Who Is She?

By MysteriousAuthor356

446K 11.2K 799

Lillian Black was just a child when she lost her innocence. She was just a child when she realized the world... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
The End
Bonus chapter (Riley)
Bonus Chapter (Lillian)

Chapter 67

1.8K 47 4
By MysteriousAuthor356

"You know she heard it, right?" Sean's voice shook her off her thoughts. Though he spoke in an even tone, there were slight hints of perturbation as he made uneven paused between each word.

"Yes...." Riley trailed off, a slight waved of regret started to explode in the pits of her abdomen. The lines were well rehearsed and approved by Casey before hand, but actually saying it out.... it was different.

It made it more real.... a convincing real, something they needed but it doesn't change the fact the words were hurtful. And spoken for the same.

"Is the guy prepared?"

Now that phase one of their mission was complete, they had to prepare themselves for phase 2.

If Casey was right, she would be getting 'manipulated' by Jason to be a double agent.

But not knowing if Casey was safe for sure made way for an unsettling ans uneasy feeling to brew in her chest.

Nevertheless, she needed to have faith. Casey will attack him internally while they take him on externally.

"As ready as one can be." Sean replied in affirmative like he was in a daze.

Before Riley can asking more information regarding the mission, her phone vibrated.

"Hang on, I'm getting a call." She mumbled under her breath, grabbing her phone that she tossed away after the call with Jason.

She sat up straight in surprise as she eyes hovered over the familiar name in surprise.


She let her thumb hang over the red icon for awhile, silently debating if she should pick up or not. Her insides screamed at her to go with the former. Her hunch saying he wasn't calling her to just casually talk about them. Rather, something important.

Blowing a breath out, she slid the green telephone icon and brought her phone closer to her ear.

She'd keep the call professional. She told herself.

For a minute neither of them spoke, letting the silence do the talking in their stead. The heavy silence acted as a bolster between them, harboring their communication more efficiently than any distance could.

There were words that formed in their heads, but they didn't have enough or the right words to say.

"Have you met my dad before?" Alex was the first to break the cold silence.

The words- though it shouldn't have- disappointed Riley who hoped it had something to do with them.


Nodding his head as he leaned against the cold wall, he spoke again. "He knew you."

Riley let out the breath that got trapped in her throat at the sudden dropped bomb.

"He's a good man and he is Vincent's friend. He wouldn't have done... what you're thinking off." He told her. His tone decisive, as if he knew how the message would be interpreted on the other side, and turned silent at the end- unable to get himself to say the word.

Gulping down her saliva. "Thank.. you, for the information." She tried to hide the quiver in her tone.

One of her worst fears came to light. Their speculation. Carl had a good enough motivation to go after Vincent. 

Another wave of silence engulfed them.

"Alex.... about us..." She trailed off, wanting to ask but not sure if she had the right to.

"I need time. This whole thing, is just- a mess." He said with a sigh.

She nodded.

"What if.... your father.." Treading the water lightly she probed.

"I know how this sounds like but I can assure you he is a good man!"

Nodding her head with a tight look she let a tear cascade it's way down her cheek.



"Are you for real?" Riley shrieked out on the early morning in the 4th day of her lockdown.

With a curt nod, Casey confirmed what she said again in a casual tone.

"His father didn't leave him anything in his will, not taking into consideration the 2 dollars. And it was precisely stated if his grandson didn't want to take over his legacy all his business would be automatically transferred to Vincent or his children."

"But I don't understand, how is this connected to my kidnapping?"

"Think again."

Closing her eyes, she put herself in Carl's shoes. She was named the heiress and has been running her father's company for years. And suddenly, it was all stripped away from her and would be given to her friend.

What would be the first emotion she feels?

Betrayal. Anger. Humiliation.

'A man who even his father doesn't trust.' A man who will never succeed in the business world.

But why would Carl's own father do something so cruel and cutthroat.

What can make a father hate his own child?

"He is the patron!" Eyed widened with stark horror, she announced in shaky a voice.

Carl's father, the most influential man of his time investing in a run down company like Vincent's....

Vincent knew.

Carl was the bargaining chip!

Money for silence.

It all made sense.

"Yes." Casey affirmed in a tight voice. "This could be a speculation too, there are chances he's not connected. I'll see if I can find out more." She rushed out.

Riley could hear the papers shuffling as Casey moved around. "Riley, if this is true.... you know what it means right?"

Yea. She did.

Her relationship with Alex would end.


"Should I go all rowdy on him and make him spill the truth?" Sean asked like a thug- so unusual from his usual 'police shouldn't touch civilians unless it's for self defense' self.

"Sure. You might have to get yourself a shovel though." Riley informed laying in her back, pretending the plain ceiling was the endless night sky.

"Too violent." Wincing, he replied.

"And along the lines of too dead."


"Stretch your hands sideways."

Only Casey knew the alarm that spread through her veins because of the seemingly innocent sentence.

Masking any expression off her face she did as she was told.

At times, compliance is better than defiance. And this was one of those times.

He started from her feet. Placing the oddly shaped machine near the inside of her ankle and slowly through it to her inner thighs, ensuring he didn't leave a speck of dust and was thorough in his search.

He did the same with her outer leg, then he brought the metal detector near waist- instantly setting off the red beep in the detector.

He crooned his neck to look at her with raised eyebrow, unamused, like he was already certain she was carrying more things on her than necessary.

Rolling her eyes at the accusatory look she quietly pulled her shirt up a little so the sparkle in the buckle of her belt smiled at him.

Grumbling out something under his breath, he straightened his spine a bit, running the machine over her torso.

Casey's breath got hitched in her throat as the machine cried out yet again, loud and deafening.

She discretely gulped down the saliva that was pooled in her mouth, well aware she wouldn't get out of this one like she did with the belt.

"Nipple piercing." She answered as he shot her with the same look.

Tying his arms around his waist, he gave her an incredulous look. You didn't have to be an FBI to know he didn't believe her, neither did he attempt to mask his disbelief to make it more subtle.

"Are you asking me to show you?" Mimicking his pose, she bit out in a tone of bewilderment.

A feeling of unease started to spread on hot wheels through her veins and settle down inside of her. Growing stronger as the man refused to budge.

"I know my rights! I have the rights to ask for a female officer to check me."

Casey was no longer sure what she was doing other than the undeniable reality she was stalling for time.

"I don't see a female guard here, do you?" Mr. Grumpy looked behind him to add more emphasis to the point, in case his irked tone didn't relay the message.

"I'm not letting a man see my bare chest." She said in a firm tone, standing up straighter hoping it'd get him to back off.

Turning on his heels, he let out an animalistic growl from the back of his throat, clutching the tiny hair in the back of his head.

"I'll do it." The silent women, who sat behind her desk as Casey was dragged by her shoulder, volunteered.

Casey let out an inaudible breath she didn't know she was holding when she looked at the familiar face over the guard's broad shoulder.

Melissa Mendes.

Just the person she was looking for. The rightful owner of the USB. The one who will take Jason down.

Casey wasn't sure where she will be held captive but she was certain Jason wouldn't be bringing anything of value when he does, the only person she could count on the most is his faithful and law abiding assistant, Melissa.

From the interview she had given the previous night, Casey could say with conviction the pretty little assistant didn't know a thing about Jason's illegal business, else she wouldn't be so quick on her heels to defend him.

If she could give the USB to her, half of her mission would be complete. The remaining depended on Melissa and her team.

The data she would be acquiring wouldn't be deemed as an evidence in the court since it was acquired illegally. For it to turn legal, she could only count on the two strangers.

Even if the mission failed but she got the data, she can run his company to the ground with a mere push on a button.

But for him to be legally punished, they needed to be successful in both their missions.

"You seem relieved to see me." Melissa noted- her pencil heels clacking against the tiles as she walked towards her after the door closed with a 'bang'- furrowing her brows together.

"Melissa Mendes." Casey acknowledge her, making the other woman's eyes go wide in horror. "This might be of use to you." Turning around to take the device out of her bra, she added- tossing the USB to Melissa.

Mendes regarded the one inch USB stick with a mix of emotions flashed through her eyes, disgust, humor, confusion.

One important thing she'd noted about humans. They are curious.

Casey couldn't see curiosity at first glance but she could see the confusion slowly turn to curiosity.

That's what she needed!

"It has the information you need answers too." She said, as if to help her arrive to a conclusive conclusion why she had it tossed to her.

It was a lie, of course. The USB was empty and wasn't used to store datas, rather to steal datas. But she highly doubted Melissa had anything of value she could make use off.

But, she needed to do something to ensure she'd visit her again in whatever place she's kept in.

Tapping into her curiosity was the only way.

"What?" Melissa chuckled out in disbelief, moving her hand towards the table to keep the tiny device down.

"Do not." Casey's voice raised a little as she hastily let the words force it's way out of her mouth, her body jerking forward to prevent her from keeping it on the wooden table.

That exaggerated stunt of hers made Melissa clutch onto the device tightly, bringing the hand with the USB closer to her chest as she looked at the women weirdly.

Clearing her throat, "It has information relating to a lot of things." She informed her. Stepping forward so her mouth was closer to her ears, she continued. "Your friends. Family. FBI. Who knows, even you."

Melissa jumped back in alarm, covering the ear which was close to her mouth with widened eyes, scanning Casey from head to toe before she met with the sly look on her round eyes.

The way the stranger chewed out the 'you' had the inside of her begging her to take a slight peak at the information that was in the palm of her hand.

It was wrong. She immediately chastised herself, quieting the voices down.

"Aren't you curious to know if the articles are really true or not?" Taking a step back, she asked with a cunning smile.

"He'd never do it." Shooting her a glare, Melissa defended Jason.

"No? Then why is he so agitated about the articles?"

"Because it accused him of being a human trafficker." Melissa raised her eyebrow, like the answer was obvious and she must be a nut job to even think he didn't have a right to be infuriated at such a damaging rumor. "And his father added fuel to the fire. Who wouldn't be if they were in his place?"

"Right. His father how is convicted after being caught red-handed in an attempt to sell women, is indeed not a legible source."

"What are you getting at?" Narrowing a suspicious eye at her, Melissa slowly let the words fall out. Aware she somehow got involved in something big but unsure what she got herself in at the same time.

"A criminal can't be trusted.... but how about a father?"

"I need to check you." Pushing any irrelevant thoughts on the side she croaked out, gesturing her to spread her arms.

Casey wrapped her finger around the smooth curved curved handle of the machine and placed it near her chest area. And smiled when it didn't let make that annoyingly loud noise.

"I'm clean, don't you want to find out if your boss is too?"

"This is invasion of privacy. You're violating peoples' privacy. It's a crime." Melissa said, dangling the USB infront of her face.

Casey bit back a smile. Melissa was no longer fighting her, she was fighting herself.

"Crime is something your boss is doing. This pales in comparison."


"Feeling better?" Issac inquired, passing the medicine for hangover to Christian- who grunted out a reply, massaging his temple that seemed to explode with small shorts of pain everytime he pressed against it with his finger.

"Did Jason Matthews ask you anything weird?"

"Why are you nagging me about him? Lillian not doing it for you anymore?" Christian hissed out in an annoyed tone, catching him with a sharp look when he chewed out the name with hatred burning in his eyes. 

"Why would you say that?" Narrowing his brows, Issac asked in a low and questioning tone. His chest hair bristled, displeased with the way his friend spoke of his girlfriend.

"Have you seen yourself! You haven't been yourself ever since you started dating her." Throwing his hand in the air, Christian spoke his heart. Everything that has been building up inside him was released in an instant. "For fucks sake there's a cat in our apartment, one that destroyed all our furniture. And it's still here!" Forcing out a chuckle, he snarled. "You're like her dog on a leash."

"Maybe I like being her dog in a leash." Issac stated, fixing him in a steady gaze making it hard for Christian to look away.

Only he knew how true the statement. Lillian has never, not even once, asked him for anything. Even taking care of kitty, it was he who insisted. She was someone who helped people she knew without expecting anything in return.

And hearing her be slandered by something she was innocent of, by his friend no less, sent waves of silent anger pulsing down his veins.

"I can't believe you." Christian snorted out, holding his forehead.

"I can say the same.....it's almost like I don't know you."

"You know what? Ever since she entered the picture you haven't been the same, at all. Hell, you don't even trust me." He bit out, his face morphing to a painful one and his eyes darted to the table in between them.

"Did Jason tell you that?" Taken aback but the outburst, he asked, his eyes slowly widened in realization.

He didn't need an answer, he could already assume how the conversation went and Jason's tactic to crush Christian's trust in him to make him betray Issac.

Too bad, Christian didn't know anything.

"Does knowing that make a difference?" Christian said in a low tone with a scoff filled with self mockery, moving his hand towards the glass of water that Issac had laid upon for him to swallow down the hangover tablet.

Letting out a long inaudible sigh with eyes sealed shut, Issac recalled Riley's advice to not tell Christian anything- and if he chose to do so only tell parts of it. Important details but not their action plan.

Taking one long look at the man that gulped down the water with a forlorn look, he decided telling him was the best decision. He didn't want him to go through anymore pain than he's already going through with his mother planning on filing for bankruptcy.

"Christian...... Jason isn't who you think he is." He started, rubbing his face with his palm. It was a hard decision to make, but- unfortunately- a necessary one.

He didn't tell him about the whole incident, just bits and pieces. That Jason was a kidnapper and he mistook Lillian for Riley and is now after her.

"I can't believe he'd do something like that. And... what about our company?" Christian stuttered, furroeing his brows together with a scared look.

"Lillian is investing in our company in his stead. She's not the monster you made her out to be, she's really nice."

"Right...." He grimaced, holding the side of his neck in embarrassment. "I'm sorry about that."

"Do not say anything rude about her, again." He said in a firm tone, fixing him with hard look, with a hidden promise he'd regret it if he did.

"Right." Christian replied in a clipped tone. "If we are being honest with each other, can I ask you to lock the cat in your room at night? It's just when I leave my door unlocked it somehow manages to get inside and sit on my face as I sleep and when I lock my door it scratches the hell out of it while loudly screeching like someone cut its tail off."

As he explained the situation, Issac threw his head to the side to get a better glimpse of the white fur that laid flat on it's back with it's tiny arms spread open, sleeping innocently like it wasn't just the criminal in question.

He really needed to ask Lillian if it was a common occurrence.

Thinking about her made him miss her more. Although they'd met the previous night, it was different. The reason, and how the night ended.

He wanted to hold her in his arms as she slept with a peaceful look on her face.


'No, she's really quiet when she's with me. And she's super lazy, if I'm not home but Riley was she'd call out for her loudly till Riley finally gave in and came to her.
It's strange.'

Came 2 quick replies one after the other as soon as he asked her.

He trailed the pad of his thumb over the text messages, pretending she was speaking to him as he trailed the soft skin of her face.

He could picture her eyebrow twitch slightly, a very subtle movement you can miss it if you weren't paying utmost attention, as she talked about her cat.

Even through the text, it was obvious she cherished the little demon with all her heart.

'How are you feeling?'

He typed back, changing the subject.


The reply was bland in comparison to the one about her cat.

He traced the message, and gulped painfully when he sound it hard to picture her this time.

There was no emotion. Just a women lying on her side with a plain expression.

Why am I here? He could picture her wondering.

He could feel it. He was losing her.

The progress they had made was being undone, one knot at a time.

He wanted to ask her if she had thought much about what she'd told him last night, if she'd given it more thought. But he didn't want to push her too much. Therapy was a delicate subject, it should be handled with care. So, he changed the subject.

He knew they can't ignore it forever, and the sooner the better, but they'll pretend. Pretend that everything was fine, that everything was OK even if it was for just one day.

'I'm running out of groceries for Kitty. Any suggestions what I should buy?'

'Riley asked you not to leave your building....'

He smiled at the quick reply. She was concerned. He could picture her more clearly now. Her head tilting to the side as she looked at him with her big blue eyes.

'She told me to be careful.'

He typed back, his finger tapping against the semi colon button and close bracket to form a winking emoticon as he quoted Riley's phrase.

Yea, this was enough for him. The progress wasn't completely undone.


Around 10 minutes before Jason clocked out for the day the door to his office slightly cracked open.

He didn't even have to ask who it was, knowing full well no one would enter his office without his permission other than his overly willful assistant.

"Let yourself in, why don't you!" He dragged the words sarcastically, his lips pressed thin. Not in anger but not necessarily pleased.

He appeared to be in a good mood, at having one of Lillian's men at his disposal.

"I did." She said the obvious, closing the door behind her with a stuffed cover in her hand. "This came for you." She said, passing the cover towards him.

Right! He'd asked for his father's visitors. Despite his age, the old man was surely fast on his foot.

Like a dog on a leash, he was loyal to his owner- whoever who held his leash. Jason thought to himself, haughty.

Muttering a reply, he dispersed her for the day.

His eyes slightly widened as he realized something. "What did Mckenzie give you?" He asked in a low tone, cold enough to freeze Antarctica's melting icecaps.

A shiver ran down her spine, stilling her from making any abrupt movement.

Mackenzie- whom she was assuming was the stranger- gave the flash drive to her in secrecy, the stranger had kept it a secret from Jason.

Craning her head over her shoulder she could almost see a dark aura radiating off him. Dark rays bouncing off of him as he glowered at her with a dangerous gleam in his eyes, making her hold her breath unconsciously.

"The... stranger?" She asked for confirmation, pretending she wasn't scared to be in his presence. Pretending her voice didn't tremble when she spoke.

For the first time since she started working for him, she saw him in a different light.

"That's right. I saw her slip something into your hand, what was it?" Leaning back against his chair, he spoke again. His eyes not leaving hers, trapping her in invisible shackles.

Melissa thought back to the flash drive she was given, and she had a bad feeling.

She was petrified. For the stranger, Mackenzie.

A omen so strong she couldn't bring herself to just ignore it.

"You were watching us?" Evading the question, she accused him. But her voice wasn't as strong as she hoped it was, it came out weak. Aghast and scared.

That wasn't how she used to feel when she was with him before. Though be was a bit of an ass, he wasn't so..... chilling, so fearsome.

"Only because you were taking too long." He replied in a nonchalant tone, so different from his aura that dominated the room.

If she had any thoughts on giving the flash drive to him previously, she changed her mind.

"Your turn."

Biting her teeth, she tried to think of a convincing lie.

"She gave me her nipple stud." She answered in a quiet tone, looking away. Repulsed by his changed demeanor.

He didn't look like he believe her, but due to her clear track record, he didn't push her.

"Want me to drop you home?" He then asked, tilting his head to the side with a smile that revealed his crooked teeth that made him look innocent.

"No, my friend's coming to pick me up." She lied through her teeth, puzzled by the quick change in aura. So quick she almost thought she was dreaming the whole threatening aura. 

Goosebumps rose on her hand, she didn't feel safe being there.

With him.

In a closed space.

Jason watched her scramble our the door with indifference.

'If she proves to be trouble, he'd would have to do something about it. Assitant or not. Likable or not. He couldn't afford to take risks, not with how things are going.'

With that thought he slid the cover towards himself.


"Why did you call me over?" Came the voice of her curious novel writer friend- breaking her out of her bubble of thoughts.

She had been so consumed with her thoughts she hadn't even heard the door open!

Still in disbelief about what happened that day, she narrated the entire scene with the stranger and the strange episode with her boss, also trying to make sense out of it herself.

Jessica- thank god- blinked rapidly in disbelief and wasn't gushing about how 'domineering' he was.

"Hold up, let me see if I got it right. Yesterday you defend the man in front of the world, anyone would think there's something more going on between you two and today he goes 'i don't trust you'?" She shrieked out and it was Melissa's turn to give her a 'that's what you got from this?' look. "Uhmm, did you see the interview mister?!"

Trailing her eyebrow with the pad of her thumb, agitated and jaded she grumbled out with closed eyes. "We are concentrating on the stranger, Jessy. The stranger."

"Yea.." Stopping the rant Jessica trailed off with a sheepish smile. It'd make a good erotic novel, the leads engaging in a verbal fight and the love interest cutting the other off with a kiss. Telling the other they don't want to fight as the kisses got lower and lower-

"This is not an erotic novel!" Melissa exclaimed- regretting her decision to call the curious chalk out of other sensible ones in the box.

"Sorry. You were talking about a flash drive.....?"

"Yes. It's in my bag." Running her finger over loose curls, she replied.

The flash drive..... she wondered what was in there for Jason to act the way he did.

She gulped as the H T word entered her brain. She immediately shook that thought. He'd never do something so disgusting.

Jessica fished out the USB and brought it over to the sofa where Melissa was sitting.

"This is tiny." She said, assessing it.

"She said it contains informations about everyone. FBI, you, me. You name it."

Jessica looked doubtful but excited nonetheless. The thought of someone stalking her was disturbing but heat pulsated to her lady parts at the mere thought. It was straight out of the dark romance section.

"You need to get yourself evaluated by a psychiatrist!" Exclaimed Melissa with a sigh of disbelief.

"Hey, don't judge me!"

"It's getting harder not to."

"It's just nice to know someone thinks I'm interesting enough to keep tabs on me." To add to her defense she wiped away an invisible tear dramatically.

"It's disturbing." Melissa lectured, internally giving up.

"And forbidden."

"Stop." She sighed out, bringing her palm closer to her face.

She understood why she called Jessica over specifically, though she was a slave to forbidden novel tropes and she made her forget about the whole incident with Jason.

She calmed her down, without even trying.

"What are you planning on doing with it?" Jessica asked, showing her the device that brought the devil out of her boss.

She didn't even think for a second she wanted to check it out, but Jason's outrage compelled something inside of her too.

"I don't know." She said with a helpless look. And she truly didn't. Violating someone's privacy isn't something she was willing to do. No matter how weird Jason was.

"If you say so." Jessica shrugged, plugging it to her laptop that she'd brought with her- like she normally does when she had deadlines to meet but didn't want to miss out hanging with friends.


"Hey lady, if you don't want to see what she has on you, that's your issue. I want to know what she has on me!"

"You're participating in a crime!" Melissa cried out.

"If looking into myself gets me thrown in a daunting prison, then so be it."

Seeing how resolute she was being, Melissa gave in. A tiny wave of curiosity hitting her, she leaned forward to see if there was anything about Jason.

She didn't look for confirmation. She told herself. Just.... to see if there was anything dodgy written about Jason. Not that she didn't belive him!

The keyboard made a sound as Jessica's finger rhythmically moved across the alphabets in a fast pace.

She moved the key using her smooth surface on her laptop to press 'Files' and then the new folder that appeared in the middle of the screen.

The eager look on Jessica's face turned to an unhappy one when the folder came up empty.

"There's nothing in it!" She exclaimed, gently throwing it over the coffee table.

Melissa clicked her tongue, covering her eyes using her palm. She had been played.

Gosh, how silly of her to almost belive there was something odd about Jason because of the stranger.


"You know what else should be illegal? Hyping people up! Or lying about information!" Remarked her disgruntled friend after shutting her laptop down, crossing her arm over her chest with a huff.

"I can't believe it." Melissa admitted in dismay.

"Hey, what if....." Jessica started, the excitement that shone in her eyes screamed trouble to the other women, gesturing with her hand- asking for some encouragement.

"If?" Rolling her eyes, she obliged.

"She did this to get your attention?"

"My attention?" Melissa's ears perked to the suggestion. If the stranger needed her attention, she certainly got it. Hell, she would've gotten it if she'd asked for it!

"Ya know." Jessica asked, making a face. Puckering her lips and looking at Melissa's lips with a nod.

She looked puzzled, but soon horror crawled through the insides of her chest.

"No." She said, firm.

"Hey, it's alright! It's common."

"No, Jessy." She repeated with a glare.

What made her think this friend of hers could come with a practical conclusion that didn't involve sex?


The computer of the stranger pinged, indicating a message and the alarm he had connected to his computer, if anything related to blood rose (Casey's hacker name) came up, shone red.

"She is quick." He muttered under his breath, impressed as ever at her capability.

She could be much more than a mere FBI agent if she wished.

Keeping the milk carton back in the fridge he took long steps towards his computer room, trying to not knock anything off in the messy apartment.

He was instructed to send the files he finds to her FBI system, where other techies would take care of said files.

But as a hacker, he always checked the information he collected before he forwarded the message to his clients.

Hence, he clicked open one among the dozen of files that reeked of the crimes.

'What an organized person.' He thought to himself in awe, there was a prolonged summary and even more content. 'What an organized way to go down.'

But as his eyes skimmed through the pages he realized something was wrong.

They weren't just organized, they were articulated and written in POVs. The girl starting out reluctant but getting more louder with each....

With horror evident in his face, he scrolled to the bottom where it was wrapped nicely with a thank you.

What a polite mobster. He thought to himself sarcastically.

If that wasn't enough, in the next slide there was 'know more about the author' page.

'What..... did I just read?'


Casey didn't expect to be locked up in a fancy place, let alone in his home.

No matter how cliche it sounded; even the living room was big, if not bigger, than her entire apartment.

"Jason informed me you will be living with us for the time being and to prepare a room for you." And gentle and meek voice forced her to break her awe stricken face to look at the familiar face of the housekeeper, who had her hand stretched out, asking her to follow her.

Vanilla Ken, 56 years old.

Casey doubted Vanilla would help her, aware of her family situation. Her son is a gambler who frequents one of Jason's casino. In short, he didn't have money and he borrowed from the not so nice guys and found himself in a sticky situation when he couldn't pay back his debt.

Jason promised her no harm will be done to her son and to just get him to pay off his debt while he takes care of the thugs. So even if Vanilla did know about his nefarious activity, she highly doubted she'd help her taking into consideration the goodwill he bestowed upon her in her time of need.

Casey wasn't sure if the room had any hidden cameras and not wanting to put herself in a risky position by fidgeting around uncomfortably, she laid on the bed covered in a white sheet with a lost look on her face to show Jason she was still dismayed at the fact 'Lillian' abandoned her.

She didn't know when she fell asleep but when she woke up, she was awaken with a startle with Jason standing in the room with the door open wide.

"You met with my father?"

This voice was haunting enough to send chills down her spine and her hair in the back of the neck to raise up in fear.

Eyes widened, she hoisted herself with with the help of her hand, her heart beat being the only sound she could hear. She squinted her eyes to help herself see better in the dark room with only the dim light from the living room beaming into the room.

Despite what she'd expected, she was met with a crafty look.

She responded with a nod. Uncertain what he had in his mind.

"Let's hold a press conference." He said with a sly smirk, as if testing her if she will be loyal to him. His eyes running over her reclined figured, calculating her worth, if she'd be of any actual use to him. "You say the story is made up."

Besides the fact the story IS made up, confessing that would equivalent to shooting herself in the foot. Especially, since she didn't have conclusive evidence he was in fact involved in human trafficking.

The same story she'd planned on using to sway Melissa to team up with her..... if she confessed in front of everyone.......

She shuddered to think of the consequences.

Not only will the public not give news about Jason any time of their day, nor will Melissa give her a chance.....

But she didn't have an option.

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