The Little Speaker

By Yandere_Nayavu

26.5K 963 94

DISCLAIMER!!! * I do not own Harry Potter ( if I did I would be rich) this is a fan made story!!! Harry Potte... More

pt.1 explanations
pt 2. diagon alley
pt. 3 Hogwarts
pt 5. Mysterious Run In
pt. 6 A Dark Lord And A Old Man
Recovery And New Beginnings
The First Meeting
Back To School
Meeting The Gang
Pls Read :)
The Diary
Another Tom?
Dumbledore and Voldemort
new story!!!
yooooooo! guess who!
The Dare
Jealous Tom?
not a chapter!!!

pt. 4 The Sorting

2K 84 3
By Yandere_Nayavu

Most people always expect things to go exactly how they want, and when they don't, people get angry and find any way to put the blame on someone else.
Cherish those who don't, cherish those who accept where life takes them, and cherish those who will sit back and watch things play out, instead of trying to change it. Those people, are the best kind.



Warning: keep in mind harry is 15.
I get it. Some timelines don't line up.
Everything will be like first year except harry is a new student starting his 5th year of Hogwarts.


The ceremony had started and Everybody was buzzing with excitement and anticipation. Harry didn't understand why people were so excited, they were all so sure that they are going to get the house they want that they don't think of possibility of anything else.
Harry knew there was a possibility of him getting into ravenclaw, but he definitely was not getting placed in Gryffindor or Hufflepuff, he didn't meet the requirements. After the starting of the sorting had been announced professor McGonagall started calling names. Harry knew he would be last because of his status of being a 5th year, but also a new student. McGonagall finished calling students, but before calling harry, she brought two redheads to the front. Harry saw them wearing Slytherin colors, and he saw that all the other redheads were glaring at them.
McGonagall proceeded to list off a bunch of names of different prank item, that has now been added to the banned list. She told the twins to go sit down, and then she called harry.
"Harry potter." As she said his name gasps could be heard from around the great hall. Harry walked up and the sorting hat was placed on his head.
He heard the sorting hat argue with itself about where to put harry, and then by surprise, the hat asked him wether he wanted Slytherin, or ravenclaw. Harry answered that he would prefer Slytherin, but was willing to go where he would thrive best, the hat said no more to him, then suddenly "Slytherin!"
Some Slytherins cheered, some glared, others did not seem to care. This left harry curious as to why people would already have grudges against him.
After harry was finished being sorted, the feast began. During the feast harry was introduced to many Slytherins, some of which loved him, and others, hated him. Harry was introduced to Slytherin after Slytherin, person after person.
There were two Slytherins though, that caught Harry's interest.
The two redheads.
They introduced themselves as Fred and George Weasley. Fred offered his hand to be shaken, but harry saw through their act. He took a napkin, and stuck it to Fred's hand. This caused the napkin and Fred's hand to mold together, the intent was to conjoin harry and Fred's hand, but that did not go as planned for the twins.
Harry giggled as he watched Fred's face morph with horror as his hand became part napkin. "Next time, don't act so friendly, you'll blend with the other snakes more." Harry said as he laughed at the bewildered faces of the twins.
"You, are a keeper" George said to harry.
"Oh?' "and why is that?" Harry asked.
"You saw through our trick, and that makes you an obvious threat."  Fred whispered.
"The saying-"
"Keep your friends close-,"
"But your enemy's closer."
They laughed.
Harry decided that he needed the twins around, they would probably be pretty helpful when the time came.
Soon enough dinner came to an end, and harry has to go to his dorm, the Slytherin prefect left harry and the either Slytherins down the hall and through the corridors, to the dungeons. As they reached the tapestry, the prefect announced to all the Slytherins that the password was blood purity. Harry did not like that password because of his discriminative insinuation,
So he decided to just use parseltounge whenever he could. As they entered the dorms the prefects showed the students where they would be staying, harry had already knew that so he just chose to read until that part of the tour was over with. As the tour came to a close, a man with billowing robes walked in, he dismissed the prefects and began to talk.
"Welcome, my name is Severus Snape and I am your head of house. Slytherin has rules unlike houses such as griffindor. First rule, us slyrheins stay together no matter what issues we have with each other in the dorms. Second rule, don't go out of the dormitory without other slytherins, the other houses are very prone to picking on lone Slytherins, especially the young ones. Rule three, whats said or done in the Slytherin dorms stays in the eslytherin dorms. If you have anymore questions you may ask to schedule a meeting with me. If that is all I will be taking my leave. Unpack and do what you must to feel comfortable, goodnight." And with that Severus left.
Harry went to his room to read while everyone else unpacked but he could not focus kept coming to mind. "Why do the Slytherins hate me?"
So harry did as harry usually did and faced it head on. He decided to ask a more calm Slytherin, who harry remembered as Blaise Zabini.
He approached the Slytherin and asked him, " hey Zabini, do you have any idea why so many of the Slytherins seem to hate me?" Zabini looked surprised at this question and asked him. "How do you not know why they hate you?" 
Harry got frustrated, "I don't know! That's why I asked you!"
That drew a few attentive glances from the other Slytherins around the room.
Zabini sighed. "I don't know how your not aware but your the boy who lived.
"What is that?" Harry asked cautiously.
Blaise continued to recap harry's whole celebrity life in which harry had no knowledge of.
As Zabini's story came to an end harry saw red.
He was so mad that no one told him of this. All these years of his godfather's hiding this form him! How would that not know! Why would they not tell him! Harry's mind flooded with questions, but he decided to go to his room and write everything down. By writing it down, harry would not forget anything, and he would be able to properly confront his godfather's about this information. After harry finished writing it was long past 9:00 so harry decided to go to sleep.
But harry did not sleep well, his head was much too filled with the thoughts of the golden boy, known as harry potter.


Heyyy. Sorry if this chapter is... Not as good.🥲
I really have not wanted to write, but I kinda forced this chapter out. My father has just been difficult lately. I will try to write more, but I don't want to push myself too hard, in fear of leaving this story forever. I will however keep doing it because I know I like it and am just going through a rough patch. Thanks for the support so far thoughout this story!
Feel free to tell me how the book has been so far. And PLEASE call out any mistakes. I beg of you.

Word count:1230

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