Mickey/Ian One-Shots

By Writing166

48.2K 469 55

Just one shots of Mickey and Ian on shameless More

Mandys Bestfriend
He Escaped?
Fucking Perv
Im Not Going Anywhere
The Bar
Geriatric Viagroid
You Knew?
Fuck I missed you
Damn right Milkovich
One Hug
"I said thanks asshole"
Im here
Fuck I missed you P2
Im here P2
What a way to meet P1
What a way to meet P2
Switching Rooms
"I want the gun back Mickey"
Never in a Million Years


862 9 0
By Writing166

Words: 1354


Ian looked out the window as the snow piled up, School holidays had started over a week ago and he was bored shitless. The last few hours he had been waiting for a text from Mickey replying to his former 'wanna hangout?' text. He knew the boy had a habit of taking what felt like years to respond but recently it went from 30 minutes tops to hours, even when they would hang out he noticed Mickey seemed off but anytime he tried asking he would be shut off by either a harsh insult or threat. Ian was constantly worrying if he had done something wrong or if Mickey was becoming more distant because he wasn't interested anymore, the only thing keeping him from fully believing it was that Mickey was a very straight forward guy he said what he wanted when he wanted and didn't give two shits about the consequences, that's one of the reasons Ian was now head over heals for him

Curiosity eventually got the best of him as he got of the bed with one jump, grabbed his coat and started his cold journey to the Milkovich house, the snow was falling all around him sending a chill up his spine. The closer he got the more anxious he became, what if Mickey really didn't want to talk to Ian? What if he was just plain out ignoring him?



"What the fuck dad?!"

This seemed to be a pattern over the last week, Collin who was the main protector of his siblings against his dad had run away leaving no trace whatsoever, each day Terry would be screaming over something fucking ridiculous and start up shit with Mickey instead. At night he would get waisted using him as his personal punching bag, Mickey had yet to fight back towards his dads fists but from previous times he learnt that the best thing to do was just put up with it until he was done, leaving Mickey an absolute reck covered in blood and bruises from head to toe.

Walking into the living room he noticed the 6 empty bottles of beer sitting on the table across from a red with anger Terry who was right next to it, it was obvious he had been drinking. Which in his case was a horrible indication of what was to come next, his face was aching from the sight of his drunk father making him feel a wave of déjà vu all over again. Just as predicted his dad charged at him fists clenched and ready to give Mickey another concussion, he was still tired being just woken up but he was done. As his dad got closer he snatched two empty beer bottles one in each hand he was done with his shit


Reaching the Milkovich house immediately he heard yelling coming from Terry, he took the first place of cover he could find out of Terrys line of view and crouched behind the window out of view but giving him a good peephole. Listening in intently the sound of a pissed off Mickey came from inside his room, his eyes lit up when he watched him walk out of his room. He was wearing a loose grey shirt with a small blood stain around the neck and black baggy jeans, looking at the side of his face his eyes hooked onto the large blue and brown bruise going up his jawline. What the fuck had been happening?

Out of no where Terry charged at Mickey who was quick to respond by taking two of the glass bottles off the table next to him, he smashed them down in the table as his dad got closer and pointed the freshly made shivs at his dad who slowed staring Mickey dead in the eyes

"Oh your a fucking touch guy now huh? You do so much as touch me with that and you'll be 6 feet under with your brother"

The sound of Ian's heartbeat elevated in his ears pounding louder and louder, his eyes went back to Mickey who had an unreadable expression on his face, the house went dead silent for a few seconds before Terry kicked Mickey in the side of his ribs making him fall to the floor getting on top of him ready to hit him again, when Mickey lifted the glass blades, hitting his dad in the head with it causing his father to back off reaching up to his head

"You mother fucker! Who the fuck do you think you are?!"

"You killed Colin?!"
Mickeys voice echoed throughout the house causing another short pause of silence

"You'll be next if you don't shut your fucking mouth!"

Terry went to get up before Mickey stood up and kicked him in the throat, with Terry now laying on the floor Mickey used both bottles cutting into Terrys eyes. He was barely believe what he was seeing, not being able to sit there any longer he ran to the front door opening it quickly and shutting it, Terrys yells were still filling the entire house

Mickey got up from kneeling dropping the bottles to the ground with a loud smash, he backed up away from Terry before turning around a seeing Ian

Ian scanned his face and felt tears prick at his own eyes, Mickey had blood dripping from his head bruises both old and new covering his face, Mickey looked like he was on the verge of tears

Turning around he saw Ian, all the adrenaline from everything was now dropping and he felt himself get extremely tired, he ignored Ian and went straight to his room pulling out his phone and smokes and storming out, he could barely grasp what was going on, his brother was dead because of his dad who he just blinded and didn't regret at all. Colin was his favourite brother and now he was gone because of the piece of shit they each called a father

He heard the Gallagher following him out silently and continued ignoring him calling Mandy

"What Mickey I'm kinda busy right now"
"Not anymore get to our place, now"

Mandy knew when something was serious was going on with Mickey by the way he spoke, their place was the abandoned building not far from the house, they used to stay there as kids when dad was on one of his tyrants. It had a view of their entire house, they would wait and watch until their dad would leave indicating it was safe to go home

He made it to the building too many thoughts going through his head completely unaware Ian was right behind him the whole time
"You alright Mick?"
"Why the fuck are you following me?"

Ian shrugged and stood by the entrance as they both waited for Mandy, Mickey went through 4 cigarettes by the time Mandy showed up
"What's going on?"
She spoke agitatedly as she reached them both
"Ian? What are you doing here?"
"Terry killed Colin"
"And he's now blind"
"What the fuck Mickey?"
Mickey took another hit of his cigarette and crushed it under his foot looking back up to Mandy

"Can you explain it a bit more how the fuck did any of this happen?"
He glared up at Ian still wondering why the kid was now involved in his business
"Terry came at me I took the empty bottles and broke the end off, he then told me about Collin and I ended up stabbing him in the eyes with the bottles, then for some unknown reason you showed up"
He said looking back up at Ian
"I was just walking past and heard yelling"
Mickey rolled his eyes
"So is Terry just in there"
She said pointing at the house
"Should be can't see now so where the fuck he gonna go hopefully the fucker bleeds out and dies"
"Better yet how's he going to do anything to us if he's blind"
Mandy said as usual finding the good in shit things
"Good job Mick"

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