Vox Machina Book 2: Threads o...

AssassinNovice72 tarafından

6.3K 182 71

The rag-tag band Of Vox Machina barely escapes the vicious attack of the form group of ancient dragons of the... Daha Fazla

Chapter 2: Finding Hope
Chapter 3: Welcome to Vasselheim
Chapter 4: Calling Shit Out
Chapter 5: Temple Lost to Time
Chapter 6: The Sunken Tomb
Chapter 7: Escaping the Tomb
Chapter 8: To Walking Away
Chapter 9: Pyrah is Burning
Chapter 10: I Pass Through Fire
Chapter 11: The Challenge of Kamaljiori
Chapter 12: Umbrasyl The Ancient Dragon
Chapter 13: Divided
Chapter 14: A Different Path
Chapter 15: Not A Family Reunion
Chapter 16: The Echo Tree
Chapter 17: Sneaking into Westrunn
Chapter 18: Long Time Coming
Chapter 19: My Strength
Chapter 20: The Killbox
Chapter 21: Take the Plunge
Chapter 22: Right in the South End
Chapter 23: The Hope Devouror
Chapter 24: Our Fate Our Destiny

Chapter 1: The Fall of Emon

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AssassinNovice72 tarafından

It was a glorious sunny evening as Sovereign Uriel called forth every person of Emon. "Friends, in recent weeks, Tal'Dorei has been beset by evil, wearing the faces of monsters and men."

The Sovereign stood at the podium in front of the crowd of people as they looked at him, listening to the announcement. "I allowed strangers into our midst, entrusting them with powers they never should've had," he spoke and looks to a certain group amongst the crowd.

"Vox Machina saved us from this threat." his family walks up next to him. "My weakness put the realm in jeopardy. But I vow never to allow that again." he looks down at the families of his family that smiled up at him

he looks back at the people before him, "And, so, with humility, I hereby renounce the throne, and cede the government to the council of Tal'Dorei."

With these words said, the crowd ruptures into gasps and murmurs to one another.

"These wise patriots shall ensure..."

He tries to go on with his words, but was interrupted by the warning bells ringing, they all look to the horizon as something hidden in the sun was flying right toward them.

A great figure with wings flew into the clearing for the eye to see, Uriel widen his in horror. "Gods above us," he mutters as the great figure was a dragon and he was not alone.

Three others joined him, Vex grunted as she sank to her knees gripping her head in pain, "What's going on?" Vax asks as he kneels next to his sister. "It... it can't be," she mutters.

Kyria's eyes were locked on the horizon as she was frozen with fear. "No... it's not possible," she mutters, Vax shot his eyes up at Kyria as she was taking shaken steps back.

Four ancient dragons flew towards the city of Emon, the red one was in the lead as the glowing flame eyes narrowed.

Each dragon splits off as it flew over a section of the city, their roars drew the attention of the people below.

As the dragons flew right over them, gusts of winds flew right through the ran through streets and allies unsettling the dust that laid still for centuries.

The warning bells were ringing off the towers, alerting anyone who could hear them, "Alarm bells. Suddenly I fell overdressed." Gilmore spoke as Vax helps Vex to her feet. "Um, is this part of the show?" Grog asks as Pike stood on his shoulder "I don't think so buddy." Pike answers as she summons her armor.

Jason took a step back, "Are those fucking dragons!?" he questions, then look back at Kyria as she was shaking with fear, "Whoa, whoa, hey. Kyria." he starts, taking her shoulders.

Guards ran out into the yard "The call to arms! Everyone move!" Jarett calls out to the people as they ran to the podium, "Are those dragons?" a nobleman calls out, making a run for it.

It wasn't long after as everyone in the square was running for their lives, scattered like ants. The white dragon flew into view.

"The children, quick!" a man calls out as a black dragon joins in, both were hovering over the square. It flew in front of the watch towers, it fired a concentrated beam of ice, right at the guards on the tower.

Killing all the guards and breaking the tower in the process. Scanlan looks up in horror at the tower as cracks were running down the base. "Shit, the tower's gonna..." he starts.

But Grog grabs hold of him, "Time to go!" he tells him as the others make a run for it, "Kyria, we have to go!" Jason shouts as he tugs on her arm. But she was glued in her spot.

"He can't be free! He was trapped," she mutters to herself. Jason just looks at her, "Damn it!" he growls then host her over his shoulder and makes a run for it.

The white dragon, breaks through the ice, breaking off a few spikes as it came crashing down into the square. Killing a few of the people.

The black dragon hovers overhead, "Get the sovereign to safety!" Vax shouts as they headed to the podium. "He's not even the sovereign anymore! We need to get to safety!" Scanlan shouts at them.

"That doesn't mean his life is any less!!" Jason shouts at him as a traumatized Kyria was paralyzed over his shoulder.

Uriel stood with his family as they looked at the hovering dragons that circled the square. "Sovereign, what do we do?" Jarett asks as he ran up to the Sovereign.

The snarl of a dragon grew his attention as they looked up, seeing a green dragon parches itself on the overlook, "Take Salda and the children." he orders and they ran for it.

But one of the guards falls to the ground, making Uriel stops and help him back to his feet. "Quickly, come!" he orders as they ran for it. "Emon shall fall!" the green dragon calls out.

And spews out poison clouds from her mouth, "Get close to me!" Allura calls out as she summons her magic into play, Salda and her children hurried as Allura summons a barrier and shields everyone close to her from the toxic cloud.

The former queen flutters her eyes open and looks out at the poison clouds around her, a guard outside the barrier pressed his hand to the barrier coughing as he was choking on the poison cloud around them.

He falls to the ground, dead she continues to look around the area and saw the face of the man she married "Uriel?" she mutters.

He coughs for a moment, the blood splatters on his hand but looks at her, seeing her and the children were safe and sound. Couldn't help but smiles at her as the blood trickles down from the corner of his eyes.

Uriel groans in pain as the cloud takes him, stealing whatever life was left in him. "No!" Salda cries out and hugs her son close to him.

Her cries snap Kyria out of her funk as she looks over Jason, seeing the poisonous cloud that surrounded the podium.

The dragon laughs as she flew overhead, passing the body of the former Sovereign Uriel.

The back dragon reels his head up to them, "Death has come for you." the black dragon calls out and takes flight. The people cry out as they tried to escape, but acid began raining down on them.

Dissolving anyone into dead half corpses that were caught under the deadly rain. The black dragon flags his wing as the acid rains down.

He then roars, heading toward the podium where Allura was keeping everyone safe.

She drops her barrier, steps forward shot out a tether. The black dragon tries to evade the tether, but he chases after him, tracking every movement he made.

It catches him and wraps tightly around him, canceling out his flight. The dragon struggles in the grip and smacks into the head tower with a grunt. But he quickly catches himself, locking his locks into the stone tower.

Glaring down at the people below him, as he frees himself and snarls at the people below.

Kima slams her hammer and sends up a bolt of pure light and it strikes at the dragon. But he just shakes it off. "Pathetic. Let me show you real power!" he shouts, taking in a breath and he spews out a breath of acid that travels down, breaking the stone apart.

Falling right for them, Allura steps up and shot her hands out as the light surrounds everyone close by and the rocks crumble onto them.

"No!" Pike calls out as she went running for them, but the rumble stops from her getting to them.

Vox Machina lay on the ground momentarily then slowly pushes itself up. Percy rubs his head and looks out at the carnage around them.

The dead bodies the destroyed building around them. Scanlan stepped back, gasping at the half-dead body in front of him, he and Gilmore coughed at the horrid stench of dead flesh.

Kyria props herself up and looks at the destruction around her, "No, nononono." she mutters pulling herself to her feet.

Vax groans to himself, rubbing his head as he flutters his eyes open. But he looks out, seeing a strange dark figure of a woman as she glides through the carnage, looking at the dead bodies around her.

But she turns her gaze and looks Vax right in the eyes, seeing he was looking right at her. His eyes widen in shock.

"What the hell is that?" Jason states Vax looked at him as if the paladin was looking right at the same woman he was seeing. "Who is that?" he asks again.

Vax looks back and saw the woman was gone, "Brother, are you all right?" Vex asks as she steps to her brother. "Vax!" she calls out, making him look at her.

She pulls her brother to his feet as he grips his head, groaning in pain. Jason stood to his feet and dust himself off. "Jason..." Vax states, making the paladin look at him, seeing that look that was shared between them.

Grog pushes the boulder off him and Pike as they looked up, "Incoming!" Pike calls out. Everyone looks up and saw the white Dragon diving right for them.

Percy aims his pepperbox, firing at the dragon but it did little effect. "Look out!" he calls out as the dragon charges up blast and fires.

"Everyone down!" Gilmore calls out as he charges his magic, throwing up a shield as the blast hits, but scatters, separating the party.

The dust settles as Vax looks back and saw his sister on the other side of the wall of ice.

Gilmore coughs as he props himself up in complete shock, "Dragons. Attack together." he mutters and looks out at Vox Machina.

"Meet me at my shop!" he informs them. "Right!" Scanlan answers as he and Keyleth ran off. Vex looks back at the others as Kyria walks up and places her hand on her shoulder.

She looks back to her brother, "Stay safe, sister." he tells her, Jason ran up to him, "Vax, we have to go. It's not safe anymore." he tells her, Vax looks at him and nods. They pulled away from the wall of ice and ran for it.


Civilians tried to make a run for it, but the green dragon flew over them, spewing her poison breath down onto them, filling the streets of Emon.

Wiping out any life that was still lingering on the streets. Many were killed as the dragon flew down onto a roof and roars to any to hear her.

A nobleman tries to run for it but was quickly eaten, his feet scatter onto the ground as Scanlan trips over them. The others.

Grog, Keyleth, Vex, and Kyria ran up and came to a halt as they look up at the dragon before them. "Shit! Uh... Everybody back up... slowly." Scanlan whispers to them.

But the others just look at the dragon in utter shock, "It must be... ancient." Vex states as the green turn her glowing green eyes on them. "Delicious cattle. Raishan enjoys the taste of fear." he cackles.

Crawling off the building, standing right in front of them. Kyria stiffen as she froze up in her spot. The dragon locks her eyes on the Fire Ashari. "Wait... I know you. Thordak spoke of you." she states.

The others blink as they looked at Kyria, who was trembling in fear. Raishan just laughs at her, "After all these years, you're still that terrified little girl. Begging for daddy to come and save you." she taunts.

Vex steps to her and held her arm in front of Kyria. Raishan reels her head back, the poison flowing from her jaw as he gets ready and fires the poison right at them, Kyria coward as she clenches her head, Vex holding her close as they all braced themselves.

But winds were shot right at the poison hurling towards them, sending the poison clouds away, Raishan just blinks as she looks down at them, locking eyes with Keyleth "You! I've seen you." she spoke as Keyleth gasps as she remember Brimscythe's cave

Keyleth just walks away, towards the stone that just stood there with four orbs inside. "Those are pretty. But also... ominous," she said, leaning in, getting a closer look.

One orb opens, revealing a green eye as it looks around, locking onto Keyleth and the slits became thinner. Keyleth jumps back as the eye was looking right at her.


Grog then growls as he steps forward, holding his ax "Fuck all this!" he shouts and stood his ground. "Time to rage!" he shouts, Kyria blinks and looks at him.

"Grog, wait no!" she shouts, trying to stop him. But he leaps right out at Raishan, reeling his ax back, and brought it down onto her chest.

But the metal steel breaks at the contact with her scales, sending him falling back, he hits the ground as the fragmented metal scatters next to him.

He looks over at his broken weapon "Ooh, my favorite head-chopper." he meeks, but a shadow looms over him, "Uh-oh." he mutters.

Raishan narrows her eyes at him, then reels her head back once more, Scanlan sputters as he sends Mage's foot right at her, shoving it right in her mouth, cutting her short.

She blinks and looks down at the gnome, "I don't think so." he tells her. But she narrows her eyes at him, as she smashes the foot in her mouth and laughs.

"Is that your best?" she questions him, surprising Scanlan "Wait, it has magic too?!" he questions, Kyria glares up at the dragon as if fear was just gone for a moment.

She steps forward, summons her fire a giant wave, and sets off a chain reaction as the entire poison clouds that surrounded the area as it went up in flames.

Raishan cries out as it throws her off. "Whoa!" Grog cries out. As the others step back "Vex, you got a plan?" Scanlan asks. "Sure do. Grog!" she calls out as they make a run for it.

"Come on!" he shouts as he picks up Scanlan, with a wave of her wings, she extinguished the flames in front of her and watches the others run narrowing her eyes as they escape.


Pike, Jason, Percy, and Vax were running for their lives, heading for Gilmore's shop as they ran with many people, trying to escape the dragon.

The Black dragon flew overhead, his wings cloaked in acid as it rains down onto them, melting people down as they tried to escape, screaming as they were burnt alive.

The dragon reels his head back and fires acid, cutting down the people as they went. "Heads up!" Vax calls out as the ray of acid was heading right for them.

He looks back, only to be shoved out of the way and Percy took most of the acid. Crying out as he and Vax fell. "Percival!!" Jason cries out and hurries to his side.


Scanlan takes a few steps back into the alley "Uh... are we taking the long way to Gilmore's or something?" he cries out as they ran.

Vex cries out again as she grips her head, Keyleth and Kyria held her shoulders as they came to a stop. "Yes, because of that!" she answers, they looked up at the spiral of fire as it was disburst.

And there he stood, the Cinder king himself. Thordak as a great big gem was embedded into his chest. "No..." Kyria mutters as she stares at the red dragon.

He marches toward it, holding his head high. "Uh, yeah, yeah, the long way sounds good. Kyria takes a step back, shaking her head. "No," she said again as he steps past them.

"People of Emon! Thordak demands capitulation. Submit to the Cinder King!" he orders with a flick of his wings.

He roars, causing the flames to burst from his body as it went out in a wave. Heading right for the gang in the alley, "No!" Kyria shouts, Vex pulls her in as she held her and Kyria close to her. "Get behind me!" Grog shouts as he held up a block of wood before them.

As they brace themselves behind the wood as the flames blasted right past them as the flames took out an entire section of the city.


"Percy!" Jason calls out, Percy groans as he flutters his eyes, "Oh, no! Hang on, Percy!" Pike tells him and looks at the paladin. "Jason, just like I taught you," she tells him.

Percy rolls his head and looks at his friends as the cleric and paladin were healing him. "Everlight, please!" Pike begs as Percy's vision cleared.

As his wounds were healing, he raises his hand and pointed above them, "Incoming..." he groans. They looked up and the black dragon was making a comeback. "Almost," Pike answers.

"Come on, come on!" Jason growls, Vax looks up as the dragon was heading back for the city. "Pike, Jason, make it quick!" he tells them. The two looked back down. "Okay, good to go!" she shouts as Jason and Vax pull their gunslinger to his feet.

"Move, de Rolo!" Vax orders him as the rain of acid showers once more.


Militia, fire!" a soldier orders as they fired giant bolts at Thordak, just flicks them away with his wings, and fired a spiraling column of flames out at them. Taking out the tower full of guards.

As the rocks drop to the ground, the heated stone wall was thrown off, revealing the gang was still in one piece. "Fight fucking door that actually helped us," Vex states as they exhaled with relief.

Thordak flew up to the burning tower and locks his claws onto them, "Your monuments shall fall! Your civilization erased!" he declares his entire neck flares up, stretching down to the giant gem in his chest to the sides of his scaly body.

He takes a deep breath in and with a roar, fires out a straight spiraling beam of fire as it hits the front gate of Emon. With the boost of his power, that spiraling flame beam became a concentrated blue line that bore a hole right through the mountain as it travels across the ocean with an explosion.

The effect of his power travel up the mountain, cracking through the rock as the palace crumbled and was consumed in lava that spews up into the ground of the royal palace.

It was reduced to a smoking crater and Thordak took off the tower, roaring into the air as he sets down into the crater of the palace "Hear me, insects." Thordak calls out to the survivors of the destruction, "You live out of mercy. Fight or flee, and you forfeit that mercy." he declares to them.

"A new age is upon you. The rule of the Chroma Conclave," he spoke and roars as the flames around him flare.

In the distance far from the destruction of the palace, a handful of people just stood on the overlook of the wall as they looked out at the destruction of Cloudtop.

The gang of Vox Machina just looks out as the dragons that have taken over Emon. "It's... like the end of the world," Keyhleth spoke as Kyria covers her mouth in horror, almost like it was a waking nightmare, stuck on repeat.

Vex ran past the air Ashari. "Not for us, Keyleth!" she tells her, pulling her along, Keyleth grabs Kyria's hand and pulls her along.

They hurried into the market district as the streets were still movable, but littered with bodies. They kept moving, but Vex bumps into something, or rather something bumps into her.

She opens her eyes and saw her twin brother, "Sister! You made it." he said with relief. Pike, Jason, and Percy join them. "And I'm so glad you're alive too, Scanlan." the bard calls out after them.

He was suddenly picked up, "Scanlan, you had me worried, man!" Jason said to him, pulling him to his shoulder. Scanlan blinks at him "Wait, you really mean that?" he asks.

Jason tilts his head at him, "What, of course! You're my friend." he tells him, Scanlan just smiles at him. They looked up, seeing an airship trying to make a retreat from the city, only to be shot out of the sky.

The burning balls of flame crash land in the market as it was their destination ahead of them, Kyria's eyes widen in shock, "No!" she cries, running ahead. "Is that Gilmore's?" Percy calls out, they tried to catch up with the fire Ashari.

"Oh, gods," Vax mutters to himself as Gilmore's shop was in shambles, shoving the door open, Kyria stumbles into the ruined shop and looks around frantically.

Vax steps in after her, "Gilmore! Shaun!" he calls out, Kyria shoves and pulls the burning woods out of the way, searching for him. "Gilmore, where are you?!" she calls out.

Vax ran up and looks around the ruined shop, frantic as well. "Damn it!! where is he?" he questions as Kyria shoves the burning wood away. "Hello?" Vax calls out, digging through the rubble.

The others step into the shop "Check everywhere!" Vax orders them, and they began looking around as well. "Gilmore? Gilmore!" Pike calls out.

Kyria sniffs the air and caught the scent of blood, "Gilmore!" she calls out, Jason places Scanlan down as he lifts the heavy rubble out of the way and looks around, "Gil??" he calls out.

Percy pulls off his glasses, going to clean them, only to drop them. He went to pick them back up, until he spotted a hand under the rubble, followed by a faint moaning.

"He's here!" Percy calls out placing his glasses back on, the others looked at him, scurrying off the rubble, Kyria hurried to where Percy was and looks at the hand that stuck out from under the rubble. "Gilmore!" she calls out, taking his hand.

Grog and Jason make their way toward them. "Step back, Percy. I got this." Grog tells him, Jason places his hand on Grog's arm. "We got this." he reminds him.

Grog nods at him and they both grab hold of the rubble with strained grunts they lift the rubble off, revealing a wounded Gilmore underneath.

He props himself up, coughing as Vax and Kyria hurried to his side. "Don't move, old friend. I thought I'd lost you." Vax tells him. Gilmore groans in pain. "Oh, it was very close," he states and looks up at Vax. "Just let me gaze into your brooding eyes before I shuffle off this mortal coil." he groans, caressing Vax's cheek.

Vax just smiles at him, "You're not going to die. Not today." he assures as he looks up at Pike, as Jason joins her.

Vax pulls away as the two got to work, healing the wounded, Gilmore. Both strained as they both most of his wounds. Jason exhales a gasp as he leans forward.

Kyria catches him, keeping him from falling over. "I'm sorry. The leg'll have to wait. I'm tapped out." Pike informs him as Vax helps him to his feet. "And I'm still new to the whole healing deal," Jason informs as Kyria helps him to his feet.

"At least you healed my face. That's the most important part anyway," he spoke but shot a smile over at Vax. "Well, second most important," he states, making Vax smile.

Kyria exhales with relief as she looks at Jason, "Thank you, for saving him." she states, Jason, blinks at her and shrugs. "Hey, it was all Pike," he informs.

She smiles, shaking her head, "Still, you helped, thank you." she said again. He stares at her in shock, feeling his heart skip again. Then quickly looks away, hoping to conceal his heating cheeks. "Yeah, well, he's important to us too. No need to feel special." he quickly informs.

Kyria nods at him, keeping her smile. "Everyone, take whatever you need. Preferably discounted item..." Gilmore states, but ran his hand over his face. "Oh, screw it! Take it all, go!" he informs them.

Jason pulls his arm away from Kyria's shoulder, making her look at him. "Go, I can stand on my own," he spoke, she blinks at him. "Are you sure?" she asks.

He held his side and nods, "Just made sure to snag a few items for me." he states, she smiles at him, "You got it." she answers and ran off, just like the others as they began to scavenge through the ruined shop.

Vex grabs hold of a few arrows to add to her quiver. "All of these, thank you very much," she mutters to herself. Kyria grabs hold of a few potions and elixirs, throwing them into her bag of holding.

Scanlan looks around and spotted a belt on a stand. He chuckles and went to take it as he dives, but Grog grabs hold of it. "Uh-uh, Grog likes this belt," Grog states.

Scanlan reaches for a side pouch on a shelf, but Vax grabs hold of it, "Saw it first, Scan-man." he informs him. Scanlan then tries to take the potion next to her. But Pike grabs it. "Hey, finders keepers," she informs him, pulling out of view.

Scanlan then tries to take a pretty necklace, but Kyria grabs it, "Nope. I call dips." she answers and places it in her bag. He sighs then spotted the last item that was left.

"Oh, man. A broom," he questions, climbing down the ladder and scoffing to himself. "Weak."

Percy walls around and spotted the lance. "The fabled Lance of Dragon Slaying," he said in awe. But rumble came crashing down and destroying the lance under it and with a poof, the magic was gone.

He sighs, face-palming. "Of course," he mutters, Kyria continues to collect potions and elixirs but came to a stop as she caught the fainting sound of crumbling stone.

She looks back, heading to the others as the rumble began to shake the shop. "Uh, that sounded close." Grog points out as he places the weapon into their bag of holding.

Jason steps over to Grog as Kyria places her hand on Gilmore's shoulder. Vex steps out, looking through the gap as she saw crumbling buildings heading right for them as columns of flames shot from the ground.

She pulls back in shock, "Oh, shit." she mutters, stepping back to the others. "Gilmore, does this place have a back door?" she asks. He pulls away from Vax and limps to a closed box behind him. "In a manner of speaking," he answers.

Opening the box reveals a hidden crystal inside. He steps back with the crystal in hand "Everyone, draws near!" he calls out as the gang pulls in close. "Where's Scanlan?" Vex calls out.

"Coming!" he calls out, they look over as the gnome was running forwards them with the broom in hand. The buildings around them crumble into the collapsing earth around them as columns of flames shoot up.

"Scanlan, hurry!" Kyria calls out, "Give me your hand!" Gilmore cries out, holding his hand out to the gnome.

The building began to collapse in around them as Scanlan leaps out and to them as everything around them collapses in, succumbing to the total pitch black darkness.

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