This Life of Sin

By KitCorbeau

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I am not what anyone would describe as a "good person". I can't say I have ever been accused of being anythin... More

Just Another Day
The Road to Bellana
Life as a Beginner Adventurer
Don't Fuck With Demons
The Red Ravens
The Squad Returns
When Demons go to Church
This is my Domain
The Heroes of Larasta
Invited to the Hero Party
The Great Forest of Elswell
Lets Play a Game
A Web of Vines
A Fitting End
This is for my Kingdom

The Night Before a Boss Fight

46 5 7
By KitCorbeau

Chapter 16: The Night Before a Boss Fight

I couldn't tell you when I had passed out. Heck, I hadn't even known I was feeling like passing out. All I knew was that one moment, I was chatting and the next I was opening my eyes and it was dark. I groaned, putting a handout to sit up. It sunk into warm, course, fur.

"You are awake Mistress." I was confused at first till I remembered Vendaval, my new wolfie tame. I was leaning against his big furry side on the mossy ground. He was laid out next to a giant redwood, his big head now higher than my own in this position.

"Hey, Vendaval. I was asleep?" I asked groggily.

"Passed out is more like." Urp. Vale sounded pissed. "I am done keeping my mouth shut about this. If you are so insistent in acting like a child then I will treat you like one."

I bristled at his tone, as the man approached me. Behind him I saw a small fire and the other three seated around it, watching our exchange. "What are you talking about?"

"You!" He snapped and knelt before me. "Eat this. And when you are done, eat more. And after that, eat more."

I glared at the wooden bowl he held out to me, filled with a steaming stew made with a mystery meat and some select root vegetables. Still glaring I accepted the bowl. I was hungry. "I am getting real sick of people telling me to eat."

"Oh?" He said, and I saw the heroes exchange sad looks. "Well, I am also sick of having to tell you."

I shovelled a spoon full into my mouth, all the while glaring at the man. "I eat. I eat three meals a day. Sometimes more. So, stop harassing me."

"Sin..." Said Kassidy in a quiet voice from the fire side. "Honey, you are skin and bone. I can count your ribs. I am worried your body is starting to consume the muscle."

"I eat!" I insisted. And I did eat. In fact, I enjoyed eating. It was a luxury I didn't really have in my old life much.

"Do you eat until you are full?" Asked the woman while Vale continued to watch me eat. I realised that he was making sure I finished, waiting to take the bowl to fill it again.

I blinked at her, confused. "I eat until the food is gone. I wouldn't waste it."

"She means," said Markus, looking equally concerned. "Do you go get more once you clear your plate. Do you eat until your body says its had enough?"

"Why are you explaining how to eat to a full grown woman?" ground out Roran who was sitting, staring into the flames.

"Because she clearly doesn't get it." Growled Vale. "How much do demons usually eat?" He asked me.

Before I could come up with an answer Markus spoke. "I was at a meal once where the Golden Dragon's demon member was attending. He ate quite a bit. I joked with him, and he said that, if he wasn't in a public setting he may have had more. Then he said, in an off handed sort of way, that I'd be shocked if I saw how much some demon women ate..."

"I eat." I said again, sounding like a broken record even to myself. "I have eaten more in the last two months than I have the majority of my life. So, get off my back."

"Sin, look at yourself!" Pleaded Kassidy, getting to her feet and looking worried. "You need more food. Why can't you see that?"

I looked down at my exposed waistline. The alphas fangs had torn a good portion of my shirt and I could see my stomach and part of my ribs clearly. I was thin. Maybe I hadn't realised because, before coming to hearth, I always looked this way. But I do remember looking less thin when I arrived, naked on the shore of the very lake this dungeon was next to.

"You have lost a good fifteen or twenty pounds in the short time I have known you." Stated Vale. "Is this some sort of eating disorder? Like what some of the noble lady's go through to fit into those damn corsets?"

"What? No, of course not!" I said, examining myself once more before eating another mouthful. "I guess I just never realised."

"You never realised you were starving to death?" Asked a disbelieving Roran. "Not that I am complaining."

"Shut it!" Snapped Vale at the priest, catching me by surprise. So far, he had been nothing but respectful to the holly man. "You were told to not interfere. If you can't put your bias-"

"It is not- She is a monster!"

"Roran, enough." Sighed Markus.

Vale glared at the high priest a second longer before turning back to me. "What did you mean?"

Uncomfortable with the topic, but wanting them to leave it alone, I decided to just say it. "Before coming to Hearth, I was homeless. I didn't eat as often as I needed. I was used to being thin and hungry. Being hungry... It's a normal feeling for me. I guess I just didn't realise I wasn't eating enough. I ate when I was supposed to eat and just figured that would be enough... I suppose."

Vale sighed, took the now empty bowl from my hands, and returned to the fire to refill it. Kassidy approached me and knelt next to me. "I am sorry your life was hard like that Sin. But you need to take better care of your self, alright? Now that you are aware of the situation, you need to make sure you eat more. Trian yourself to recognise that you are hungry if you must. Because if this keeps up much longer you are going to be a withered skeleton. Even if you don't think the Red Ravens or anyone else would feel sad about that, I am sure that at the very least you wouldn't want to leave Drogin and Vendaval without a master?"

I paled. I would not want that. I reached out a hand and sunk it into the wolf's fur. Drogin nuzzled into my cheek. I nodded weakly.

"Good." Said vale, holding out the bowl to me once again. "Then eat."

"Okay..." I agreed, taking the food. I felt ashamed. Ashamed that I knew so little about my own body and ashamed that I hadn't had the presence of mind to heed the concerns of those around me. I remembered Honey's concerned gaze from only a few days ago. It was weird, having people concerned over some one like me.

Kassidy patted my shoulder, rubbed Vendaval's muzzle, then got up and retuned to her companions. I vaguely registered the conversation going on without me as I ate. I also noted that Vale stayed where he was, making sure I ate and waiting to refill my bowl once again.

I didn't know how many bowls I ate nor how much time had passed when I finally clued back into the conversation. Vale was no longer next to me but sitting by the fire with the others.

"They are speaking of tomorrows battle mistress." Stated Vendaval. "While you slept, I carried you on my back to this campsite. Then the one named Vale asked me to scout ahead to the place of vines..." The wolf seemed to contemplate his next words. "I did not want to leave you mistress. The angry smelling one tried to make me go. but he is small and not much of a threat. The one named Vale shouted at him, then asked me once again."

"You went then?" I asked.

"Yes." Said the wolf. "It was not by your order, and I was leaving you vulnerable with people I was not sure you would be safe with. But the lizard said that the one named Vale was trustworthy."

"Lizard? You mean Drogin?" I asked with a laugh. "He doesn't speak though."

"He does not. But he can send impression. We both agree that it would be bad to be alone with the angry one. He is not strong, but even the slightest cut to the neck can end a life. Even the smallest wolf can take out the biggest if he is lucky..."

"Yes. I agree. That man's hatred for demons is palpable. And now he seems to think I am the second coming of the Demon King or some such."

"Still, I am sorry for leaving without your say so mistress."

I shook my head with a smile. "No, I trust Vale about as much as I have ever trusted another person. I am sure that he was asking so that we could get more information on the up coming battle. He is not a sneaky nor underhanded man. If he wanted me dead, he would challenge me head on. Especially since he doesn't have too much difficulty bashing me around most days."

"He would have difficulty with me." Assured the wolf in a deadly voice.

I laughed. "I am sure he would. What did you learn then?"

"At top speed I got there in about four hours, avoiding other monsters as per Vale's instruction. The dome of vines was as large as I had heard it described before, reaching up into the tree tops. I did not enter the vines but there was a large opening. It was pitch dark and the scent of death emanated from it. Even my keen sight could not penetrate that darkness. I could hear no sounds coming from within but there was the heavy sense of foreboding about the place. Not a single living thing, besides I, seemed to be nearby. I could almost feel the hunger of the beast that lies within."

"Well, that does sound ominous." I spoke. "Any rumors you know of, about the monster that lives in there?"

"No. If any did survive an encounter with it, they died long ago. All I know is that every intelligent beast in this dungeon avoids the place at all costs. Any fool pup who left to seek glory there has never returned." The wolf looked down at me. "There are many fearsome monsters in this dungeon Mistress. Many who are stronger than the Storm Wolf pack. All of them fear what lies within the nest of vines."

"You done growling over there yet?" Asked a sardonic Vale. I looked over at the fire and saw the whole group staring at me. "Its kind of disturbing to listen to."

"Sorry, didn't realize I was doing it." I said, stretching out my legs, before snuggling in closer to Vendaval's side. "Vendaval was just catching me up on what happened while I was out. Sounds like we are going in blind."

"Yes. Your wolf was good enough to scout ahead for us. I was surprised he was even capable of doing something asked of him besides his master." Vale said, eyeing the dark wolf.

"Hmmm? Well, according to what I have read, I could turn my tames into mindless servants if I wanted to. Like how the demons who are summoned can only do as they are told. But why would I want to? Besides, I am glad he was able to help while I was being useless. I am well aware that my own abilities are lacking. So until I can train them to my best advantage, I have no choice but to rely on Drogin and Vendaval for now."

"Aren't you even a little worried they might just, decide to follow someone else?" He asked, incredulous.

Vendaval and I exchanged a glance. "No." I said. "Even if it wasn't a stupid thing for my tames to even try, why would they want to. I'm kind of amazing. Who the hell else would they want to listen too?"

Vale looked at me like I was a bug, but it was Kassidy who spoke. "Why would it be stupid?"

I looked to the dark-haired healer and smiled. "A few reasons, I guess. One being that a tame cant just decide to turn against their master. They can't harm me. They may be able to betray me but the second I found out about it I would be able to subjugate them in an instant. They would gain nothing from the act. Besides, its not like I forced Vendaval to be my tame. He was an intelligent monster, so I asked first. I must desire to make anyone serve me."

"Tch!" Said Roran, earning a glare from Vale. "What, you just want a lovely pack of furry friends?" His tone clearly said he did not believe that for a second.

"Friends? Sure, I guess." I said, then I felt my face twist into a wicked smile. "But more like I want a host of loyal subjects, rather than a rabble of down trodden slaves."

Even as Vendaval laughed behind me I saw the fear and rage flash in the priest's eyes. What was up with this guy? I wasn't even that strong of a demon. Yes I had a lot of mana and a pretty OP ability, but there were sure to be far more powerful demons out there for this guy to harass. I would have to be careful around him. That kind of hate and fear always spelled trouble. I wouldn't put it past the guy to attack me even if it was a suicide mission. This guy seems to think he is on some sort of religious crusade against demons, and was the closest demon at the moment.

"Any way. Shouldn't we be focused on the job at hand, rather than my plans for world domination through the manipulation of an army of super powered dragon newts?" I asked with a sigh. I knew I was needling the crazy guy, but it really was so stupid. I had the worst time with illogical stubbornness.

"Was that really necessary?" grouched Vale.

"Probably not." I admitted, with a dismissive wave of my hand.

He sighed. "In the morning we will make our way to the vine dome. Vendaval may have been able to get there in four hours with his wind magic enhanced speed, but the lot of us will probably take the full twelve hours. More if we run into trouble on the way, which is likely."

"This is turning into a real time crunch at this point." Sighed Markus.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, this dungeon is only open for about two weeks, right? Then it closes for another ten years. If we are in here than we will be trapped for ten years too. It was already open for about a week when we entered and now we have spent two days here."

"That's true." I said, worried.

"Now, if we are lucky we will get to the vine location with time to spare tomorrow but I wouldn't count on it. That means another day is lost. Since we have Vendaval to guide us we may make it out of the dungeon in less time. After all, we were blundering around for that first day and a half. Still, it'll probably be at least a day of travel to get out of this place."

"Which means we have, at max, about three days to deal with the big nasty monster that lives in the vine dome." I finished. Three days may have sounded like a lot, but we had no clue what we were up against. It also meant that we did not have time to go fetch more help if we thought we needed it.

"Yes. If we find that we can not complete the quest in this time, then we will have to give up on this quest and hope Lady Kassidy can find another magical item to enhance her healing abilities." Vale said, arms crossed over his chest and a look of worry on his face.

"I admit that I got what I wanted, but I am in for the long haul all the same. We have Vendaval now and that must count for something. Plus, if the vine area inside is spacious enough I can always use Gigantium on Drogin again as well. Though the effectiveness of that spell all depends on what we are facing."

"Yes, your tames may be useful but that is also an unknown at the moment. Vendaval is strong as an A ranked monster, but he is new to his increased strength. Not to mention your partnership is new as well. You have had no training together. So, you will you be a help or a hinderance? Its totally up in the air."

I said nothing but I knew Vale was right. I didn't like it, but it was true. My tames and I were an unknown variable. This whole mission has made it perfectly clear to me that I was far lacking in all areas. It was almost laughable that I thought my self so strong not long ago. I was aware I had limitations and room for growth, sure. But I had no clue just how far behind I really was. Right now, I was essentially a baby wielding a bazooka. I had a great power but no clue how to use it, aim it, hell I barely even knew what any of my strengths were, especially on the demon front.

"well, there isn't much we can hash out till we actually see what we are dealing with." Said Markus, laying back in the moss and resting his head on his crossed arms. "We should get some sleep. As soon as the sun rises, so do we."

At those words everyone separated. Vale stuck close to me and the wolf. I had a feeling he was also cautious of the priest. Roran stayed by the fire, prodding the coals and looking ominous, while Kassidy and Markus settled a little distance away so they didn't accidentally roll into the fire in their sleep. I settled back into the wolf, who rested his head on his paws. He really was disturbingly black. With his eyes closed he looked like a void in space.

I may have just spent a long time sleeping but I was still tired. On top of that my stomach felt uncomfortably full. Stupid pushy men.

"This must be it." Breathed Kassidy as we stepped into an eerily quiet clearing.

It had taken us fifteen hours to get here in the end. But Vendaval proved his worth in spades as we fought monster after monster to get to the vined dome. He had explosive speed that was used to great effect amongst the widely spaced trees, plus a power that had most monsters quaking in their skin. He had three spells that we used to great effect: Gale Rush, a move that had Vendaval blasting forward dealing targeted wind damage at a blinding speed, and Rake Claw, where Vendaval infused lightning magic into his claws and delt devastating blows. The final attack consumed nearly half the wolfs mana but effected a wide area. Storm Call was exactly as it sounded, and was an improved version of the lightning spell the alpha had used on me. It delt insane damage to multiple targets but was dangerous to use if their were friendlies in range.

It was sad, just how much my tame out classed me in power and talent. Vale didn't seemed too worried about it however, when I brought it up. He said that the point of tames was that they were stronger than you. If you were stronger than why would you even need the tames. I supposed he had a point, but I really needed to up my training.

Now we all stood in a dirt clearing, facing a massive black cave like entrance. But instead of stone the cave was a mountain of vines. And these were not normal vines either. Some were average size but the vast majority seemed to range from green ropes the size of the average fore arm to thorny behemoths that I could hallow out and build a single story house in.

And as imposing as the vines and the ominous cave were, it was the silence that was truly bone chilling. I couldn't here birds, squirls, rabbits... hell, I couldn't even hear the wind. It was so quiet that our breathing and heart beats fairly echoed in my ears.

"This place creeps me out." Hedged Markus, his eyes roving over the intervening space between the party and the vine cave. "Like, skin crawling, creeped out."

"Yeah..." Breathed Kassidy, looking frightened.

"No doubt, what ever waits in there will be at least A Rank." Said Roran anxiously. "But I think it would be safe to assume that it is S Ranked..."

"Ever fought an S Rank?" I asked the heroes.

"No." Replied Kassidy. "Not even with all of us together... And when we fought an A rank about three weeks ago it was tough..."

"Vendaval is A rank..." I said, feeling stressed.

"Yes, but only just." Said Vale. "And he is new to his power too. Rank is just a judge of pure strength. It is possible that a well trained rank B could take out a lazy and unmotivated S rank if they are lucky."

"Well here is to hoping that whatever is in here is fat and lazy..." I said, calmer than I felt. "And that we are Lucky.

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