Who Is She?

By MysteriousAuthor356

444K 11.2K 798

Lillian Black was just a child when she lost her innocence. She was just a child when she realized the world... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
The End
Bonus chapter (Riley)
Bonus Chapter (Lillian)

Chapter 68

1.6K 47 0
By MysteriousAuthor356

Lillian found her brother standing in the middle of her room with a cold expression when she left the bathroom.

She wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone or do anything. Who knew she'd be wasting the day she'd got from Stephanie sitting ideally at her parents place. Doing nothing, just drifting off to a faraway place til she didn't even know what she was thinking of.

"Why did you come back?" Her dear brother asked, in a tone she should now be familiar with a tinge of hardness in them.

Lillian didn't give him an answer, barely acknowledging his presence, she couldn't even process his words. His voice sounded distant, he was there but his voice came from a far away place.

The longer she stood infront of the bathroom door, the more the room appeared to be alien. A foreign land she had never stepped foot into.

"For mom? For dad? For inheritance?" He walked closer to her as he spewed his accusations in a sour tone, the wording bouncing off in the closed wall echoing back with invisible rings. It was too loud. Distant and different, but loud.

But as he spoke, the more distant her mind seemed to go.

Farther.... away. To a distant place. Where no one knew her. Where no one talked to her.

Where it was only her and her alone. No people.

She wanted to leave this place behind, where people were constantly giving her attention she didn't seek nor want.

She wanted to go home. Home.

"Did you come here, willingly. Or is someone else involved as well? To get her share of inheritence, perhaps?"

Inheritence. That was something everything fought over. Max had seen plenty of people lose their minds to scheme against their siblings to get the most.

The more Max opened his mouth, the more clouded Lillian's mind got. The voices got muddled up to an incoherent screech as they spoke at once, turning to an echoing ringing in her ears.

A inner turmoil not one could see. Nor hear.

'Is that what you think of me or is that all your family has to offer?' Riley would've retorted had she been here.


Yes, she wanted to go back to her home she shared with her sister.

Or a deserted place. Where it rains half the year or a place near the beach.

Somewhere isolated, somewhere..... peaceful, calm and quiet. Somewhere serene. Where she could hear the water cascading down the waterfall.

"Cat got your tongue?" He sneered in contempt.

Cat... white fur that bites her when not given food. Lazy, attention seeker, likes men and turns docile and obedient at the sight of them. She will take her with her when she leaves.


'So you won't ghost me again?'

The broken voice of the hopeful man resonated in the back of her head. Bringing her partially back to reality.

No, she can't abandon him.

"What's going on here?" Her mother chose the right time to stick her head into the room, first curious why the door was open now perplexed why her son was in her daughter's room with her back up against the wall.

"Just having a chat with my sister." He said in a cool voice, his mind concluding her silence for her guilt.

He wasn't going to make the mistake his father is doing. He wasn't going to just 'let her be' til she does something questionable.

Since his dad had insisted to give him a weeks worth of time to come clean to his mother about her having twins, he will. But if he didn't, he will just tell her himself.

This wasn't something insignificant- she had another child! If he were in her shoes and found out Lucy had a child that he didn't know, he'd be fuming mad and at all the others who knew about it and still chose to stay silent.

And that's exactly the category Lillian fell into.

"With her pressed against the wall?"

"It not like I forced her up there."


"You say the story is made up."

The solution seemed easy enough, right? Wrong! Shooting herself in the foot would be a much better option. Not to mention easier and didn't affect anyone other than herself.

"Wouldn't that make your father a liar?" Casey counter attacked, sitting up on the bed with her back straight as she grilled him with a questioning look.

Her heart pumped inside her, every beat painfully audible as she desperately thought of ways to change his mind.

"I don't see how that's any of your concern?" He shot back, his tone sharp and defensive.

She can see the mild doubt start to linger back, but saying she'd do it without a fight might make him even more skeptical.

"Do not forget I'm still an FBI agent, and you are a human trafficker."

"It's funny you say that, seeing we are in the same boat."

"Really? I'm must've forgotten considering I didn't do anything wrong."

"Yet." He chirped. "But you know it's only a matter of time before you start to slip down the rabbit hole." He said it in a knowing tone. "You've spent time more time being a con than chasing a con. I'm just giving you an option to be yourself."

Casey placed a shaky hand over her racing heart, feeling the air leave her lungs. She didn't like her shady past being throw in her face like that. Still be considered a criminal.

She made mistakes and paid her dues, what more did the world want from her? The twinkle in his eyes increasing as he noted he had hit a sore spot.

"You may be right....." She let the words hang in the air, the next set of words in the tip of her tongue yet she couldn't find the voice to speak them.

'I'll do it.'

It was convincing, isn't it? He would certainly believe her now if she took up the task.

He was merely reminding her who she really was. Her roots. And it wasn't this paper clean person image she was parading around in.

The more time Casey took to make up her mind the dimmer and smaller Jason's eyes got.

"I think I've told you this earlier today. I have not pretended to be someone's knight in shining armor but I have pretended not to someone's sister partying away in New York as we speak. If, you want me to keep pretending I have no idea, then I suggest you make up your mind." He reiterated what was spoken that day, his pitch droping down a notch till it reached a bone chilling icy tone.

Chills ran down her spine as she was forced to let out the words in a weak voice. "I'll do it." She forced herself to say, gulping down air- prepared to dip her feet into the ice cold river. "But I have a condition."

Jason raised one of his eyebrow, not impressed but he didn't say anything- indicating her to proceed.

It was a good sign. Hopefully.

"I am not going to say the story was a lie." It was, though. But that didn't matter. "Why not meet each other in the middle and say, YOU are not involved and that bit was a lie."

Jason pondered on the suggestion, his cornea rolling to the side of his socket as he rocked a deep thinking face.

"You're father might be an hindrance tho." While she was at it, she might as well drop another bomb. Though she knew he planned on killing his father, he can't do it just yet.

"If he keeps feeding the press juicy gossips." He said, exasperated, running his finger through his loose strands.

"I heard you mention something along the lines of keeping his mouth shut forever."

"Yow know more than you let on, don't you?" He accused, the edge of his lips curling up to form an impressed look, but his tone wasn't accusatory or angry- it sounded... dazzled? Like he didn't expect anything less from her.

"How do you think I managed to throw the bloody cops of my trail for so long!"

"Until your sister sold you out."

The grin on her face stilled at the painful reminder. It wasn't the fact that she was sold out that hurt, but the reason why she was sold out. Why her sister who she'd protected since the day she was born, willingly chose to wedge a sharp dagger filled with venom, hurt.


The simple reason why she messed with powerful men and people in power, was the exact reason why her sister betrayed her.

Jason.... she didn't know what to make on him. He was unpredictable. And not in a good way. Provoking her this way could end bad. Really bad. Either he was too over his head to notice that, or he had a lot of confidence in her.

"Sore spot?" He asked apologetically, but his eyes weren't in sync with his words. They sold his true feelings out, he was enjoying it. Seeing her in pain. The slight kick of his lips that he was tried to still. He was reveling in her pain. Her anger.

"What do you propose we do?" He asked, slumping against the pale blue wall.

"Getting rid of him is safe.... but risky. It could also be interpreted as an admission of guilt."

"So.... after the press conference?"

"That would be an ideal time." And buy her enough time to get him into a safe place.

"Your cunning. I like you."


'What the hell?'

That was the only thought running through Riley's brain as she looked at the women in the large TV screen that stretched from the wall decor to the thin and long dark blue vase with white acting as a base color.

She looked at the women in dark black blazer and denim jeans with her jaw on the floor.

This was bad. Really bad.

Of all the things they expected, a public press conference wasn't one. Saying he wasn't involved in human trafficking wasn't one. And confessing she had indeed spread the false news most certainly wasn't part of the plan!

Riley tried to even her breathing. The situation was salvageable. She told herself even when she knew how grim it looked.

"Why would you spread false information without getting yours facts checked? Can this be interpreted as negligence in the part of FBI?" The screen flashed to a reporter who sat with their leg over the other.

Riley scoffed at the accusatory word, finding it mind numbingly funny.

She closely watched Casey take in a small breath through her mouth- her eyes unfocused as she rotated her neck making sure to look all the cameras available with her eyebrow kicking up ever so slightly like she was anxious.

Finding the action concerning, she kitted her brows together, carefully moving her eyes over the well dressed women with squinted eyes.

Taking in every inch of her clothes to find what was bothering her. What was so nerve wracking that made her visibly distressed.

Jason stood in the corner of the stage, so it wasn't him.

That's when she noticed the small rythemic taps on the raised part of the podium. Her fingers raised for a moment and fell back down. It was a seemingly innocent one, one that would've easily slipped the naked eye if you weren't paying utmost attention to it or didn't know what it meant.

As Casey's finger tapped against the wood again, Riley understood the pattern Casey was following.

Tap pause tap pause tap tap pause.

As she communicated one alphabet she paused. And after one word she paused for 1 second.

Morse code.

Every FBI agents are supposed to learn to deciper and encode messages in the language by the end of their training and before their first official mission. To communicate with your comrades in the presence of an enemy without their knowledge.

She grabbed a notepad on the side of the table and jotted down the code and stopped after confirming the numbers as Casey repeated the same words again.

It was an encoded message. And contained numbers and alphabets in it.

It didn't make sense when you read it, but when you take the time to separate the words and the alphabets in each word and arranged the number in chronological order, you will get the key.

And then you have to assign the alphabets to their numbers and write them down.

After. Media.

With Media, Casey meant the press conference.


Alejandro- Jason's father. So it as something related to him.


Murder. Her eyes widened at the last word she deciphered.

She jumped to her feet to inform Sean about the news Stat.

The conference could end any minute, she needed fo hurry if they wanted to save him.


"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?" The chief fumed as he bellow out the words on top of his lungs, his face red in anger accompanied by a vein popping out his forehead.

Sean jumped out of his seat, startled at hearing the door slam shut loudly- followed by his chief's angered voice.

"Neligence is a rather strong word. I would use the term misguided. An honest mistake for being being deceived by a craft man-"

"Shut the damn thing off." He hollered. Damn the bloody women! He lost his face in front of his subordinates because of her. If he saw her again....

Sean didn't need to be told twice what he had to do and jerked forward to close the tabs in a hurry.

Silently seething grinding his teeth, the most senior member in the department barked for Riley.

Blowing a breath out of his mouth in resignation, Sean uttered the three words the man surely wasn't looking for or would make him remotely pleased. "She isn't here."

"What?" His tone dropped, as if wondering aloud whether his ears were properly functioning or if he was being deceived.

"Due to safety-"

"Do I look like I fucking care? Get her over here right now, right this instant." He commanded, fury dancing behind his lush green eyes as he opening his mouth to reveal his pale yellow teeth.

"She-" but before he could get another word out he was cut off again, not by the angry bird- but by his phone this time.

Pulling his phone out of his pocket with an irritated- at not being able to finish his sentence- sigh.

"Speak of the devil." He murmured, more to himself than the man who looked eager and ready to bite his throat out.

"Riley-" and for the third time in a row he was cut off. Once by his angry superior, the other by this phone that he feeds every night before going go bed and then by his superior again- but unlike the pervious time, he was interrupted by having his phone whisked out of his hand.

"Get your ass fucking back here." He yelled into the phone.

"Oh chief!" She exclaimed, dumbfounded, not expecting him to pick him Sean's phone. "Alje-"

"I warned you both against going after his until we had something concrete in our hands."


"Get your ass fucking back here and deal with the mess you just created. People are laughing at us!" He stressed every word, horrified.

"Jason's gonna kill his father." Riley spoke up, her voice assertive- loud and clear- as she informed him before he had the chance to interrupt her again.

"And how do you know that?"

"Watch the conference, concentrate on Casey's left hand on the podium. She is using morse code. Is that a good enough concrete evidence, chief?"

Letting her words sink in, his eyes- that had wandered off while be talked to Riley- darted back to Sean.

"Play the video." He ordered in a gruff tone, annoyed. His anger finally coming to a stop and the vein stopped sticking out like a sore thumb.

"Hurry! We don't have time he can send people to kill him any second now."


There was nothing more surprising to Melissa than knowing the stranger who gave her that useless drive was an FBI agent. Moreover, she just confessed the story was fake for all listening ear and even issued an apology.

She shouldn't be as surprised as she was, she told herself. She never doubted Jason in the first place but a confession? She wasn't expecting that. Least of all from the lunatic who insisted he was one mere 48 hours ago.

The timing seemed off. Really off. Maybe it was just herself and she was looking into things that weren't really there- but she didn't expect anyone to turn over a new leaf within 48 hours.

She saw through the corner of her eyes Jason narrate how he didn't like being seen as a perpetrator and had asked Ms. Knight to get his name cleared off. And after another investigation, it was proved that his father had been lying about him being part of the illegal activities so said person stepped forward to speak to the press- something he was thankful for and wouldn't forget very soon.

His explanation was good and even without any holes to the oblivious ears of the bystanders, but Melissa wasn't just a bystander. She knew him.

And knew how he'd spent the past two days.

One day he was busy meeting with clients who loved to barge in on him and the other was spent on assembling the conference. There simply wasn't enough time.

And even if the story was true, why did he have her fetch the FBI agent clothes? And why was she in his house?

"Protection." He answered her second question later in the dressing room.

"And the clothes?" Melissa probed, shifting her weight to her other leg.

"She didn't have time to pack." Came a curt response. Simple and short.

Well if you are on the run from the FBI she suppose it was possible. It made sense in a way, it didn't. It was too clean.

There was no interruption in the conference. FBI that has everyone under it's control surely will know the conference was taking place, wouldn't they?

She has watched too many crime series. Groaning, she told herself. She was becoming too paranoid.

But one thing continued to stick out in the story. More specifically the USB that was shoved into her palm.

If she was truly going to confess spreading wrong information.... why would she insist he was a human trafficker to her?

"What are you thinking about?" He asked her, looking at her through the mirror.

"Nothing." She replied, but her face said something different. She donned a bothered look, one that wasn't missed by Jason.


"I knew FBI at times stooped low, but I didn't know they stooped as low as lying about someone being involved in something so disgusting."

As soon as Melissa entered the room she was given, Casey cranked the volume in her computer- that was given to her by Jason to dig dirt on Riley and Lillian's family- up. The video on loop was of her at the press conference. She wondered if her team had picked up on the morse code yet.

Saying she was anxious was an understatement. She was more than just anxious. Not knowing what her team was doing irked her out of her wits.

Her mission, now, had only two outcomes.

One: it can go well and everyone will be safe and Jason will be jailed. Or even better, dead.

Two: they won't pick up on the code and Jason will triumph over them. And it is only a matter of time before he figures out she was a double agent.

There was just no in-between.

Nonetheless, she had to concentrate on the present. She wasn't yet sure if Jason had bugged the room or not and didn't want to take any risk while talking to his pretty assistant.

"Did you check the USB?" She asked in a monotone, moving her lips as she read the numbers she'd used in the morose code- ensuring she didn't mix the word up.

"There was nothing about Jason. Thank you very much for your hardwork." Tilting her hip to the side, she said with an attitude still salty about suspecting her boss and now suspecting him even more than she did before. All. Because. Of the two faced women. Before her eyes.

"So you did check it out." Casey asked rhetorically, her lips curling upwards to form her smug smirk, as if she'd already expected that much out of Melissa.

"My friend did." She mumbled under her breath, the loud noise stating to aggravate her as she was forced to hear the same thing over and over again.

"You are a smart women, Melissa. I don't doubt you'd recognize an excuse when you hear one."

Rolling her eyes, Melissa cut to the chase.

"You knew I'd come here, didn't you?" She demanded an answer, raising a suspicious eyebrow at the rather calm and composed women who was said to be under protection. She noticed how Mackenzie didn't even bat an eyelash in surprise at her sudden arrival. Seemingly, she knew she's drop by before she herself did.

"You're observant." Casey remarked, recalling the time they interacted for the first time.

"Why did you give me the flash drive?"

"To see if you trust him. Conclusion: you don't." Finally taking her eyes of the laptop she was given, she looked at the women with a pleased expression.

Melissa scoffed out in disbelief, finding the mere suggestion laughable. The FBI agent certainly had more tricks up her sleeve than she had given her credits for.

"Jason Matthews may be the most arrogant, pompous, egotistic, manwhore and possible the worst person you could meet when you catch him on his worst days."

"Go on, I'm still waiting for you to change my mind about him with these undeniably positive qualities."

Ignoring the sarcastic comment, she glared at her before continuing. "But you know what he's not? A rapist."

"I never said he was." Casey acknowledged, folding her arms over her bare stomach. Completely catching Melissa off guard, she clearly wasn't expecting that, rendering her speechless.

Evidently, the only defense Melissa had about Jason was that he was not a rapist. That defense almost cackled her up and she had to bit back the smile that was blooming in the face like a spring flower.

"People can kidnap humans for purposes other than raping them. For example... harvesting their organs."

".....he wouldn't do that?" He had more than enough money to last him a lifetime. He wouldn't stoop that low. He wouldn't engage in illicit activities. Period!

"Really? Then why the first thing you told me was, 'there was nothing about Jason' instead of 'there was nothing about me' or even 'you lied to me'?"

Humans. They were complex creatures. But once you figure their basic characteristics out, it was easier to figure them out.

Don't try to understand them as a whole. Try to see them as pieces in an integrated whole.

Lillian, for example, is always in her own world. The one time Casey met her, she would say with conviction Riley's replica didn't even hear a word she said. She isn't even an active character in the game, just a passive one that follows the waves.

If she had beliefs, she wouldn't change them. Might hear the argument out but would let it flow out of the other ear once the discussion ends.

She didn't have a strong will. Nor did she care about what happens to her. 'What happens will happen' kinda person.

And her assessment had been right when she didn't push Alex away when he kissed her. She wouldn't have pushed him away even if the situation has escalated, choosing to hide away in her shell rather than fight for herself.

She was weak.

Not in a sense she is easily influenced, like seeing a group of people spoke a joint and she will too. She wouldn't harm her body, but would surely let others harm her body. Contaminate and taint it even if the only word she had to use was 'no' to stop them.

If Casey had been that way, she wouldn't even have survived to tell her tale. Then again, she only knew her for 3 seconds so she can't say with certainty. But one redeeming quality of hers, was her indifference.

Casey vaguely remembering letting her eyes drift to the side while watching the hospital scene, only to see Lillian looking in a trance. Unlike her sister who put her heart and soul into the mission, Lillian simply didn't care. That was impressive in a way it shouldn't be, but impressive nonetheless.

The one thing Riley was passionate about since they met was finding her kidnapper and getting to know her parents better, and if Lillian can't put the slightest bit of effort into it.... she wasn't sure if she truly cared about Riley. Or maybe she didn't like Riley getting to know her biological parents better or getting involved with dangerous people. It was certainly one of the two.

Riley, the complete opposite of Lillian, was assertive. She had emotions and she didn't hesitate to act on them. She knows how to choose her battles wisely most of the time.

The one thing Casey admired about her was her passion. She never gave up on those around her. And she acted on her emotions, though it can get annoying when it's in the middle of a mission.

Jason only had his self interest in his mind and resorted to threats and blackmail when things didn't go his way. He wasn't a leader material. He wasn't patient enough, resorting to threats, taking the easy way out in the most crucial phase. Also, he was easily thrown off and impulsive whenever there was an obstacle.

He obsesses over it till it either leaves by itself, or is shattered into pieces. Like his obsession with Riley.

He'd find out soon enough, that being overbearing wasn't a good leadership quality in the long run.

And then there was Melissa.

She didn't belive anything she was. Or even hears. She needed to see it for her to believe it. And there was still no guarantee she would.

She had seen plenty of people screwing themselves over, choosing to believe lies than their intuition. She had an intuitional approach to her problems.

She'd analyze it, breaking it down practically before letting her heart decide in the end. She didn't take things at face value, choosing to assign deeper meaning with each smile and tear.

Casey needed to be patient and sly. Twist her to make her question herself. Make her see Jason's real self.

"My friend wanted to check what you had on her." She explained her eyes darting downwards as she spoke, visibly embarrassed.

"Maybe. But the first thing you mentioned was about Jason. You had Jason in your mind while checking the device out." She wasn't asking, she was stating a fact, even telling Melissa something she had been evading.

"Well- you mentioned him while giving it to-"

"I mentioned everyone's info was in there."

Blowing out a aggravated breath, she sat on the bed. "Alright I checked him. Satisfied?" Looking at her sharply.

And satisfied? That Casey was.

Getting her to come around was the hardest part, and since she did, the rest was easy.

It wasn't that she trusted Melissa that much. No, it was just she trusted Jason and his temper.

"You have questions. Why don't we start with that first?"

"The USB isn't what it is, am I right?" Without missing a beat she fired out her first question.

She chose the right person after all. Casey patted herself in the back at the feat.

"No, it sucks all the data of your gadget and transmits it to another computer, namely the one the device was made for."

"I'm assuming it isn't you." Melissa noted with a deep look, mumbling something under her breath. Something that sounded like 'Jess is going to love this'.

Nodding her head to the side with a impressed look she waited for the next question.

Melissa would surely be a gifted FBI and an asset to their department. She was quick and observant. Two most important quality they look for.

"Why me?" Melissa asked after a few minutes of silence wondering what she should ask. Her quiet tone was that of a disgruntled one, bothered to be in the middle of someone's scheme.

"You're close to Jason. And your smart." Casey answered honestly. Being honest with Melissa was important, she didn't believe her just yet and if she later found out she was lying.....

Being honest was important. It'd raise her odds of triumphing over Jason.

"You want me to steal his files?" Melissa asked slowly, asking if she'd had it right, closing her eyes and emphasized 'me'.

She got off the bed instantly when she was rewarded with a look that screamed 'you got that one right'.

Taking 3 quick steps she let out a scoff.

She mouthed 'me' in a questioning manner, pointing towards herself. Finding the whole prospect of her betraying the man that signs her check every month, unbelievably hilarious.

"I didn't expect you to be on board from the starting." Casey acknowledged with a nod, keeping the laptop on her side as she pulled her legs closer to her.

"Ya think?" She cried out, the loud noise making it impossible for her to think straight. "Can you shut the bloody thing down!" She barked out, shooting an invisible dagger at the person responsible.

Casey gave her an apologetic look as her eyes meaningfully trailed the corners of the ceiling, making Melissa throw her head back in laughter. Not a merciful one or of amusement, but one that was filled with contempt and disbelief.

"You're delusional!" She snarled out.

Casey let out an unsteady breath through her nostrils. It was taking much longer than she had initially anticipated.

"Melissa." She started in a stern voice making the woman in question come to a halt and look at her with a undiciphorable but angry expression.

She shuffled through her brain, in search of the right words that would be convincing but not manipulative. Pleading but not emotionally compelling.

"Like I previously stated, you're smart. You can differentiate right from wrong. Have you noticed any shady people in the company?"

"Like you?" Meilssa bit out snarky, but even she knew exactly what the agent was talking about. It wasn't just a few, it was plenty to fill a board room.

Jason, who hated meeting with people without an appointment, made time for one with a bunch of people the previous ago. Even though he vehemently refused to schedule one with the shareholders to reassure them.

"Touché. I mean ones who wouldn't talk to you but to and only to Jason?"

"Sometimes people don't like to tell mere assistants the reason why they want to meet the CEO."

"Even the purpose of visit? A bunch of people? At once?" Casey knew she hit the nail right in the head when she was meet with a pair of narrowed eye lids.

Yes, she was close. Really close. She didn't need to push Melissa anymore.

"You know the former CEO is in prison because he was the ring leader of the largest human trafficking ring and owned several auction house. He's Jason father-" but before she could complete her sentence she was cut off by Meilssa.

"The mere audacity of yours suggesting him to be like his father is presumptuous!" She spat out, the doubt in her eyes replaced with anger.

"Wasn't where I was going but I feel the same. As someone with a father like Jason's."

Melissa's breath got hitched in her throat at the- no doubt was a painfully- revelation. Her voice was slow- as if she was ashamed. Melissa bit her tongue and heard her out with a tensed look.

"And as you already know, I'm an FBI agent. And as you can see, someone who is not on his side. So why, did I make a statement that says otherwise? What am I doing here? Why am I here?" Holding her with a pointed look that made is unbelievably hard for Melissa to break away as she chewed on her bottom lip.

Yes! She did it.

She succeeded.


How did she go from defending Jason to doubting him? She found herself asking herself the same question for the third time since she felt the room.

The stranger was clever. And deceptive. She found herself questioning reality after talking to her for- what 10 minutes? Certainly didn't feel that way to Melissa.

The way she paused and looked at her as she spoke the last sentence.

'Why. am. I. Here?' She could still hear her voice echoing in the back of her head. In a taunting tone like she'd achieved the Nobel peace price and was looking down the other nominees. Condescending. But she wasn't condescending, per se. She was proud. Exhilarated.

Sucking in air she looked at the man in the portrait with a conflicted expression.

For protection, he'd said.

But was it really for protection? She didn't look like someone on the run. If anything she looked like she was being held hostage.

Pushing the door to his study open with her unsettled stomach churning with a mixture of unnamed emotion.

She didn't want to believe the FBI person but it felt wrong not to. And doubting Jason- something that had never entered her mind- left a bitter taste on her tongue.

For protection, right? Mackenzie was under lock and key for protection... wasn't she?

"What do you want?" Jason didn't even take his eyes of the wide rectangle screen before his eyes. His eyes attached to it like magnets of opposite poles.

"I want to take Mackenzie out for shopping." She announced, boldly. For a short second- only for a short second- she noticed the muscles in his shoulder tense.

The mere suggestion forced him to pry his eyes of the computer and to look at her.

His eyes..... they were feral. Like a wild animals. The corner of his eyes forced wider than its usual size and his eye looking at her through his lids. Sizing her up and down like a helpless lamb to be slaughtered.

She hid back a shiver that forced it's way down her spine- she'll remember that look forever. It was the look that make her fight or flight sense scream at her to run while she still could. While he still let her.

"I thought I already told you she is to not leave the house for safety reasons." He minced the words out. Provoked and hate having his patience tested.

The black aura she was unfortunate enough to witness the other day, returned double fold. The air was much thicker than it was, as he stared at her- daring her to defy him.

"You can't possibly expect me to be running around all day supplying her with things either."

"I'm sorry, that was unthoughtful on my part." He sighed out in regret, moving his hand closer to his face to remove the glasses on his face. The dark aura disappearing mostly, and only a few slightly broken lines of it remained.

But for Melissa, who expected him to bash her out, she was met with conflicted feelings.

Just the thought of him selling women..... it was unimaginable. Unfathomable. Surreal.

"I wanted you run the errands because I trusted you."

...She can't possible betray him now, could she!

There was more to the story. She was certain of that. But whatever it may be,  she wasn't going to get involved. She decided.

She wasn't going to hand the flash drive that was given to her in a silver platter either. She didn't want to get Mackenzie in trouble, for she was certain Jason wasn't as innocent as he let out. His mood has been on the edge ever since she entered the picture.


She's just not going to get involved, either. Whatever the reality is, let it be. It wasn't any of her business.

She wasn't going to get involved.

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