Alpha Kacy

By PinkKiiwwii

882 53 6

The full version of this book is now available for Kindle unlimited. I could feel his hot breath on my face... More

moons rising
The end of me
My life so far
Blood thirsty monster
Deadly encounter
over it
Just kacy
Please don't leave
The dress
Brewing deception

My heart is a heavy burden

22 2 0
By PinkKiiwwii

After my bath, Finn woke up rubbing sleep from his eyes.
"hey, bud you need anything?" I asked softly brushing back his hair.
he shook his head no as I wrapped the blue blanket over his shoulders.
"Okay well, tonight is the festival and I'm taking you with me, you're gonna stay at the pack house for a bit," I explained.
he looked up at me lips pouting "why can't I stay with you and the puppies?" he whined,
"Because I can't keep you safe, I'm not like the other pack members I'm like your dad"
I thought he would argue but he didn't, I wasn't sure if I should let him take a bath here or wait till I get to the pack house.
Finn saw timber laying on the couch in the living room and was gone, so pack house bath it was.

I walked back to the bathroom and started on my makeup something simple yet elegant, a light gold to brown smoky eye would be enough and would complement my dress.
after playing with my long brown hair, putting it in different styles I decided to just go with it down and hope I don't get it caught on anything.
the whole makeup and hair process took me about an hour and it was coming up on 7:30, I still haven't heard from Kacy I figure I'm going alone with Finn, who I could hear wrestling with the boys in the living room, finally, after arguing with myself thinking about wearing something soft and easy, I opened the box that held my dress and It was still just as beautiful the pale blue would look iridescent in the full moonlight.
it was pretty hard to get on I kept getting lost in the tule, but eventually, I was successful, the way it fell was perfect it hugged my upper waist, and tule with gold embroidery flowed all the way to the floor, I honestly felt like a princess, I had to laugh because when I looked back into the box Luna Zoey had put pale blue glitter covered stilettos.

I did. quick twirl in the mirror and smiled, but that smile soon faded when I still hadn't heard from Kacy, well fine if he wants to be a child and throw a fit then so be it.
"Finn come on we gotta go!"I called to the living room he had turned on some kind of cartoon and was curled up in a puppy pile ghost stretch across his lap.
ghost was now lying next to Finn in the back seat of my car, ghost wouldn't let the boy out of his sight.
the drive to pack territory took about 45 minutes and it was another 14 to the pack house where the festival was being held.
I could see the border coming up, alpha lark hadn't said anything about a checkpoint but with what we saw today I understand why, I had to be the 10th car in the line it would probably be a good while before we get in.
"um Sammy,?" Finn's little voice chirped from the back.
"yeah, buddy?" I replied,
"I really need to potty" Finn was wiggling around in his seat to not pee in my car, I had to hold my tongue from screaming at him.
"Okay I'll see what I can do I'll get out and see if they will let us through, stay here don't get out ghost will keep you safe" I promised looking back at my fluffy boy willing him to stay with my eyes, opening my door I look towards the check gate, hoping to see a familiar face, thank Goddess it was Trent who was doing checks, he was one of the more tame males.
"Trent I need you to let me through" I demanded,
he looked me up and down his eyes his gaze eating me up, he let out a whistle,
"I would love to beautiful but no can do gotta check all the cars, alphas order" he explained " unless you wanna strike up a deal with me, I let you through, you let me have you for the night" he winked at me.
I was quite taken by surprise, I raised my eyebrows as he stood up towering over me, reaching over and brushing a stray hair behind my ear, I had to take a step back.
he wasn't unattractive, tan skin dark brown eyes, and a boyish face not yet tainted with age lines, but at the thought of being with another male made a deep pain in my stomach.
"Sorry, Trent it's just I have Finn and he's gotta pee so I was hoping you could just let us through or he's gonna go in my back seat"  I replied looking away not wanting to take my eyes from the vehicle for too long.
his expression turned to sadness.
"alright fine, I'll let you two through but you owe me"
his voice softened all teasing gone.
"thank you for taking care of him, he's an amazing pup" he added pulling me in for a bone-crushing hug. "thanks Trent" I murmured into his chest.
a violent roar tore through the air as I was ripped out of Trent's embrace, I let out a yelp as I was pulled into a hard body, practically knocking the wind out of my small body.
strong arms circled around me, "MINE!!" the voice barked, Trent fell to his knees bearing his neck in submission.
it all clicked, I wriggled around I'm his arms to look up at him, my brows furrowed in anger at the possessiveness of the alpha male.
"Kacy what the hell!" I growled, which caught me by surprise, it must have surprised him too, he looked down at me eyes wide, the shocked expression passed quickly to irritance, "what the hell? really? I catch you with your face burrowed in another wolf chest and you think you have the right to question me? little mouse!" he spat, grabbing a hold of my arm and dragging me away.
my hands immediately started flailing about trying to escape his grip, "let me go! let me go! you have no right to touch me, I'm my own person " I screamed in rage.
"I'm protecting you" Kacy hissed through gritted teeth as he stopped dragging me along only to pick me up bridal style, making me squirm around to get back down, I was struggling and I could feel tears building up in my eyes, he could hear every sob that left my throat, his grip tightened even more around me.
"wait wait! stop! Finn is in my car" I cried, just thinking about leaving him behind made bile rise into my throat.
"so please put me down"  I begged as I continued my futile attempt at getting down from his grasp.
"no" he huffed and began walking again, I let out a frustrated scream but to my surprise he slapped my ass, causing me to let out a strangled squeak.
I heard my car door open and soft running sounds as Finn, tears running down his face chased after us.
"I told you to stay in the car" I called after him, but he jumped in front of Kacy, pushing on his legs attempting to make the neanderthal of a man halt.
Kacy easily lifted him out of the way with his leg throwing him to the side, I gasped, how could he hurt a little baby? Finn sat on the gravel road wailing tears and snot running down his face, his ears drooping, then he peed all over himself.
only then did Kacy drop me, he had a panicked look in his eyes, "I'm sorry I don't know what came over me" he whimpered stepping back from us, I bent down running my hands through the pup's hair soothing him the best I could.
"shhhhhh honey it's okay" I cooed, then looked up glaring at the giant idiot beast of a wolf, " apologize" I barked.

"sorry" he whispered, looking like a kicked puppy.
I sighed, "I told you to stay put!" I scolded Finn
"I didn't want anyone to hurt you Sammy" He whined
I took his small hand in mine helping him to his feet, he looked up at me with tear-streaked cheeks, "it's okay baby, no one's gonna hurt me" I assured, kissing both his cheeks, I turned back to look at Kacy, "why are you still standing there? leave us alone, we're done" I spat glaring at my mate. then car horns started honking at us to get moving we were holding up the line.

"Sammy I'm...I'm so sorry-" before he could finish I shot him an icy glare.
"just go Kacy please" I pleaded, I couldn't bear to look at the hurt look on his face anymore and I didn't want to see him walk away, it made the pain in my stomach so much
"but..." I glared harder at him,
"Go, Kacy, we are done," I said sternly, once again he seemed unsure before giving me a small nod then turning around and heading to his blacked out SUV, I let out a sigh, Finn sniffed wiping his nose, we both walked back to my car, I cursed under my breath, he was covered in pee and for some reason, the smell was making my eyes water.
I didn't have a spare pair of pants for the boy but I had a towel in my trunk, left over from when alpha lark forced me to learn to swim, saying how it was important, I think he just likes to watch me suffer.
I laid the towel down and buckled him back in his seat.
I wanted to make ghost walk to whole way to the pack house, I turned to glare at him, he had one job.
he just huffed at me and put his face in Finn's lap, I hope the smell hurt his delicate nose.

parking was nonexistent as I pulled up, and to my displeasure, the only spot even remotely close to the pack house was right next to Kacy's SUV, Alexander was standing at the back trying to look casual it seemed, a cigarette

between his lips, he watched as I pulled in then exited my car.
"I'm going to kill him," I said in my most menacing voice, but he just smiled at me, and I swear he had the audacity to wink at me.
"you won't" he smirked as if he knew something that I didn't.
"I'm serious Alexander, I'm going to murder that man in cold blood" I threatened
"I have complete faith that you could do it but don't kill the bastard yet, do you need help with anything Luna?" he replied casually lighting up another one of his foul-smelling cigarettes.
"no I'm fine, and stop calling me Luna, I thought we settled this?" I asked, he just pursed his lips.
"fine" he agreed, just as Liam came around the side of the car, he looked over to Alex and let out a sigh, I watched as he snatched the lit cigarette out of his mouth and threw it to the ground, crushing it under his shoes.
I looked away I felt like I was looking in on something I shouldn't.
"I'm sorry baby," Alex said laying his hand lovingly on Liam's cheek.
"old habits die hard" he added pulling Liam's face to his, sharing a passionate kiss.
"ew," Finn commented scrunching up his face.
"well that's my cue boys" I called over my shoulder as I walked away to get Finn some new clothes.
"enjoy the festival" I added with a smile.
God, I would never have thought I would be smiling at beta Alexander after our extensive history, but every time I looked at him he had this calming purple aura, and I couldn't stay mad at the man who treated my friend so well.

"what happened" Luna Zoey called as she met us in the front hall.
"We had an accident" I replied.
"Oh my," she gasped, "why don't you come with me, get you all cleaned, and let Sammy enjoy herself" her tone was sweet and reassuring, very motherly, she would make an amazing mother one day.
the thought saddened me, would I ever be a mother? goddess what was I thinking I already am a mom, I've got my boys, I looked down at ghost glued to my side his furry head coming up to my shoulder.
and as if he could hear my thoughts he licked my face, as if saying yes you are a great wolf mom.
I wrapped my arms around his big fuzzy head burying my face in his neck.
"alright let's go" I whispered leading us towards the kitchen back door.

my mind wondered as I walked into an actual fairytale, the garden pathway was decorated with white arches lit with delicate fairy lights.
it was mesmerizing.
my mind was still stuck on Kacy and the way he had reacted, it was unacceptable but, I couldn't shake the feeling that I would have done the same thing if the role was reversed.
I was pretty harsh on him, I had to remind myself he was just as new to this bond as I was and it was hard to know how to act, his nature made him driven to protect me and keep me safe plus he didn't know Trent I needed to look at this at both perspectives.
he was wrong but so was I and now I had this burning feeling in my heart, it had started after I told him we were over, I can imagine how he feels I'm technically the other half of his soul, and I technically had rejected him.
oh my, Goddess, I had rejected him!
my mind began racing I had to find him and apologize I mean I was angry but I wasn't so upset that I would end our bond.
I got to the big field where the festival was in full swing.
I started pushing through the crowd looking for any familiar face that could take me to Kacy.
yet I found no one, not even my brother, I had seen Alex and Liam walk up so I know they had to be here somewhere.
running to the dance floor I spotted Kacy's long black hair pulled back in his tight bun and my heart roared to get to him, people started dancing around me. I was almost to him, inches away, a break in the dance floor let me see him, his aura was burning red, I shook my head I must be seeing things again,
"Kacy!!" I called out to him, he turned his head showing me an evil smirk.
he had a woman in his arms, my world shifted as he slow danced with the woman in a slutty skin-tight dress that bearly covered her ass, and that was exactly where my mate's hands roamed, his strong beautiful hands squeezing her round bottom, she threw her head back in pleasure, he lowered his lips to her exposed neck keeping eye contact with me the entire time.
my body was rooted to the spot unable to move as my mate pawed at another woman, I began to feel feverish as my temperature rose quickly and the burning in my heart made me double over in pain,
I gasp like a fish out of water, and his expression never changed he wanted me to see this, to feel his betrayal.

the pain only grew and I had started drawing a crowd, ghost was pushing his big head into me trying to calm me. nothing worked I hole had started to form where my heart was.
I looked on as the woman raised her head, standing there with her slutty claws in my mate was Darlene diamond.

the world had gained a black border, flashes of memories passed in my mind of all the horrible things she had done to me.
an animalistic sound escaped my throat Kacy's eyes grew wide the first crack resounded in the now quiet air, my bones began breaking one by one and fur sprouted on my arms and face, my dress tore from my body and I shifted, and I was going to kill that bitch for touching what was mine!

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