The Founders Four

By Hadrius_Peverell

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On a dark and stormy night, the staff and students of Hogwarts were taken by surprise when four mysterious fi... More

Chapter 01: Deep Magic
Chapter 02: Reactions
Chapter 04: Explanations II
Chapter 05: The New World
Chapter 06: Decisions
Chapter 07: Reflections
Chapter 08: A peek into the past
Chapter 09: Salazar's Tale
Chapter 10: Introductions
Chapter 11: Reactions and Q&A Session
Chapter 12: Chamber of Secret
Chapter 13: The Attack
Chapter 14: Healing and OMG
Chapter 15: Don't do that to us
Chapter 16: The Request and the Test
Chapter 17: A little history lesson
Chapter 18: From Good to Worst I
Chapter 19: Unanticipated Revelations.
Chapter 20: It's Harry
Chapter 21: The anticipation
Chapter 22: Heir or not
Chapter 23: A trip to the Forest
Chapter 24: The War

Chapter 03: Explanations

3.3K 92 14
By Hadrius_Peverell

After their companions had all left, the founders and the Headmaster turned to the Gargoyle guarding the Headmaster's office. Before Dumbledore could say the password, Salazar waved his hand in front of the statue, causing the gargoyle to bow and jump aside, giving access to the visitors. Dumbledore's eyes lit up in delighted curiosity at this display.

Once inside the office, the four founders drew up their own squashy comfortable armchairs. Each armchair represented their individual house colours. On the far left, sat Godric, on his deep red coloured armchair, with golden polka dots. Next to him was Rowena whose armchair had Bronze and Blue stripes. Next to her was Salazar on a dark green armchair. On the far right, next to Salazar was Helga also on a black armchair with yellow coloured leaves.

"Sherbet lemon?" asked the headmaster, offering the sweet to the founders. However seeing the looks all four were giving him, a mix of amusement with curiosity, the headmaster explained further "They are a type of sweet that I am rather fond of,"

"No, thank you, Headmaster," said Godric, the other three declining as well.

"Well, I hope you will forgive me for my impoliteness. However, I do not know what to say other than the difference in the castle that I am sure you must have noticed. Whilst it is the same castle there are noticeable differences as well." Albus internally cringed. He did not ramble. He never rambled! Though, the situation was quite extraordinary, even for him.

"Yes we noticed," Salazar replied dryly. "And this very thing indicated to us that something unexpected and rather... interesting has happened. The result of which, obviously, is that the four of us are here." He added quite unnecessarily, pinching his nose, he continued. "Perhaps if you give us some details of the place and… time we are currently in?"

"Of course, Lord Slytherin. You are currently in the year nineteen ninety six and today's date is the first of September."

"The first of September, you said?" Salazar brought his fingers together in a thoughtful gesture, his eyebrows raised. "In the year nineteen ninety six?"

"That is correct, sir," Albus' voice was gentle as he spoke. He could only imagine what the four people in front of him must be feeling. To have been uprooted from what was your present and hurtled an entire millennium and a few years into the future could be quite unsettling. Meanwhile, the founders were conversing with each other telepathically.

"Well what do you think? He seems like Dumbledore, but how can it be the first of September nineten ninety six? I mean wasn't it the seventh of June nineteen ninety seven where we left?" Rowena asked thoughtfully with a mental frown.

"Yes it was" Godric chirped.

"Hmm that is interesting. But I think this just provides more proof to support the theory of Alternate universe." Said Salazar

"I agree it does seem like what you described earlier, dear." Helga replied.

"I agree as well, but are we sure?" said Godric

"Well I agree but it seems that we have not only travelled through the dimensions but also time." Rowena thoughtfully supplied. "Now that is interesting. Is that supposed to happen, Sal?"

"Well it is an interesting situation indeed, but I will have to do more research into that, until then I am going to try and get more information on this universe, and after that reveal our identities. Agreed?" said Salazar


"Yes dear"

"Go for it mate" came three replies.

Salazar focussed on the headmaster who was observing them thoughtfully. "Well, this is an unusual situation to say the least. I suppose we shall have to do a lot of research on what has happened to reverse this phenomenon. However, until that time, would it be possible for us to stay here?"

Dumbledore took a scant moment to reply. "But of course my lord, this is your castle after all," he said readily, giving them a searching look, multiple thoughts going through his mind. He was curious to say the least, but he dared not try to use Legilimency on these people. But he had some questions that intrigued him. For example, only Salazar seemed to reply but he always referred to all four of them. It can be one of three things, either he is taking their replies for granted, which given his reputation is quite possible, or they are communicating in some way without making others aware of it, that is unheard of but then again people coming this far in future is also unheard of. Also who knows the extent of power that these legendary individual possess, Or else Salazar thinks he is royalty. The thing that had Albus most concerned, however, was that these individuals are the founders then how are they talking in modern English? If he was not wrong, then that language did not exist in their time.

"We thank you." The green eyed founder replied with aplomb. "Now, if you could, please enlighten us about the world around us. After all, a lot of time has passed. It would be nice to know of the current climate, for one. Are we at war or is this a time of peace? Rowena here for one is probably dying to know of the many advancements of wizard-kind."

Dumbledore inclined his head in silent agreement. "Yes, but before I begin, I am curious to know if you have any theories as to how this might have happened. I, for one, am at a loss." He gave a look to the four individuals in front of him that made them think that they were being x-rayed.

"We do have our theories," Salazar replied vaguely. "One more likely than the other, and if what we suspect is true, then things are a lot more complicated than how they appear initially. However, before we go into any details we would like you to tell us some things about this world."

Alarm bells went off in Dumbledore's mind. Salazar just said that "we" had theories but ever since they arrived they have not spoken to each other. So how did he know if the others had any theory? The other three are not looking surprised either! And how are they speaking in modern English.

Taking a moment to compose himself Headmaster asked his question in Gaelic "Certainly My Lord, however, I hope that you would forgive me for asking but how is it that you are speaking modern English"

Taken aback by the sudden change in language, Rowena replied in the same language "Headmaster, I created this useful spell to enable us to speak the language that is understood by the general public of the place. The spell only had to be cast once and it stays with us for a few years. I hope this answers your question." This was not entirely true, she had certainly created such a spell but had not casted it on themselves. So technically she did not lie as well.

"Certainly, thank you for the explanation." Dumbledore responded in English "My apologies but I hope have to be certain about facts before I reveal anything. One can never be too careful in times like this; for we are currently at war in this period of time."

Dumbledore paused for a moment to gather his thoughts and also to look for some sign of recognition or shock. He saw that all four eyes widened for a little while before returning back to the neutral expression. It was a small reaction but enough for Dumbledore to confirm that these people were not Death Eaters. However, whilst this answered a few questions, it also raised some more questions. How much detail should he go into? It would all depend on how long these legendary figures will have to stay in this time line. If they are going to be here for a long time, then he should go into detail and possibly get some help as well. However if they are not going to be here for a while then it would be prudent to not involve them in too much detail. 'They said that they have a theory.' He thought to himself. 'Maybe I can ask them if they have an estimation of a time scale.'

"I, of course, realise that you have some issues that are of utmost importance to you, however, you suggested that you have some theories. I hope you will not mind me questioning you about this. But I would rather not bother you with details of the current war and drag you into something which you are not a part of. However, if your stay in this time scale is going to be for a long period I am afraid I will have to go into details."

"I understand your situation Headmaster," Salazar replied compassionately. "I think that Rowena will be able to throw some light on this situation"

"Well, Headmaster, as Salazar said earlier that we have a couple of theories. However we cannot be sure of anything unless we gather some more information about this timeline. We will also have to do some research on the topic before being certain." Rowena explained

"However, we also realise your position. If this is a time of war, as you said, then we realise that it might not be easy for you to trust what we say easily. I thank you for being so considerate of our situation and trying to help despite of everything" Helga interrupted with her calming and conceding voice.

"Headmaster, as Helga explained we understand your position, but you must understand that we cannot define the timescale with certainty. However, from whatever information we have been able to gather, it seems that the situation is more complex than our assumption and we will be in this timeline for length of time between a year to say about ten years or more. However, as I explained earlier, we will need to do some research on the topic before being certain." Rowena explained.

"Thank you for understanding my position, Lady Hufflepuff and Lady Ravenclaw. Alas, I will have to go into the details of the current war with you. However before doing that, I would like to offer my assistance in your research and my help in any manner that I can." Dumbledore replied

Salazar thanked the Headmaster on behalf of everyone.

"First I will briefly go over the fate of Hogwarts after your time. It gives me immense happiness to say that Hogwarts has more or less remained the same and has followed your legacy. It has become one of the most prestigious magical schools on the isles. We still sort the students in four houses and currently Hogwarts is home to over 280 students in total. These students come from all over Britannia. Since seventeen hundred and seven, the various kingdoms that you remember from your time have united to form the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Dumbledore continued with pride and happiness in his eyes and voice.

"However, on the darker side, recently, a dark lord has risen and has been terrorising the Isles for last 30 years. He has yet to declare a war but has been picking out families and people and killing them. Thus he has created an atmosphere of terror and uncertainty. Hogwarts has so far been safe from his attacks but he has been known to attack Hogsmeade, the Wizarding village nearby. One more interesting thing is that this dark lord usually sends his followers, who are known as Death Eaters, to carry out these attacks. He has only been seen once or twice. He has crafted himself a new name – Lord Voldemort; but his real name is Tom Riddle." Dumbledore paused in his explanation to give the others some time to digest this information.

As Dumbledore's explanation ended, the Founders started their own telepathic conversation.

"So it seems that Voldemort is still very much active here but he is been at it for 30 years! How can that be? I mean why didn't the Harry in this world stop him, I mean in our world baby Harry stopped him right then why not here?" Godric started

"Well one thing is for certain that we have managed to stumble in alternate universe, but where does this universe split? I mean it is clear that Grindelward did die as the current dark lord is Voldemort, but then was there a prophecy like the one we had in our world? If so why did it not play out like our world?" Rowena summarised

"Well this is just great, let's just add this to the list of twists in our lives." Godric exclaimed with sarcasm

Ignoring Godric's remark, Salazar continued to analyse the situation and plan the best strategy to get more information. "It seems that the only person that can answer that question is Dumbledore." He silently added. "He has also offered to help with our research and we will need his help to access some rare books that explain the theory of and way out of alternate reality. But if we want to research that we will have to reveal our real identities. This will also ensure that Dumbledore answers the question that Row asked."

"Yes that does seem like the only option we currently have dear" Helga conceded

"Well if it ensures that Dumbledore will give us more information in this confusing and weird situation that we are currently in then I am all for it, mate" Godric agreed

"This seems to be the only option we have to get some answers and I agree with you Sal that we will need access to some rare books to try and find a way back home; and Dumbledore is in the best position to get that for us. I say we go for it but gradually, let us first reveal our real names and see how he reacts, we can then go from there" Rowena gave her opinion

"Thank you for the information Headmaster," Salazar addressed Dumbledore. "You have been very accepting of our situation and we appreciate that. We come from a time when trust has to be gained and you have gained that. Thus we would like to share something with you as well. I realise that you think we are the Founders of this place. To an extent it is the truth but not the entire truth." Salazar paused after this revelation to observe Dumbledore's expression

Dumbledore's eyes widened fractionally and you could see the signs of distrust starting to build in.

This confirmed to the Founders that the Headmaster had not recognized them and most probably they did not exist in this world. Thus Salazar continued with his revelations whilst everyone kept a close eye on Dumbledore's subtle reactions.

"What I mean to say is that we are the Founders but not exactly the people that you are assuming. We are the reincarnations of the Founders. We have different names and identities in this birth. But that is just the starting of the twists in our situation. The real complication is that we know you and all those teachers that were with us, and we have fought with you all in a war against Voldemort. But you don't seem to recognise us!"

Salazar tried his best not to alarm the Headmaster but he could not stop the shock that the Headmaster was feeling. Dumbledore took a few moments to compose himself and reinforce before asking for an explanation.

"Perhaps the best place to start is by telling you our real names. My name in this birth is Harry Potter" revealed Salazar.

He paused to observe the reaction to his name. Others were also watching Dumbledore closely and noticed that at the mention of his name, Dumbledore's eyes widened. However this was not unusual but what they saw next was something unexpected for out visitors. Dumbledore's face went grave and his eyes showed deep pain. However, Dumbledore nodded for Harry to go on.

"The wizard on far left is Ron Weasley, the witch to my left is his wife Hermione Granger; and the beautiful lady on my right is Ginny Weasley."

By now Dumbledore's eyes were not only wide but the twinkle was also replaced with a look of pure horror.

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