Friday Barnes Spam

By fridaysbrowncardigan

23.8K 444 879

in which i spam about one of my favourite series, so yeah! More

First off
What i think the characters look like! Part 1
What i think they look like part 2
Rants/Shower thoughts
Random thinggs the characters would have (part 1? might do a part 2)
friday barnes sus quotez?!:?:
more memes teehee
Ian bear and Friday bear
Headcannons except theyre all right because my word is law.
More memes except most include myself (SPOILERS FOR NEWEST BOOK BTW)
fb twitter!!
more twitter tf
things spratt does that pisses me off (also give me short one shot ideas hel)
very small but how i envisioned the new characters/oc's/some other characters!
also very small, but timeline!!
even more twitter cux im lazy
more memes cuz this essay taking too long
Extensive Friday essay!
explanations of a sort? (basically hc)
bit more twitter/socials
even more twitter because i just have not been in the mood today to write
not a story dont kill me... but sims
more twitter because
more headcannons because im covering up the fact i cbf writing
more sims except wai-yi died...
more things that have always bugged me ◡̈
assigning the characters things!
Cursed ian drawings
the characters as something thats happend to me
guess... its just twitter cuz im procrastinating
Characters as texts except i stole this idea from aimee xx
el gato😭😭😭
more random stuff to fill the void while i study for exams
hey coughs more random stuff cuz im lazy and cbf writing
laura stop writing sad ian stories (and making them 15k+ words) challenge GO
More texts as characters but dw i am writing something
Leftover pics
norw twitter ayyyya
twitter part ate
twitter oart 11teen
celebrity Face claims for some characters!
Friday Barnes' instagram!
Ians instagram!!
twitter (season 2, epsisode 1)
twitter season 2 episode 2
twitter season 2 episode 3
twittee season 2 episode 4
silly little headcannons
are you really surprised?
laura rereads the last fb book (GONE WRONG)
sorry but more twitter
random hc!!
im away on holiday so more twitter lol
me when i say no more fake twitter
four in a row im sorry
not posting this until i actually update something else i swearrrr
diary entries cuz i have fomo: Part friday
diarty entry duo: Melanie
diary entry tre: ian
my first chatfic (im ashamed)
Twitter season 3
my very chill thoughts on the new book preview
SPOILER WARNING; review of the 12th book!!!
a rewrite of Halley's monologue (or turning it into one)
Barnes sibling re evaluation
Okay back to being silly
TWITTER SEASON 4 ep 3 i think
TWITTER season 4 ep 4
Twitter season 4 ep 5!! (forgot to post it)
Twitter special edition!
mini art dump!
old art dump for archival purposes
Twitter Season 5
My first call out post! Kinda nervy >~<
Twitter Season 5 ep 2
Twitter Season 5, Ep 3
Character Playlists!
SocMed story
Twitter Season 5, Ep 4
The depths of my insanity: Making an entire Year Level but first!
List of Friday's entire Year Level + teachers
Fb charactere + some oc's and the animal i think theyd be !
Friday's 7 evil ex's| A brief analysis of her love interests
Twitter Season 5 Ep 5🙂‍↕️
Twitter season 6, Ep 1
Dorm room Layout!!
Twitter season 6, episode 2!

Extensive Ian analysis no one asked for.

248 5 22
By fridaysbrowncardigan

Exactly the title. By the way, you either have to listen to young and beautiful or the Ian playlist, which I linked while reading.

THIS IS NOT SPRATT BASHING well it kinda is but doesn't take it too seriously. Ian bashing too but I love him so it's okay.


Subject: Ian Friedericks Wainscott.

My main topic for this analysis of canon (emphasis on canon because I'll go onto my redesign of him later and how my redesign resolves some canon stuff) Ian is that he is nothing without Friday and is only a relevant character because of her since he has nothing else to support him.

His Development (or lack of):

Ian's victimisation is out of control and is used as an excuse for him being a dickhead. No one is saying his trauma is not important. In fact, I feel like it's underdeveloped and should be important to the story but the fact it's not really touched on is really upsetting and feels like a total missed opportunity to add depth to his character. He has mountains of trauma that we only know because it was barely mentioned. His mother was neglectful in his young childhood and, in words from the book, "at parties". This could be hinting at drinking or cheating. His father we know is a deadbeat. He never had hung out with Ian and was a 'workaholic'. Putting two together, probably means Ian was left to fend for himself a lot. Left home alone with a rabid dog that was dangerously violent. He has major parental issues and when it could've been touched on, it's instead used as an excuse for him being a horrible person. He made Friday feel so bad she wanted to move schools. Sure, his actions are understandable at first, but they never get better, and when they do it's random and without explanation. He has never once apologised for his actions (which include harassment, attempted involuntary manslaughter, social humiliation, and more that will be touched on later). The one time where he 'almost' did, he tried to shift the blame by saying it was good that he framed her for making ricin and almost sent her to jail! Saying it would've been bad if he didn't because therefore Friday would've never met Malcolm. This isn't an apology, and he has never once apologised for any of his actions (Friday hasn't either but I'll touch on that later too). Ian could've been a complex character, but his character is like the saying 'the abused becomes the abuser'. We, as the audience, are supposed to ignore all of this and sympathise with him. Console him and act as though it's all fine that he lashes out on Friday and he's just a poor baby with a horrible father. The reality is that it's not an excuse for his actions and he should've apologised for them ages ago.

But now let's put ourselves in Ian's shoes. He's a preteen boy who's never had a good home life. An only child, absent, con artist father, and neglectful mother. He craves parental love and care, specifically from his father. He'd do anything to get it. Then, one day, his beloved father is arrested. Ian is enraged. Even though he knows his father is a bad person, he still wants him to love him. He just wants his father to love him, he's enraged now because he'll be left alone with his absent mother that could care less about him. Then he goes to school, his safe place, scared sick someone will find out he's a scholarship student and expose him. He'll just be even more distant from his peers. And then Friday comes along. Friday Barnes, the girl who ruined his life. Ian's angry. He despises the girl even though he's never met her, and now here she was in his school. In his class. So, he does what he's always known, and lashes out because he doesn't understand his feelings. From that point, he vows to ruin her. Then he's fucked because uh oh! Now he needs her help, and so a neutral bond is formed (even though it could've been done much better). Slowly, he starts to realise that she was not as cruel as a beast as he imagined, and slowly, they become somewhat friends. Until his father comes again and crashes any platform of friendship they had created. Ian is torn and humiliated. The girl who he had started to like had just ruined his chance to be with his father, the one man he wanted validation from. Ian, the boy who would talk back to anyone and didn't need anyone's approval, craved validation. And yet, all this is brushed past with a few interactions and everyone's happy again. The way in book 7, they're just suddenly in love irks me. Ian is jealous and Friday denies it has been going on since book 2. Then, we just have to presume one singular kiss made them fall in love. The scene before the meeting with Dr Belcredi at the end also irked me. Ian acts like he's always liked her and has wanted to kiss her and yet we hardly see it (besides how desperate and bold he was in book 6 at camp, I saw all that). Would it kill the author to have given Ian some redemption?

Now, let's talk about the post-Highcrest books (which means books 9 and onwards). I hated Ian in books 9 and 10 and at the beginning of book 11. He was cruel, if Friday was being scouted for Interpol surely someone could have told her. Not to mention, she had just come back from jail and she didn't get a break. Ian even accepting the mission to help Bernie by getting with Tatiana is a dick move. Did he not think of how Friday would feel? We could've at least gotten a scene of him crying and regretting it. Then there's how he flirts with girls to 'get information'. If I was Friday, I'd probably scream, cry, throw up, AND dump his ass. Why would she want to watch him flirt with other girls? It just sounds so hard to be around, I couldn't imagine how gut-wrenching it is for Friday to watch. He has the audacity to get jealous when Friday dances with Arthur as if he isn't there with another girl after Friday runs away. His girlfriend and supposed love of his life, who's in a fragile mental state, and who ran away, has to watch him cosy up to these gorgeous girls. So, god forbid, she dances with a prince and now it's a problem. How could she, what a skank! But it's okay when Ian does it because he's oh so handsome and no one could resist him.

What would've been wonderful, if Ian atones for his actions and handled himself better. While isn't entirely at fault and Friday is definitely at fault for many things, he still should be held accountable for his actions.

Personality and Looks:

Onto his personality, or lack of one. When thinking of Ian, what's the first thing that comes to mind?

. . .

You thought of his looks, didn't you? It's the only thing that's always mentioned about him. Take a shot every time it's mentioned how handsome he is except by the end of the first four books you'll be blackout drunk in the middle of a highway. Honestly, it's hard to think of any reason why Friday would like him besides his looks. Because he saves her from danger? Unless she has a raging case of reverse Stockholm syndrome where she's in love with her rescuer, I'd doubt that's a solid basis for love. It's sad how we hardly see anything from Ian beside his athletic skills and raging hot body. Besides that, what we see is an egotistical, angry, pathetic dick-rider of a man who only knows violence and lashing out. In the beginning, we see Mirabella saying everybody knows Ian's the smartest, where did that go? Did his intelligence immediately fade when Friday came to view? After that, his intelligence is almost never mentioned again. Never.

Let's also talk about the dilemma that is how Ian has no friends. None. And if he does, they're never mentioned. He's a loser. A loner. A prick that no one likes. If he didn't have his beauty, I can affirm you he'd be a side character at most. A background character if you will. His only mentions are when Friday and Melanie are there. We only see him say something snarky or flirtatious and then he'll dip. When have we ever heard him talk about anything that wasn't self-righteous or for the sake of having a conversation? What we should've gotten was a reason for him to be important. A personality to fall in love with, not a bunch of one-liners. A reason for him to keep coming back is evidence he liked Friday back.

Now, I've mentioned this before, but I'll go in deep about why his looks are his downfall. His looks allow him to be a bland character because they make up for his lack of personality. Without them, there would have to be a reason why he's present, but since he's so gorgeous, he doesn't need a reason. He's the epitome of pretty privilege. Because Friday is so enamoured by how big and strong he is, he's allowed to be in the story and take up her mind. This would be alright if we got a personality to back it up, but no. The only thing special about him, inherently, is his looks. Sure, he's a knight in shining armour, but anyone could do that. It's never gone into depth as to why we should care about him. We should care for Friday because she's so smart and wants to follow her dreams. We should care for Melanie because she's loyal and a kind friend. We should care for Binky because he's reliable and a soft boy. We should care for the Headmaster because he's an authority and father figure. So, why should we care for Ian? Because he's hot? Exactly. If he wasn't pretty, he'd be nothing. Just another Parker. It shows how little the author values him and his abilities and character. Or maybe she values him too much and doesn't want to tarnish the bad-boy cool-guy look by giving him feelings and a personality. Either way, he just becomes repetitive. He comes in, someone notes how good he looks, he says something funny, flirtatious, or mean (or all three at the same time), and he leaves. The end. We've seen him cry once, we've seen him angry, and we've seen him jealous, but the times we see him happy and free are limited.

Let's discuss R.A. Spratt's weird romanticisation of him vs how he actually is. He has the biggest victim complex I've ever seen. There comes a point in time when you just have to say 'stop being a whiny baby and get over yourself', and now is that time. Personally, I'm sick of it. As someone with daddy issues, he's such a fucking loser. So your father left you? Okay? He was a bad one at that and Ian should've been happy. Yes, it's sad, and yes, I understand he was his father, but it didn't mean he could be the biggest jerk to Friday. (Also I'd like to remind everyone I love Ian despite the mad shit I'm talking right now about him, please remember that). He uses the excuse for so long and she just lets him. The pencil box was deserved, but everything else was just malicious and cruel. And then, despite the victim complex, he also has this mad saviour complex? The need to be a knight in shining armour? Always saving Friday because he's so conveniently close. It's like, pick a problem? And when you do pick one, actually develop it so it makes sense and doesn't use it as a cheap tactic. And top of all of this, he has the fattest ego one can have. He definitely thinks of himself as the hottest. So enamoured by his own looks, it's too much. So full of himself? It's childish, and while yes, he's 13 for most of the books, it's not likeable. He never admits he's wrong and never apologises for his actions. Hot bad boy, or piece of shit? The line between them is very thin with Ian.

Now his looks themselves. According to Spratt, the absolute most gorgeous person in the school is a . . . wait for it . . .

A white man.

To be exact, a pale-skinned, blue-eyed, blonde hair, tall, white man. That is the hottest person in the entire school.

To me personally, as a POC, this is crazy. Insane! And surely, everyone's vision of beauty is different? How does the collective school think this? Surely, Friday's vast knowledge knows of the beauty in every other culture. Especially looking at the US art, he's kind of . . . ugly.

Don't get me the wrong, it's not the art, it's just. . . he's so white. Nothing wrong with white people, shout out to my favourite cracker (and honorary Arab, ask her about geography) Danni. So average. Mid if you will. The most average guy ever. Nothing is special about him. We don't even see the scar above his eyebrow that only gets mentioned a handful of times. It's just hard to envision him as the most handsome boy ever, especially because we hardly see detailed descriptions in the books. Somehow, he's the picture of beauty. Also, the fact that when he's in Year 7 (12 years old) he's somehow the hottest boy in the school. Does this mean the seniors think this too??? It's weird as hell. Even the teachers are so disgusting towards him that it makes me wonder who in the hell hired them (especially Mrs Cannon, who hired her and her predatory undertones?! Fym she'll imagine the first Frian kiss in much more detail. WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT??!!)

In conclusion, he's a mid-looking dick, which is how I'd describe most of the boys in my school. Not otherworldly, or like a Greek god as he's described so often.

The Toxic Reality Of Canon Frian:

I'll say it because no one else will. Frian is toxic and with the way they are, they should not be together.

Let's start with the incest undertones that no one wanted. Like, no one. Not one person wanted them to be step-cousins. We even see Friday say step-cousins are a form of cousins?! Oh but, "they're not actually related!", "they liked each other before Bernie and Helena got married!", "It's only step-cousins!" Bullshit the whole lot of it! It's still so weird and could've been easily avoided. I went to the book launch for the newest book and Spratt even joked about the fact that them being related is weird! And she's the author! She could've easily avoided it if she had been planning to make Bernie and Helena get married, and if it was an in-the-moment kind of thing she still could've avoided it. Just don't marry the two? Bad luck, it's weird. Anyways, we don't even see the couple interact that much (talking about Bernie and Helena here btw). We got nothing to make us want them together.

Now, onto my favourite activity. Talking shit.

So, we've established that he's never apologised. He just brushes over everything and thinks that all that baggage doesn't count now that it's in the past. There's no way a healthy relationship can happen with that. There is no way Friday and Ian could ever last. In the entirety of the 10th book, Ian absolutely shitted on Friday for her completely reasonable commitment issues and then in the first few pages of the 11th book it talked about how Ian had commitment issues as well. How fucked is that?! Friday, who had been in jail for 11 months (if I remember right) and had to witness the guy she's liked for years now with another girl while she was in jail. Friday, who had been patiently waiting for any sign of Ian now had to just watch as some other girl shit talks about her and was all over him. Friday, the girl who's so broken and fucked up, the girl whose own family doesn't love her to be there when she got out, the girl who was in jail for almost a year when she was completely innocent, the girl who had to look Ian in the eye as he introduced his new girlfriend, the girl who went her whole life being bullied and gets told she's not pretty enough for him, now gets yelled at by Ian because she can't handle it all? She gets yelled at by some dickwad because she ran away from her confronting feelings? I would've done it too if some guy who treats me like shit kisses me, does all this bullshit while he has a girlfriend, and then tries to act like it's all fine. And then we see him, let me get the exact quote for you.

Page 5, (technically the first page of the new story), "Like most boys, Ian did not seem keen on commitment."

Oh, but he seemed pretty keen when he wanted to kiss behind the curtains at Princess Ingrid's birthday party when another girl was his date, huh?

I could go on about how he's such a dick, but this is already thousands of words long.

Let's also address the fact that they're not . . . official?
I mean, it's seen many times that Friday's unsure whether or not to call him her boyfriend and we don't get to see Ian's point of view (which is a crime!) Again on the first page, Friday talks about how she doesn't know whether to call him her boyfriend and her only evidence is that they've held hands a few times and kissed a couple of times, which is no basis for a relationship. It's just crazy to me, how we've gone through all this and they're not together. This whole 'enemies to lovers' shit was not executed well at all, which is funny because most times when it's done badly it's more lovers than enemies, but here, it's more enemies than lovers! There are never any moments when they're acting casually. Having an idle conversation, asking each other how their day is going, and getting to know each other. From what I know, that kind of stuff is pretty important for relationships. They only talk when there's a moment and when there are moments, it's when chaos is happening. Their love is never developed nor made apparent. It's hardly ever shown unless it's Ian making a flirty comment, they're kissing, or on the rare chance, which we saw a few times in the newest book, it's a cute sweet moment (very rare). Honestly, it all just seems like a cheap ploy the author uses to keep people engaged, because if she just took the time to develop it then I wouldn't say all this. Sure, I love the mysteries, but I'd also love it if we got some good fucking romance more often.

Redesign and Fixes:

In this section, I'll highlight Ian's main problems and how I've fixed them in my mind. I won't go too into detail here because 1. I don't know how I could explain everything I've thought in my mind over the past years, and 2. It's a lot and you could probably see my fixes in how I write him anyways. I plan to post more rewritten chaps in his POV so you could see more!

· His victimisation

In my redesign, instead of having Ian dwell on his father's issues, I see him overcome them and learn to dislike his dad and peel away the cracking vision of love that shrouds his senses. He is still a victim, definitely, but that doesn't give him the excuse for hurting Friday. So, while I won't take away the things he does, I'd rather see him hurt while learning to better himself than just allow him to be an asshole.

· His problem with apologising

I see him apologising for the first time when he and Friday are stuck on the cliff. In that moment he realises how much he cares for her and apologises for everything he's done. It's meaningful and he's probably close to tears. Friday smiles and forgives him, apologising for her own wrongdoings and tells him she's glad it's him that's with her in the moment.

This makes it so that when, in the next book, Ian blows up again because of his father, it hurts more because he has come to terms with liking her. So, it hurts him that she did that to him, it hurts what his father did to him, and it hurts that he reacted that way even though he couldn't help it. So, he apologises again in the same book towards the middle when he realises it's no use being angry at her. But, instead of him imitating the apology, it's Friday that does it. She tells him she's so sorry and that she doesn't like it when he's mad at her. Ian softens and apologises (especially for almost killing her). Yay, happy again.

A few more apologies happen except for different reasons. More so Ian apologising for his jealousy, and snide remarks towards Harrison (who in my AU isn't attracted to Melanie but actually is attracted to Friday because that whole plot twist made no sense and I'd rather Melanie have a better love interest), and his confusing feelings towards her. He's snappier and quicker to be angered because of how much he likes her and how much it hurts having the relationship he wants being blocked by many obstacles.

Then, in the 10th book, towards the end, Ian apologises for the entire cover. He apologises for accepting and being with Tatiana saying he regrets helping Bernie. Except, this time Friday doesn't accept the apology and instead this is what leads her to run away from everything. She's so hurt she can't get herself to forgive him. She forgives him when he rushes to her after she returns from the water at the end of the book. Wanting to be a normal couple again (will elaborate later.)

· The relationship

--> Where they left off in the 8th book

In my AU, I imagine Ian doesn't go to Italy and instead stays. He and Friday become a couple having already become good friends in my AU and are happy. They stay together for around 4 years until the first year of university and Ian has to go to Italy with Bernie for his job (only for a year though). Friday says she can't handle a long-distance relationship and it would be best if they took a break. Ian fights this but begrudgingly agrees. Then the 10th book happens and so on.

--> Commitment issues

I'd say Ian is too committed. He's always wanted Friday and him even thinking of not being committed is total bullshit. To me, he's the type of guy to constantly remind Friday how yes, they will get married in the future. He's the type to constantly be obsessed with her. In my mind, I completely get rid of that line at the beginning of the 11th book.

--> No substance

Like I said above, I imagine the two becoming close friends. Both find comfort in each other's intellect and I imagine their personalities bounce off each other. Ian jokingly insults her, and Friday learns to quip back at him. They have fun hanging out, just the two of them. Finding each other's interests fascinating. Ian plays songs for her, Friday introduces him to books, Ian cooks for her, Friday takes him with her, and they explore the town, Ian makes her listen to the bands he likes, and Friday makes him watch the stars at night. He'll grin watching her explain the extensive lore of silly kids shows she over-analyses and she'll smile watching him pick out records. He'll gift her plushies, books, and teddies he finds while out, and she'll get old cassettes and sports memorabilia for him from Bernie. They both enjoy talking about complex and stupid things while they stay up late past curfew, and they enjoy partnering up in class while they make fun of each other for silly things. They're like yin and yang, both easily able to bounce off of each other and find calm and warmth. Ian finds himself cuddling next to her at night when he's plagued by nightmares, and Friday finds herself being held by him when she's lonely, sad, or anxious. While they do become very close, their hangouts are also filled with blushes, quick touches, and remarks that make the other overthink. We often see Ian being the flirtatious one, but I enjoy the thought of Friday casually saying things she believes to be simple that make Ian stop and stare. While Ian enjoys saying flirtatious comments, she likes to make quick contact and make it known she likes being close. Both are very jealous (this is canon as well so yippee), and it gets hard for them to not overthink. While Ian distances himself, wanting her to feel his absence, Friday finds herself slinging closer, as if she doesn't make herself apparent Ian will forget about her. While the two have their faults, they know how to work around them. And, yes, while the two aren't the easiest to talk about it, they know that they should at least try. They find personal comfort in each other's bodies and are both happy to have it so they're only each other. Instead of this flirting bs, Ian likes to do with other girls, he just doesn't. It's that simple. Why would he when he has the smartest, prettiest, perfect girlfriend ever duh?

· His lack of personality

We hardly know anything about what Ian likes except for sports and even then, do we really know if he likes them? I envision him having this bad streak in Years 7-8 since in my AU Friday comes to Highcrest in Year 9, so when he went into Year 9 with his whole dad thing, he decided to distract himself in any way he could.

So, he joined clubs and teams. He's amazing at sports so he could get into any he wanted. He is obsessed with becoming the top and being the captain. He also joined other clubs. Ian has great musical ability, in my AU he was one of the best pre-teen violinists in the country, but his violin days were over for him. When he looks back, he just sees pain, so instead, he takes that and learns the guitar as an act of defiance and falls in love with it. He also enjoys poetry and letter writing, finding he's able to express his words in lyrical songs and deep poetry better than speaking. He has an appreciation for the arts, but painting is a taboo for him (will go through this in a bit). Ian enjoys adventures, not caring about his own well-being if he means he gets to have fun. We know he likes to be clean and has nice clothes. I say he takes grooming and dressing very seriously. He's kind and loyal, would go to the ends of the earth for his friends and would probably kill and die for them. But he's also self-righteous. His entire life he's been told he's amazing so it's hard to humble him, especially with his quick mouth. Why shouldn't he think he's perfect when his entire life people have been telling him he is? He knows he's hot and he acts like it. He's confident but arrogant when someone opposes him. This specifically comes out when challenged with a rival such as Chris or Harrison. He's jealous, wanting Friday to himself as he's used to things being handed to him on a silver platter when he wants them. But Friday is confusing, so this leads him to doubt himself and lash out. Ian learns to overcome this, although his jealousy definitely stays. He can be soft, and tough. Loving and cold. Vulnerable and rock-solid. He hardens up and lashes out to prevent himself to prevent from people hurting him. But when he finds people who care about him and let these walls crumble, he's left as just himself, vulnerable for the world to hurt. He's careful and skittish, one wrong move and he toughens up and runs away. He likes Friday because she makes it known she struggles with people too and the two learn to open up together. Well, that's how I see him at least.

· Family issues that weren't ever elaborated on.

So, we know his family is dog shit. How I see it is that his father is abusive in many ways. A hammering force that sucked the life out of the home. His mother a neglectful drunk that would party the night away forgetting her son. We can tell he's an only child, but I like to envision him having an older sister. Ivory (Ivy) Wainscott. She's far older than him, likes to paint, and had to deal with Rodger Freiderick in his prime. At 16 she ran away, leaving a 9-year-old Ian alone, to the city. He remembers her as an avid painter full of life, until one day she shaved off her hair, kissed him goodnight, and left. Ian was heartbroken, having to deal with his parents alone. He couldn't look at a paintbrush without resentment rising up in him. So, as a child, Ian would spend his days at his best friend's homes. Both Rajiv and Drake's parents knew of his situation and happily accepted him into their homes for multiple days on end. When Rodger left, Helena became more aware and stopped drinking for the most part, becoming a gardener made him resent her more. Seeing her being caring and loving to vegetables when she could hardly be there for her own flesh and blood. He learns to slowly forgive her, and Helena learns to be a good mother. I imagine her being a very young mother, having married Rodger quickly once they graduated and getting pregnant at 18. She didn't have the time to mature and grow up so the two mature and grow up together.

In my redesign, Ivy makes an appearance when Friday tries to find the diamonds in the Wainscott home. Once she, Bernie, Melanie, and Ian walk in they see her sitting on the couch sketching. Ian stops and she looks up. Stuttering, she tries to say something until she just stands up and goes to hug him. Ian rebuffs her, breathing heavily and runs to his room. Ivy mutters curses and introduces herself. Mrs Wainscott comes in (BTW, I imagine Rodger took Helena's last name to kinda hide his identity so he could use his last name, Freidericks, as a cover) and sighs, apologising and explaining. She then rushes to Ian and Ivy sighs. After some awkward talk, Helena comes down and tells Ivy to go upstairs. Friday, Melanie, and Bernie hear shouting from Ian, and muffled tears and sobs, after a few minutes the two come downstairs and Ian gets snappy telling them to hurry up and find the diamonds so they can go. As they search, Ian tries to stick to Friday and go in the opposite direction as his sister. They end up joking around and having fun until Ian finds himself venting to her and he ends up going silent and going back to his sister to talk. By the end, with the mystery solved, Friday finds Ian and his sister in his childhood room talking. Friday accidentally barges in and Ian softly smiles, hugging his sister and asking if she'll visit him. Ivy, on the verge of tears, nods and kisses him on the cheek. The students and Bernie leave.

I'll end up rewriting the chapter for this part with Ivy in it to add more detail but yeah!

As time goes on, Ian finds himself enjoying Bernie as a stepdad as he sees him help better his mother. At first, he doesn't like the idea of a baby sister, not wanting to see her live the life he wanted, but he comes around.

· No friends. Loner ass.

Simple. He has no friends. They're never mentioned. We know people know him, but have you ever seen anyone mentioned as his friend? The most we get is Binky. You'll see me paint Rajiv and Drake as his best friends, and I'll be honest it's only because they've actually talked. Rajiv is relevant throughout the series with his prankster trope and Drake has that thing with Susan, so they just became his best friends in my mind. I've created this friendship between them that's very dear to me and it's just weird to not see it in the books. They just fit together. Honestly, it's weird rereading the books and the stuff I've created not being in it, but I digress. While yes they have other friends (mainly OC's I've created because they're simply not any interesting characters besides the main ones), they're a tight ride-or-die group.

· His looks

I can't really do much for the whole plain white boy thing without changing him a lot, but white boys are cute so instead. Instead of being pale, I imagine him with a sun-kissed tan. He's tall, brooding, muscular, blonde, and handsome, what more could you want? Sure, him being not white would've been more interesting but I can get down with half French half Italian Ian. Not saying I don't love him, been an Ian-crusher since I was 10 years and going 5 (almost 6) years long.

· The weird incest no one asked for

Plain and simple. 'Uncle' Bernie is just some white guy who's best friends with Rabi Barnes (Rupert Barnes except I gave him a more Arab name). In Arab culture, friends of your parents are usually called Auntie and Uncle out of respect. So, that's why Friday calls him Uncle (Because she's Lebanese in my AU) without being related to him. And so, she and Ian are not related at all and aren't step-cousins. I'll go more into Rabi, Dasia (Mrs Barnes's new first name although Evangeline is lowkey nice so it's her middle name), and Bernie when they were younger in a story soon.

Now you might be asking yourself, why does this girl care so much? And in all honesty, I don't know. I've grown up to love these characters and stories but as I've gotten older I see the faults, and yet I still love this series so I'd rather fix it than abandon it for myself. If you like it how it is, power to you. I'm not saying adopt this as your view, but this is just how I see things.

Will I do one for Friday? Prob not. This took a lot and since he's my fav character it was easy to do. 

anyways, Mwah!

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