Chapter 18: Long Time Coming

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A roar erupts through the valley, alerting Pike and Grog, They race to the window and look out, seeing the Dragon Umbrasyl flying over and heading towards the city.

"Why is he here? Is he following us?" Pike questions, but then the realization hits her, "Wait. Where the fuck is Scanlan?" she questions and they both realize exactly where he is.


In the ruined house, Scanlan has explained everything "So, you're saying you've, uh, heard of me?" he asks with a grin on his face. The girl just frowns as she looks away. "Indeed, I have," he answers.

"Actually, Kaylie here is part of my band." the orc bard states as he steps toward "Dr. Dranzel's Traveling Trouple." he declares and Kaylie snaps the butt of her blade in the knee.

Making him grunt, holding his knee, and hopping on one leg. Then quickly recovers and tips his hat to him. "At your service," he spoke with a grin.

"We're not even from here. Just in the wrong place at the wrong time." Kaylie spoke as the bard placed his hat on. "But, aye, we've heard of you. Tales of Scanlan Shortholt's magical music have traveled far and wide." the bard informs him.

Scanlan just stares at him with awe and smiles "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold up I'm famous?" he asks with a chuckle and stands to his feet. "No one wants your damn autograph." Kaylie snapped as she stood to her feet as Dr. Dranzel was already on his knees with a quill in hand. "These people have no food and are running out of water," she spoke and looked at the people behind her.

"The herd is going door-to-door, demanding allegiance and gold. Anyone who comes up short is slaughtered," she informs him, Scanlan just frowns at her. "And the dragon?" he asks.

She turns and looks back at him, "Is working with them. You need to get us out immediately." she snaps, he blinks and takes a step back, holding up his hands, "Wh... Oh, oh. Hold up. I-I'm just scouting this place, okay? I-I don't even have my lute. I-If I could reach my friends, maybe they could..." he informs her.

Kaylie just frowns at him, "Your friends? Your friends aren't here. You are." he states, pointing her blade at him. He grunts and frowns at her.

But she sighs and lowers her blade, "One thing I learned in life, is no one comes back to save you." she states Scanlan just blinks at her, looking over at the parents that held their child close. "So, Scanlan Shorthalt..." the child coughs, thirsty and starving as time is running out.

"What are you prepared to do?" she questions him as he flicks his eyes back to her.

But before he could answer a roar caught their attention as they gasped and looked up at the ceiling as the Herd outside ran towards the square. Seeing the incoming dragon.

Umbrasyl stops at the roof and lands on the square as Ripley is mounted on his back, The two Gnomes run towards the cracks and peek out.

"Show yourself, Kevdak. Your tithe is die," he calls out, glaring at the herb that has gathered, but Scanlan's eyes were on the sword that was strapped to the dragon's arms. "Mythcarver," he whispers.

Kevdak, leader of the Strom herb steps forward as two of his herbs carry a chest of gold and silver and place it before Umbrasyl. Ripley steps forward and takes a handful.

"Is it just me, or do these offerings keep getting smaller?" she questions, placing her hand on her hip, and dropping the gold back into the chest. "Of course, everything pales compared to the might of a vestige," she spoke, flicking her eyes to the Titanstone knuckles.

"I swear, I know that voice," Scanlan mutters as he squints his eyes, unable to see the second person. "Remind me why you're simply not relieving him of his," she questions.

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