The Girl Who Fell [Twilight F...

By -controlled_chaos-

41.8K 1.6K 123

Nyra fell into the world of Twilight, after she "died". At first, she decided to not do anything and just wat... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 1

6.2K 147 11
By -controlled_chaos-

The first thing I felt when I woke up was the cold. Unlike the uncomfortable warmth of the hospital room that I staying in, it was like a welcome relief. And the quilt kept me from being too cold.

Even the gentle tapping of the rain on my window was comfortable.


I was lying on my side when my eyes flew open, a window came into my line of sight. I follow the the raindrops racing down against each other, then I focused beyond them.

It was night, I could barely make out the trees because of the darkness. I turn to lay on my back. Familiar white ceiling and olives walls greeted my vision.


Instead of the hospital room where I was confined too, I was myself back home, in my bedroom.

I found myself sitting, staring at the furniture I arranged myself. As I was looking around, when I realised that I could sit without anyone's help. I looked down, my body wasn't skinny anymore. It was back to normal, just like before I was diagnosed with cancer.

What is going on?

My head swirled with many emotions, when I caught sight of the full body-length mirror again. As if with a mind of their own, my feet dragged me out of my bed, goosebumps rising from the cold biting on my exposed skin, dissolving my doubt of dreaming as I came to stop in front of the mirror.

The girl inside the mirror had an average figure, standing tall with height of 167 cm. She has fair skin and brownish amber eyes, and wavy, shoulder-length carrot colour hair.

She copied me as I wrapped my arms around myself, tears glistening in my eyes. I couldn't believe that I was back to normal.

One part of my brain tells me that I was dreaming, while the other tells me the opposite.

I don't know how much time had passed as I stared at myself, maybe hours. The world outside gradually brightened for me to make out a small, two-bedroom, white house. A shiver ran through me and I realised that I was shaking badly.

Grabbing a jacket, I decided to head down. My feet slow while I look around my house. There were few elements that suprised me. The calendar dated way back to 2005, the telephone hanging on the wall, and lastly the tv had been replaced with a small box one.

Maybe my sister replaced it. But why bought an old version?

After roaming around the house for quite a while, I went outside and froze to the the neighborhood had completely changed.

It was much beautiful now. Everything was green; the trees, their trunks covered with moss, their branches hanging with a canopy of it, the ground covered with ferns. Even the air filtered down greenly through the leaves.

There was the faint smell of rain in the air as I inhaled deeply, indicating that it's going to rain soon. Probably at night, because of the dark clouds covering the sky.

A black Honda Civic hybrid drove near my house, but instead of passing by, it turned and parked on the cemented pavement.

I stood there, staring in curiosity of who it might be. And soon the door opened and my sister stepped out to answer my question.

"Lia?" I wondered loudly, as she walks forward toward me, wearing a nurse outfit.

"Nyra? Why haven't you gotten ready yet? Your grades are already poor, well anyway. You're making dinner then. Wake me up when it's ready." She said, her tired blue eyes staring past me at the door. Then, she disappeared inside without saying anything else, making me confused.

Last time I remembered, she had dyed her hair black. So how come they're ginger again.

I stood there stunned, trying to understand what's going on. First, I was back home, not looking like a person suffering from cancer. It was as if, my house suddenly seem to appear out of thin air in this overly green place. And lastly, my sister, Aelia.

When I was too deep in my thoughts, from my peripheral vision, I noticed something red. My eyes automatically lifted to see a truck, parked outside the house that I saw from my window.

Unconsciously, I started moving towards it, and didn't stop untill I stood right beside it. Something feels awfully familiar about it.

And what makes it more disturbing was the fact I know what model it was without having any knowledge about cars.

The truck was a faded red colour, with big, rounded fenders and bulbous cab.

"1963 Chevy StepSide C - 10 pickup."

"Oh! You know about this too, Nyra?"

My heart almost jumped out of my mouth, as I whirled around I saw two people - a man and a girl, I assume his daughter - standing behind me.

I blushed hard, in embarrassment as I didn't heard them at all.


"Huh? Oh! Ah yes! I know about this model." I stuttered while answering the man who seems to a cop by his clothes. But, how did he know me? I never met him before.

My eyes then met with the girl behind him, and I recognised her instantly, to my surprise as I would swore to never seen her before.

"Bella." I meant to ask but my words came out confident.

"Hi." The smile that tugged on her face seemed awkward, yet friendly.

"Glad to see you two still remember each other," the man, no, Charlie started,

"Well, you two and Jake used to always stuck with each other."

What is going on?!


I didn't let the panic show on my face, though I felt the smile quiver slightly. They both looked completely different from the live action movie characters.

"Well, it was nice to meet you again, Bella. Let's catch up later once you settled down, okay?"


I bid my farewell as I stared walking away at a normal pace, though I wanted to run, I decided to act civil. My feet stumbled when I entered my room, eyes searching for my phone.

The room became a mess, but there was no sign of my phone. There was only a computer in the room. So I turned towards it instead. And searched up the place I was in.

Forks, Washington.

And that was it.

I was in a daze. How come I traveled on the opposite side of the Earth, in just one night?

Did I die?

The last thought made my heart heavy. There didn't seem to be any other explanation either. At first, I thought if I was even alive, but that doubt soon disappeared when I accidentally stubbed my toe in the foot of my bed, while I was walking around my room, thinking.

After an hour of walking back and forth, I slowly accepted the fact that I, fell into the book I last listened to the audio of. And somehow became a character of my own, who wasn't supposed to exist. I had read many reincarnation story in my previous life, so it didn't come much of a shock to me that I experienced one myself.

What am I supposed to do than? Is
there a reason for my second life? If so, what is it? Am I supposed to live till I realised my purpose in this life?

One things for sure, I won't be doing anything reckless to directly affect the course of the plot. But how am I supposed to control my thoughts around Edward? Since I came to know that I attend the same high school as them - I found my ID card when I was searching for my phone.

There's a possibility that just like Bella, he too couldn't read my thoughts. But just to be safe, I better tell my sister to change my school. I remember there's a high school on the La Push reservation, which Jacob Black goes to.


My mouth fell open at my sister's straight refusal. We sat at the small dinner table for four. After our parents died, we didn't had the chance to remove them. Or more like, we just don't want to. And none of us sat on those vacant chairs that originally belonged to them.

"You didn't even let me finish?!"

Aelia calmly took a bite of the spaghetti I made for dinner, she chewed slowly. I continued to stare at her.

"Nyra, we don't have that much money."

I didn't said anything, knowing she was right. She'd just started her job as a nurse at a nearby hospital, and since Forks was a small town, the income wasn't that high.

"I understand."

The rain was pouring heavily by the time I finished with the dishes. My sister went to her night shift. And I was left alone to tidy my room to it's original self.

Once I was done, I relaxed back on the chair I kept by the window to stare outside when I have nothing to do.

Other than to peek on the neighbour's.

The light of the Bella's room were on, I assume that where it should be. The one which faces mine.

I guess it would be better to sleep since I have school tomorrow. Technically, tomorrow was my first day at school, but according to my sister I've been going there since quite a while now. And also, I was a second year.

That meant I'll be Bella's senior.

That night, the constant wooshing of the rain and wind challenged my love for them.

The next morning when I woke up, there were dark circles under my eyes, unsurprisingly.

I made myself a light breakfast, which consisted of a pair of banana, and a glass of milk.

It was drizzling when I got out of the house. Umbrella in my hand as I unfolded it before stepping out from under the shed. My waterproof boots squeaking when I cautiously walk in the rain with my eyes on my feet, so I don't arrive at school with the back of my jeans wet.

My heart almost gave out when I heard a deafening sound an engine roaring to life. My head jerked up in the direction of Bella reversing her truck. And much to my surprise, she came to a stop in front of me, and smiled.

I reached school earlier than I expected, thanks to Bella. The ride was quiet, except for her truck.

Ears burning, I stepped out in the rain. The cold air helping me cool off my heated skin. It was a relief to find the parking lot mostly empty, with only few cars parked here and there. Atleast, there was no human to witness me coming out of this truck Bella love so much.

No hate to her, but the truck was an embarrassment.

Forks High School was an ordinary looking school. It looked like a collection of matching houses, built with maroon colored bricks. There were trees and shrubs too, as I walked closer.

I stopped when I realised Bella had yet to come out of her truck. I turned back and asked, "Aren't you coming?"

"I need to get my schedule first."

Oh right. I completely forgot.

"I see. Well, see you after school. Thanks for the ride."


We exchanged smiles before going out own ways. The sound of her truck gradually faded, but never vanished till she intentionally cut off. Her truck was that loud.

It took me a while to get to reach of my first half classes, entering five minutes late in each subjects, since it was my first day at school.

I also found out that almost everyone in my peers, knows me. Yet, I have no friends. Soon, I have to get used to the fact that I was not someone who just appeared out of thin air, even though it's true, I was a person who lived here from my childhood.

Still, it's strange whenever someone calls my name and in return I have no idea who they were.

The time went quite eventful, not one teacher spared me when I enter their class late. Embarrassing me in front of my whole class.

What a lovely morning.

The red was just fading from my face when I entered the cafeteria. All the tables were occupied, leaving the few near the Cullens. Sitting near them was the last thing I wanted, but I was left with no choice. Bella was sitting with her friends, and their table too, was full.

I deliberately choose the table on their far left, so I don't block them when Bella see them for the first time.

None of them glanced at me when I pass them, much to my relief. I couldn't help but peek at them from time to time, they were ethereal. Each one of them beautiful in their own way. The one who stood out the most, was none other than Rosalie. Her beauty was unmatched.

As I was admiring her, when my eyes accident shifted toward Jasper. He was already staring at me.

Then, he looked away. To fast for my human eyes to see. He stared at Edward for a second and then looked down.

I decided to go back to eat my lunch, but before I could, Edward met my eyes. And I froze. His face slightly frowning. The emotions raging in his eyes were unreadable.

My heart skipped a beat as I try to fill my head with some nonsense. Like puppies are cute, and cutes are puppy. I don't care if it makes sense or not. To make the matters worse, Alice also seems to stare in my direction.

Why? I understood why Edward was staring, maybe I let my thoughts run too widely. But Alice?

I finally managed to break the eye contact, when Alice silently stood, taking her tray of untouched food with her and left after dumping it in the bin.

When I gave a quick peek at Edward, he was already looking at the other. I followed the line of his sight, and sure enough, it was Bella.

Her eyes met mine. I smiled in pure courtesy, receiving a smile of my own.


It was Jessica who called my name, beckoning me to join them. Although, physically I went back to looking like an eighteen year old girl, mentally I was much older. I had no desire to sit with these hormones raging teens, but still I got up with my tray and pushed forward towards them with giddy feet. Better to sit with them for today than near the mind reading vampire.

From tomorrow, I'll try to come here early to save myself a seat far away from the main characters. Alone. I'd already decided to watch from afar. And I'd like to keep it that way.

"You made new friends, Bella." I expressed once I reached them.

"So you really do know her." I caught a hint of jealousy in her tone as she eyed Bella. I clenched my jaw.

This is why I didn't want to sit with them. They do nothing except look down at each other. Especially, Jessica.

"Why wouldn't she? We're childhood friends after all, right Bella?" I emphasized the word childhood for Jessica, then turn to stare at Mike who was sitting beside Bella. He realised the meaning behind my stare and quickly got up, offering me his seat.

"What a gentleman. It's so hard to see men like you now days. But, too bad I have to go now. I'd love to join you next time."

He didn't seem to hear the sarcasm in my voice as he flushed red, resembling a tomato. I could almost feel the jealousy oozing from Jessica till here.

I considered it as my cue to leave.

"Bye Bella."

"See you."

For a fraction of second, I thought I saw sadness simmering in her eyes, but I'd already turned to get a second look.

Probably, it was my imagination. There's no way Bella wanted me to stay...


When I entered the history class, I had to remind myself to move. My body felt extremely stiff as I forced myself to walk down the aisle.

I kept my head down while I sat on the only available seat, that fortunately was at front corner. My heart was already racing, when I dared a peek at the vampire sitting on the other end of the room, diagonal to me.

Jasper was staring down at his table, deep in thoughts. A chill ran down my spine as my mind flashes the look of hunger he gave me earlier in the cafeteria. As if hearing my thoughts, he looked up and our eyes locked.

And he was already looking away before I could. But, despite have supernatural speed, he wasn't quick enough for me to notice the resentment in his eyes.

Did he regret day dreaming about feeding off of me? Perhaps.

However, it didn't lessen my fear a bit. He was still as dangerous as a newborn vampire. Struggling to fight the desire of human blood.

The class went slowly. I couldn't hear what the teacher was teaching because of the loud pounding in my ears. The whole time, I took extra precautions in my every action. Especially, turning the pages in my book.

As soon as class ended, I was the first one to leave the class before anyone else was out of their seat. My feet echoing in the empty hallway that slowly started to get crowded.

I was struggling to catch my breath by the time I reached the familiar red truck. Lord, that was awful. I almost died from heart failure.

Bella came out after most of the people had left. Even I considered the thought about leaving alone, and I would have. If I wasn't so tired after running non stop from the history class.

There was no adrenaline left in my system. And I am exhausted.

"I'm sorry for being late." She apologized once she was near.

"That's completely fine." I hid my annoyance behind my smile.

"So, how was your first day?" I asked when Bella pulled out of the parking lot.

"Fine." She said with a weak voice.


I didn't pushed further.

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