Day Is Gonna Come

By TheQuietHufflepuff

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Between the son of an archangel and an open portal to a different world, the Winchesters are in for more than... More

Aesthetic and Playlist
01. Lost and Found
02. The Rising Son
04. The Big Empty
05. Advanced Thanatology
06. Tombstone
07. War of the Worlds
08. The Scorpion and the Frog
09. The Bad Place
10. Good Intentions
11. Unfinished Business
12. Beat the Devil
13. Exodus
14. Let the Good Times Roll
15. Stranger in a Strange Land
16. Gods and Monsters
17. The Scar
18. Mint Condition
19. Nightmare Logic
20. Optimism
21. Unhuman Nature
22. Byzantium
23. The Spear
24. Nihilism
25. Damaged Goods
26. Prophet and Loss
27. Lebanon
28. Ouroboros
29. Peace of Mind
30. Don't Go Into the Woods
31. Game Night
32. Absence
33. Jack in the Box
34. Moriah
35. Back and to the Future
36. Raising Hell
37. The Rupture
38. Atomic Monsters
39. Proverbs 17:3
40. Golden Time
41. Last Call
42. Our Father, Who Aren't in Heaven
43. The Trap
44. The Heroes' Journey
45. The Gamblers
46. Galaxy Brain
47. Destiny's Child
48. Last Holiday

03. Patience

65 2 0
By TheQuietHufflepuff



A woman, Dede, adjusted a framed picture of herself and Missouri Moseley on the mantle. A bell rang in the shop and a man entered. She turned and appraised him.

"Hello?" the man called.

"Sorry, I was just closing up," Dede replied. The man looked disappointed and he turned to leave. She gave him a look. "Oh, but, come in." The man looked unsure but turned. "Seems like something's on your mind."

"Yeah. A lot, actually."

Dede gestured for him to sit. They were seated at a table facing each other. Dede was dealing tarot cards. "So, what can I help you with?"

"Shouldn't you know already? Sign outside says you're psychic."

"I'm a psychic counselor, not a mind-reader. I read energies, auras."

"Can you read mine?"

"Close your eyes."

The man closed his eyes and leaned forward. Dede held her hands on either side of his head. The blue aura she saw turned red and the wraith's true face was revealed. He stabbed her hand, trapping it on the table. She screamed.

"Can't let you run away, especially now that I know," the wraith said, getting up and moving behind her. She struggled, crying and tried to beat him away.

"No, no, please no," Dede begged.

He restrained her and kissed her head. "You're the real deal."

"Please no, please don't."

The wraith pulled her head back by her hair. "Shut up."

A spike came out of his hand. Dede trembled. "Please, you don't have to. Please."

The spike pierced the back of her neck and she screamed.


Dean was sitting in his room on his bed with headphones on. Numerous empty beer bottles were set on the floor near the bed. He added another one to the pile. Jack was in another room in the bunker. He turned to the door as two people knocked on it.

"Who is it?" Jack asked.

"Hey it's us. Uh, Sam and Seylah." Sam opened the door slowly as he carried a laptop, Seylah following. "Hey. Just checking in. You haven't come out since we set you up. That's fine, I mean it's all been... pretty insane I'm sure. But, um... Anyway, I brought you something. Please, have a seat."

Sam and Seylah entered the room. Jack sat on the bed.

"Before you were born, your mom left you a message. We know you have a bunch of questions and hopefully this is the start," Seylah told Jack with a smile.

Sam handed over the laptop and a pen drive to Jack. Jack stared at the pen drive in confusion.

"Right, yeah. Here I'll um... There you go. Just push this button, right here, whenever you're ready." Sam plugged in the pen drive and he and Seylah moved to leave.

"Thank you," Jack replied.

Sam and Seylah waited in the doorway as the video began to play.

Kelly was on the screen. "Hi Jack, it's uh... I'm your mom. I guess I should tell you, um, I always wanted to be a mom. I'd play with dolls. I was that kind of girl and daydream about my baby."

Jack was emotional on viewing his mother; Sam received a call and moved away from the doorway, where he and Seylah had been watching Jack.


"Sam Winchester? It's good to hear your voice," Missouri said.

"Missouri. Wow, it's been uh..."

Missouri was outside. It was dark out. "I know, a long time. Sorry to be a stranger."

"That's all right, how are you?"

"Honestly? I could use some help." Missouri was outside the psychic office. There were police and emergency service vehicles outside. A gurney was being taken into the house.


Jack was still watching the video Kelly left for him.

"Jack, don't let anyone tell you who you're supposed to be. Because who you're supposed to be isn't fate, it isn't me, it isn't your father. You are who you choose to be. And I know you're going to okay. You are going to be amazing. You have an angel watching over you."


Sam was sitting at the table on the phone. Seylah was in an armchair with a small pout. Sam had pulled her away to let Jack have a moment alone with his mother's video. Dean walked in with a questioning look.

"Yeah, yeah, no I hear you. Yeah, thank you Jody. Yeah." Sam hung up the phone, looking bemused.

"What's up?" Dean asked.

"You'll never believe this. I got a call from Missouri Moseley."

"Wow. What's it been, like a decade?"


Seylah frowned. "Who's that?"

Dean glanced at her. "Psychic who told our dad about the supernatural." He turned to Sam. "How is she?"

"Not great," Sam replied. "She said that she got out of the life for a while but something happened and she needed help with a case, so I put Jody on it."

"Why would you do that?"

"Because we need to stay here. We need to help Jack learn how to control his powers. Jody can handle this."

"Yeah, maybe she can. Or maybe she ends up dead because you wanted to skip out on her to babysit the antichrist and your daughter."

They exchanged a look. Sam looked exasperated. Seylah glared at her uncle.

"Dean, we need him."

"No, don't."


"Don't. You... If you want to stay here and Mr Miyagi this kid, knock yourself out. I didn't sign up for that. So I'm going to go to work."

Dean walked off. Sam looked dismayed.

The Impala drove down the road.


Jody was talking to an agent standing in front of a police car. "I appreciate the favor. Thank you very much." Jody walked towards Missouri. "I talked to him, everything's okay. So the victim, Dede, was a friend of yours?"

"My protégé, she was like a daughter to me. The closest of kin I had in my life these days," Missouri replied.

The Impala drove up to where they were standing.

"I always did love that car," Missouri said.

Dean got out of the Impala and walked towards the two women.

"Dean Winchester!" Missouri exclaimed.

"Missouri. Jody. I'm not sure which one to hug first. Hey." Dean hugged Missouri at Jody's side.

"Oh honey, I'm sorry for your losses. And congratulations on the niece."

"Ah leave it to a psychic to cut right through the small talk huh?"

Missouri smiled.

"Come here," Jody told him.

"Hey," Dean greeted.

Dean and Jody hugged.

"How're you doing?" Jody asked.

"Dandy," Dean replied.


"What'd the sheriff have to say?" Dean questioned.

"Victim was found with a hole at the base of her skull and her brain's... Sorry." Jody glanced apologetically at Missouri.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Missouri wondered.

"Wraith?" Dean guessed.

Missouri nodded.

"No forced entry," Dean noted.

"Excuse me, dear. " Missouri walked to the front door and placed her hand over the doorknob. Her eyes were closed.

Dean said to Jody, "Missouri reads objects. It's kinda her thing."

Missouri saw a vision of a shadowy man which focused into the wraith. She opened her eyes and walked back the room. "He pretended to be a customer, said he needed help. Dede always was a soft touch." She closed her eyes again and saw a vision of the wraith with his spike out. "He is a wraith. But he's picked a up a taste for our kind."

"He feeds on psychics?" Jody asked.

"Yes, he does." Her eyes opened, she ran her hand over the table and brushed a blood stain on it. Her eyes closed again and she saw a vision of a house. As she concentrated harder, she saw Dean at a gas station and the wraith. "Oh, oh."

"Missouri, Missouri, you okay?" Dean inquired.

Missouri continued to see visions. She saw the wraith and then a man, James, lying dead with his throat slit. "James!"


Sam, Seylah and Jack were present. Seylah was sitting across from Jack. Jack was seated while Sam walked towards him with a pencil in hand.

"Train me. To what?" Jack wondered.

"I've seen what you can do, Jack. You're powerful, but you have to learn to control it. You know, to focus," Sam told him.

"So I don't hurt anyone, anymore."

"Exactly. See this pencil? I want you to move it. With your mind." Sam placed the pencil on the table in front of Jack.

"That's it?"

"That's it," Seylah and Sam said.

Jack looked at the pencil intensely while Sam and Seylah appraised him. He glanced at Sam and Seylah and they nodded towards the pencil encouragingly.


Missouri was holding a phone. She called a number.


James picked up the phone. "Hello?"

"James? Baby?" Missouri said.


"I know. I'm not supposed to call, but this is important."

"Let me guess. You had a vision."

"Yes, you have to believe me. James something bad is coming. It's coming for you and Pai...."

James hung up the phone. Missouri sighed and returned to where Dean and Jody were waiting. She handed them a slip of paper.

"I want you to go to Buckhead, Georgia. This is the address. My son James, he lives there with my granddaughter, Patience. This wraith, he'll be coming for them. That's what I saw," Missouri told them.

"All right well, let's go," Dean said.

"No, I'm... It... I just complicate things. James won't have anything to do with me."

"Why not?" Jody questioned.

"He has his reasons. I'll just stay behind, say my farewells to Dede."

"No, I don't like that at all," Dean replied.

"You don't have to like it. You just have to do it. You save my family, you hear me, Dean Winchester?"

Missouri was pointing at Dean. Jody glanced at him. He looked at Missouri and nodded. "Yes ma'am."

"Good. And thank you."


Jack had his hand over the pencil on the table and was concentrating hard, trying to move it. Sam and Seylah were watching him.

"I can't. Nothing. I'm useless," Jack said.

"All right. Jack, when you did use your powers, what was it like?" Sam asked.

"I don't... It was like, breathing, blinking. It just happens."

"Even with Asmodeus, that just happened?" Seylah questioned.

"No, he made me. It was like, like he was in my head."

"Okay um, then uh... Imagine him doing that," Sam told Jack.

"No!" Jack cried.

"No? Why not?"

"Because I don't want to! It's just... I can't do this! And you two keep staring at me, waiting!"

Jack was flustered. Sam and Seylah looked at him and Sam placed his hand on the table. "You know what, let's take a break."

Sam got up and walked out of the room. Jack looked surprised. He turned in his chair to face Sam's back and Seylah remained at the table.

"Really?" Jack asked, surprised.

"Yeah, I'll get some food. Just. You stay here, try to relax. When I get back, we'll try again," Sam replied from the doorway, leaving the room.

Jack turned back slowly to look at the pencil, immobile on the table.

After a moment, Seylah asked, "You wanna watch Scooby-Doo?"

Jack smiled. "Yes, please."


The wraith walked towards the house in the dark. Inside, Missouri was standing near the mantle, looking through Dede's things. She took some stones out of a roughhewn pouch. "My thematic gems."

The door to the office opened and closed. A bell rang in the shop and the wraith entered. Missouri looked resigned and scrunched her face up as the wraith came to a stop a few paces behind her.

"Hello." Missouri turned to face the wraith and walked towards him. "You can spare me. I know what you are and why you're here."

"Oh. And why is that?" the wraith wondered.

"You're going to kill me."

They both looked into the mirror on the wall next to them. The true face of the wraith was seen.

"Well then, I guess it's time to, you know... Scream," the wraith said.

"No, there'll be none of that. I've seen how this turns out. I run, you catch me, I die. I stay, I die. But this way my people, they're going to murder your ass," Missouri replied.

The wraith lifted his hand up, brandishing his spike. "You sure about that?"

"I am."

"You know this would be a lot more fun if you screamed."


The wraith lunged forward and there was the sound of someone being stabbed.


A whistle sounded from the gym. A girl, Ronson, carrying a volleyball left the gym, looking disgruntled. She saw Patience, carrying some books, coming up the hallway.

"Oh hey!" Ronson greeted.

"Hey," Patience answered.

"Where are you coming from?"


"Why'd I even ask?"

"How was practice?"

"Uh, heinous. Coach kept riding my serve, says we, oh and I quote, suck, this year."




"Oh yeah. If only we had a killer setter on the team, some, some secretly athletic bookworm, to carry us to victory."

Patience reached her locker and was rummaging around in it. After saying her bit, Ronson gestured grandly at Patience.

"Ronson, I was twelve," Patience said.

"And the best volleyball player I've ever seen," Ronson replied.

Patience chuckled. "It's senior year, I have five AP classes plus volunteering, I do not have time."

While Patience was talking, Ronson moved back slowly. She threw the ball at her. Patience turned and caught it, looking exasperated.

Ronson was astounded. "See?"


"You're freaking Wonder Woman!"

Patience cocked her head and smiled.

"It's such a waste." Ronson added.

Patience threw the ball back to Ronson and laughed. She shouldered a bag. Ronson looked disappointed.

"Need a lift?" Patience asked.

"Nah," Ronson replied, sniffing her shirt and made a face. "I am ripe. Gotta hit the showers, later!"


Patience was smiling. She closed her locker as Ronson jogged down the hallway. She adjusted her bag as the lights flickered. She turned towards the hallway. "Hello?"

The lights continued to flicker. Patience looked around in apprehension. She began to walk slowly down the hallway. She looked down and saw a blood trail on the floor. They led to a dead Missouri who was sitting with her eyes closed. Suddenly she opened her eyes and looked at Patience.

"Patience," Missouri called.

Patience was shocked. She opened her mouth to scream and the wraith grabbed her from behind, his spike extended.


Patience sat upright as she woke up from the dream. She was breathing heavily. An alarm, set for 6:00 began beeping. She turned it off and tried to shake off the dream. "Okay."


James was sitting at a desk in front of a computer. Patience, dressed for the day and with a bag walked into the room.

"You're working from home?" Patience asked.

"Yeah, I have a client call in a few. How'd you sleep?" James questioned.

"I had a nightmare, actually. Grandma was there."

"Oh, it's just a dream."

Patience gave a small smile and left the room. James was lost in thought.


Dean set down a six-pack of beer, some chips and snacks on the billing counter. The news was playing on a television behind the counter. Dean indicated the Impala outside. "And uh, twenty on the pump."

A newscaster said, "There have been two murders in the last twenty-four hours, both at the same local business. The latest victim has been identified as Missouri Moseley. She was found dead at the scene. Now, we'll have more information as soon as we get it but investigators are on scene."


"And you know what, she knew it. She, I mean I could've protected her," Dean said.

"Do you want to head back?" Jody asked.

"No. No, Missouri wanted me to save her family. That's exactly what I'm going to do."

The Impala drove away from the Gas-n-Sip.


Dean and Jody were outside James' door. Dean knocked and James opened the door. "James Turner. We need to talk."

"Look, whatever you're selling I'm not interested." James tried to close the door but Dean held it open.

"It's about... It's about your mom. Missouri sent us, she's..." Jody was cut off.

"Dead," Dean interrupted. "A wraith got her."

"Look whatever game you're playing here, I talked to my mother yesterday," James told them.

"She died last night. Nine pm, according to the coroner's office."

"I... No, I... I hung up on her."

"James, I need you to listen to me. Missouri sent us because the thing that killed her, it's still out there. It's coming for you and your daughter," Jody warned.


Ronson and Patience were walking down the hallway; the scene is reminiscent of Patience's dream.

"Not even Amen? I've seen him drooling all over you in chem lab," Ronson said.

"He's cute..." Patience admitted.

"No, no, no, he's hot. Crazy hot," Ronson replied in disbelief.

They reached Patience's locker and stopped. She opened it.

"Okay, he's hot but when am I finding the time to deal with some high school boy's crush? Besides, that boy is failing chemistry."

"Like that matters."

"Matters to me."

Ronson sighed, then sniffed her shirt. She made a face and walked away from Patience down the hallway.

"Where're you going?" Patience asked.

"Ugh, I am ripe. I gotta hit the showers, later!" Ronson said.


Patience looked perplexed. She continued to look inside the locker when she heard a whisper calling her name. She looked up. "Hello?"

She heard Ronson's dialogue about hitting the showers and remembered her dream. The place where she saw Missouri was empty but she heard her voice calling her name again. She looked back and breathed out, deciding it was nothing. She returned to her locker and continued to put her books back. "Okay."

She took a single book out and shut the locker door. Behind it, the wraith was waiting with his spike extended.


The wraith slammed Patience against the row of lockers and covered her mouth with his hand, shushing her. "Good girl."

Patience kicked him in the groin and punched his face. She dodged his counterattacks and ripped the spike from his wrist. Black blood gushed out and the wraith screamed in pain. He ran after Patience and caught her, knocking them both to the ground. He sat atop her and restrained her hands.

He held up the hand with the remains of the spike. "This hurts like hell. But don't worry, it grows back."

Dean's gun shot a bullet. The wraith took the bullet in his back and yelled. He got up and ran down the hall towards the exit. Dean ran after the wraith. Jody hurried to where Patience was lying on the floor and helped her up.

"You okay?" Jody asked.

The wraith grabbed a mop from a bin at the end of the hallway and used it to barricade the exit door after he left. Dean looked at him through the glass but the wraith ran away before he could shoot.

Dean ran back up the hallway. "I got it, stay with her."

Dean ran down a stairwell and through a locker room. He exited the school and looked around the parking lot they were on. The noise of wheels was heard and Dean was held in the lights of a van that was heading straight for him. He dove out of the way and watched as the van left.


Dean returned to where Jody and Patience were waiting. Patience looked rattled.

"We lost him. Did you get a good look at him?" Dean asked.

"Yeah, uh he um, he tried to stab me with that," Patience said, pointing to the spike.

The wraith's spike was lying on the floor, trailing black fluid. Jody picked it up and looked at Patience in surprise and admiration. "Wait, you...? Wow."

"All right, well that thing might come back, so..." Dean warned, trailing off.

"Why?" Patience wondered.

"Well, all we know is that he stalks psychics," Jody told her.

"Psychics? Then what does he want with me?"

"What do you think?" Dean asked.

"I... No, I'm not... I get déjà vu sometimes but that's normal. I'm normal."

"Your grandmother was psychic and she sent us to protect you," Jody informed.

"My grandma said she was psychic but she's a fraud. She doesn't care about me, she ditched me. Me and Dad, right after Mom died."

Dean and Jody looked surprised and Dean said, "Okay, this woman you're describing, that walked out on her family? That's not who Missouri was at all."

"Why do you keeping saying 'was'?"


Sam was sitting at a table watching a live camera feed of Jack and Seylah sitting at the table in the other room, on a laptop. Sam had a book, The Drama of The Gifted Child, next to the laptop. He opened the book and read it in front of the laptop screen. When he moved the book, Jack had disappeared from the table where he was sitting. Sam threw the book down and hurried to the room.

"Jack? Jack! Jack!" Sam called.

Jack wasn't sitting at the table anymore. He was sitting on the floor in the corner of the room, hidden in the shadows. Seylah was standing across from Jack, looking surprised. Sam noticed him.

"Jack, what're you doing?"

Jack was holding the pencil. "I moved the pencil."

"Okay, look. I know this isn't exactly fun-"

"No, it's the opposite of fun."

"Okay, but why is it so hard? I've seen you throw people across the room. I've been thrown across the room by you. I've seen you open a gate to hell and now nothing? It doesn't make any sense."

"It makes sense, if I'm evil."


"Just, go. Please."

"No, Jack. Why do you think you're evil? Because when Sey and I look at you, that's not what we see."

"Yeah well, Dean sees it. That's why he says... he said he'd kill me."

"He what?" Sam and Seylah asked.

"And maybe he should. Mom said I could be good, that I had the choice to be good, that it was up to me. But she's dead, because of me. I've only been on earth for a few days and I've already hurt people. I've already done bad things, and no matter how hard I try I can't... I can't do the one good, stupid thing you two want me to. So I must be evil, like Lucifer."

"Jack, listen, Asmodeus tricking you, Dean, none of that is your fault. I think that uh, after everything that's happened you're probably scared to use your power, and me pressuring you certainly isn't helping," Sam told him.


"Really. What do you say we call it? Until I figure out a better way. How does that sound?"

"It sounds... good."

"Good. Come on."

Sam and Seylah offered their hands to Jack, who took them and stood.

"Sam, Seylah, why are you being so nice to me?"

Sam glanced at him. "Because I know what it feels like, to feel like you don't belong. To feel like there's this darkness inside of you, to be scared of who you are, what you can do. Dean, Seylah, Cas, my family helped me through that. So now I want to help you, because you're not evil, Jack."

Seylah smiled. "You're a good person. I can tell. And that's fine enough for me."


Jody and Dean were watching Patience and James talk.

"You told me she left us, but they say... Dad? Is it true?" Patience asked.

"Yes," James replied.

"You said she was fake!"

"She was! At least, I felt like she was, after. I always believed in her powers, I had total faith in them but... they were wrong. "

"What do you mean?"

"When your mother got sick, Grandma told me, she said, 'Tess will be all right.' She promised me, but then Tess... She apologized after, she said nothing's ever set in stone but I, I couldn't forgive her."

"So you cut your mother out of her life?" Dean asked.

"This whole time I could have had a relationship with her," Patience said.

"Growing up with her, she was always on the road, hunting! I spent my entire childhood terrified of monsters, of losing her. I didn't want that life for you, I... I didn't want her encouraging-" James was cut off.

"Encouraging what!"

"Grandma believed... She felt you had the gift."

"Oh my God."

"But you didn't. Baby, you don't. I mean, you're eighteen! If you had powers, we'd know it by now."

"My dream, last night? I saw what happened before it happened. I-"

"Your daughter is psychic, that's why the wraith is coming after her," Jody informed.

"So we run. We can work all this out later but right now get your things, we need to go," James decided.

Patience looked at Dean and Jody, unsure.

"Patience, I said now!" James ordered.

Patience turned and left to her room. She stood a few seconds and walked to her trophy shelf. There was a framed photo of James and her on the shelf. She opened a box on the dresser and took out a talisman which she held in her palm. She closed her hand over it.


A young Patience saw her grandmother Missouri and father James arguing in front of her.

"James, you can't," Missouri said.

"I can. I have to. Patience, she's... she's all I've got," James replied.

"You have me!"

"I don't want you influencing her, poisoning her. You need to say goodbye."

"James..." Missouri had tears in her eyes. She walked up to Patience, smiling. "Hey baby, I got something for you." Missouri placed the talisman in Patience's hands. "I promise, no matter what happens, no matter where I go, I will always look out for you. You hear?" Patience nodded and Missouri gave her a hug.


Patience smiled sadly as she looked at the talisman. She pulled a suitcase out from under the bed and unzipped it on the bed. She opened her closet. The wraith was in her closet, his spike extended, smiling at her.


Dean, Jody and James heard Patience scream and ran up the stairs to her room. There was no sign of either her or the wraith. The window was open.


Dean was looking at footage from a traffic camera on a laptop. James sat opposite him, looking despondent.

Jody was on the phone. "Okay, thanks. You get anything from the traffic cam?"

"Yeah it caught the van in a light a few blocks from here but it's too blurred to get a plate. What'd the sheriff say?" Dean asked.

"Well, they said they'd keep an eye out but..."

Jody shrugged. James looked at her reproachfully. He got up suddenly and retrieved a wooden chest which he placed on the table. He unlocked it with a key and opened it to reveal various paraphernalia, including a picture of Missouri and roughhewn pouch with gems in it. He closed the box and set a map on the table.

"James?" Jody asked.

"When I was a boy and my mother was out on a hunt, I got so scared. She gave me these, the thematic gems. Divination tools. She taught me how to use them so we could always find each other wherever we were," James said.

Dean frowned slightly. "You're doing magic?"

"Desperate times."


Patience was tied to a chair in the middle of the room, in what appeared to be an abandoned house of some sort, unconscious. She woke slowly and tried to break her bonds, looking around in fear.

"You're awake," the wraith noted, walking towards her. "You're probably wondering why I didn't drain you on the spot. See, first psychic I ever had, it was total accident. Just this guy in a mental ward, thought he was normal crazy but turns out he wasn't crazy at all. And once I got a taste... See with a psychic, it's different, it's a rush. You know, I become clearer. Everything becomes clearer, strong and focused."

The wraith's spike had extended while he was talking. He walked towards Patience and crouched next to her so his spike was against her neck. "But I gotta tell you, your grandmother was by far the best I ever had. That got me to thinking; you are made of the same stuff. Huh." The wraith had moved to the other side of the chair. He took a deep breath, taking in her scent. "You're young and healthy, with you I'll really stretch this out. I'm going to feed on you and feed on you. I'm going to milk that big, beautiful brain of yours, forever."

"First, gross. Second, I'm not psychic. You're wasting your time," Patience said.

The wraith moved away from the chair, his back to Patience. "Well, your granny thought you were, saw it when I ate her up. But hey, guess I better make sure for myself, right? Time for a little taste test." He turned to her, his spike extended.

A noise was heard before the wraith could attack, and Dean, Jody and James entered the room. The wraith darted away before they could see him. Dean indicated to Jody to move to other side of the house while he took point.

James ran to Patience and started to untie her hands. "Patience, baby."

"Dad," Patience said.

"I'm going to get you out of here, okay?"

Dean and Jody were sweeping the house, on the lookout the wraith. Something broke and James stood up looking for the source. He was impaled by the wraith's spike in his throat. He fell to the ground, clutching his throat. The wraith moved away.

"Dad! No, Dad!" Patience cried.

Jody walked in, hearing Patience's cry. The wraith pushed her from behind and forced her arm down, stabbing her with the knife she was holding. He pulled out the knife and Jody fell lifeless to the ground.

"Jody!" Dean yelled.

Dean was still looking for the wraith. He had his gun extended and walked along the length of a room, missing the hidden wraith in one of the gaps between hanging tarps. The wraith jumped out and held Dean against the wall with the bloody knife against his neck. He stabbed Dean repeatedly in the stomach and threw his body to the ground. There were three bodies and Patience's face at the moment before they entered the room for the first time. The previous events had been a vision.

"Time for a little taste test," the wraith said.

Dean, Jody and James entered the room, with Dean and Jody splitting up and James going to Patience.

"Patience, baby," James said.

"Dad?" Patience called.

"I'm going to get you out of here all right?"

Something broke and James stood up. Patience recalled her vision. "Move!"

James dodged the wraith's attack and got slashed on his shoulder. He fell to the floor. Jody walked in looking at him on the floor. Patience saw the vision of Jody getting stabbed and called out to her. "Jody, behind you!"

Jody slashed at the wraith who was behind her who pushed her and against a wall and tried to disarm her. She punched him in the face and he retaliated, knocking her out. He took the knife.

"Jody!" Dean yelled.

Dean was looking for the wraith, his gun out just as in the vision.

"Dean!" Patience cried.

The wraith pinned Dean against the wall and knocked the gun out of his hand. He pushed him and tried to stab him but Dean kicked himself free. He grabbed a rope that was hanging from a column and they sparred. The wraith threw him to a table with a scythe on it which Dean grabbed. The wraith came at him again, swinging with the knife, and trapped Dean, wrestling him to the wall. Dean untangled himself and turned the wraith against the wall, trapping him with the scythe and stabbing him with the knife the wraith was still holding. They pushed it in deeper until he fell dead. Back in the main room, James and Jody were stirring. Patience was still bound to the chair. Jody stood as Dean walked in.

"You okay? " Dean asked.

"Uh." Jody groaned.

Dean turned to Patience. "How did you...?"

"Guess I'm psychic," Patience answered.



Jody and Dean were leaning against the Impala.

"The way you handled that wraith you both still got it," Jody told them.

Dean replied, "Hmm, guess so."

Patience walked towards them, coming from the house. "Hey!"

"You know, I said it before, but good work in there."

"Thanks, for everything."

"Have you given any thought to what's next?"

"I don't know. School is in an hour, so I guess calculus?"

"And your gift?" Jody questioned.

"I talked to my dad. He thinks I should put it away. Dad says we should just get back to normal. Maybe he's right."

"He is. This life, hunting, monsters, there's no joy in it. There's nothing but pain, horror and death. So if you get a chance at normal, you take it," Dean said.

Dean turned to the Impala and Patience moved back to her house.

Jody went after her. "Patience, wait. I may be out of line here but you don't have to listen to them. To either of them if it's not what you really want. I had a daughter, I guess, Claire, and I asked her to stay in line, to fight who she really was because I thought it would keep her safe. It didn't work, it never does. Your gift... or maybe you're right, maybe it'll go away. But if it doesn't? You try to force it down to make someone else happy, you will only make yourself miserable. It's your choice. But if you ever need someone to talk to or someplace to go, my door is always open." Jody handed her a card.

She and Dean entered the Impala while Patience looked after them.


Sam and Seylah were waiting at the table in front of a laptop. The door to the bunker opened and Dean entered, coming down the stairs.

"How was it? Uh, Jody told us about Missouri," Sam said.

"Yeah, just another day at the office. How's the kid? He go dark side yet?" Dean asked.

"Nope. He is... he's pretty messed up though," Seylah answered, pulling her legs up to her chest.

Sam and Seylah turned in their chairs so they were facing Dean.

"You're telling me," Dean said.

"No, Dean. He's messed up because of you. Dean, you said you'd kill him," Sam told his brother.

"It wasn't exactly like that."

"Then how exactly was it?"

"I told him the truth. See, you and Sey think you two can use this freak but I know how this ends and it ends bad."

Jack was outside the room, listening to the Winchesters' conversation.

"I didn't," Sam said.

"What?" Dean asked.

"I didn't 'end bad'. When I was the freak, when I was drinking demon blood." Sam stood, moving towards Dean.

"Come on, man, that's totally different."

"Was it? Because you could've put a bullet in me. Dad told you to put a bullet in me, but you didn't! You saved me! So help me and Sey save him!"

"You deserved to be saved, he doesn't!"

"Yes he does, Uncle Dean, of course he does!" Seylah yelled.

Jack was still eavesdropping outside the room.

Dean continued. "Look, I know you two think that you can use him as some sort of an interdimensional can-opener and that's fine, but don't act like you care about him! Because you only care about what he can do for you! So if you want to pretend, that's fine! But me? I can hardly look at the kid! Because when I do all I see is everybody we've lost!"

"Mom chose to take that shot at Lucifer," Sam reminded him. "That is not on Jack!"

"And what about Cas?"

"What about Cas?"

"He manipulated him, he made him promises, said, 'paradise on earth' and Cas bought it and you know what that got him? It got him dead! Now you two might be able to forget about that, but I can't!"

Seylah glared at her uncle. "I can't forget either! But that doesn't mean I'm gonna be a bitch to someone who doesn't deserve it!" She stomped away.

Jack looked distressed outside the room. "Castiel." Jack's eyes glowed gold.


Castiel was lying on the floor, his eyes closed.

Jack's voice echoed. "Castiel."

Castiel jerked awake and sat up slowly. He looked around, bewildered.

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