Arc Angels

נכתב על ידי bladequeen1

911 85 17

We all know how the universe were created with it. they call themselves Arc angels. they say their pure heart... עוד

Part 1 The light
Chapter 2 it's time
Chapter 3 Shadow rise
Chapter 4 Average guy
Chapter 5 blending in
Chapter 7 Linda
Chapter 8 far from home
Chapter 9 Truth &Trust
Chapter 10 The final dance
Chapter 11 the dark city
Chapter 12 Sacrifice
Chapter 13 Father and Son
Chapter 14 Brotherly Advice
Chapter 15 the light and dark
Chapter 16 Deep Sleeps

Chapter6 suspicion

71 5 1
נכתב על ידי bladequeen1

Sit down, son" His Dad said. "Am I in trouble? I swear I didn't do anything wrong" David said. "No, you're not in trouble sweetie. We just want to talk" her mom said calmly. "Ok?" he said back. He sat down with a worried look on his face. His parents says he's not in trouble but they always say that when he's in trouble. "Listen son over the years we haven't been completely honest with you" his dad started to explain. "I don't understand what this is about? He said."

"Just tell him Ryan" his mother said, holding his hand. "Sigh...we are not your real parents" his dad said. "You're...not?" "No, you were sent to us by someone. We were supposed to keep you safe from harm" his mother explained. "I can't believe this. I think I need a moment alone" David said. "Of course, son." His dad said. He slowly got up out of his chair and made his way up stairs and slammed his door and plopped himself on his bed. He tried not to cry but he just had to. "Everything I know is a lie! My parents are a lie my teacher is a lie my friends are a life is a lie.

After a while he decided he need to talk to someone. He called Luna. He was so glad she gave him her number just in case. "Luna?" "David, what's wrong? You sound like you are crying!" "I was. I need someone to talk to. Meet me on the roof in say 20 minutes." "Of course, I'll be there" "Thanks" he hung up and went to the bathroom to clean himself up. Once he closed the bathroom door, Amy popped up at his window. She was spying on him the whole time. She was mad that he called Luna, and not her. She started to fly to the school to teach Luna a lesson.

Luna had arrived early. She was getting ready to tell him that she was an angel, and she was here to take him home to his dad. She hoped that his parents had told him that he was not their child. She kept debating whether to tell him or not. She decided not to. He sounded so sad on the phone. She didn't want to add on to his pain. "Well, you're here early!" A voice said behind her. She turned around and saw Amy standing there. "What are you doing here!?" she said. "I'm here to teach you a lesson. I told you to stay away from David, but you didn't listen. Now, I'm going to make you pay!" she yelled. They got in their ready stance. Luna got her sword and Amy got her hammer. Both of their wings spread out, and ready to take off. They both lifted off and started fighting. Meanwhile, David walked in the rain to the school. When the school came into sight, he saw two objects fighting on the top of the roof. He started running towards the school.

He got up to the top of the stairs, out of breath. He slowly opened the door to peek at what was going on. He saw Amy and Luna flying and attacking each other. "Gasp! So I wasn't seeing things. Luna has them too... Hold... this seem familiar". He had a flash back of his dream. "Gasp! This is my dream. Wait, so it wasn't a dream, it was a vision!" he continued to watch the fight. He wanted to stop it but it got too intense. He heard them yelling, but he couldn't hear them. Back with the fight, Amy was trying to overpower Luna, but Luna was too swift "You don't know when to quit!" "I'll never quit until he's safe!"

David heard that. He rushed in the middle of the fight. "Luna!" David yelled. "David?" Luna replied. Amy took the advantage of her being distracted and hit her in the arm. "No! Luna!" Luna was falling out of the sky at a fast rate. She hit the ground really hard. David saw her fall. He was pissed. "Amy!" David yelled "David, I didn't see you there. How much did you see?" she said with an innocent tone. "All of it!" he yelled. "Well, I'm sorry it had to come to this, but I'm going to have to kill you. You were not supposed to see that" Amy said. "Get away from me!" he blasted beams of light at her with no warning and she disappeared.

He felt confident but frightful at the same time, then he remembered Luna had been hit and fell. He ran to Luna's side. "Oh my god, Luna! Are you ok?" she had passed out. He still couldn't believe that the girl he liked was an angel. He picked her up and brought her home. "David, your home!" his mother said. "Yes, I'm home, but Luna's out cold. I'm going to put her in my room to rest while you two tell me what the heck is going on!" he said. "Well, I guess we owe you an explanation.

He carefully carried her up stairs and opened his door. He place her on his bed and covered her up. He closed the door quietly and went back down stairs. "Ok now that she's safe, what the hell is going on here? What is she?" "She an Arc Angel. One of the purest creatures of the whole universe." His dad explained. "Ok, so I know what she is, now why is she here?!" "She's here to take you home to your real home, and real parents" his mom said as she was tearing up. "This is my home." "No, your home is light city" "Where is light city?" "Not on this planet" his dad said. David's eyes widened he got up and slammed the door. He breathed in the fresh air.

"Well, I said nothing really happens, and now stuff is happening. Sigh" David said. He sat outside for hours, thinking over everything that's happened since he met Luna and Amy. Hours later, he was deep into thought. His mom came out and put her hand on his shoulder. "She's awake" she said to him. He got up and went upstairs. He knocked on the door. "Come in" she said. She was sitting at the edge of his bed. When he came in, she stood up and blushed. "David, I didn't mean any..." before she could finish, he pulled her into a hug.

"David I....." "Hush...I know it's not your fault" Luna burst out into tears. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to break your family apart. I wanted to tell you, but you sounded too sad on the phone. I didn't want to add on to it" she said. "I know you didn't, you were just doing your job to protect me like my father ordered" he said as he was stroking her hair to comfort her. "So, you know everything, and you're ok with it?" she said. "Yeah, and I would like to go home the day after the dance. I need time to say good bye.

"Well, why do you want to go home after the dance?" "Because I want to take you to the dance." Luna pulled away and looked at him weirdly. "That is the weirdest way to ask a person to the dance." "So is that a yes?" Luna giggled "Yes, it's a yes." Back in the dark city, Amy has returned to hear the dark king's pity. "My King, I'm sorry. I let my love for David steer me away from my true mission." She said. "Yes, and this is the last time you will fail me. I'm sending a true girl that will win his affection, and as your punishment, you will watch her flirt and win him over."

"No! Who can do that? No one can win him over. He has specific tastes. Besides, he has his heart set on Luna!" she explained. "Ha, not for long. Linda, come on out dear." "Out of the shadows came out a beautiful girl." "Go to earth and make this guy fall in love with you and bring him back here!" he demanded. "Yes sir" she said as she bumped Amy's shoulder.

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