rocking gently back and forth.

"I didn't expect Daemon to kill him" Said Aegon as he slumped down in a chair "Whenever I think your father is not capable of something, he always proves me wrong, i wonder if there is anything we won't do" Y/N turned and looked at him "He went too far, breaking a few bones? that would have sufficed, but killing him?" letting out an annoyed huff she paced around the room with Haeron in her arms "I don't know Aegon, something is telling me that this will come back to bite us when we least expect it".

"Nothing will happen, Otto is not stupid enough to plead a case, Gwayne lost fair and square. All knights that go into the lists know they might die" reaching for some wine, he poured himself a cup. "I suppose you're right, also haven't you had enough for the day?" Y/N said as she placed Haeron back in his crib. "This whole ordeal sobered me up, nothing can clear your head as faster than someone dying"

Y/N sat at her vanity desk, reaching up and undoing her hair, letting it fall down from the tight braids she made earlier that morning. A few hours passed by, a knock came on their door, ser Arryk came in "Princess Rhaenyra is here to see you" Aegon nodded and Arryk held the door for her. "I can imagine that all you want is to rest, I only came to let you two know that the wedding will be held tomorrow, I've spoken to the king and he decided that all of us had enough tourneys for a while"

Aegon snickered "Either that or Alicent wants us gone as fast as possible" "Regardless of the reason, I for one want to go back to dragonstone as soon as possible" Added Y/N as she walked over to the windows and looking out at the city view, sunset colors blending into the red bricks of King's Landing "I came to detest this city and its people" she said while brushing her hand over her stomach briefly, but enough for Aegon to see it.

"Thank you for telling us sister, but we probably should get some rest while we can, as you well know, babies are not known for long sleeps" Said Aegon to which Rhaenyra smiled and turned to leave "Sleep well, both of you " Aegon returned the gesture and Rhaenyra left.

Aegon came up to Y/N and took her hand into his, bringing it up to his lips, kissing her knuckles "One more day in this place, and then it's back home" Y/N smiled and closed her eyes and let out a long breath. "Promise me you will not start a fight, again" Aegon laughed as they both walked over to the bed and got in "I make no such promises, but I will try".

Y/N splashed the cold water on her face, surprisingly the twins gave their parents a well deserved sleep. Reaching for a towel, drying her face, she moved over to the bed, yanking the sheets from Aegon, making him jolt at the sudden loss of warmth "Wake up Ñuha jorrāelagon [my love], the sun is already up" He grunts in response and puts the pillow over his head.

"Come on, stand up, I need to look at you" She walks to the other side, pushing Aegon to lay on his back, brushing his hair from his face "Luckily there is no swelling, but the bruises on your jaw are growing" reaching for the nightstand to take the cream that Gerardys left after the incident, she applies it to his jaw, Aegon's eyes open wide at the touch and hisses "two days ago you said that it was nothing, not it's something?" She said sarcastically "Well it hurts now" She shook her head and got up "I know, I know, they're going to fade with time" After finishing with Aegon she undid the dressing of her own hand and did the same. Aegon looked at her as he got up.

"What about you? How's your hand?" "It's fine, it's not burning but it's sore, can't fully open it , but that's because of the stitches, coincidentally the cut was on the same spot as the one from our wedding" She smiled looking at hand, getting a flashback of when they spoke their vows. Y/N dressed her hand back with new bandages, walking up to the cribs, Haeron and Braena cooing softly as they were waking up "Well well well, good morning my sweetlings, are you hungry?" Said Y/N in a baby voice, picking up Braena who was starting to be more fussy than her brother, sitting down next to the crib, pulling down one side of her nightgown and leaned back, letting her latch on to her

"You're so lucky little one" Said Aegon, gently patting Braena's head and kissing the top of Y/N's, afterwards stretching the sleep from his bones "I'm not because even without teeth she's biting me" Said Y/N with a giggle which made Aegon laugh,Y/N reached for one of the towels next to the crib and threw it at Aegon hitting the back of his head before it fell on the ground "Now be a dear and change your son, I think he had a full night" Aegon looked at her pleadingly and when he saw that she wasn't joking he huffed in defeat and picked up Haeron "Hurry up and grow up, you can't keep helping your mother torture me like this" Placing him on the changing table he started changing him, once Haeron was free of his clothes Aegon nearly gagged at the sight and smell, quickly throwing the soiled clothes in the basket next to him he hurried to wipe off anything left "Where is this all coming from?" Y/N laughed as she watched him fight for his life to clean Haeron who was not helping by giggling.

"Just two more years of changing them like this dear" Said Y/N proudly, making Aegon turn to her with what can only be described as pure horror "Two years?? I would rather fight a dragon empty handed and naked than doing this for two more years, can't we just have the servants do this? I know your handmaid would be more than happy"

"It's important for us to spend as much time as we can with them when they are this young" Y/N picked up Braena once she had her fill, placing her to her shoulder and patting her back, helping her to get out any gas she might have, but suddenly Y/N felt something warm on her shoulder, she closed her eyes and raised Braena to eye level "I guess sometimes I could do with less mess" Y/N walked up to Aegon, handing Braena to him, finish dressing him in today's clothes , doing the same to Braena.

Once the twins were fed, clean and dressed, Y/N and Aegon proceeded to change as well. Y/N walked to the trunks that held her dresses searching for the same dress she wore a few years ago to Aemond's name day, hoping it would still fit her after the twins. Finding the dress and pulling it out, deciding to leave the corset that would be worn underneath, hoping this would leave more leeway to her slightly bigger waist. "I remember that one, gods I wanted to have you then and there when I saw you in it" Said Aegon as he pulled off his shirt "I think that was one of the main reasons that made me go on a suicide quest to talk with your father, either that or it was the wine" Y/N laughed, walking behind the changing screen "You never told me fully how that went" "Well I can't recall all the details, I was too drunk, but I do know that it was the first time he almost strangled me to death"

Y/N spoke from behind the screen "You should've known that he would do something like that" She struggled a bit to pull up the dress, feeling it a bit tight across her stomach, but not enough it would tear. "Well I was young, drunk and head over heels for you, so rational thinking was not an option in that situation" Y/N laughed "I couldn't have said it better myself" Y/N walked out "So? Do I look the same as back then?" Aegon stared at her speechless, the dress still fit, more tight than before, but still breathtaking thought Aegon, failing to realize that he didn't give an answer, Y/N spoke again "It seems that you are now, old, drunk and still head over heels for me, which makes me think that it still looks good, thank you dear" Walking up to him, giving him a kiss, she headed for the door opening and speaking to the Cragyll twins that were posted outside their room.

"One of you be a dear and fetch my handmaids, tell them I need help with my hair" They bowed and one of them left, returning back soon with Layla and a couple others in tow. By the time they arrived, Aegon was fully dressed and was busy with a tray of fruits. Layla made quick work of Y/N's hair. and once everything was finished the pair headed for the door "Layla, make sure that if the children are hungry to find a wetnurse that has never fed other children and if possible, please make sure she had clear foods to eat, and do not leave them, no matter what" Y/N quickly walked back to her children kissing them both and squeezing Layla's arm "As if they were your own, you understand?" Layla saw the worry in her eyes and gave her a warm smile "Of course my lady, don't worry, nothing will happen to them, not with me and the handmaids here, and certainly not with the guards outside" Y/N took a deep breath and kissed them one more time before leaving. Wrapping her arm around Aegon's they headed for the main gates where the rest of their family waited, once they all got into the carriages, dozens of them went off towards the great sept.

Inside the High Septon was there with Aemond on his side, he was holding a black cloak with the red Targaryen sigil. The one eyed prince was dressed in dark velvet green with the Targaryen sigil embroidered on the back, half covered by his long silver hair. Y/N and her side of the family were on the right while Alicent and the greens were on the left. Alicent was smiling but her eyes had circles underneath them, Y/N noticed this and thought that most likely the queen didn't get any sleep or she had been crying, deciding not to dwell on it too much she squeezed Aegon's arm.All of a sudden the doors of the sept opened and everyone turned towards them. In came Viserys with Helaena on his arm, walking towards the septon, everyone smiled and looked at her.

Her dress was as white as fresh snow, the top looked like it was part of her body due to how fitted it was. The neckline was heart shaped with cups that held her chest in the right way, covering her breasts entirely yet it had a slit that went down, past her breasts and stopping at the midway, the waist looked like a corset. From her hips the gown fell in a single layer of the thick fabric. The dress had no sleeves but a cape that was almost two times the length of the dress and was made of the same white fabric, the cape was held around her neck with a gold brooch made out of two dragons intertwined, both the dress and the cloak were embroidered in a flowering branches type pattern with green leaves and gold flowers and the Targaryen sigil in the same shade of green as the leafs.

They slowly made their way to Aemond and the septon, Viserys giving her one last smile before going to stand with Alicent. Helaena turned her back and Aemond took the cloak he was holding and placed it over her, winching a due to his injured shoulder, afterwards Helaena turned to the septon once more, both of them holding their hands out, one on top of the other, the septon used a small silk ribbon and wrapped their hands together "Let it be known that Helaena of the houses Targaryen and Hightower and Aemond of the houses Targaryen and Hightower are one flesh, one heart, one soul, now and forever, cursed be he who seeks to tear them asunder" Spoke the septon loudly, Aemond half turned to the guests "With this kiss I pledge my love and take you for my lady and wife" Helaena turned as well "With this kiss I pledge my love and take you for my lord and husband"

Both smiled and then they kissed, completing the wedding ceremony and tying themselves to one another the crowds cheered and applauded, the bells of the sept started ringing and they did not stop until everyone in the sept was back in the gardens of the Red Keep where the wedding feast was to be held, rows of tables covered in tablecloths of both Targaryen red and Hightower green littered the open space, the main table was overlooking all of them, the guests took their place as well as the royal family.

The feast started with toasts from Viserys and Alicent, both congratulating the newlyweds, then a toast from Aemond, thanking everyone that was present, fortunately enough the wedding was going smoothly, with Musicians and performers entertaining everyone, even when the wedding pie was brought up, Aemond used his sword to cut it open, letting out the doves who flew in every direction. Everyone ate and mingled together, despite the previous incidents, neither the blacks or the greens started anything, it was either that they had their fill of altercations or it was for Helaena's sake, they all behaved.

Y/N stood up and went over to Helaena "I know we might have had our...differences, but nevertheless, I am happy for you, you'll soon find that married life is not that bad " She turned to Aegon who was too busy with drinking and laughing with Jace to notice that she got up "I'm sure Aemond will treat you with kindness, just as Aegon does with me".

Helaena got up and went to hug Y/N "Please let me apologize on their behalf, regardless of our history, we are family and what they said was cruel." Helaena took hold of her hand and pulled her away from the main table, to talk more without the rest hearing. "Honestly all of this is a bit much for me, you know how I am" Y/N gave her hand a squeeze and motioned for a servant to bring them some wine, handing her a cup "I know, but you are doing great! Have some wine, it helps with the nerves" Helaena nodded and took a sip "I wish we could've had a feast like this for you and Aegon as well"

Y/N laughed "We did what we could with what we had, for us it was enough, we feasted between ourselves" she smirked at Helaena "Which begs me the question, have you...and Aemond..." She leaned in closer "Consumated?" Helaena's cheeks grew bright red and she looked down, making Y/N giggle "I guess you did, good for you, there's nothing better than being with the one you love" Y/N sighed and took another sip of her wine and looked at Aegon, "Soon, if the gods provide, you'll have babes of your own, that's when the fun starts" Helaena gave her a puzzled look.

"I thought giving birth was painful, how can that be fun?" Asked Helaena "That part is not fun. I won't lie to you, but what comes after is, I chose to not rely on wetnurses to care for my twins at the start, I couldn't bear to have another woman touch them, and I didn't leave them alone, not for one moment. I still am hesitant, but I do resort to them for things like this" Y/N pointed around at the feast "As you can see and hear, this is not a place suited for small children"

"I guess you're right, but what is the fun part?" Helaena's brows furrowed, Y/N finished her cup of wine and asked for another "The fun part is seeing your husband totally lost, you see, men, do not have our motherly instincts thus they are not as, resistant to smells that newborns have, more precisely when it comes to changing them" Y/N giggled as she remembered this morning "Aegon, just this morning almost puked when I asked him to change Haeron, you should've seen his face" Y/N tried to imitate his look of horror but she started laughing and so did Helaena "You see sweet Helaena, this is the fun part, seeing your husband struggle to do what we do with a stiff lip, this is how we payback the men for the hardships of motherhood, by giving them a small taste and seeing them crumble" Y/N shook her head and smiled "I love my children, don't get me wrong, but babies are messy and you will smell and see things that you never even thought could be possible"

"I suppose you're right Y/N, and now that I heard this, I am somewhat looking forward to it" They both looked at the main table "What would they do without us?" said Helaena "Most likely be at each other's throats, we as wives need to keep them in check, it's how we serve them, that and under the sheets" Y/N bumped Helaena's shoulder "A man who is satisfied in bed is a man who won't seek to wet his steel sword with someone else's blood"

"Y/N!" Exclaimed Helaena, making Y/N laugh "It's true, now let's get back to them, they're looking at us as if we are scheming" Linking their arms they walked back to the tables, Alicent following Y/N with her eyes like a hawk, once she sat down, Aegon turned to face her "What were you two talking about?" Y/N gave him smirk "We were talking about how nice it is to be married, and once they have children of their own, how fun it will be to tasking her husband in changing them" Aegon's mouth fell open "So it's fun to see me almost puke my guts out, I see how it is" He gave a fake pout and turned to Jace "Jace, can't you see how your sister tortures me so? Do you not have any words?" Jace threw his arms up in defeat "I will not speak, if I do, she will punish me as well" Neither of them could hold it any longer and burst out laughing.

The Hours passed and the sun was setting, most of the guests were pretty drunk, same could be said about the royal family. The wine helped them a bit in forgetting what had happened and they were enjoying the conversions they held without resorting to petty insults, Rhaenyra and Alicent were off to the side speaking between themselves while Daemon, Viserys, Aemond, Jace and Daeron were speaking about histories of the Targaryens quite loudly. Luke was with Baela, Rhaena all of them asking Rhaenys and Corlys about the Seasnake's voyages.

Y/N, Aegon and Helaena took to drinking and talking about the various guests and whatever gossip was flying about the court "And then lady Rosby's dog....just started running around the tent....the squires were trying to...catch him before he reached.... the food table" Helaena was trying to finish her telling of her name day hunt they had last year, but she couldn't help but laugh as she was speaking "What is with that woman and her dog" Added Aegon "Whenever she would be present for anything, she brings her dog along" Y/N set her cup down and rested her hand on her stomach "I think I had enough wine for tonight, I fear my dress can't take any more" She stood up "Besides, I think a walk through the gardens will help me clear my head a bit"

"Why don't the two of you take a stroll, I need to see how my own husband is faring" Said Helaena as she got up smiling at them before moving over to Aemond and her group, joining in on their conversation. "Shall we then?" Aegon held out his hand and Y/N took it, both had a slight wobble in their walk.

Strolling along the many paths of the gardens, they came to a stop at a stone gazebo that overlooked the sea, benches were placed alongside the short wall, they sat down and took a deep breath, taking in the cool air offering both a moment of relief from the heat the wine was giving them. Y/N relaxed and looked out at the black water bay while Aegon looked around deep in thought. "It can't be..." he said to himself, making Y/N turn her attention to him. "What can't be, dear?"

"This place... Aemond's name day, this is where I came after sneaking out of the feast" Aegon turned to Y/N "This is the place there I drank two jugs of wine by myself" He stood up and pointed at the short wall then took a few steps towards the exit of the gazebo almost tripping on his feet "And those windows, those are the royal apartments, I remember looking up at them and thought it would be a good idea to ask Daemon for your hand" Then he spun around and hurried back to Y/N kneeling down in front of her "But before I left I imagined you here with me, instead of the feast, with the same dress" His hands came to her sides and lightly tugged at the fabric "The same dress that made me almost jump on you back then, in front of everyone" Y/N's cheeks felt like they were on fire, she couldn't tell if it was because of the wine of seeing Aegon kneeling in front of her, he had this bright smile on his face and she could see his light purple eyes shine in the moonlight.

"I imagined you just like this, smiling down at me" Aegon's hands slid down to her thighs and kneaded slightly through the fabric, Y/N straightened her back, smirking at him "Only smiling?" Aegon branded his mischievous grin, looking at her for a sign if he can go on, in turn Y/N slightly parted her legs, it was all the permission Aegon needed. He reached under her dress, pulling down her stockings, feeling the softness of her skin. "When I first saw you in this, my mind ran wild, wondering what was underneath it". Aegon moved closer, lifting her dress enough for him to place a kiss on her knee "If I tried hard enough, I could see right through it"

He leaned down and kissed her leg again, Y/N looked around in hopes that no one was watching "Aegon, what if someone sees us?" He chuckled against her skin "Has that stopped us before?" He was right, most of the guests left or were too drunk to reach this far, besides Y/N wanted this as much as Aegon, they haven't been intimate for a while and who knows when they will have another chance. "Besides, with you like this, how could I stop?"

Aegon rose to his feet and leaned in to kiss Y/N, their lips melting into each other, it was sloppy and needy, both still being able to taste the wine on each other's tongues. Y/N lifted her arms and wrapped them around his neck, running her fingers through his silver hair. Aegon moaned into her mouth when she tugged at his locks.

Using one hand to hike her dress up to caress her inner thigh. "Iōragon bē jorrāelagon [stand up love]" Y/N did not hesitate and once she was on her feet, Aegon pulled her flush against his chest, tilting her head to the side Aegon came down and drew a line with his tongue from her jaw down her neck and stopping on her exposed shoulder, biting her soft skin, hard enough to leave marks for a day or two, Y/N hummed at the feeling, arching her back, pushing her ass into Aegon, feeling him half erect. With his other hand he pulled her dress up and palmed her core, using the base of his hand to apply pressure, rubbing back and forth with the tips of his fingers "My love, you're soaked, what happened?" He smiled into the crook of her neck, his hot breath sending shivers down her spine "Aegon.." Y/N's voice came out more as a whimper than anything else "I need you"

Aegon whispered in her ear "You need me to what? Speak clearly dear wife" Emphasizing his words by pushing his fingers past her folds, coating them in her slick, her knees buckled and with a whine she spoke again "Nyke jorrāelagon ao isse nyke [I need you in me]" Aegon paused for a moment before bending her over, fumbling with his pants, setting himself free, leaning down "Skorkydoso nūmāzma emi iā saelie riña?[How about we have a third child?]" Aegon kissed her neck again, rubbing himself on her wetness, he didn't give her time to answer before jerking his hips forward, sinking in fully in one move, Y/N gasped at the sudden stretch she felt.

Aegon used one hand to ground himself on the bench, holding her hips roughly with his other hand, he rested his forehead on her back "Fuck, I missed this feeling Y/N" His breath was jagged but Aegon did not wait, setting a rough pace, rutting into her. Y/N grabbed a hold of his arm to steady herself, using her other hand to cover her mouth stifling her moans. Aegon's thrust were needy, desperate. If she didn't know better, she would say he was fucking her as if she was about to vanish into thin air.

Y/N felt a familiar coil starting to tighten deep inside her, Aegon was much the same, his pace beginning to be erratic "Aegon..I'm..close " she said in between thrusts, Aegon didn't answer and he only got rougher, it wasn't long before Y/N's high came crashing down her, tightening around Aegon making him crash with her, spilling himself inside her. Breathing heavily his movements slowed down, riding out both their highs Aegon rested his head on her back, trying to steady his breath.

Pulling out after a few moments, Aegon sat down on the bench motioning Y/N to sit down in his lap "You did great my love" He cupped the side of her face gently, leaning forward kissing her sweetly "One day you're going to be the death of me" Y/N sounded out of breath "Yeah when we are old, gray and wrinkled" He chuckled, looking up at her, even in the dim light he could still see that her face was flushed. They sat there for a while, enjoying each others presence until until Y/N looked in the direction of the feast

"You think they are wondering where we are?" Aegon looked in the same direction "They can wonder all they want, they're all probably too drunk to care" He wrapped his arms around her and held her tight "Besides it doesn't matter, we are married, we can do what we want" Y/N giggled, stroking his hair "We should probably go back to our chamber, we've been away all day, Haeron and Braena need us" Aegon took a deep breath, still smelling hints of the rose oil she used this morning, picking her up bridal style heading towards the keep.

"Aegon, I swear to the gods if you drop me" Y/N wrapped her hands around his neck, clinging to him "Nonsense, I carried you from flea bottom to the red keep, more drunk than now, this is nothing" Puffing out his chest he went on, he didn't put her down, not even when the Cragyll twins noticed them approach, holding the doors open for them, once in, the handmaids were still up speaking between themselves, their children long asleep

"It seems that we did a bedding of our own today" Aegon's voice was low, not wanting to wake the small ones, finally putting Y/N down, she walked over to the cribs, looking at them , smiling when she saw them sleep soundly. Y/N then went behind her changing screen, Layla following her and the other maids bowed to Aegon and took their leave. Layla helped her change into her nightgown, and Aegon did the same. Layla noticed the mark on her shoulder, and gave Y/N a smirk, they both held in their laughs and continued, once Y/N was changed, they both stepped out, Layla bowed before leaving.

Y/N sat down in the chair across the table from Aegon, picking at some food on the table "Today sure was something" she sighed in exhaustion "Peaceful it what it was, I can't recall the last time a family gathering went well" replied Aegon, rubbing the back of his head. He looked around the room and saw that most of their stuff was already packed and ready to move "I suppose we are leaving tomorrow" He said as he gestured around the room "I suppose we are" she replied tiredly

Y/N stood up and held out her hand lazily, Aegon stood up, grabbed her hand and let himself get dragged to bed, once under the covers Y/N laid on top of him, snuggling into his chest. Aegon used one hand to grab her thigh while the other slowly rubbed her back, both falling asleep fairly quick.  

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